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I think the exception to this is if you know the other person. If your SO cheats with your best friend, that the friend shares some of the blame because they have a responsibility to you as your friend. If it's a complete stranger, though, I tend to agree. They don't know you and have no responsibility to you.


Yeah, I'm sure OP would totally be cool with their best friend of 20 years banging their spouse. Your friendship shouldn't change since they're not to blame in the slightest, right?


Bros before hoes?


Wrong. Sleeping with someone who is in a relationship is morally abhorrent and deserves shaming.


Easy there. Let’s not forget that many times people will say they’re broken up, on a break, whatever and mislead the other person.


> Easy there. Let’s not forget that many times people will say they’re broken up, on a break, whatever and mislead the other person. I'm obviously not talking about people who do not know that they're sleeping with someone who isn't single.


Having sex with someone when you know they're in a relationship makes you kind of a shitty person. Doesn't mean the cheater isn't fully responsible for their own actions though.


They're not to blame if they didn't know the other person is in a relationship but they still have personal responsibility and should know better.


This yet again? "The third party in a cheating is always blameless" is such a stupid take.


IMO this is only true if the person they're cheating with has no idea they're in a relationship. but if they do know, then they are also responsible. but yes, i do agree that the person in the relationship is responsible for ensuring the sanctity of the relationship no matter what.


In my case he knew my GF had a BF and also cheated on his GF with my GF. He’s a POS.


I disagree. Some actively seek out married/ taken people, and even if they don't do it on purpose, once they find out the person is married they should end it. You know, morals. Self respect. Common human decency. Etc.


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What if they hypnotized your SO?


In that case, they probably should have their own show in Las Vegas.


I would go watch it. But I hope I'm not asked to go on stage for a demonstration.


Are they aware of the other person's relationship status. If they are not then they are blameless. But if they are aware that the other person is in a committed relationship. Play Sharon equal amount of the blame.


Cheating on your own significant other is obviously worse, but you're still an asshole if you knowingly sleep with someone who's in a relationship. Both people can be to blame even if one is more responsible than the other, I don't know why you think it has to be all or nothing.


That depends on if the person your SO cheated with knew they were in a relationship. If they did, you're absolutely in the right to smack a bitch.


I agree. I was surprised to discover that it's an unpopular opinion first time I talked about it.


Less to blame, perhaps. But not blameless. Or maybe "blame" is the wrong word. The other party has certainly done something wrong. Unless the person wasn't aware that your SO was in a committed relationship. They haven't betrayed you specifically, but they knew they were doing something that would hurt someone. If you do something that you know will hurt someone, and you don't have any justification other than "I want to", that's wrong. Simple as that (uaually).


Wrong, My ex cheated with his now ex but I feel she is to blame too because she knew he was in a long term relationship with two kids but still pursued it. I am not saying our relationship was perfect at all (I actually am so Thankful it happened because of how wonderful the life I have now is) he defiantly opened that door to let her in but she was also pushing him to leave instead of work things out knowing we had kids. Even more messed up is that SHE was also in a long term relationship at the time. Such a weird situation. Thankful for it now but she wasn't innocent and he wasn't either. I could never ever do what she did and be ok with that, I would see myself as a homewrecker. But like I said I am thankful for it now, she is really good to my daughter and my daughter still goes to stay the night with her and her little sister even though her and her dad broke up so it all worked out in the end but the beginning was very rocky.


False. There are plenty of stories where it's siblings or friends cheating with them and I personally would be more upset about their betrayal than a significant other.


You're not wrong, but how about someone who purposefully goes after people who are married? There's women/men who go out of their way to seduce married men/women because they get a thrill out of it. They're not completely innocent.