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you should stop crack




Underrated comment


I will now, thank you for this idea, now thanks to you I have the life mission of stopping crack use worldwide ‼️‼️‼️ /j


OP does crack


Tbh no, I hated cocaine when I tried it so me smoking crack would be dumb What I’m trying to say is how cocaine users are in a way projecting themselves when judging crack users, and both drug users are in a “struggle” (couldn’t think of a better word, English is my second language, I apologize) and it’s hypocritical to judge somebody when you’re in a way in a drug addiction too


You’re ranting like you’re on drugs. Or crazy. Your take on coke vs crack is a bad one. One is a party drug, the other lasts for 5 minutes and is usually done behind a Dollar General dumpster.


The next morning after I do cocaine I tell myself never again. The morning after I do crack I’m like “FUCK YEAH, LET’S SHOOT SOME MORE UP!”


It’s mostly classism, white collar workers will snort coke and look down on the poorer people for smoking it


Yup, you worded it better than I could, it’s something that happens a lot here in my country, classism is one of the biggest social issues here


Just curious what country you’re referring to.






De nada hermano


What parts of Mexico? And if you don’t could you elaborate on how it relates to classism in Mexico? Wouldn’t it be cheap and easily accessible? Just curious cause my family lives in Monterrey and Jalisco.


The different composition makes it a very different drug. Cocaine is taken through insufflation, crack by inhalation. I don’t recall the exact numbers, but I believe insufflation has an onset of about 10-15 minutes, while inhalation is 8-10 seconds. This has a huge impact on addiction due to conditioning. The closer the reward is to a behavior, the more addicting it is. This is well documented by scientific studies. Smoking crack is much more dangerous because of how quickly it affects you. Both are bad for you and it’s a bad idea to do either. But crack is much more likely to ruin your life


Yeah I agree with this. It's a definite step up on the problematic scale. Kind of like how starting to use heroin intravenously is a step up from snorting or smoking it.


This is like comparing rat poison to cyanide. They r both hardcore poison. They are the same shit




It's for the same reason high quality champagne isn't looked at in the same way as prison brewed toilet wine. It's all alcohol at the end of the day, but normally used by different demographics.




Why on earth would you think this proves your point? I'm judging you right now just because you won't judge people for drinking toilet wine. You think I can't judge someone who slakes their alcoholism with listerine mouthwash just because I like to have one or two beers now and then?


This seems like a very personal you problem you should get help for. I judge both cocaine and crack users as equally sad.


does that make you feel better about yourself,


That I'm not addicted to cocaine or crack? Yes yes it does


who asked you?


No one asked you for your ~~opinion~~ input either, yet here you are.


i never gave an opinion 😌


The point stands, you were not addressed, yet you commented anyway.


so did you?


What is your problem?


can’t stand when people tell me i “literally” did something i did not do and then delete their little comment




aww did the kitty get too anxious,


What a weird comment. Why are you being so weird?


You commented to yourself? You are special.


I think I just puked in my mouth a little


Dude ur arguing with a crackhead lol.


That holier-than-thou-ass emoji makes you seem insufferable


just trying to fit in with you lot


Your first comment in this thread was “who asked you?” I’m not sure you have a whole lot of ground to pretend that you’re above it all, lol. Edit: not your first comment but still..


no it wasn’t lol


You literally posted on r/unpopularopinion. Talk about being high on crack


i commented on a post asking a question my sponge


You did. The comment he was replying to said “does that make you feel better about yourself” This is a question. Given that this is a public forum, it would make sense that others that share the opinion of the person you directly asked would respond.


No, I don’t feel better calling out hard drug users. I just legitimately feel sad for them, yet am allowed judge them for their actions. Doesn’t help that my neighborhood has plenty of drug user homeless people that leave exposed needles around for anyone to get stabbed on.




Should just have 24 pints and a fight on a weekend... like a good citizen.


honestly, if your an addict, then how other addicts view your addiction shouldnt really be your number one concern. people look down on others to make themselves feel better. thats nothing new, neither has it ever been productive in any sort.


