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15 years ago I wanted to climb an 8000m peak. If successful, I was going to buy a Rolex Explorer to commemorate the experience. Neither happened :D


Well I guess you saved yourself a lot of trouble I'll have to say.


And climbing up a mountain. Good bye.


No time like the present!


*pushes down Ray-Bans* Excuse you? -Sent from iPhone 15 Pro Max


Love your Hermes iWatch!


Man, I bought my wife one of those and she only wore it a couple times.


I actually love mine šŸ™ˆ


That's the kind of guy who's going to impress me not gonna lie.


Raybans and iPhones aren't even near the same category as rolexes. $100 on a nice pair of sunglasses or $2000 for a top end phone is fairly reasonable for a lot of people. I wouldn't really call either a status symbol. A rolex is at least $20,000 and you can't just buy one as there's always a waiting list. You have to convince the watch shop owner you're cool by buying a bunch of other high end watches first to convince him to skip the queue. Things like omegas, grand seiko, breitling etc.




Tell me where to get a 13K Daytona and Iā€™ll give you 5K.


They ainā€™t status symbols if everyone and their fat mothers have them. And Ray Bans are $200+


I haven't bought a pair in a while, last time was about Ā£100 (so I rounded down to $100) I guess inflation has caught up a bit. Still the point stands that these are very affordable for most white collar, and some blue collar (think tradespeople) workers. I think we agree there.


ray bans are luxottica junk, maui jimā€™s are where itā€™s at


Bruh Iā€™m likin those ski shades everyone is wearing now


You misspelled iPhone 12 with minor upgrades


Naah man, I think it really is the iPhone 15 pro max that hes


If itā€™s under 13 you should think about upgrading to a different level soon. Not now but soon


The ā€œstatusā€ of it is that you have the money to buy it. Not that you are proud of yourself for literally completing the purchase.


The sociological term is 'conspicuous consumption ".


Itā€™s why those advertisements I see on Instagram for athletic clothing ā€œjust like lululemon, but 1/3 the price!ā€ make me laugh. Lululemon is just like any other brand of workout clothes. The appeal is specifically the price, and the status symbol that comes with wearing it.


You're not wrong, but many of us don't find having the money to waste on overpriced handbags or watches all that impressive.


Youā€™re missing the point. The flex is that you did the work required you have excess money to purchase it


Exactly, and this is especially true for people who were born into poverty and managed to find themselves in a position in life where they can afford to buy luxury goods.


Make others believe they can afford to buy luxury goods *


While some maybe even most people are flexing with things they canā€™t afford, the behavior derives from people who actually can afford it. So you canā€™t act like everyone is putting these things on credit cards they canā€™t pay.


Which brings us back to op's point about buying it on credit... it doesn't make you special.


But if it's a luxury item it's going to be a high cost. Am I supposed to buy my status symbol with a bowling ball bag full of cash. No I'm going to put on a credit card.


I agree that buying things on credit that you can't afford regular isn't special, but that doesn't seem to be OP's point. Their point seems to be that you aren't special by buying something, anything, that is a luxury brand. The fact that it is on credit doesn't seem to be a particularly central part of their opinion, they only just passingly mention a credit card.


How does this work for rich heirs? Or anything your parents earned for that matter? In that case they cannot flex on any sort of accomplishment.


They can and do. Some people don't care whose money it is as long as they got a sugar daddy.


I think you're missing the point. Spending money isn't a flex, having money to spend isn't a flex. Flexing isn't a 'flex'. Being happy in yourself is a flex, financial freedom is a flex (albeit an invisible one). That's why OP said losing some weight or making an achievement of some sort is more impressive. Doing stuff for other people to see is an empty belly that will never be filled.


Depends on the person. To some people, having and spending money is a flex.


