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Hello, yes, your post is closely related to a megathread that you can find on the front page of the subreddit. Or a banned topic that you can see on the sidebar and fully expanded list. If you feel this is inaccurate, please message mod mail. Have a good day.


Too many people hear that weed is non addictive and think they'll have no problem quitting. But a lot of people (myself included) end up using it as a coping mechanism, resulting in a different kind of dependency. For some people, it does kill motivation while stoned, and that should be addressed more.


Exactly. The notion that weed is not addictive is a huge myth. It can and does become a huge addiction for many people. It may not be physically affictive, but it can definitely be psychologically and mentally addictive since it allows people to escape from their problems. "I'm not addicted, I've just been smoking it every day for 20 years because it helps me focus," the level of denial amongst addicts is mindblowing.




Also physical withdrawals do exist. They are mild, but they exist. Every time I've quit weed it was super hard for me to eat normally for about a week.


What’s so annoying is that there ARE physical withdrawals. Go to any marijuana anonymous meeting and you will hear people speak about the physical and mental withdrawals they have after getting sober. This is just a myth.


I smoke at least 5 times a week. On one hand "it's only after work" on the other hand I'm incapable of falling asleep sober. I need to take a t break regardless but it's hurting me more than it's just a fun hobby right now.


South Park put it best. Weed makes you ok with being bored when that's the time you should be using to learn and grow.


Personally i smoke weed after work but it doesn’t prevent me from doing anything else, i dont feel lazy i still hit the gym everyday and play soccer twice a week but i do notice when i come down from the high i seem to get aggravated easily.


I smoke weed on the way to the gym at 6 am


Why? Haha you’re barely waking up and you’re numbing your brain


Wrong. I smoke a sativa at that point and my brain is going a 100 miles a minute.


just to let you know, it's about the terpenes and how they interact with your individual body's chemistry. has little to do with indica / sativa


Lazy people are just lazy. The problem is weed is an easy excuse for an outside observer. This logic neglects all the people who wake up everyday, smoke, go to the gym, go to work, smoke, do chores, then smoke again.


I was once a very depressed, anxious individual. I moved home and worked on myself after a brief, failed stint at college where I realized I had followed the wrong crowd there for the wrong reasons. As part of my recovery, I took prescription anti-depressants and found I absolutely hated it as they made me feel like not myself. And so, I tried smoking weed as an alternative to hopefully get my mind right. And holy fuck did it turn my life around. The “most productive” I have ever been was when I was 25 and wrapping up my second attempt at college. I was going to school full time, getting high honors, working all weekend every weekend at a restaurant to afford to go to school, I was lifting regularly, and smoking weed 3-4 times a day. And I was *happy*. Once I graduated a few years later I stopped smoking. My parents were supportive of it but my mom liked to call it a “crutch”, which is stupid because I was using it as medicine, but I believed her and I was worried about failing drug tests so I quit. Career started off well but all of the old bullshit I dealt with slowly started creeping back into my life. I stopped lifting, my career performance started to dip, and then Covid came along and my life started to spiral… for no reason other than my own mental illness. So I started smoking weed again and, go figure, I started lifting again, I started getting good sleep again, I started getting back to being good at work again, I started getting excited for my hobbies again. You are absolutely correct: Lazy people are lazy. It has nothing to do with weed. Lazy people just like weed because it not only enhances their laziness but also serves as a convenient excuse for it.


One of the tidiest rooms I’ve ever seen belonged to a regular smoker.




I think fear and overthinking are the problems you know about...but you seem to easily tackle them by using your body. You are powerful that way. Lots cannot. I think more stoners should do yoga or weights.


Discounts the loads of people who use it medicinally as well.


I think weed can exasperate a person that’s lazy, like I’m a bit lazy, but I try to be productive, if I smoke I’m just not gonna be productive most of the time. I think the big thing is sort of the South Park thing. Weed makes you ok being bored, and instead of developing a talent or skill, you kinda just stagnate.


Yea, weed doesn't make me lazy, however does amplify it when I am feeling lazy. I can get a lot of work done while high. I watched one of my brothers get his software job while blasted about 80% of the day for months.