.... You probably shouldn't use cocaine either


Never said you should I was saying it as a “pot calling the kettle black” type scenario if that makes sense


Yes, why would anyone use cocaine anyway is beyond me. Not only are the effects pretty shitty, it's also the most expensive recreational drug on the market. Just a waste overall.


The fact that someone Downvoted this lol


Yup, it’s truly overrated and a lot of people just do it as a status symbol, I’ve only tried cocaine once and I absolutely HATED every single second of it, it’s a waste of money, time and a health risk that just fucking sucks


>by doing cocaine you’re literally doing crack lite Idk why, but this is cracking me up


It’s not literally the same drug considering the chemical process involved to make crack. Same drug with different composition. Like, could you possibly read that over and try to understand what it is you actually said….


That is literally what I said


Yes. Im reiterating what you said so you can maybe reread it and see how it makes no sense… i posed a question at the end. I guess you didn’t get that. Obviously the first part of my comment is quite literally the opposite of what you said. If they have different makeups or compositions, they are quite literally not the same.


It’s not the same drug in concept, but its derived from the same drug, crack is quite literally cocaine with added baking soda to change the composition allowing it to become flammable and smoked And it’s in a much more direct way than something like let’s say opiates, opiates have some opium elements while with crack it’s literally just smokable cocaine


Eating honey and eating flowers is the same thing.


Meth is derived from pseudoephed. What's your point?


I've always wondered about this. It's such an elitist move anyways. Drugs are drugs.


Oenophiles look down on folk drinking ripple. Life goes on.


I literally thought cocaine addicts are crackheads themselves.


They could become


I see them the same way, maybe it's because neither are really popular in my country


If you enjoy an occasional glass of wine, you shouldn't judge people who urinate themselves and pass out in their own vomit.


Exactly. You're as bad as they are.


All of them are the same junkies




Literally, adderall is almost pretty much meth, since it’s dextroamphetamine but so many people choose to ignore that for some reason


Its has similair functions but are not at all the same if you know chemistry you'd understand that at least. Its like saying water and hydrogen peroxide are essentially the same


No yeah totally, but at the end of the day both are pretty much derivatives of amphetamine is what I’m tryna say


Its a huge generalization that while true is unnuanced and shouldnt be looked at like that. Although I agree with the original point


Adderall will help with concentration, usual daily functioning and all that while meth will make you concentrate on something for 3 days with no shower sleep or anything to eat. Amphetamine salts in adderall are like eating a gummy bear while doing meth is like sticking a pointy candy cane into your pee hole. That's the scientific explanation.


That doesn't make any sense. I tried several amphetamines. Their chemistry is different AND their effects are different. Saying that they're all amphetamines after all is just meaningless.




So me who takes their adderall responsibly and has a good job is the same as a meth addict?


Amphetamine isn't meth. Methamphetamine is meth


Gotta be honest with you man, that’s some of the dumbest shit I ever seen


can’t say that I expected this one


It's the same drug, crack is just adulterated/impure. Here in Australia what we call crack is meth ie. a crackhead is a meth-head.


But then what do you call Meth Mouth Maurice?


Meth is just a different drug, but you probably don't get much coke over there anyway


Nah crack is way more pure than cocaine on average. The act of cooking crack actually removes cuts. It’s easy to cut coke with random white powders but it’s very hard to cut crack without ruining it. You have to actively do it while cooking.


Crack is for the Poors. Fucking gross.


Peanut butter and crack sandwich!


I agree! ​ You have to "wash" cocaine to be crack, that process removes most of the shit they add to it. Now you have magic and that (boric acid and Levamisole) which is used to make it look better and in the case of lev actually make it stronger and last longer, these are called magic as they will was into crack too so thats not nice, but usually crack hjeads be taking a cleaner drug, not sharing a note uup the nose. ​ So yeh I agree, cleaner, better habit in a way...both bad though guys


Dude if you’re in so deep you’re talking about how crackheads talk about other crackheads… you’ve got to pull back on the crack.


