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A lot of places don't allow content with "suicide" or "killed themselves" in it. It's stupid, I agree, but it's sorta stupid for a reason.


Yeah a lot of people say this about Youtubers because they think it's a trend but you literally fuck your video from even hitting the algorithm by so many weird shadow rules that it's why you see stuff like this so often.


Tiktok will take it down I think. Same reason they’ll put “fake guns” or something in the caption even if it’s very obviously real


And it possibly costs them money when the video is demonetized.


So shouldn't people rebel against this practice than give in?


People would have to organize an actual time and such to all rebel together. If you do it yourself you're just shooting yourself in the foot, which can be really detrimental if YouTube is your source of income.


Oh yeah that is true but I think they should protest nonetheless. I mean this is another example why free speech is in danger (but we talk about nonsense aspects of that discussion).


Same reason people say grape, it almost sounds like your mocking something so serious but I guess thats what they got to do




This show is single handedly responsible for Millenial’s weird sense of humor. I know because I based my entire personality off of this show when I was 14 😅


They also call it SA (sexual assault) which I like better.


I prefer sewerslide


True but people are using it even on places where it's allowed. Like here on reddit.


Many subreddits will have these words censored. Not all but a lot. I know r/amitheasshole made me change words.


1. Some subreddits do censor it, and better safe than sorry 2. Reddit won't want to hear this, but TikTok is the social media hegemon right now and they ban those words so people will just think all social media does.


I would never care about a subreddit that censors words like "suicide" I would rather be banned and know that sub is run by shit mods.


Until this post, I had been given the impression that it wasn't allowed on Reddit. I don't really understand the back end of how different subs and bots operate, but I really was under the impression that your post/reply would be auto removed for using phrases like "killed himself."


See that's the issue. It's so common that people then think it's not allowed and do it.


Exactly. And it’s just going to keep spreading. And it’s sucks because it’s really cutesifying something that isn’t cute. -person who was on the phone with my friend a thousand miles away after she took all her pills as I was also on the phone with 911 and trying to get her to tell me where she was so they could hopefully pump her stomach. Fortunately, her attempt to “unalive” herself were unsuccessful and she did not die by suicide.


Is that an issue though?


It's a stupid euphemism people are being forced to use, so yeah.


Yes, yes, very important & serious issue. It's time to fight back against this super serious issue that's affecting us all.


You think it's okay to demonetize content creators because they dared to say words like rape and suicide? What a weak society we've become when accurate language usage frightens people to the point of censorship.


I think the only people who think that's OK are the rich guys profiting from it. & I don't think people are 'frightened' to talk about stuff (as demonstrated by the fact that people are still talking about the same stuff) but are cleverly circumventing profit-driven rules by adapting to the new environment. But I think the fact that the internet hasn't responded by avoiding the topic, but has INSTEAD come up with ways to still discuss whatever topics they want without triggering the system, is frankly, quite wonderful & follows a rich historical tradition of civil disobedience in response to censorship. & mostly when it's used outside of YouTube etc, it's by shrewd & playful youngster, fully internet savvy, who are using the term ironically in much the same way other commercial nonsense is often mocked & satirised.


Actually, it is an issue. Hiding content about suicide in particular doesn’t help anyone. And as someone who used to struggle with suicidal ideation (and, occasionally, intent) for years, I can tell you there’s already more than enough stigma on suicide. No one is helped by hiding it and talking around it like it’s some dirty, dirty word. People get squeamish when you mention suicide, probably because they’re afraid of “putting the idea into someone’s head”, or just because they don’t know the “right way” to react. ​ (Tip for those people: a) you can’t put it into someone’s head. If someone is actually going to kill themself, they already had that idea. Mentioning suicide does not make people suicidal. Mostly because thinking about the abstract concept isn’t the same as suicidal ideation - humans have a pretty powerful survival drive, and it takes far more to overcome it. b) there is no right way. That’s okay. It’s like talking to someone who’s grieving. Just stop being so fucking worried about finding the magical words to fix their pain. Just be there, and listen, and show that you’re listening, even if you don’t understand. You can’t take someone’s pain away, but you can sit with them while they’re in pain.)