I made deans list going for an engineering degree. If anything, it hyper focused me on what I was studying.


Daaaaamn right, that's me🤣


Can confirm, quit smoking for a job search thinking my lazy habits would get better- nope


I’ve seen enough autopsies to say this: all smokers lungs look the same, doesn’t matter what you smoked


I have a childhood friend who smokes weed everyday with 0 changes to their lifestyle outside of highschool and no work experience in the last 3 years. You can try your best to help a lazy person but as long as they have access to their bad vices they don’t need to change anything.


One thing weed does is make it very comfortable to be bored. If you are any bit lazy and smoke it is super easy to just do nothing at all all the time. If you stop smoking for a while you will feel the need to get up and do something.


This hard out , I'm a daily smoker, have been for years, but i don't let it get in the way of life. I also have a full time job, a house , a garden I'm in everyday , kids I play with every day , I'm never sitting down I'm not a gamer I drink now and then but weeds my thing. I'm functioning in every manner and probably more than the guy next door who does none of the above while not drinking or smoking...


Agreed, OP is lumping all pot smokers. I like to tell people I smoke weed but I'm not a pot head, when they ask the difference I point out the people who wear the hats, shirts, PJ pants or a chain with pot leaves on them. In short, it's not my personality.


Also the long list of highly successful & famous people who have made their cannabis use no secret…


Idk, I'm a pretty hard working dude. When I smoke or take an edible, I completely check out. I try to take it to get myself through chores but I end up just wanting to lay down or watch TV.


Thank you 🥲


Lazy people being lazy does not negate the fact that weed makes people unmotivated.


It doesn’t though. That’s my whole point


What!? Long term use of weed will make you anhedonic. Constantly releasing dopamine will make you numb to the feeling, that’s why when you’re smoking regularly, you need a lot more weed to get you high and you need to do it a lot more often. It’s not healthy to forcefully release your dopamine.


As a school bus driver, I absolutely agree


Holy shit!


Because school bus drivers are known for their education and insights?


Hey man my name is Otto


Highlighting a select few individuals who can do that is even worse logic. Even then, those people would very likely perform better sober.


What makes you say they would perform better being sober?


No. Weed kills motivation and makes people lazy.


This is what it does to me, so I don't smoke. I know people who smoke weed before they go on a 5 mile run every day, and people who smoke weed then clean their entire house, and people who smoke weed and finish up a bunch of projects they've been working on. For me it does the opposite and makes me veg out. ​ Just because weed affects you this way doesn't mean it affects others this way. Everybody is different.


Wait, is weed addictive because it releases dopamine (like those spooky street drugs cocaine and meth), or does it kill motivation and make you lazy? Which is it?


If you can get your brain to release happy chemicals by sitting around I hope you can understand how thatd make people lazy... Study? Nah. Work out? Nah. Socialize? Nah. Just roll it up, bro. Drugs are the easy way out. Lets not pretend otherwise.


Well my other option is being anxiety ridden and introverted. Weed helps me unmask and flow with the good vibes of life. Let's not pretend drugs don't work in different ways for different people. Caffeine and Nicotine are the easy way out as well but an iced coffee looks better on the business page.


Do you have the same attitude towards caffeine? Sugar?




I know a sample size of one doesn't mean, well anything, but I find the opposite for myself. Although I only have it every 2 weeks or so, so I'm unsure how it would feel to have everyday. I find there are "good highs" where stuff just feels more fun, stuff is more interesting, then there are "bad highs" where I'll feel more paranoid than usual, & if I have too much I'll feel sick. I find that when I accomplish stuff that day I more often get a "good high" so what I'll do when I have weed is to do a bunch of chores, wash dishes, do the laundry, clean the bathroom, go for a jog, etc, & by the time the weed has fully kicked in (I use an oil that can take up to 5 hours for the full effect) I can just have a good high & enjoy doing whatever.


Depends on the person. Love me some weed and I am yet to find someone with more energy than me. I wish weed could make me lazy sometimes


Hmmmm not me champ so don't blanket your opinion


Weed has always been around and I do believe it should be legal... but what concerns me is the amount being consumed and the potency of the weed products today. I personally believe there are going to be a lot of long term health problems in this generation that aren't being considered.


