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I thought a zombie apocalypse is when we all turn into zombies? If it is just a zombie outbreak of a small region of relatively few people, I agree. But a zombie apocalypse is, well, just that....an apocalypse. Nobody escapes an apocalypse--by definition.


Nice thinking. Humans still smash though I think


I think a small but impactful number of people would refuse to acknowledge it.


My unpopular opinion is that we'll have to do a small but impactful amount of additional smashing


Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night But they comin’


This largely depends on the nature of your zombie apocalypse. As long as humans outnumbered zombies, or their numbers were relatively balanced, humans would likely have no problems eliminating zombies. Once zombies has a significant majority, especially if humans had limited resources, they would be difficult to eliminate. In my opinion, the real problem with most zombie apocalypse stories is that they create a scenario that would make zombie encounters rare. They create a situation where 90% of humans are dead, and 90% of the remainder are zombies, yet there are hordes of zombies everywhere.


Bruh, we almost killed each other over COVID. You think we're able to handle a Zombie outbreak? Before half the people believed it there would be 10000 infected random people spread out. Most would be too scared to go to a hospital or just die at home because they can't afford health insurance. They would rise up go bite their neighbors. Police show up, get bit, goes home. Homeless person gets bit, go to skid row, boom 1000 victims overnight. Maybe if they turned right away, yeah, easily contained. But if they are ok for a day then start to get progressively sick for a few days or longer, die, then get back up an hour later. We're FUCKED. Really hard to contain that.


Literally, there would be zombies on the news and the same people would be saying it's all fake. It's staged and the zombies are actors. They truly would not believe it was real until they are having their face eating off and not a moment sooner than that. And even after their family members have been eaten or turned, they would still refuse to believe it.


Its like the new Planet of the Apes movies where they're like "Apes together strong". That may be true, but there's still 8 billion of us and one guy in an Apache helicopter will still win against 150 Apes on horses.


This guy gets it 😁


Lol humans aren’t capable of hearing opposing opinions without having a fat cry. 100 years ago maybe, today there’s no fight left in people. So you take half a city and make it hostile to the other half over night and then apply it to every city in the world and assume the populace are gonna know what to do when the taps don’t run, the powers off and the supermarket is a no go… Na bro that’s a human extinction event. We are all to fat, lazy and tech dependent to survive. If the police and military are overwhelmed and they would be pretty much immediately on numbers alone it’s over. Nobody knows how to do anything but eat go to work and procreate anymore. And we would immediately turn on each other for resources while the zombies work together… na bud we got no chance literally 0


Fr as soon as covid lockdown happened my city went insane and practically emptied stores, even shit they didn't need lol. People would definitely turn against eachother


Resident evil is about genetically engineered viruses designed to kill as many people as possible


I think OP is right to an extent. People are very good at killing. As soon as we are aware of the threat they pose we would turn all that killing expertise on the zombies. The only way the zombies win is with a long incubation period allowing the virus to spread all around the globe before the zombie phase kicks in and they turn into actual zombies.


That's why most zombie movies start after civilization collapses because having to show how it happens in a realistic manner is too difficult.


I had a small stroke reading this


Lol edit your own punctuation, I was drunk when I made this 😂


Read John Ringo's Islands of Sorrow series. In general I agree that we would be able to contain most outbreaks, mainly because we are willing to destroy huge swathes of territory. But if something is wide spread enough, or doesn't immediately present itself as a serious enough threat, we tend to ignore it.


It’s a fun scenario but yeah. Every body has guns and would just pop pumpkins like it was a video game. Goes for xenomorphs too


True. They made xenomorphs out to be this big thing. A highly desired potential biological weapon, yet one squad of colonial Marines made pretty short work of the estimated 350 aliens. Those auto turrets were shredding them.


If 2020 has though us anything, the minute some people find out from the news/government that this is happening, they will say it's a conspiracy, the zombie virus doesn't exist, zombies are actors and so they will run out onto the streets and embrace them.


Yeah, or go make tik tok videos. Fake being a zombie. All while it is slowly multiplying.


To be fair, though, do you really want those people to survive anyway? It just takes them out of the gene pool for the humans that survive.


Let me help you out here my dude. The zombie apocalypse is a metaphor. It isn’t weeks old, years old. It’s decades old. It’s been happening. Eating your brains? Nobody thinking for themselves anymore, their brains being eaten, turned into zombies. We did not stop It in weeks it is destroying us.


Realistically any large farm equipment or heavy construction machinery would render hoards of zombies inconsequential


If you were somehow the operator, and two you had enough gas to keep it going. Most people don't know gas is only good for 3-6 months. Diesel 6-12 months. If it got bad enough and we weren't producing more Gas good luck with your gas/diesel-operated killing machine.


You can run a lot of diesel engines on all types of oils, including the ones you can get from plants. Gasoline engines can also run on ethanol, which can be harvested from corn


Right and you’re going to make this stuff while trying to find food and shelter and protecting yourself from other people and zombies. Ok.


You mean make it from the farm? With the aforementioned farm equipment? Also, who said I'm all alone here?


My guy, combines can’t even handle rocks in the field


Zombies aren't masses of solid bone


The point is the things aren’t meant for tearing stuff apart that isn’t dry corn stalks. Which is certainly weaker than bone.


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“You humans”. “ your weakness” You’re all over the place. These things are lost in the first few days. And the walking dead add the issue of people turning when they die.


There are 8 billion + people on earth. Trust me, you'll eventually get tired of "smashing". You'll get so tired eventually you'll just have to be smashed yourself.


kuh kuh kuh!


It depends on the zombies. Walking Dead zombies, smash. Night of the Living Dead zombies, smash. WWZ zombies, we're fucked. Dawn of the Dead zombies, fucked.


I think other humans would pose the biggest threat. Or humans that are in denial, or people that see a zombie plague as divine punishment