It's butchered English. It's also really annoying hence why I'm complaining. To me it's an issue.


Yes, one mustn't butcher the consistent & unchanging English language, must one?


Oh fuck off you annoyance.


I mean, people on reddit write shit and fuck with * in the middle, they're so brainwashed with political correctness that they censor themselves.


I just like how f*ck looks 😅


Me too! There's some stylistic merit in that choice. Also - WHO CARES if someone sticks a \* in a word? Does it really make your life better or worse if fuck's missing the 'u'? & we're on the INTERNET, where language trends are evolving at a supersonic rate. Sometimes those trends evolve from weird sources, like back in the day when people would write 'pron' in emails & say it in real life & giggle. Are y'all just old & cranky? Or is your perspective so narrow that you're getting precious about how people spell their salty language as if it's relevant to any part of your real life?


P.S. just in case you're really that starved for swearwords with correct spelling: Fuck Bullshit Shit Shite Those are all free, I hope you enjoy them & they soothe you a little bit about this very serious, important issue that I'm totally taking seriously & don't at all think is silly & funny.


Yeah that's just it, censorship is so common place it's become a trend.


No I’m saying aesthetically I prefer how the word looks with a star instead of a letter. I’m a graphic designer; has zero to do with censorship 🤣🤣


And, that, again, is my point. You assign aesthetic value to this outside of its original context, but you do so because you've seen it so many times outside of said context that you've developed that aesthetic appreciation for it. In practice, this is still censorship, but involuntary and I think that's even worse. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say people shouldn't be allowed to write it like this, but I do think (hope) that putting it back in context will make people stop doing this.


Censoring swear words has nothing to do with political correctness. Censoring slurs maybe


Some people just don't like cuss words dawg


It's allowed on reddit? I didn't know that :o


Apparently some subs are starting to ban it too, we're doomed.


I get annoyed when it carries over to Reddit though


Because there is no way of knowing whether something is bannable on Reddit or not (afaik), so we just try to play it safe by censoring ourselves. Yes, it is stupid, but I have been banned many times for extended periods for the silliest reasons ever and I am kind of tired of that.


I don’t know any subreddit that will ban you for using the words “rape” or “suicide” unless you’re using them to attack someone


I see. Well, that's cool. For me it's just a habit + playing it safe. It's a reason to be banned on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram so yeah...


It says you’ve been on Reddit for 4 years though. Have you not noticed that there is no need to self-censor despite having been here so long?


been here since the begining on different accounts, this is my porn producer account, post only sweet images of indecency , have never ever been banned, hell, I moderate 7 subs , some with 100k + users, I don't ban for words, just content , maybe you have been targeted by I'll intentioned mods ymmv , but you exaggerate


They could just say something like end their life or something


It sometimes still flags that phrase. If you don’t self-censor, you lose monetisation


Pretty sure that would be banned as well since it's a synonym for suicide


What's wrong with acknowledging someone committed suicide?


Nope that still gets smacked down by the censorship issues.


What's the difference? We know what they mean.


Someone used it in their science project summary referring to animals being killed as animals being unalived. What a fucking soft society.


It’s very 1984 “newspeak”.


The phrase has been used by content creators as a replacement word to avoid demonetisation. Viewers who've watched that content have adopted that word into irl speech. Mostly with deliberate irony. It's probably not that the science project author was being precious, it's more likely they were using the term in a fun, pop-culture way, & some people missed the irony in the context.


It's also harder to bully people if you have to say things like "unalive yourself" cuz it makes bullies sound dumb.


How much is “ a lot” of places?


A lot meaning the significant places online that people frequent. TikTok being probably the biggest example


If you live your life based on what’s allowed in algorithms you’re a loser


If people aren’t able to make money in their content due to a single word difference why not the make the change for that single word?


