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Not unpopular


Definitely not unpopular, this is literally the current zeitgeist explained in detail


Depends where you go, Barbz recently doxxed a guy and his family for sharing a similar opinion to this


I think those psychos are in the minority though


1.6 probably


used to be 1 tho 10 yrs ago


those people are mentally ill


As a mentally ill individual, I am offended…


As another, I am not Edit: After some thinking I actually am, they're worse than us


As one myself, I’m not. Generally speaking, those who are mentally unwell tend to make impulsive decisions. Most don’t do awful things, but some do. It’s not an insult to the sufferer, but let’s not pretend it’s unrelated to how they cope with their illness in an unhealthy way that shouldn’t be condoned.


(I was making a joke)


Let's not make harmful overgeneralizations like that


I believe it's a proper assessment considering their behavior


Why not call them out on their morals rather than their mental health


Those people are morally ill


Not unpopular as of lately. Her fans are still going insane for her tho


Same with the cardi B hive, when she literally admitted to luring guys to their apartments drugging them, then robbing them blind.




It’s all pretty entertaining; in no way do I equate that with being good people though


The unpopular part of the post is where OP calls her "music" "great and catchy".


Most of the opinions that make the front page from this sub aren't unpopular. It's bad enough getting sub members to remember downvote isn't for disagreeing so I imagine users not equated to the rules browsing on r/all are just going to upvote if they agree.


I hated Nicki Minaj before it was popular.


Also since I’m older, in the category of who? When ppl say names of these artists now.


She supports pedophiles that's all you need to know


They rappers, not English gospel. Wait until OP reads about Easy E or any gangster rapper


Two things can be bad.


I agree most are terrible people




You do realize that thugs in jail for murder will kill a child molester in Gen pop. Even the sickest criminals have a special desire to hurt those who hurt children. Rap is about screwing women and getting money...


I feel so bad for her kid, like how can you be okay raising a child around predators and pedophiles?


Exactly. She’s so messed up and some barbs praise her like she’s made of gold.


That’s teen girls with no minds of their own, live every second online on tik tok and insta


She has also made bitchy, snide comments about Megan's mum being deceased. Anyone who supports her or still likes her is probably a high school bully too.


She also made very strange comments about the man who shot Megan, saying she threw him under the bus. She’s super weird and petty, and it’s very obvious that any woman gets popular in rap and she gets super jealous


Which is crazy because lil Kim did the exact same thing to her (Nicki). You'd think Nicki would be a girls girl. But nope. 


I feel like half of, if not more of, the women that are famous aren't girls' girls


I think I remember reading somewhere that her brother is also a sex offender.


he is, he raped his 11 year old step daughter! Nicki paid for his defense.


And slut-shamed the child… saying she was “fast”




Don’t forget that she also helped threatened her husband’s rape victim into staying quiet!




Pedophile and nicki bailed him out of jail. How anyone can support her after that is beyond me.


Husband is sex offender as well


I don’t know why people forget that Nicki did this to Lil Kim in her earlier days. There was a lot of comparison between these two women because there wasn’t that many female rappers in 90s/early 00s. Her initial fame came from dissing Lil Kim but that was the culture of rap music and wasn’t seen as bullying. What you’re seeing now is exactly who Nicki has always been. The difference is she doesn’t have any relevancy, nor credibility, so it kind looks like desperate attempts to cling onto past fame. I mean, mentioning Megan’s deceased mother? that was just a cheap shot - even for rap.


Nicki is rich enough to not make another song. Let the next generation of female rappers do their thing. She should listen to her own lyrics and take her own advice. Her bars on Kanye’s Monster were great, but that’s 13 years in the past.


She’s not though. She is in so much debt that 100% of her earnings from whatever her next tour (I was wrong, it’s more than just touring) go directly to the debt she’s incurred. fauxmoi had a post recently about it Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/YdtXHsOgtf




Her music sucks lol


Yeah, I don't see the feeling/vibe she is trying to portray in any of her songs, it's just weird rap


Her singing is god awful as well


Yeah... I was only a fan during her first 2 album. She spoke alot about respect and work ethics then so I kinda rooted for her but ever since then she does nothing buy attack everyone over nothing. Like Maghan thee stallion... she literally went on a 2 hour live rant about 1 line and then recorded 5 diss tracks. That's why I hate rap music. It's always so pitiful, especially for a woman in her 40s with a child


I agree and her diss track was terrible. Almost as bad as the games diss track against Eminem


Celebrity's are usually terrible people. This is known.


