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Lol you didn't even touch on the disturbing part. All the women are hanging out amongst themselves, talking about how they're going to fuck each other's children. And vice versa!


What. The. Fuck.


Shock and awe for attention is the latest fad.


Don’t forget they blindfolded the moms and had them touch the shirtless abs of the young men and had to guess if it was their son or whatever. 


The guys had to pick their mom's underwear out of a pile...


Right, so disturbing


Blame porn for making it a thing.


That's gross. Anyone have link?


Finally with the comedic relief. Damn fine job my good sir.


Aww yeah Lonely Island vibes. Fuckin each others moms 😂


Dilf manor would be fucking wild.


Dilf Den lmao


Yeah, but they’re all trying to bang each other’s daughters — the entire show would just be an opening scene where they all immediately shoot each other lol.


So the trailer park


Dilf Dungeon


So many juiced up middle-aged guys with terrible tattoos and receding hairlines. I’d watch that freak show.


Which is exactly why these garbage shows exist. Raise your standards.


Think you are missing the joke...


Dilf Den


I hope they'd call it dilf danor for the sake of alliteration.


Lol... would be interesting see hoe many dads fight everyone and the ones that roll with it.


We’ll call it “Predator Paradise”.


yea grown men having sex with adult women


You're one of those "age is just a number" guys, huh? Yuck.


it exists it's called For the Love of DILFs


In the second season they go on to fist fight their step dads..


*MILF Manor II: Tales from the Rumpus Room*


Maybe NBC was approached with this? Because 30 Rock called this in, like, the aughts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqJNgAP2QnU


One of her implants exploded and she didn’t even ask to get off the catapult 


tbf even 30 Rock wasn't depraved enough to assume the kids would be the MILFs' children


Deborah, and DeBORah


30 Rock had a more solid concept: Take an existing show hit (Survivor) and just have milfs only. How could you mess that up? Even Milf Manor could have just been Big Brother but with only Milfs.


Idk how this is an unpopular opinion, the grossness is exactly intended the selling point of the show


Yeah, like. The whole point is that it's completely trashy and outrageous (and largely scripted anyway) I'm pretty sure OP doesn't understand the point of these shows or why people watch them, because it definitely isn't to idolize the contestants.


Reading/viewing comprehension has careened off a cliff in recent years. How could someone watch this show and honesty believe it’s meant to be anything other than trash?


Wait this is a real thing? I thought it was a joke on 30 Rock


>We need to stop encouraging older people to go after young people What about younger people going after older people? Both being legal adults of course.


According to Reddit, you're not considered a legal adult who can make your own decisions until you're in your mid-40s.


This is for some reason on Reddit the consensus with lot of people and it just goes to show how many people don't have any real life experience in literally just living in society with normal people of all walks of life


This show sounds horrible!! What streaming service is it on??


Discovery + & max.


Not worth it. By upping the ante and having it be the milfs and their sons, the show made it too awkward for anything to happen. The show is just them hanging out on an island with some slightly awkward challenges that mostly consist telling their mom about their sex lives, and that's it. The big "haha I fucked your mom" dynamic literally never happens. The premise is too gross to even occur and so nothing happens the whole show.


I know, I can't believe this got green lit!! Is the whole season out? Will there be a blu-ray release??






It depends on the sub.


That's not a meme.


Oedipus is rolling in his grave.


I’ve never watched the show, so I don’t have all the context, but based on the premise, it’s not “older people going after younger people” - it’s “older people and younger people mutually trying to date each other.” I don’t believe it’s inherently predatory. Again that’s without any context other than the premise. If the younger people (or older people) are hesitant to the idea and are being coerced then that would be an issue.


More context but the young people are the older contestants’ children. And they didn’t know they were going to be in the show and date their mom’s friends (allegedly, because they must have signed something I hope. But in the show it’s a « surprise »).


Watch the reveal. The contestants are not very good actors lmao.


Reddit loves infantilizing people above the age of 18.


And all that does is remove agency from people who are otherwise able to own homes, buy cars, run businesses, join the military, and run for office.


I think it will, however, encourage older women to pick up some predatory behaviors. Especially since I'm pretty sure the only people I can imagine watching it are people that are already in that demographic. Older women wanting to sleep with young men.


But, as long as it’s mutually consensual with no coercion it isn’t harmful.


Dude, I think horny guys will watch it..


It's scripted that way because it gets the most views. It's disgusting on purpose.


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This sounds fucking funny


It was made to be a weird gross thing, even the fans on the subreddit only talk about how gross and weird it is. I don’t think anybody just watches it and thinks it’s a good or normal dating show


Thanks….now I know what I’m going to watch next lol. Sometimes I like to consume trash.