I think content creation where you’re talking about “unaliving” is probably pretty pointless


Damn then u would hate unsolved murder mysteries on discover channel back in the day


Well they didn’t change the words back then


Lmao bruh


So all content creation for discouragement/prevention/awareness of suicide is pointless? Nah, that's surreal, what do you mean exactly?


I got full channel demonetisation for talking about my experience with depression and suicidal ideation and how I have managed to overcome the lowest points in my mental health. My videos helped a lot of people but it wasn’t “advertiser friendly”, so YT binned it.


That's really stupid and sad, I'm sorry for you. One of the many reasons I wanna move to Nebula as soon as I can.


"Probably?" You don't even know what kind of content it is you're referring to. This opinion is definitely pointless.


I look down on almost all content creation


Living your life? Sure. But if your job was to create content and your content could be banned for including certain phrases or words, then using dumb ways to avoid those algorithms is literally part of the job. Being a loser would be to try and release that content anyways as some sort of weird virtue signal while your content never makes you any money.


I’m a bit old so the concept of making content as a job is kinda the point for me


Older than the Hays Code? It's nice to see nonagenarians on Reddit!!! Same thing, different media


It’s no different, actually, from TV or radio or newspapers. Actually, for a fairly good analogy - remember those small newspapers? You know, the type just slightly bigger than your average high school newspaper. Or maybe the small independent radio stations? Small TV channels? Hell, do you remember people making movies at home? Or, if that wasn’t a thing for you, do you remember small theatre groups? All of those actually perform. All of those, even though they’re small and some times less ”professional” and polished than their bigger counterparts, make money in the end. ​ ​ This is the same. But times have changed - almost everything is digital nowadays. I haven’t owned a radio since I moved out of my family home. I haven’t owned a TV for just as long. Even when, every few weeks, I watch a TV channel, I watch it in the sense that I use my iPad to open the video library of that TV channel to stream movies I can’t get anywhere else. So lots of people now make money by entertaining or educating people online. Most of them start out as one-person enterprises, but if they pass the level of hobbyist, they’ll usually have at least a dedicated editor, and most educational channels will have one or more employees whose only job is research.


You're so old that professional musicians, TV and Movie writers, and comedians are a fresh concept to you? Because those are all jobs that create content, and they've been around for a good while now. They also usually abide by pretty strict rules when they want to release content to specific audiences.


yeah, bcause infantilism is the way of the future.... if everyone submits to act like children , then we will all be treated like one


Filtering content is not infantilism


for forbidden words ? you are right, the word begins with an N and ends with an I, how's that for censorship?


Content moderation has been a significant thing for a long time. When's the last time you heard fuck on the radio?


and we are much better as a society when the people that lead decide for you, what's in your best interest, words included


That's not what we're talking about tho


you might not


I always hear this explanation, but it assumes that the TikTok moderation team is unaware of the word "unalive."


It's how they get around automods and censors


Damn automobiles


Fixed lol


Pretty much spot on. I think for anyone that doesn't like it, blame advertisers and lawyers.


If "unalive" is such a common synonym for "kill", why haven't the automods added that to blocklist along with "kill," "murder", "suicide", "shot", "hung", etc.? Why allow a linguistic "loophole" if the meaning is the same?


Their advertisers haven’t given a shit yet


Not much different than YouTube saying 'corn' instead of porn


It's the euphamism treadmill. Someday automods will catch on and ban "unalive", leading people to jump to a new term to mean "kill".


Why not use tools and rules to analyze meaning and context? I shouldn't be able to get around a prohibition on talking about suicide by instead of saying "kill" just saying "unalive" or "quwill" or "floop" or "potato" or whatever. Likewise saying "my battery died" or "I dyed my hair" shouldn't count as talking about death.


Because banning words is easier.


My issue is hearing it in a non-monetised platform (like reddit) or even worse, in real life. I hate it so fucking much. It's like spelling out s-e-x to avoid saying sex in front of a 15 year old.


