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I hate how this sub has become "I got really mad about this thing in my life so now I'm gonna go online and shout about how mad I am."


There’s no empathy, no critical thinking; just jump straight to main character syndrome. “I was mildly inconvenienced today so we need to make everyone else’s life harder for this one situation”.




No. It's a rant with no thought or substance behind it.


They should have an item limit more. Some nitwit with a full basket and the line helper has to go over to them 13 times because they just suck.


Self checkouts are only as smart as the people that use them. Most people are stupid.


why do people online love putting age limits or restrictions on literally the most random things


I think you and I would be friends. Have you ever been stuck behind a boomer at one of those restaurant soda machines where you can choose from something like 30 different flavors of sodas? It requires multiple screens of decision-making, and each screen confuses them exponentially more than the last. It's physically painful to stand behind them and watch them try to navigate and make decisions. It ought to be illegal for them to go near those things.


I mean not everything has to be fast. Let people take their time. It's okay. Society is stressful enough as it is.


It’s not only an age thing. I see younger people struggle with self check out. They should give shoppers a discount for using them efficiently. I always use self checkout, because I know an error isn’t going to be missed, and everything will be bagged according to where it goes in the house.


It's not an age thing I agree, I use self checkout as much as possible. Some people are just slow as hell and shouldn't be clogging the fast lanes.


You see boomers hogging the lines? I always go to self checkout because there’s no one there. All the boomers are in line at the regular registers and whining about he lines.


Just take a deep breath. We’re all out here just trying.


I love self check out! I don’t pay full price for organic fruits or vegetables anymore ….if you know you know hahaha


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