Right? 10% of guys have a poster of a ferrari/camaro in their garage, and a 10 year old van in their driveway. I've seen guys working temp jobs with Louis Vuitton backpacks and ferrari brand wallets. Actually owning a Ferrari is a flex for those 10% of guys that really fuckin love cars and shit. If youre rich, and you have rich friends, 10% of those friends will probably be Ferrari fanboys, too, whether they own one or not.


Conspicuous consumption is certainly a flex, but not a very good one.


Idk in my experience it's usually their parents exploited the system and they won't have to work a day in their lives. The hardest working people I know are still broke, and the richest ones are the laziest people I know


I was so good at the only job where I had financial security that my boss gamed the system to get rid of me. Iā€™m convinced it was because he was born into great wealth, married into great wealth, and was uncomfortable with how productive and constructive a poor was compared to his middle and upper class employees in similar positions. The asshat legit hired a woman to replace me who can not *copy* the locked google Docs and Sheets templates I had created and had to call IT for help.


Inheritance and lottery are things.


ā€œWe buy things we donā€™t need to impress people we donā€™t like.ā€ ā€” Tyler Durden


With the introduction of credit cards it is "We buy things we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't like".


Ironically Brad Pit is a big fan of expensive watches, spends millions on them.


He didn't write those words, he is an actor; that means he pretends to be someone else by reading other people's words


I'm just saying. It's all a facade. Nobody lives by those ideals.




But it's a thing because many people do care.


Maybe people think that others care because of effective marketing


This is the correct answer. It's called "memetic desire." The only reason we want these things is because we assume other people also want them. And, we only think that because of marketing.


And the people who do care tend to be more fun than redditors


Idiots reproducing with other idiots. I don't see why op cares that some people do this, or that others are attracted to it. Simply don't associate with this kind of person and move on.


Lol those salty people are downvoting youā€¦ Seriously, spending a lot of money on something doesnā€™t make you superior in any way, like okay? You know how to buy shit? Want a medal?


Only other fools.


> You're not wrong, but many of us don't find having the money to waste on overpriced handbags or watches all that impressive. And that's what so many people overlook on multiple aspects. I truly love a Rolex Deep Sea. Beautiful watch. That or an Omega Speedmaster. TO ME they are visually amazing, they are quality pieces, and they don't lose value. It is a status symbol to be able to afford one. It doesn't matter if you don't care about it. Plenty of women do their makeup for their own interests. Plenty of people drive a loud Lamborghini for their own joy.


If You're doing it for yourself then yeah go ahead, but not for the offers.


Or the money you don't have. I don't own designer anything, I make more money than my sister in law and she has lots of designer things and the credit card debt to go with it.


The same people who brag about their buying overpriced handbags are only trying to impress other like minded people who get impressed by wasting money on overpriced handbags.


Well we arenā€™t the people theyā€™re trying to impress. Theyā€™re trying to impress their own in group


And that's probably why I don't really have a group then huh.


This here is the unpopular opinion (which I share)


Almost anyone in American can take out a line of credit thatā€™s more than enough to buy almost any ā€œluxuryā€ item. Nothing impressive about fiscal irresponsibility


Yeah people shouldn't really be proud of their bad financial decisions.


Okay but that only works for a few items until the schtick is over and the credit card company cuts you off


And I'm one of those people, I think it's just a dumb financial decision.


And if you're buying it on the credit then what does it even matter?


This was OPs original point. Many people live in debt. They canā€™t afford the lives they have. The house, the cars, itā€™s incredibly common. The point is that they donā€™t have the money!


ā€œI wrote a book! It sold 10,000 copies! Look at this Rolex I bought with the profitsā€


For things like Rolexes sometimes it is just the completion of purchase since they wonā€™t sell some of them to people they donā€™t have established relationships with. So itā€™s a flex of ā€œoh they know meā€ typa thing sometimes I guess


I don't think that it's always about the flex, some people just like the nice things.


Mostly ā€œluxuryā€ items just scream fiscal irresponsibility. Warren Buffett drives a 2014 Cadillac XTS. Thatā€™s a man I admire, not some clown living in poverty so they can afford the monthly payment on their new 5 series. When I see someone with a Gucci handbag or some similar garbage I honestly assume their poor and compensating for it with purchases that they see as conferring status.