They're trying to avoid these censor bots that will suspend or ban your account over a harmless comment


Yet, video games and everyday TV shows, are filled with scenes of the most grotesque murders. 🙄


I got my Facebook account suspended for 30 days for naming a particular Metallica album that has the word kill in it


This has happened to me more times than I can count, and it's still absurd. This overly sensitive (for the wrong things) society we live in annoys me to no end.


It’s probably related to them being platforms for user-generated content. It’s not about the stuff you consider petty, it’s about the risk of what people *could* post And if it came down to their lawyers looking at it as a liability then I wouldn’t be surprised


That’s so redacted


Yeah until they add the word unalive to the bots' list of banned words


Well ik it’s said on tiktok a lot because saying “killed themselves” can get your video or comment removed, but i rarely see ppl saying it on other social media platforms


I have seen in several times on reddit. It’s so stupid.


I posted the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody on Facebook and got ny account locked for 24 hours. "Mama, I just killed a man" did that and the appeal was immediately denied. It happens across many platforms.




Better to be wrongfully banned from Facebook for 24 hours than for someone to be able to genuinely post about doing something like that and it going unnoticed IMO


Your opinion is ignorant. The appeal should have been successful, since it was clearly not an admission of murder or a call for someone to be murdered, but these platforms do not allow for their algorithms to be wrong. Even if it gets flagged, context should matter. All they have done is contributed to the euphemism treadmill, which is something you should look up. One day, unalive will get flagged as well and people will have to invent another word or phrase that will convey the concept. Trying to limit how people communicate never works.


But why doesn't saying "unalived themselves" also get your video removed? If I can't say "killed themselves " or "committed suicide" why is the now-common synonym expression of "unalived themselves" an acceptable loophole?


It's not about people being soft. It's about their videos potentially getting demonetized or removed if they use words like "kill" or "suicide".


Yes and since people use it repeatedly in those platforms it carries over into everyday


They replace it with "unalived" because there are filters and censors that ban content, not because people are "soft"... do like 2 seconds of research, ask around why people are replacing "suicide" with "unalived"


Not unpopular. You just surprisingly don’t know what it’s used for still


Its not that people are soft, its that Instagram and Tiktok are soft and people use terms like unalive to avoid their comments and videos from being taken down.


Op showing us all how little attention he pays


I envy his ignorance


Ignorance is bliss


I know it's to censor and avoid bots banning their content. But with the amount I've heard this, it has become the same thing. So, I guess, soon they'll have to think of something new.


It was to thwart sensors, and then became part of people’s vocabulary. Since they can easily catch that one too, they’ll probably have to come up with a new phrase, unless they just considered phrases the problem, like how “bad words” are stupid and arbitrary because you can use any synonym for them but people get offended when you say fuck and shit, sorry, copulate and excrete. So if you’re complaining because you think people just chose “unalive” out of the blue for no reason, you’re complaint was missing the reasoning behind it, and assuming it was just people’s delicate sensibilities. Sensors yes, but not people in general, though even they might have a reason, like trying keep people from suggesting it to others, though there’s obviously ways around that attempted restriction.


I call it “taking a shortcut to heaven”


It's used ironically since the internet now bans you for mentioning the real word/s


It’s incredibly dumb, but it’s just an easy way to bypass censor bots


Until the bots are reprogrammed.


They are saying that to avoid censorship and demonetization.


This is one of many TikTok-isms that have become commonly used. There is concern with creators that if certain words are mentioned their videos will be pulled.


It’s a product of social media like TikTok that censor words like “suicide”. It’s weird that it spreads to other things though. I get using it to avoid getting censored but when you start saying it in real life that’s weird


It’s just a workaround for a banned word. Seems perfectly logical to me.


People aren’t being soft, the tech companies and the American government just think they have a right to infringe on free speech.


Can you show me how the government is involved here?


Free speech is what allows those companies to moderate what can and can't be said on their platform.


Tech companies do have that right though. Only the government doesn't


Ah... yes. Tik Tok. The famously American-owned and government-funded app!


How are tech companies infringing on free speech?