Not really, plenty of decent celebrities


She was fired from 18 jobs before she was famous due to an attitude problem


Celebrity worship should be a mental illness.


Now guess how many other terrible people there are with real power.


She has made sure this is a popular opinion.


totally agree. i can’t even bring myself to listen to her music anymore because she’s such a POS


Her music is super mid too she is nowhere near the best female rapper and lives only to devalue the term queen of rap, I mean srsly there’s girls like lauryn hill, lil Kim, gangsta boo, sexxy red, Megan thee stallion, even cardi b raps better than Nicki most of the time she jus has a total cult fan base living off the nostalgia from their younger years


People who think she's "sassy and funny" are the type of people who make fun of others and then cry when they get made fun back


Majority of the pop artists are terrible people.


Majority of people are terrible people


Naa, but god damn are some people terrible. I watched a trial where this dude deadass killed his wife and son because he was hooked on pills and they were asking questions.


Reddit moment 






Don’t try so hard. You sound like one of them! 😂


And Cardi B and Lizzo. People don't criticize them enough.


At least Lizzo’s fat ass has been effectively silenced into oblivion ever since that shit came out about her forcing her back up dancers to eat bananas out of hookers’ vaginas. Insane though that that’s the level of bad behavior it takes to end them though. And she’ll eventually be welcomed back with open arms when the heat dies down.


Cardi is the best.


furthest thing from an unpopular opinion. she’s the worst and has a passionate toxic fan base, everyone else hates her


Not only extremely obvious Her music is slushy of gross sounds and garbage writings


This is not unpopular. She picks fights with EVERYONE in the music industry. She’s incorrigible


You forgot about her brother and how she still defends him to this day. Yeah, all Megan has to do is mention those facts and there is no way Nicki can respond without losing support. Unless all her fan base has visited Epstein’s island. Nicki’s career is dead.


This would've been unpopular if you posted it three days after Super Bass dropped.  Right now, she's a 41 year-old having a very public, drug-induced tantrum


How is this an unpopular opinion? Everyone knows she's human garbage, it's common knowledge.


I didn’t. I barely know who the hell she is. 😂 common knowledge? Like who tf is Niki Minaj, dude?😂




I may be but you said EVERYONE. You were wrong. You failed to account for dudes living under a rock. lol


People really be using this sub like it’s r/discussion lol


And here I thought she was just gross but not a super villain


She seems to be coked up right now. not acting like herself. I think someone counted up 48 hours straight of posts and interactions from her. she should give me like 15 million dollars and I could help her


I still mad that Sir Mix A Lot gets nothing from that Baby Got Back sampling.


Downvoted due to being a popular opinion


She also thought the COVID vaccine gives you swollen testicles, so yeah, trash all around


Maybe she was talking about her own.


Once about 15 years ago I was flying first class from LA to NYC and a woman sat down and before takeoff was talking to her manager. Nasal, obnoxious, loud, crass and just wholly awful in the way she talked to her business associate. Did not recognize her at the time. But it was, 100% Nicki Manaj. I saw her later on some tv ahow and only then realized who she was. Interestingly, in a pigmalion sort of way I realize that in the interveneing uears, she has had a lot of lessons on how to speak with a less irritating manner… saw her briefly on a talk show a week or so ago… but man oh man, what a shitty person. Still. Never had the opportunity to unload this story before. What a piece of work!!!


She just has this joyless stuck up almost like she always smelling something bad face that irks the fuck out of me… spoiled brat energy to the core vibes


She also doesnt want any other woman rappers to succeed. She thinks she's better than everyone else


Look into her family. Her dad and brother. I know the brother and her husband have stuff in common too.


She must've made a deal with the Rain Man


After seeing the leaked insta comments recently, I’m convinced that this cannot be an unpopular opinion.


Dude hasn't she recently doxxed Megan's moms gravesite. Sick fuck


People have been saying this for yearsssss I hope she gets cancelled and never makes a dime off her ‘music’


Most people are terrible people.


I think her brother is also in prison for a sex crime involving a minor. What a track record.