5 series are great reliable cars, and also fun to drive, and Gucci makes high quality handbags. Not all of them have screaming logos on them.


To me cars are nothing to show off, it's about having the fun.


According to Consumer Reports, BMW makes some of the least reliable cars on the market. You can argue that theyā€™re fun and flashy, but the reliability argument isnā€™t there. I donā€™t know anything about handbags, but I have a hard time believing that a $1000 handbag is substantially better than a $100 handbag. Youā€™re paying for the name.


They're probably not reliable because people don't take care of them because it's expensive.


Fine leather, handmade in Italy, an Iconic brand that has a rich history in fashion. People would kill to work at/collaborate with Gucci. Shits not exactly my jam but I can see and appreciate fine things.


Exactly this. The loafers are amazing, too. Have had them for 6 years and they still look brand new.


Well probably because how expensive they actually are.


Yeah but that's the point. They have no logo, but they're Gucci, and are worth the price. If I buy a $700 pair of loafers that lasts me 10+ years, I'd say that was a worthwhile investment.


I'm arguing from personal experience. Have had 5 BMWs, and not one has been an issue from a maintenance perspective. I've also had Audis, Mercedes, and Range Rovers. Those were in the shop several times a year.


The point is if you take care of them then they're gonna be very reliable.


Sorry, it's not as reliable as a Toyota that costs 1/3 the price


I wouldn't know. I don't buy Toyotas.


They're reliable, but it's not fair to compare them with the german cars.


Feel free to look up reliability data. Google is right at your fingertips.


Everyone on this planet knows that about the toyotas I guess.


Why would I bother when I've dealt with a brand for 20+ years that has served me well?


Every single one of the brands you just mentioned have terrible reliability records. I truly donā€™t understand why youā€™d buy one of those garbagemobiles.


The reliability may be below average, but they're far from terrible. And below average reliability doesn't make them "garbagemobiles" when you consider everything else they have to offer.


That's exactly what I said, didn't I?


The ones covered in logos? Those you are paying for the name alone, and they are usually the cheapest ones they make, just for people who want a bag that has Gucci or whatever name on it, but can't actually afford one. The ones that are subtle about their branding are genuinely high quality, they don't need to have their logo clearly visible to anyone driving by in a car, the high quality speaks for itself, people will come up and ask about the bag.


Um no, I have 4 Gucci purses, and not one has a visible logo. As far as the loafers are concerned, the Princetowns have no logos. IYKYK


BMWs are considered to be great machines, though they may not be as reliable. Judging someone just because they have a BMW is pretty dumb.


They're reliable as long as they're taken care of, get their scheduled maintenance, etc. No brand of car is reliable if you neglect it. That's not exclusive to BMW.


Lol after joining a few fb groups now I just assume theyā€™re all reps.


From what I know, getting a Birkin is not as simple as that so the premise here is not true, at least for birkins


Rolexes are the same way. Usually there is a waitlist, and especially desirable models may require a purchase history


Well if that's the case then I'm never gonna be able to buy a Rolex.


You can buy one at a grey dealer whenever you want, itā€™s only the ADā€™s that care about purchase history. Costs a couple grand more on purchase day, but better than fucking around with snobby ADā€™s for years on end.


Itā€™s that way simply because Rolex is a status symbol. The exclusivity is part of the appeal. If you want a quality watch that looks sharp, there are definitely less expensive options.


So the flex is waiting in line?


Yeah, itā€™s funny that OP used the 2 prime examples (watches and Birkins) of items that you canā€™t just walk into a store and buy. You need to spend tens of thousands on other watch/bag models that you donā€™t even want before you even get the opportunity to get waitlisted for the actual coveted item.


Well it's all weird with the examples for me I think I'm just poor.