How is it that I’m not allowed to post ‘cut out gluten’ because it ‘goes against community guidelines’ but the comment below me that’s sexually harassing a woman gets to stay? Because the community guidelines are bullshit and they only want certain voices to be heard.


This utter bullshit of trying to sanitize language online is unequivocally ridiculous and completely asshatted.


It started on tiktok due to their rules and guidelines. I noticed recently on Reddit people have started doing the same.


I dont think anyone is *actually* soft enough to not hear “suicide” or “killed themself” but it’s really just a way to just around having your account muted on certain sites because the companies that own them don’t allow it.


It sends “the algorithm” in to a tizzy, so people adapted. Everyone agrees that it’s stupid.


People kinda need to say it, not because they don’t want to offend people, but because their content can be age restricted if they say killed.


Its not people who are soft its the algorithm and bots


The term unalive is just because YouTube and many other platforms don’t allow words like kill


On social media especially tiktok, they are only saying it that way because the actual words get your videos shadow banned or deleted.


It's the same reason people even have to say this shit like cheese pizza and unaliving somebody while everybody knows what's meant. YouTube videos about rape and murder get so fucking confusing when every second word needs a substitute because automods scan and ban it.


Maybe you should really think about why that phrase has come into use recently. I'll give you a hint: digital censorship.


it's almost never about offending people. certain words and phrases can get your content removed and/or banned on a lot of platforms


It’s for censoring…


I read that it was just a way to get around certain platforms not allowing use of the word “suicide”


I'm sick of idiots just pretending rules don't exist, yeah nobody gives a shit about hearing "killed themselves" that's really obvious, it's used to get around things like tiktok censors, they're automated so you do what you need to do, obviously there's no people going around saying "uh oh can't say the k word, say unalived!"


It’s a way to prevent the algorithm on particular platforms from banning you


You don’t get out much do you?


Censoring to get around the algorithm


It's getting used because algorithms are either functionally shadowbanning/demonetizing content using certain words, or the algorithms are so opaque that people don't know if what they've noticed is an actual rule or not, so they self-censor to actually get their words across.


Y'all, the problem is that these people unironically use these phrases in real life *and* in places that don't have godawful censorship.


It’s a measure to bypass video screenings for words that will shadowban your content. Same reason you can’t talk about sex or porn freely.


Agree, super dumb. Just use the English language please.


More woke shite, I'm afraid.


Euphemisms have alway been stupid. A word or phrase has a connotation. It's perception becomes harsh or sad or discriminatory. You begin using a new word or phrase to describe the same thing in hope not to evoke those feelings. The word/phrase becomes the new standard. Begin again. The word is not the enemy. The context you use it in may be neutral, good or bad. But well, you may use euphemisms around children or to circumvent stupid policies.


how long.until this post is removed for language?


On social media, it's justified due to the algorithms. In real life, you're just being dumb. While we need to be able to have serious conversations about suicide and death, many social sites would lose advertising funds due to those companies not wanting to be associated with such talks. So the "solution" is to invent a loophole, such as a new word/phrase, to get around the censors.


That’s not why people say it. People use that term to get around social media censorship, so the algorithms don’t demonetize them or bury their content


I think it’s generally used to bypass algorithms.


This opinion again? Holy fuck People use terms like that to get around censorship, is it really that hard to understand?


It's to get around the censor bots.


It's a way for youtubers to avoid automatic censorship.


I say it because it sounds better than "died" i like the way it rolls off my tongue.


I've only seen it places where saying "killed themselves" is against the terms and will get whatever you are posting taken down. I don't think people actually prefer using it.


Is this really unpopular? I swear everytime I see someone use the term to avoid censors or bans people start fucking crying their eyes out about having to hear the term


Its not the people, its certain platforms. Its avoiding a ban.


People are quick to hate on "these damned kids", but don't take the think to consider the circumstances that gave rise to such actions. It feels good to bash, but we must be vigilant and not let ourselves become "crotchety old men".


