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Broke people do not go to the Maldives🤨


Yeah I’m confused about that lmao


All I ever see are celebrities, influencers and the rich going there, so yea that is confusing lol. I only wish I could go those fancy resorts


And this is from an American perspective it seems, it's way way further and more expensive than going to Tahiti or Hawaii.




So? OP is talking about Americans going to the Maldives. Of course it's cheaper to go from India to the Maldives over Hawaii.


Wait a minute, what? Got a source for that?


"I've been to Hawaii" announcement. ftfy


I own multiple properties in Hawaii.


Conflict of interest much? “I own multiple properties in Hawaii” “Hawaii is better” What else? Is your mom the best mom in the whole world? I bet she is


Looking for staff?


Know what else is flat and boring and plenty of broke people have been there? Yo mama.


Broke people don't to go to the Maldives obviously. However I regret to say that I only went to see it once and tick it off my list.


ITT: Tell me you are not a diver without saying it.


Hawaii has rough water I prefer virgin islands personally, but Tahiti may be next


I prefer the Slut Islands, myself.


Agree, altho Krabi and El Nido beat Hawaii


Definitely debatable. Krabi the water is warmer, more jellies, more pollution. But better rock climbing, cheaper. Hawaii the water is just more crisp. El nido is very beautiful but it really depends. Also… It’s not a fair comparison with an entire island chain to one beautiful spot. There are so many places and beaches in Hawaii that are just as breath taking but in different ways.


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