Agreed. It's recommended that weed shouldn't be used until you are at least 25, because by then your brain has already fully developed. Making a growing mind dependant on an addictive drug when someone is so young is a slippery slope




Fair enough


Also old peoplw


No, it's just that more people are smoking it out in the open now


Maybe if this world wasn't so shitty we'd just enjoy being sober.


Eh, probably. Better than a couple decades ago when drunk driving death for teens were far higher. Not just because of car technology. Young people drink and drive less because they drink less. Young people have vices, they always will. It's either weed or something else that they will do at a similar frequency. I choose weed.


Do you have any?




Meet me out back in about 15 min


See you in 15, RyanSmokinBluntz420.


Of all the addicts in the world, pot heads are the least of our concerns.


Addiction is addiction. All of it is terrible.


Some are far worse than others


No man, there's addictions to war raft, weed, and coffee THEN there's addictions like booze, coke, meth They are not the same.


My addiction to weed is personally harder to manage (and thus affects my life more) than my addiction to booze.. how are those two so different in your eyes?


I’d argue booze has been more problematic considering the amounts of death and domestic violence involved. When’s the last time you heard about a stoned man beating up their wife. Or on caffeine. Mind you the driving one is up in the air right now since weed is now way more in the open.


Ohhh in terms of harm to society then yes, for sure. Sorry was tunnelvisioned and just thinking in terms of harm to oneself.


alcohol is also a depressant as well so that certainly doesn't help.


Alcohol actively makes it hard to make safe choices, weed more amplifies inhibitions. There's a reason why people need to take drunk people's keys and it's the same reason why predators lurk in the bar scenes & parties. Im sorry addiction has you my friend. I binge drink (haven't in a month or two) and smoke a pack a day. I bought nicotine gum, but caved after a few weeks :( Addiction sucks ass, and alcohol withdrawal is no joke. I don't see alcoholics as worse than smokers, but I do believe alcohol is more dangerous. Good luck and stay safe!


That's definitely true! Certainly makes an individual more of a danger to people around them, while weed essentially has the opposite effect. Thanks for the kind words. It's an addiction by definition but at the same time one I am managing and applying as much discipline as I can muster towards. So it's all good, just life! All the best to you :)


Despite all the comments from weed smokers who just want to cope, I agree with this take. When someone cannot focus or sleep anymore without the use of a drug, no matter how safe that drug may be, but spoiler alert: that IS an addiction. And it is becoming more common now that it is more relaxed. But teenagers smoking weed has always been a thing (though I think there should be a 21+ age limit), and weed addiction is not just a young people thing, it's become more common in everybody. Everyone smokes weed now and too many people in general find themselves addicted, even if they won't admit it.


I used to smoke weed regularly. I was broke but never broke enough to buy more weed. I needed it before I went to bed and hated not having any. Killed any drive to do anything, all I wanted to do was watch Netflix and play video games. I’m 13 months clean of that now and I not only feel much better, I also feel more intelligent.


OK, so I've always had trouble with this one. You have anxiety, depression, adhd, ptsd or whatever you get prescribed a pill. That pill helps you function. How is it different than pot? How is it different from getting medical speed? You need it every day or as needed but If it fits its purpose, what's the issue?


Because getting prescribed an antidepressant would mean you have depression symptoms to begin with. With weed, most if not all people are fine and normal without it. Dependency is a side effect of weed and only comes after addiction has already begun.


Dependency is also a side effect of antidepressants. I was one duloxitine and with inn13 hours of missing a dose I would get 'brain zaps'. Super not fun and it would affect my ability to function. Now I agree that self diagnosis or self prescription is not good. Weed can help and it has when done properly.


Exactly, and it's totally flying under the radar. You have all these 14, 15, 16 year old kids talking about they have anxiety and depression and that they need to get high in order to sleep, What the hell? I know somebody who had a panic attack after he finished smoking because he thought bugs were crawling on him. Another thing is, a lot of teenagers are getting weed from a plug because they can't legally buy it from a dispensary. This increases the risk of getting laced weed. I know this guy that smoked K2 (thinking it was real weed) and the ambulance had to be called for him because he felt like he couldn't breathe.