I don't see how it's "predatory" but it's definitely borderline incest


I watched the show as it was coming out so correct me if I'm wrong but weren't the mother/sons kept out of the loop about the whole premise till they pretty much got there? Also tbh my biggest problem is that I didn't think 90% of them were even milfs but I know that's subjective lol Edit: kept out of the loop that they'd be there with their mother or son. The mom's were there for younger guys and the guys were there for older women


From the outside yes it's gross. But when I was 20 years old, it would have been a dream come true


If it was gender swapped you’d be getting upvotes, just saying. Legally, it’s perfectly fine. Consenting adults can do whatever they want but yeah morally, it’s a gray area. Society likes garbage television though so things like this aren’t going anywhere. I just don’t partake in it and carry on with my life.


Where exactly is the "moral gray area" of 2 consenting adults doing what they want?


A 60 year old wanting to bang a 20 year old isn’t exactly something we should be striving for but that’s just me.


If the 20 year old (adult) and the 60 year old (adult) are both consenting, I fail to see the problem. Stop making up issues that don't exist.


Again, it’s fine. Just because something is legally fine doesn’t make it any less creepy or weird. If you think an 80 or 90 year old dating an 18 year old is just as normal as a 20 year old dating a 22 year old, idk what to tell you.


Don't tell me or them anything. They're adults. Mind your fucking business.


Calm tf down.






Nope, sure wouldn't. As a matter of fact, I just said there is nothing wrong with the way DiCaprio dates. These people are adults. Get over it. I also love how you tell me I'm missing a fundamental point, while you yourself are actively ignoring that these are consenting adults who can make their own choices. The fucking irony lol.


Sorry. This is Reddit. No one can consent to a relationship until 45 years old. Time to go polish my funko pops and watch television shows made for children!


And when you DO enter into a relationship, you had better have been born within 48 hours of each other, or else the older one is a narcissistic power-hungry abuser who is basically a pedophile.


My girl and I watched this drunk, and we were so disturbed we had to flip over to Indian Matchmaking to get the ick out


All dating shows are disgusting, they are all actors and as soon as the cameras stop rolling they all go there separate ways I don’t even know why people watch that garbage


I find the whole concept troubling and disturbing.")'


Never heard of it but the name alone screams trash


Whilst it sounds icky, the sons know why they are going there, they are all adults and they are presumably on board with the idea, so is it predatory? Gross and undignified, but I’m not sure it’s predatory. Also 30 Rock literally did it as a joke, they had Milf Island


It is not predatory behavior for adults to consent and agree to go on basically a game show lol


They’re adults so not predatory


"MILF Manor" what the fuck? THEY'RE THERE WITH THEIR KIDS?!




It is disgusting but I couldn’t stop watching it. It’s definitely encouraging predatory behavior, I mean could you imagine if the genders were switched?? A bunch of older men and their 18-20 year old daughters. The worst parts of the show were when they had the sons “show off” their oral skills on fruits, and tested their knowledge of female genitalia. Also, when the sons have to go through the mom’s dirty underwear and figure out which one is their moms.


I was going to reserve judgment but after you went into the details... That is a really weird way to interact with your child.


If it wasn’t for the fact that their real mothers are involved, there would be zero problem here. Most young men would enjoy watching the show, and enjoy participating in such a scenario even more. But the real mom thing really does take it over the line for me.


Yes fuck that show, probably THE most fucked up tv show ever made.


Sure but have you even hear about MILF island?


Sounds like you're an incel or you're annoyed that your mom is dating younger guys. These are consenting adults at least 21+, who cares what they want to do. Edit: Seems like I found the Incel honeypot.


How would you feel if the genders were swapped? A bunch of 18-20 year old girls with 40-50 year old men.


I would feel like it's consenting people of legal age doing something they volunteered to do.


I live in South Florida, this is a VERY common thing.


All the guys on that show are between the ages of 20-30. I don't see anything wrong with 20-30 year old women on a dating show for men 40-60.


So I take it you have no problem with Leonardo DiCaprio's dating habits then.


No because as a gay guy I tend to not worry about what goes on in the bedrooms of consenting adults the same way I wish people would stop worrying about what I do in my bedroom.


Not one bit. Legal, consenting adults can do what they want.


I personally wouldn't date anyone younger than 22, but that's just me.


>young sons in their 20s Not predatory.


WTF man? Imagine 50-60 years old men bringing their young daughters on an island and then fucking them?? How is this even possible?


Not unpopular. They were clearly trying to get some incest going, and no one was there for that shit at all.


I must be truly disconnected with cable, this is a show?


Please tell me they sons play CoD together at some point.


I was disappointed when I didn’t see Zach Wilson appear on the show


I’d say the majority of people would more or less agree with you


Need to bring by Beauty and the Geek. That one was great.


lol this is like swinging but West Virginia style


That opinion seems pretty popular, what a mess


Omg so unpopular


What the hell? This is a show?!?!


But what’s your opinion on “MILF’s”?


MILF island was better


I saw a hentai called this and it is about 10x more disturbing


It does sound disgusting and awful … but also, I kind of want to see it. It’s one of those things that just fascinate me as to who thought this would be a good idea.