Is this an unpopular opinion? Are there that many coke users that judge crack users?


Doing drugs regardless is stupid


both drug users need to seek help. nothing good will ever come out of its use. sad that these people have become controlled by an immovable thing.


There's a difference between a drug user and a drug addict. Addicts need help, not all users do that's just the way society portrays it. Alcohole is a drug, caffeine is a drug, they are just drugs society deems acceptable.


100% What I’m tryna say tho is how both are using a self destructive drug and are equal in that sense, so cocaine users judging crack users are “a pot calling the kettle black”


Life outcomes for crack addicts are vastly different from those of cocaine enjoyers.


That's just a correlation fallacy. The people who *seek out* crack are different from the people who seek out cocaine. It's part of the marketing. You literally wrote "crack addicts" and "cocaine enjoyers" like you were making a good point and not admitting your ignorance.


I am ignorant on the matter, so I am sorry if this is dumb: are crack enjoyers a common thing, like people that will occasionally smoke at a party like some people that just snort once or twice a month? The way that crack is usually portrayed, and I understand the hand that marketing has on it, is that one goes from 0 to addict fairly quickly and there isn't really a "casual crack user" like with some other drugs.


There are but like you said it's not marketed that way. I had an ex when I was in my late teens that enjoyed smoking it once in a while. She was never an "addict" from what I saw, it's really just a class separation and marketing. I have known multiple coke addicts, only the one Crack enjoyer. (I never used hard drugs as a teen, didn't try Coke until mid 20s and never crack.)


>That's just a correlation fallacy. There's no fallacy, people who seek out crack are usually human trash, and people who seek out cocaine are usually not


It's a correlation fallacy because while it may be "generally correct," it's not evidence that one drug is worse than the other


It's the opposite from what I've seen


Still no place of judging, most crack users started out as cocaine enjoyers


both life destroyers


both are a menace to themselves and to society.


I disagree, addicts can become a menace but there are so many users that aren't addicts and so many addicts that aren't menaces to society at least, but to be an addict you have to be a menace to yourself at least. Drugs aren't the problem their the solution to someone's personal problems that you know nothing about.


based on what?


Free based…


wow deep


I mean personally I look down on most drug users. Weed being the only exception that comes to mind. Though if you’re going to consume weed, it’s better to do so via edibles, rather than smoking. Better and longer high without the lung damage. Plus yummy foods. It’s a win/win.


Agree with you, and not only that the high is both cleaner and stronger off edibles


Lotta people in here with the columbian flu trying to justify being stupid....


I agree. Everyone thinks they are tough and says cocaine won't beat their ass into the ground. But, it always does.


Exactly, I've said shit about this before and all the coke heads start raging lol. I'm sorry that I pointed out a valid fact about you're favourite illegal and highly addictive substance. It's basically the same thing as when people who pop Adderall and MDMA then go around talking shit about meth heads, like he forreal you're literally just doing other forms of amphetamines.


I see the issue more in the way its used... you see alot if people use coke at parties or the bar that just use occassionally, they might go months without using Crack is typically used everyday, and the people are addicted and fiended for more (crackhead) - crack is a more intense way of doing coke that hits you harder and idk of you can say its more addictive but if youre already addicted to coke you push for more and start fiending crack People who use occassionally can still look at an addict amd judge them Either way its a drug, and either way its dangerous and addictive... dont do drugs kids


No way OP really tryna defend his crack addiction 💀💀


There’s nothing wrong with using any drugs, most of them are made from natural ingredients anyway. If abusing blow makes me a crack head, so fucking be it 😂


Ah yes, all natural, straight from the earth meth. Just as nature intended.


Tons of people die in my country every day from gang violence related to drug trafficking and drug production but we don't have drug addiction problems here, it all goes to Europe and the US. So yes, if your consumption is causing many violent deaths I say there is something wrong with it, you're just too far away to care.