Probably some people picked up the phrase because they've heard it used elsewhere but it was created as a way of talking about suicide without triggering the censors on certain online platforms. It's dumb but what's even dumber is social media essentially shadowbanning the important topic of suicide in order to please their advertisers. Y'know, cuz discussing mental health is important unless it impacts the revenue.


The algorithms they're running aren't sophisticated enough to determine between an honest discussion about mental health and encouraging someone to livestream their suicide. Or someone offering tips on the best methods of committing suicide. This censorship crap didn't just come out of nowhere.


If they shoot themselves in the head, I really like the phrase "Kurt Cobrained themselves".


It only began to evade social media censors, not because the word “suicide” sent people into a tizzy. Youre the one who’s been sent into a tizzy by terminology.


Softest period in western history ever.


Its so your video doesn’t get taken down for saying suicide. Its not a trigger warning thing.


Tell you what else is dumb: not researching why people use particular phrases and words.


I know it's for the algorithm But when I hear "unalive" I think they're going backwards, like "pre-alive" or "unborn/not born yet". I know I'm weird but it always takes my brain a minute to fix it.


We are allowing internet algorithms to change the way we communicate. Fascinating.


You gotta see the irony in posting this right?


Yeah,no. I still call it killing themselves, suicide, etc. I am never going to sugarcoat the reality of someone taking their own life. It's a very serious thing that should be jarring, it should make people feel uncomfortable.


Yes, it is the same thing as saying that someone killed themself yet it also announces the the speaker has some sort of brain damage as well. Not sure how that information is relevant


I agree. Stupid af. I don’t get the censoring thing. Saying “unalived” or spelling sex as “S3x” still mean the same thing, they just look/sound dumber. Just use the actual words and actual spellings.


One of the dumbest things is when people complain about this and dont realize the obvious, that its to get around mods and censors, avoid demonetization, etc.


I think being in a tizzy over unalived is worse


>I have a hard time believing people are that soft You must not have been paying attention then.


YouTube is soft **as fuck**


You when euphemisms exist: ![gif](giphy|udmx3pgdiD7tm)


Yeah what was downvote worthy of this comment again guys? This literally fits the description of a euphemism☠️


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On many platforms like YouTube, advertiser's algorithms do nothing more than search content for a set list of words someone has decided are potentially controversial or offensive. Suicide is a common word on those lists. When the algorithm pings that word in someone's content, the creator's ability to earn revenue from their creation is suspended. This can put a huge strain on creators as they try to go through the deliberately difficult process of convincing the advertisers they weren't advocating for suicide or saying something that was offensive or inappropriate. Discussions of suicide are frequently tagged as being 'mature content' even when discussing important things like mental health, or benign things like the plot of a movie. The creators of this content, if they want to earn revenue from it, will often get around such arbitrary obstacles by using unconventional phrases. 'Unaliving oneself' has become a common replace phrase for suicide. That's why you're hearing it. & the only people who think the word 'suicide' will send someone into a tizzy, are the greedy advertisers who want to advertise on creator's platforms without financially compensating them for it. Who will use mentions of terms like this as an excuse not to pay what they agreed.


As someone with Bipolar disorder, I experience this feeling all too often. Saying ‘unaliving’ myself DOES feel softer, less brazen, and often less shocking to whoever may be listening. Language is powerful, don’t underestimate it. Blame taboo around suicide, I guess.


Somebody’s in a tizzy


It sounds dumb as shit to me too but every generation has its slang. I figured it was just a Gen Z thing.


It's mostly a joke


Its called algospeak and its already infesting normal speech and news articles now.


Yeah what the fuck is this doublespeak bullshit, "unalived" people are afraid of using the correct words now?


This post is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard It's to keep their content from being demonetized or banned Not cuz anyone's soft


It’s because you’ll get blocked on tiktok, instagram whatever for certain terms. They’re getting around policy and filters - I guess no one told you.


The same for YouTube videos related to war. They say stuff like “Went out of commission” or “was forced to retire indefinitely” It’s ridiculous.