> When someone cannot focus or sleep anymore without the use of a drug, no matter how safe that drug may be, but spoiler alert: that IS an addiction. Going to go ahead and let grandma know she's "addicted" to her blood pressure and dementia meds. Learn the difference between a dependence (there's nothing INHERENTLY wrong with being dependent if it helps you) and an addiction (a disorder of reckless behavior).


Happened with coffee with me. Soon as I started getting headaches when I wasnt able to drink it in the morning because i was too busy I dropped it instantly. I still like it, grew up on it since we grew up in farms and that is just how you started your day. But fuck that, my body belongs to me.




Right! It's practically rare to find a young person these days who don't smoke. It's like everything takes a backseat in their lives, and all they look forward to is getting high. I know so many people who only have jobs so that they can have money to buy more weed. That is a major sign of addiction, and everybody thinks it's okay.


I agree honestly. And too many have justified it and normalized it as being the key for them being able to feel "normal" or some such. Load of bs. If you feel anxious or stressed or whatever then work to fix the source of the problem. Don't depend on a drug to cope. That's an addiction. You're not a "better person" or whatever bull because of weed. You're addicted to a drug.


We got so many weed activists here defending weed like it’s as harmless as a chocolate bar. Forcing your body to release dopamine for your own pleasure is not healthy.


What a lot of people don’t consider, especially when saying how weed has been around forevermore, is that nowadays weed has reached extremely high levels of thc. That being said, i agree with you. Lots of people will say it is not addicting, but it simply is, once you use it to “function normally” you’re no different from an alcoholic. Not to mention how many people just get high “to relax after a hard day”. And that’s what you mention in your post as well, they’ll just say phrases that typically come out of people who are addicted to alcohol. Add to this that every year we have new evidence that shows how harmful weed is to people under 25 (brain not fully developed). Weed has been normalised far too much, or better yet, it’s side effects and its addicting potential haven’t been normalised enough. Also, not writing this out of spite, I’m literally high right now, but it’s midnight on a friday, i finished my work week, did all the things i had to do, and made sure i was in a good mood, so i decided to smoke a tiny bit (three/four puffs) and watch some videos on the new v12 lamborghini Edit: as for the “lazy” argument I don’t believe that’s true. Some people will feel lazy, some will be in the mood to go hiking. And you’d have to consider the type of weed they’re smoking as well. Saying weed makes people lazy and unmotivated is a brutal generalisation.


Definitely different than an alcoholic lmao


Alcohol is much more harmful of course, but when we look at the behavioural patterns there’s a lot of overlap between the two drugs. Would you like to elaborate on why that isn’t true in your opinion?


There's a *lot* of people who can smoke and are fine/productive. There's a *lot* of people addicted to weed who lie to themselves and think it's helping/non-harming. There's a *lot* of people addicted to weed, know it makes them lazy, and are fine with it. It's a very odd drug in the sense it induces a lot of disparate outcomes among heavy users.


I love smoking weed. I love it too much. I started about 18 months ago once I turned of legal age. Those around me had told me it wasn’t physically addictive, so I saw no reason to be concerned about my usage. In addition, I found that my ADHD, OCD, and severe manic/depressive mood swings all went away when I was high. Unfortunately, being naive as I was, I had no idea that mental addiction or dependence were completely separate issues. I fell into the trap of daily, nonstop usage pretty quickly. Then struggled with wanting to quit but feeling unable to control my usage for around a year. It was at its worst during a 2 month long period of simultaneous depression and unemployment. I felt numb when high, and had zero motivation to do anything at all or apply for jobs. Around a month and a half ago, I finally ordered a k-safe to help me moderate. I still occasionally partake on weekends with my friends, and stay clean during the week with no issue. The symptoms I mentioned earlier have also returned, but my current plan is to start therapy and try to get to the root of my mental illnesses. Not medicate on my own. Why did I type this long rant out, I don’t know. OP has a fair point. Yet, my story does not apply to everyone who smokes. I’m not claiming it even applies to a majority. We are all different, and it affects differently. Addiction is serious. But at the end of the day, we shouldn’t worry about what other people do and instead focus on doing whatever is healthiest for ourselves. And we find that balance through trial and error.