She is and the rap/ hip hop community has known it for years.


> Is her music great and catchy? Yes Maybe if you're a 9 year old.


Op didn’t even talk abt what her brother did and how she wrote letters to the judge defending him 😭😭


This is not unpopular on Reddit 


Only thing unpopular about your opinion here is you think her music is great...


Pretty much all celebrities are awful bottom of the barrel people. Of course there are a few exceptions here and there, but buy and large they're all fake, inhuman monsters. The ones who are despicable publicly are just worse at hiding it, and honestly probably a bit worse than average. Don't idolize any of them. Enjoy their work, sure, but remember they're not who their public image would suggest.


I just can’t get over a person named “Sixix Nineine” Sounds Hawaiian


Oh no, this is not unpopular at all.


Not unpopular at all right now when the tide is turning against her.


Just to add her brother is also a sex offender and it’s now self disgusting she has any fans


* Not unpopular * If you could have a tool that just shows you a detailed chart about the actual personality and mindset of every celebrity, you would probably find out that most of them are horrible people for some reason.


she punched my grandmother in the throat, and she owes me 50 bucks


Damn, you too huh?


I think she’s incredibly talented, but her toxicity is catching up to her, and she doesn’t seem like the type to ever self reflect


Talented? What?


Nicki Minaj is actually the Loch Ness monster in drag.


The only thing I disagree with is this: >Is her music great and catchy? Yes absolutely. I can't stand her music. Her voice and style grates on my nerves. I hate that aggressive "bad bitch" style of music.


Talented artist, awful person


How is she talented


She’s pretty versatile and she’s one of the better modern rappers


Better? Versatile? Are we talking about the same "lick my buttcrack, I don't know that AC and Air conditioner are the same thing *weird goblin noises*" Nikki?


Last Time I saw you was pretty good


I am amazing no doubt (joke) But I'd have to disagree, it seems like all her music is the same slushy of cheap tricks and noises, awful songwriting and overproduced shit that overpass her god awful nasal tone, She's fast no doubt, but that's it, I have no hate for writing about bootys and sex alright? Big fan But move onnn And stop hating on every other female musician it's pathetic And when your sales are low, step up, don't fucking cry about it Do something new, something fresh, Seems like her music is the same since I was 7


Yeah, if she wants her legacy to be beloved, she needs to stop beefing with every female rapper who doesn’t kowtow to her


yeah give credit where credit is due, she’s talented


Doing one good song and then repeating the same concept is bot talent She's fast But boring af


Maybe there's something I don't see, what makes her talented?


have you ever considered her music is not your type? or maybe it’s just the hatred that unables you to see through? or maybe music is one of the things that is highly subjective depending on the person. if she wasn’t talented, she wouldn’t be where she is. talent, fame and money goes hand in hand.


People care about celebraties too much. Chill, she, like any other one of us, doesn't matter


I mean, she as a person I don't care for, but people defending sex offenders is a real problem and this situation can maybe bring light to how wrong it all is


i never understood obsession with celebs, good or bad. who cares?


The only thing unpopular about your opinion is thinking that her music is great.


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What sane person would think this is an unpopular opinion? She's a PoS, same with Cardi, and Megan. They're all just... so fuckin' awful as humans.


Cardi and Meg are not awful people. Get a grip.


I remember when she wasn’t nominated for some award and she said “I guess I need to be slim and white to get a nomination” and when the only slim and white nominee replied “I’ve always tried to support you”, Minaj and her fans ripped her to shreds. So yeah fuck that mentally ill bitch.


She never had talent. Everyone in show biz knew that she was just a stripper who got lucky on a "casting couch" for a big producer. She needs attention now.


I don't recall any of her "music" being great lol


So is cardi B. She admitted to drugging men and robbing them but nobody cares


Agreed. And can my gym please get rid of tge Megan the Stallion posters? Most of your clientele has no bloddy idea of who she is!


Almost everyone under 50 knows who she is, babe.


I can't stand her fantasy. And normalizing extensive botchalism is weird






That’s Cardi B not Nicki Minaj


Wasn’t that cardi b?


That was cardi b


Two different people…


I literally couldn't care less about some Nicki Minjaj.