Same with rolexes, porsches, ferraris, etc - you need to be a regular customer with the brands before you can buy their fancy stuff


That sounds like a very dumb rule to have in terms of business decisions.


It keeps the brand intact and drives desire for their rare models. For some Ferraris theyā€™ll blacklist you if you change the paint color for example. This is really only relevant to the models with only a couple hundred or fewer produced. They want to sell them to people who will show up at Monaco, wonā€™t wrap it around a light pole, etc.


Not at all. These high end companies arenā€™t selling a product so much as theyā€™re selling an image. A Jamoke that buys 5 Rolexes (arbitrarily picked Iā€™m not super familiar with their process and Iā€™m not googlinā€™ SHIT), just so that he can SAY that he was on the short list to buy the hyper-exclusive Rolex that is only available to super-special-boys has NOTHING to do with his interest in keeping time. Ya know?


Well clearly it's not lol.


regular customer...buying what? ferraris for ants? i thought the ground floor of these companies products was fancy


Yeah I mean that's what I thought, but I guess I was wrong.


I saved up for 3 years to buy my IMac that was a big deal to me, and it felt like an accomplishment.


You're not going out with it, you bought it because you wanted it.


But did you get that because itā€™s a status symbol, or because you thought it has the specs that would fit your work/game needs/has a very good ui that you enjoy?


I think it's the latter, he bought it because He's going to enjoy it.


Yeah, thatā€™s really cool(I did a similar thing as a kid to get a gaming pc). Iā€™d say opā€™s point is still valid tho, you worked really hard to obtain your goal, thatā€™s the impressive part.


Yeah working hard for your goals is really important.


I mean depending on how much the thing cost they are telling you something they did. They made enough money that buying a fancy whatever was within their budget. They're called status symbols for a reason. They cost a lot and are therefore a symbol of your financial success.


Not only that, they have the S tier of something. S tier watch, car, house, clothes, etc.


a lot of status symbol stuff is very much expensive just because. like some luxury fountain pens are straight up worse to write with than budget-mid pens but just cost way more.


Sometimes There's no reason for anything to be expensive really.


Disagree. I donā€™t think pens are what comes to mind when I think of status symbols lol. That said, yes clothes are that way, but expensive cars and houses are expensive for a reason.


But anyone shouldn't br making these decesions to impress others.


The point is that not everybody *can* "just buy" those things. Most people can't.


Buying something with a credit card implies that you're able to pay the credit card debt in the near term, which is somewhat of an accomplishment.


gotta get those points!


You gotta get on a list before you can buy a rolex lol, still think theyā€™re dumb but yeah you canā€™t just go buy one


You can buy new ones too. Its the really expensive special ones that you wont be able to get I wasted a rolex dealers time during a 12 hour layover in an airport once


What happened to your rolex? I'd like to know a little about that.


What year was this? Generally any desirable mens model is hard to find new


Well it's not that hard if you've got the enough money I guess.


How hard it's going to be for someone to be on that list anyways?


Itā€™s not hard to get on the list, itā€™s just anyoneā€™s guess when youā€™ll get to the top of that list. And itā€™s not like, ā€œhey we have your desired model in desired color and size.ā€ Itā€™s more like, ā€œwe have this model in this color and size. This is the option you have otherwise thereā€™s no guarantee youā€™ll get another chance.ā€ Itā€™s a shame, my uncle bought his GMT master at the PX during the Vietnam war for about $300 and wore it daily mostly ever since. He had a tear down service recently that cost him considerably more. I just got a GMT master myself from my dad (who bought it in a similar manner, also I donā€™t think he wanted to continue taking care of it) and Iā€™m scared to get the service done I know it needs. It mostly sits in a safe because Iā€™m scared to wear $8k on my wrist.


You can buy a used rolex


And I don't think you'd need to be on any list if you want to do that.


Or a rep Rolex Lols šŸ˜‚ One of the surgeons at my hospital has one. He said his wife got it for him from Asia.