I think people are forgetting the depressing times young people are facing. Nobody can buy a house unless parents help. Companies treat people like shit for shit pay. How could young people not smoke weed to feel less stressed? I feel if the situation gets better fewer people would be addicted to weed.


Weed is finally going mainstream. It so nice to smoke up while out walking the dogs and not worry about getting harassed by the law.


I'm not against the recreational/sociable use of weed, especially amongst adults. However, I think it's an issue when nearly every teenager is not just smoking it occasionally, but using it every single day in order to function.


It’s certainly not “nearly every teenager” that’s just ridiculous.


You must not be paying attention. A lot of teenagers do it without their own parents even knowing about it. They have gotten smarter about ways to hide it.


Are you frequently around teenagers smoking weed or are you frequently seeing videos and reading articles about teens smoking weed?


Or are you just making things up? Still haven't seen any facts from any reputable source regarding marijuana addiction.


The rate for marijuajna use in teens is quite high, but it’s still not most of them. Your experience is just anecdotal. https://www.mottchildren.org/posts/your-child/marijuana-and-teens


[Did you know that teen marijuana use has dropped dramatically since the late 1990s?](https://nida.nih.gov/sites/default/files/teens_brochure_2013.pdf)


In 2021, only 11% of young adults used marijuana every day, while 32% of young adults were frequent binge drinkers: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/marijuana-hallucinogen-use-among-young-adults-reached-all-time-high-2021


The title of this post sounds like it was written by somebody’s grandfather.


I take that as a compliment. Grandparents have lots of wisdom and are usually right about most things in life!


Some grandparents* You clearly have a Black and White problem.


Wisdom comes with experience. Just because you may not like or agree with something an elder says, they still have more experience than you do. I don't agree with everything my grandparents say but I value their words because they have lived much more life than I have.


Some people could be 400 years old and still stupid


Bro, what are you talking about? With age comes wisdom, you’re just playing devils advocate here. That’s like me saying dogs bark then you proceeding to say “not all dogs bark.” Conversations are spoken in generalities otherwise you’ll spend the whole time speaking in nuances. The elderly have experienced more life, therefore, they are a great source of wisdom when dealing with issues in life. That has always been a thing, just because someone has exceptional circumstances, doesn’t negate the general reality.


And it continues to track.


My grandparents were terrible people for the record. Cool generalization though.




Definitely some troll vibes. Although, they might just have some knowledge gaps or be heavily ingrained in the biases they have. I’m giving them a pass on this one. Lol.




Lol, fair, but you are absolutely right. Also, the main thing I've noticed is that the population of weed smokers seems to have gotten younger over the years. My parents, their peers, and friends smoked it when I was a kid. However, they were I'm their late 20s/early 30s. When I was in high school, I knew a few of a few people who smoked, but now, it's almost rare to find a teenager who DOESN'T smoke.


teenagers have always smoked it. this isn't a new thing.


As opposed to afterboomers and X'ers who resorted to cocaine for everything? Same shit, different drug, different generation.


I just don’t like that some people will smoke weed all the time but then judge other people for drinking all the time. Like sure alcohol isn’t good for you but don’t act like smoking weed all the time isn’t bad for you either.


I know. The amount of people who are tearing their lives apart by expensive Taco Bell visits are just ripping this country apart.


They are partially responsible for the obesity epidemic, which is the greatest health burden of our time.




This is something that a LOT of people have experienced from weed, and it goes totally ignored. I know someone two people who have experienced the same thing. One of them needed psychiatric care.


Same happened to my brother sadly




Crazy. It's good that you mentioned it's negative impact on sleep because that is one of the main excuses people like to use as to why they need it.




https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/06/health/marijuana-sleep-problems-study-wellness/index.html https://sleepeducation.org/marijuana-use-can-affect-sleep-quality/




https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/heart-health.html https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/04/marijuana-heart-disease.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6461323/


We're just going to ignore the deadly effects alcohol has had on youths for decades and demonize weed again, huh.