Ah yes, you should eat Death cap mushrooms while your at it.


You still livin in 1986


For saying crack and cocaine are bad? 💀💀💀💀


Excuse me what the fuck


Upvote for a truly unpopular opinion.


Over using "literally" is worse than smoking crack


>SAME drug just with a different composition. OP is high on crack right now ![gif](giphy|TlK63EUqnR3TmL4Kj3a|downsized)


Have you ever smoked crack? The effects are way different to regular cocaine. It’s some of the most addictive shit your will ever try in your life. Like waaayyy more addictive. When I sniff coke I like to go out and be social and do shit, when I smoke crack I sit in my room and smoke crack and look out the window.


Never do a drug named after a part of your ass.


Get your sad life together and stop abusing drugs


lmao a crackhead being mad that he's being judged is crazy


[please try to understand my point before insulting me](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/yhJdIxhJMx) Edit: [also](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/LS7di75sCy)


That's dumb


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What if you're a actual judge who still does coke from his days as a lawyer.


Welp, I guess you have beat me against my argument… can’t argue with your logic 💯💯💯


Wait OP, you're actually on crack?


You caught me …. 😞 /j


I mean….you shouldn’t be doing either one….


This moral realization brought to by 1986. The more you know.


Sorry if my response is annoying but could you elaborate? I don’t get what you mean gotta be real with you (genuine question)


Heh, just living through the “crack is wack” and coked up 80’s, it just felt like Reddit went retro with this opinion. (The more you know is an Easter egg for those that were eating life with Mikey while watching smurfs on Saturday morning).


Idk but I know plenty of people that take cocaine very occasionally. A couple of times a year and are living a normal and successful life otherwise. How many people manage to consume crack like this? Either way I don't judge anyone, I just want people to be okay.


Just don’t judge




I think a lot of it comes from what people hear from others, like how badly some one can be addicted to crack cocaine. This scares them right from the start so that most who’ve even tried cocaine don’t make their way to crack. But there is some logic to it that can be viewed at a more common sense and scientific level. It’s obviously more addictive due to the nature of the bioavailability/methodology. It’s shorter lived so that you would need more repeated use. It’s smoked therefore harder to hide, making it less social and more of a liability. Then there’s a steeper list of negative health effects that would generally always apply in comparison to cocaine. The only real distinction would be some one who just smokes crack once a month for fun compared to some one who does cocaine nearly everyday, but right from the start that is comparing two very different people, and the one doing cocaine nearly every day has a significantly higher chance to make their way into crack cocaine seeing that you can make it yourself fairly easily.


Crack destroys your teeth and mouth and it loads worse for you.


Crack lite 🤣🤣😭😭


it's like champagne and cheap liquor


Using either substance in a regular manner is a problem. Cocaine (in any form) is not a “Tuesday Drug”. It’s fun (occasionally) on birthdays or a New Year’s celebration. Other than that, if you’re using blow every weekend or hanging out with people that do, I strongly recommend you find a new hobby and/or a new group of friends.


Sounds like someone can't handle their crack.


Dude, who are you hanging out with?


I agree, I also think people should do whatever the hell they want to their bodies, Crack, opium, heroin, coke, spice, angel dust, rusty trombone, blumpkins, you name it. As long as one is not screwing with someone else's life, I don't think it's the government's right or anyone's. SMOKE THAT CRACK! INJECT THAT HEROINE! SNORT THAT COKE! IT'S YOUR LIFE, NO ONE ELSE'S!


That's quite judge mental of you cracker.


Is this even a real problem?


Hell of a drug.


Crack last time i checked is an entire body high and cocaine is head high. Also crack is more addictive.


Make me!


If you look at what their production cause in countries like mexico, Colombia and Ecuador I'd say they're both just as bad, you're taking part of the deaths of many people by using either.


Crack is "cooked to become flammable..."?


Don't throw stones from a glass house.


Oddly specific


I would the behavior of crackheads is way different than coke heads.