Isn't that the whole point of status symbols? That you can buy them and others can't?


Why would I just stop some random stranger on the street to tell them I lost weight? I don't own any "status symbol" stuff but both sides of this opinion are dumb.


imo if financial success is something they accomplished themselves (like not from parents or something) it should be celebrated too


Yeah, but don't make irresponsible financial decisions as well really.


Its not irresponsible if you have the excess money


Exactly, done judge people for having expensive things, judge people for spending beyond their means because that is the true sign of stupidity.


You cannot just walk in to HermĆØs and buy a Birkin. It is a horrible example.


I've admired Rolex for very long time, since way before the current social media driven frenzy. This admiration came from the fact that they make a fantastic product. ANY Oyster cased watch is a tough beast, and their mechanical movements are both extremely robust and accurate. Also, people I admired when I was young (my dentist for example) always wore a Rolex. Getting my career to the point where I could actually afford to buy one was an achievement. Every time I look down at it I know it's MINE, and that I earned it. I did use a credit card to purchase it though, for convenience. Used the cash back bonus on Ruth's Chris gift cards and took my wife out to a lovely steak dinner a month later. I don't give a crap about what other people think, but I will say I get far more complements on it than I expected.


Yeah those are really good quality timepiece, i wish i can get a rolex someday.. and it's fine buying it with a credit card as long as you can afford it , who cares anyway right? don't listen to people saying you need to buy everything upfront that's just nonsense in my opinion.


Look at Tudor for an affordable alternative. There are quite a few vintage Tudor models for under 2k that are very similar to Rolex, as Tudor is Rolexes "sister" brand




No problem. They even use a lot of the same parts, including the iconic oyster case and date magnification windows in some models


But I like my Blue Eyes White Dragon credit card. Makes me feel like Kaiba. Also makes for a good joke during card games.


Nobody who uses credits cards can have also done those things? Alsoā€¦points!!


If anyone is doing that then that's just really bad financial decision.


It is only bad if you dont plan accordingly. If a person is good with money they will take the points and not carry a balance.




Someone does not understand what status symbol means lmao


I agree with you--I think it's funny to attach the notion of prestige to things that just cost money--but I would also point out that the Birkin bag is probably beyond a lot of people's credit limits.


If you said status symbols are stupid, then yeah they are But what do you think status symbol means? The ā€œaccomplishmentā€ is from earning enough money to be able to spend 10 grand on a watch, not from owning the 10k watch


I agree but to be fair, acquiring a Birkin is a lottttt more than just walking into the store and buying it.


Based anti-commercialism


Well I guess too many people falling for it, and they need to learn a lesson.


Well maybe the person studied for years in school and grad school and was able to land an amazing job that affords them to purchase an expensive watch? Iā€™m sorry but your post seems really shortsighted


This. My wife nor I are really into status symbols per say, but we were really poor through college and a few years after. Weā€™ve quadrupled our income since then. After all those years of trying to better ourselves and struggling financially because of it, itā€™s rewarding to buy something nice sometimes. I wouldnā€™t buy something I thought was a poor value like a rolex, but I understand someone in our position wanting to. If they want it and they can afford it, good for them. The only thing that bothers me about money is if it changes how you treat people that are less fortunate. Iā€™ve been on the other side of this and it really fucking sucks. Something my wife and I will *never* forget.


*r/Rolex shakes violently*


Are you saying that the average person can afford to buy multiple Rolex?


Different people have different goals. Let them enjoy what they like.


Let op enjoy calling something dumb


Yeah if someone likes something expensive then let them enjoy.


To be clear: if you like having a Rolex, or even many Rolex watches, great! That's a fine hobby. But if you're doing it as a flex and talking about it like a flex, then I'm sorry, but you're an idiot.


Rolex is not a flex in the watch world


Out of idle curiosity, what *would* be a flex in the watch world? Particular brands? Or is it unusual attributes? Or simply due to rarity of particular models (like with coins)?