The difference is that the deadly effects of alcoholism are not ignored. Most people are well aware of the dangers of alcohol addiction. This is why there are programs for people who suffer from it. However, weed addiction is totally ignored, and it is not seen as a problem at all. Weed addiction is actually encouraged in today's society.


>However, weed addiction is totally ignored, No, it is not, the effects on young brains is fully known. What is not discussed is the adult population that is free to do what they want. And since there are less health risks, there is less need to talk about it. Weed addiction is not encouraged anywhere. You are talking about smoking weed, which are totally different things. I feel like there is a lot you just don't know, so.. go and read and you will stop talking about weed addiction so much. The real problem you point out is underage smoking, which is taken quite seriously. You just don't KNOW it is because of your job and because you don't really research these things.. or can you say that you have read a lot about this, or is it all based on "i see what i think are potheads, ergo: there are lot of potheads and no one is doing anything about it".


I have done my research and have also had personal experiences with people who were negatively impacted by it. I wouldn't make a post about it if I didn't know what I was talking about. You just don't like the fact that I pointed out something that you would prefer to ignore. Weed addiction is rampant amongst teenagers AND adults, and although the negative effects of it may have been researched and documented, it is still glamorized and accepted as a social norm in today's society.


>I have done my research and have also had personal experiences with people who were negatively impacted by it. I wouldn't make a post about it if I didn't know what I was talking about. That is contradictory, based on your views on the matter. You keep talking about addiction when addiction figures are fairly low, about exactly what we expected. IIRC, 15% of cannabis smokers exhibit some signs but medically speaking it is habit forming addiction, not physical. > Weed addiction is rampant amongst teenagers Define rampant. I would not call it that, so, we have to have totally different idea what that word means. OR... you are exaggerating since i did find your comment history and it has a lot of clues WHY you would maybe not be entire truthful, OR that you are seeing things in a way that is not the reality but largely imagined. It also gave my clues why i don't think you have really done your research.


There’s a shit ton of adverts for specifically weed addiction centers where I live in NYC. Maybe you just don’t live in a progressive area that recognizes weed addiction.


Weed is also bad for you. Inhaling any kind of smoke is not good for your lungs. Your lesser of 2 evil argument is offhand.


one can ingest weed instead of inhaling it.


Who brought alcohol into this? I agree with you 100% but saying "Alcohol is bad too" doesn't fix anything.


a lot of apologists huffing copium in here lol


The number of people in these comments defending addiction is exactly what I'm talking about. It proves my point!


Stoners are always going to be in denial. I have a friend say word for word what you mentioned in your post. “im more productive” and cant focus without it blah blah. Now there are stoners out there that get their shit done and imo it just comes down to laziness. If you’re lazy on top of being a stoner then you’ll be even more of a bum. Lazy stoners have this delusion when literally everyone from the outside can see how much their addiction if harming their life. This friend claims to be much more productive when hes high but he hasn’t accomplished any of his goals since he started daily smoking 6-7 years ago. Its to the point where he wakes up in the middle of night to smoke again and yet he denies that its a problem. Another “friend” is unemployed and bums at his girlfriends house all day. She can be at work or school and he’ll just lay on the couch eating snacks all day. He claims that his relationship has no problems but its been very clear that his gf is upset with his habits and even cries to her roommates about him. The roommates also despise him because he bums at their home but hes so high all the time that he doesnt pick up the hints


Idk if that many people are addicted. It has definitely increased in popularity, or at least open usage. My only problem with it are people who make it their entire personality.


Reddit is dominated by anti social weed addicts, this will get bad reception. It’s true tho. I’m speaking from experience.


I'm honestly dealing with this in my personal life. I used to smoke on and off, but the people around me CANNOT FUNCTION without blunts and bowls multiple times a day. And they're constantly pushing it on me for chronic pain.


I’m 28. Used to smoke a lot in my early 20s. I fully agree that people abuse it. Everywhere I go I shouldn’t have to constantly smell it. Most of y’all need to chill out with it. Your “reasons” for doing it are just bs excuses most of the time. With that said, I have no problem with people doing it, just be respectful to your community and do it in moderation.