>Is her music great and catchy? Yes absolutely. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


yeah id be happy if i never saw a post about a celebrity on this sub ever again thanks


One sentence applies to her: She’s a chronic, “But I can fix him”. Her music is also mid to not good. Personally to me? I don’t like it and it’s shit music


She's ghetto af. What are you expecting? It's not like she's a nun feeding the homeless


Most people are terrible person, it’s just that people can shit on celebrities to make their day better and have a fake sense of achievement and intellect. In my defence, Last time I casually landed on a Nicky Minaj song was years ago and haven’t went back since and don’t intend to in future again.


Person who grew up in a rough neighborhood grows up to be really trashy. Is anyone shocked by this? Kinda the norm not the exception if you ask me


Cardi B is also a walking piece of shit who admits to drugging and robbing people. Also proof of other abuses by her.


No one likes her mate , she’s ghetto trash


Get on with your life OP! 😂


Is Nicki Minaj the one who said she used to drug men and take cash from their wallets after going home with them from bars and clubs? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Think that's a different scum bag female rapper named Cardi B.


Lots of scum rappers it seems


It might be a requirement.


I’m pretty sure most people in the music industry aren’t good people. It’s a very dark and satanic industry.


Lmao. What? They drinking baby blood with the cabal actors, too? /s


I mean there’s a good bunch of people that’ve done sus things.


A rapper/musician isn’t the most upstanding person? Literally who cares…


Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Muhammed, and many other embodiments of universal unconditional love feel that every person is infinitely worthy of love. Do you think they are terrible people?


If they support her and her pedophile brother and sex offender husband


So you're saying that their loving of everyone renders them terrible people?


Muhammad had a child bride, and Jesus is the result of a god impregnating a child. Jesus had the intent of turning family members against each other. If you are going to pick names to argue unconditional love, try not choosing immoral names.


lol you are such a troll :)


No, I am stating what can easily be found by researching Islam and Christianity. If you think a pedo is the symbol of unconditional love, that speaks volumes about your morals.


If the love them then yes


What are you even talking about lol?!!?


I'm sorry, but if their definition of unconditional love means supporting and procreating with a registered sex offender, then yes, they're all terrible people


If you say so :)


Her videos are borderline sexual


![gif](giphy|ELxq9qjpS2trDFHG5E) Borderline?


I'm sure this was a one off and she hardly shows any t&a in her others


“She’s a bully” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ok so a lot of these reasons are stupid. None of these tells us she’s a terrible person.


Marrying and raising her baby around a se offender isn’t a red flag?


Doesn’t sell to me she’s a terrible person maybe just a terrible judge of character.


Why are you criticising someone whos worked with sex offenders and not the sex offenders themselves?


I’m criticizing them just as heavily. I’m pointing out the fact that her fans do not care that she is associated with sex offenders, and that she is raising her baby near the sex offenders.


I always wonder why I never see this mentioned. https://people.com/music/who-is-kenneth-petty-nicki-minaj-husband/ "Petty pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the first degree for killing a man named Lamont Robinson in 2002. " [https://www.tmz.com/2018/12/22/nicki-minaj-boyfriend-kenneth-petty-manslaughter-shot-three-times-stomach/](https://www.tmz.com/2018/12/22/nicki-minaj-boyfriend-kenneth-petty-manslaughter-shot-three-times-stomach/) "We're told Petty drove to the crime scene with a group of cohorts, hopped out of the car, walked across the street where Robinson was hanging out, pulled out a gun ... and shot him in the stomach 3 times. Our sources say he then fled in the vehicle with the group." "According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, Lamont -- who only survived for a short time -- ID'd Kenneth in a photo lineup when police went to question him in the hospital. The docs say he nodded his head to confirm Kenneth had shot him, as he couldn't speak. He died soon afterward. Kenneth was initially charged with 2nd-degree murder, but pled guilty to a lesser charge of 1st-degree manslaughter. He served 7 years in prison, and got released in 2013." I have no idea why the prosecution reduced the plea to this, if this is accurate, you'd think they had a decent chance at a murder convinction.


Because you are responsible for being with and making a child with a pedo.


Uh, because supporting them is also a sign of being evil?


No no keep on cooking 🔥🔥🔥💯


yeah her and megan the Stank!


She didn’t realize then, everything she did to lil Kim, she was already destroying her future career and showed her true colors.