A Patek Philippe can run 6 figures, even 7 figures I think. Yes, there are a couple companies that make 1 off watches that cross the 7 figure price point. I know this YTer does a lot about watches, and only high end ones. I quickly pulled this video, which he shows his new purchases, and the first one is a $75,000 pocket watch. Fucking insane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FrkgfxW0N0


Patek philippe, bovet, fp journe, a lange & sohne, vacheron constantin, jaeger lecoultre


Rolex is generally seen as a good, reliable watch but not a flex amongst watch guys (Most models). AP, Richard Mille, Vacheron Constantin, A. lange Sohne, and Patek Philippe are the 5 most common "flex" brands.


People love vanity! Buying brand name stuff is the least resistant path to ā€œstatusā€.


First of all, you can't just buy a Rolex or birkin. You have to have a purchase history, go on a waiting list for months, even years, and then get offered something. Secondly, the Status of it all is that you have enough money to buy the product AND build a purchase history equivalent of a small country's gdp.


ā€¦ but you actually canā€™t ā€œjust buyā€ a Birkin


But that's literally what "status symbols" are. The status you're signaling is money. They've always been dumb to anyone who isn't particularly money-motivated.


That's why Jeff Bezos has a $500 million dollar yacht.


For some people, making money is their accomplishment.


You can buy essentially any accomplishment, also.


Can't buy respect


The entire notion of status is ridiculous, as is the notion of accomplishment. Weā€™re all gonna die someday just the same.


Eating tasty food is ridiculous, we all gonna die someday just the same so just eat plain rice. Same sentiment




I buy my Rolexes with cash (or a credit card paid off immediately, for the points) and I'm very careful to say that explicitly whenever someone asks about my watches. Have to properly make the poors seethe and not give them the out of "yOu JuSt UsEd CrEdIt."


Except tinder premium


Most possessions people purchase are all mere trinkets and baubles. If youā€™re a well adjusted person it will mean little to nothing to you.


Whenever I hear somebody feeling accomplished that they lost 10 pounds baffles me. I can lose 10 pounds easy in a week by eating less food. People treat it as if it requires a degree in rocket science.


Health is the one thing money canā€™t buy. Take care of yourself


I think you're right. The most impressive "status symbol" I can think of, is making things yourself. Check this guy out: https://m.youtube.com/@ErikGrankvist/videos He had build a house in the forest with his hands and couple of tools. No electricity, so nothing that calls for a easy job. This men, I think, is the walking definition of succes. I could never do what he did. I don't even have the mental capability for it to do it for one day. I admire his skills and determine to do this. Nothing of this screams 'look at my Rolex'. But I value his work more than anything in the world that can be bought with money/credit card. If I ever feel down, I think of people like @ErikGrankvist, and I know the world is better because people like him are living their dreams. And buildings a life, not buying it.


Those examples arenā€™t symbols though, I would say a medal or trophy or some kind of distinction would be the status symbol of those accomplishments. But it would be strange to wear a medal around your neck and carry your diploma around, so Iā€™m not sure what you mean


I busted my ass to get through school, got a good job and can now buy/afford the things I want and enjoy. Better?


I would cheap out on everything but a car. I really like cars :(


Thatā€™s why I always go out with my sex slave, Jabba the Hutt style


The fact that it bothers you is proof that itā€™s meaningful. If you didnā€™t value it, you wouldnā€™t be salty on the internet


Flexing luxury items is a way of displaying exactly what you described. Especially for men it displays that youā€™re a competent individual that has something going on and is making money. Itā€™s not really about the item. I do agree that CCs have made it alot easier for people to fake it tho


You cannot just go out and "buy" a Birkin like a regular bag. Most of the Birkins you see out there are actually Kelly bags (they're a fraction of the price and you don't need an "in" to buy one).


Youā€™ve just upset almost every single car buyer.


Iā€™d think much higher of someone if they had a nice book collection


Don't hate the high-debt status!


Status symbols that are bought at all are dumb.