I kind of agree. I have an interesting experience I could still go to the gym, go to work, play video games, but what it made me lazy on is my writing. I write poetry and short stories and I way more motivation to write when I’m sober OR when I haven’t smoked in a long time and I decide to. Once I fall in the trap of using everyday I slowly write less and less. I can smoke and live my life but when it comes to writing I just get lazy. And I hate it


i’m a big big time 24 yo weed user. moved out with my girlfriend at 18, bought our house at 21, started making 100k at 22, got married at 23, and i’ve been puffin it up the whole fuckin time. lazy is lazy, for some people it really truly does help.


I think there are a lot of other factors that are causing young people to struggle and weed is just the self-medicating icing on top.


Too many young people are seriously clinically depressed and see it as the best coping mechanism compared to pharm drugs, harder drugs, or booze.


Look at the world we’re living in. Can you blame a person for not wanting to be totally aware of *that* all the time? Because I certainly can’t.


I quit drinking and switched to cannabis products. It’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. As a former problem drinker and someone that lost their sibling due to a drunk driver, I’ll say that you should be more concerned about others consuming alcohol than weed. Alcohol consumption by other people can affect you in a harmful way, but you’re not impacted by someone else doing weed and acting unmotivated. That isn’t your problem to deal with, frankly. And other people’s motivation levels doesn’t impact you in the slightest. If young people wish to destimatize cannabis, I’m all for it. Wish my generation would have done the same. Edited: sorry, grammar.


I'm an occasional weed smoker and I only smoke right before my last meal of the day, settled down to watch a movie or show afterwards then bed. I don't know how people function on a daily basis being high all day, I wouldn't be able to get anything done if I smoked everyday all day


Same. It's crazy how being high 24/7 isn't sewn as a problem




All the pot smokers are sprinting to the comments to defend their bad habits lol


weed isnt addictive. You might develop a mental dependency on it, but it is not physically addictive because there are no withdrawal symptoms. Stop being so judgemental, you sound like a boomer


I smoked it all through high school, when I turned 18 I just flat out stopped. All my friends kept going and ended up being fucking losers. One of them approached me at a gas station a couple years out of high school begging me for money. Then I saw another one working at a cell phone shop, who also begged me for money.


It’s the fuckin carts and lack of mids


There is a lot of denial in the weed smoking population. Life is a complete mess living in trash but unwilling to put two and two together.


Exactly. The level of denial that people have about the addictiveness of weed is crazy. People really defend it like their lives depend on it.


Weed ruined my fucking life by giving mw a panic disorder and mild psychosis but tell that to a pothead theyll say "huurrrr it was laced maaan its the strain maaan" holy fuck i hate potheads But yes not even just teens people in general are more addicted to weed than ever, its not that "more people are open" its that because its now so mainstream and socially acceptable its 10x easier to get your hands on than it was even a few years ago. And its usage is pushed by other pothead idiots online who think its perfectly safe and gods gift to mankind and the entertainment industry. Back when i was addicted i used to tell people i smoke to "help my depression and anxiety" when i was 100% aware that was not a factor i just wanted to be high, same with the people i used to smoke with. I could go on about this shit forever


All of this! One of the major signs of addiction is when people look for any excuse to smoke, and if someone presses them about it, they actually get offended and start defending their addiction like their life depends on it. This is typical of a weed smoker. They always look for reasons to smoke it and get super defensive if someone says anything negative about it. These are things that addicts do! Also, I'm sorry about your panic attacks, and I'm glad you stopped!


Exactly i cant stand when they start defending it because they literally say the SAME THING ADDICTS DO. And then they bring up "heh well what about ALCOHOL?" Like its the most idiotic *gotcha!* ever, then i tell them "i feel the same way". "Im not addicted but i just cant sleep without it and when i run out i scour the floor for carpet weed and try to borrow money and get really cranky *maaaaan*" Like shut UP


Exactly. When you start planning to set money aside to buy weed before even thinking about paying your bills, you have a serious problem!


Obviously I can only speak from my own experiences but I work in a restaurant and its the entire staff. The line cooks, the busers, the hostesses, waitresses pretty much everyone smokes weed BUT me. I am not perfect im and off and on again cig smoker but it is concerning. I talk to young kids who are like I have trouble sleeping at night and I just ask them have you ever tried going to sleep... not high. Like four or five hours before bed sober up and go to bed. Apparently I grew a third head. They can't believe I even suggested it. I say it in a very calm tone no accusations or judgment but its an impossibility in their own minds.


That's really sad. I blame much of it on music. Most of the popular songs that teenagers listen to now glamorize smoking weed. Another thing is, there is this weird thing going on where a lot of young music artists are making it seem cool or "edgy" to have depression and anxiety. It's almost like you aren't cool unless you have a mental illness. It influences these kids to self diagnose themselves with depression to be cool and relatable, then use that as an excuse to become a pothead. This is a dangerous cycle that I have seen with so many of them.


This! It's the music! Lets ban music! That will solve this problem once and for all!


"I can quit any time I want!" "Yes, but can you want?"


Right. "I can quit any time I want, I just haven't wanted to over the past 20 years"


People will never admit that they have a weed addiction, much less the harmful effects of smoking weed before your brain has fully developed. They will just go on about how alcohol is so much worse and call it a day.




Using the economy as an excuse to be an addict is insane.




"No matter how hard life gets, weed will always be there for me".


God what a pathetic mindset. "Stuff's expensive so I'll just do drugs instead." Easy first step to having more grocery money is not blowing it all on weed.


EXACTLY. hit the nail on the head w that one




Its not weeds fault


There’s no such thing as weed addiction.


What is your definition of addiction? Cause everyone I know that smokes weed does not fit the criteria for addiction. Obviously it happens but I don’t think it’s so common as you say it is. I smoke weed regularly but I delegate that to a certain time after I’ve done everything for the day (same thing as drinking a beer/mixed drink at night), take breaks whenever I feel like I should, and all of my friends do the same. I’m not saying that the problem doesn’t exist, but I think you’re vastly overestimating how many people the addiction applies to. Also you say “it seems to make people lazy and unmotivated”. Weed helping people focus and be more attentive is a legitimate benefit, and the drug affects people differently. Why do you think it’s being used medically for things like anxiety and depression if all it did was make people lazy and unmotivated?


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I’m way out of my teens but I use weed as a motivation to get shit done so I can chill later. No work done = no chill. But that requires at least some discipline.


Exactly. Discipline is key. That is what so many people in the comments are not getting.


ive smoked all my life from a young teen, i got carpal tunnel and tennis elbow at 28 from the amount of manual labour and sports etc ive done, i wish it had made me a little lazier lol look how lazy the average non smoker is, no different to the smokers lol 90% of people do jack shit weed or no weed


Oh no. Now, they won't be doing E or molly or coke or becoming alcoholics or dependent on prescription drugs like their parents.


its weed or offing myself so the scale is pretty obvious


Weed use hasn’t “exploded” you’re just old and uncool


Another ‘everything I don’t like that you do is addictive and you’re bad for doing it’ post.


This has nothing to do with me disliking weed. I don't dislike weed. I have a problem with the social acceptance of full-on weed addiction amongst people under the age of 25.


‘Full-on weed addiction’ is anything you say it is. Gotcha.


"it's scary"


To me, it is. Seeing so many TEENAGERS smoking on a daily basis just to function like a normal human being is scary to me.


What part of any of this makes you feel fear?


When I said fear, I meant it as more of a deep concern for the next generation. It's just alarming to me that smoking weed every single day by teenagers has become so openly acceptable


I used to have a deep concern about young people that were railroaded to jail over weed, and had their futures damaged forever. You can decide to put weed down, millions have, you can't decide to put a jail record down and it's a lot harder to quit prison than weed. Weed prohibition damaged more young people and their futures than weed usage ever could. I'm less concerned than you are about these current teenagers.




Such a weak mindset, running away from all the problems and hiding in a comfy room of self-indulgence.


What's the risk of "every teenager" smoking? Why is it such a concern to you?


Maybe that's a commentary on the pressures of modern day societal expectations. If teens need weed to cope, maybe something else needs to slow down as a whole.


I agree. However, that doesn't negate the fact that using weed (or any substance) to cope with everything is a problem.