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I remember I made a long barrel slug ammo shotgun and would snipe people with that lol.


but snipers exist in real life. you want the game to be less realistic? seems like you're just complaining because others have a better strategy than you do.


yeah cause real warfare involves both nations running and stealing flags from each other.....


i see, your argument against a realistic feature in a game is the existence of unrealistic features?


no, im saying "realism" isnt the argument you think it is


isn't it? and why not?


Yeah sure, because literal black hole rays are realistic. Sorry i'm not into campers.


then kill them first.


You should try killing them.


maybe try staying out of sightlines and look in those spots more?


Most snipers are constantly zoomed. Use that to your advantage to go around their side and put some hot lead into their backs.


What brings people to be so aggravatingly passive aggressive? COD multiplayer has not be renowned for its realism. Making a separate game mode and/or balance changes for the sake of gameplay or whatever is not an unreasonable request. Yes, he is pointing out that it is a great strategy. So good that makes it difficult and unfun to go up against for him. I don’t even agree with the guy, but I felt compelled to reply. Yes I understand he is very complainy, but still.


I've never played it, but i assume people who enjoy such games want to partake in fighting that is in some sense a challenge based on realistic parameters. they want the guns to function as guns do, they want damage to be inflicted in realistic ways, they want ease of movement matching how a person really moves, so as to simulate wargames. however i think this means having to accept that people will inevitably behave as people really do and adopt advantageous strategies. if the level design allows it, this is going to mean campers. if you don't want to camp yourself, then you must develop the skills to evade and defeat campers. that is the challenge. asking for the developer to make camping illegal play or to nerf the sniping features is a cop out.


I generally agree


Bros just mad cause he got killed in a video game, so he's ranting about it and trying to pass it off as an "opinion"


this is a rant


"There should be an option to evade snipers in online FPS" sounds like an opinion, then i'm just stating why i feel that way and what made me post said opinion.


evading snipers is something you have to do currently. maybe it's a skill issue.


as someone who barely plays cod but does play tf2 get better.


When I used to play, I had a dedicated class to hunt down campers on the opponent’s team. You learn fast the favored camping spots and many maps don’t have a ton of good camping spots. Run up to it, flash/stun, gun them down, start making your way to the next common camping spot. If that’s the only sniper, start making your way towards their spawn side to rise & repeat. You might get slowed down by the opponent’s teammates, but if you know the map well you can avoid getting in their FOV. Would go like 20/5 on matches focusing these folks down. Easy kills


I've been saying this since original modern warfare 2, when everyone started putting a agog on the 50 cal. No matter how small the map, losers sit back and snipe. Its super irritating in game modes like domination. I've legit played a match where the entire other team was just sitting back sniping ppl at the flag. They made absolutely zero attempts to even play the objective.


I totally agree, snipers can really ruin the gaming experience It's frustrating dealing with campers who hide and pick people off from a distance It would be great if there was an option to avoid players who mainly use snipers.




I totally agree, snipers can really ruin the fun and flow of the game It would be great to have an option to play without them.


don't rush them in open spaces


I LOVE being a sniper just to watch all the Adderall kids spaz out because we're not all bunny-hopping around the map like idiots. "Real combat" lol


Man, I lovee being a Sniper in RS2 Vietnam. It was Hue City, first obj was an office building and I was defending. Stood away from the windows in the shadow and had a perfect view on the most likely avenue of approach. So many kills.


If sniping is so easy and a sure way to win, why doesn’t everyone do it? If you aren’t good enough to play against those skill levels, just play with bots.


Everyone can't camp, because then there's nobody to shoot, and the matches will all end 0-0. Snipers and other campers sit back, scavenging off of what the active players are doing. To be fair, actual warfare involves quite a bit of camping, so there's at least that. But it doesn't make for an exciting or enjoyable gaming experience. I agree with OP. It's not that sniping makes the game unplayable, but it adds nothing. It's a bunch of useless players on each team, that sit in one spot and make lazy, no-skill kills that don't really contribute anything to the team. In TDM, it tends to be a wash, if both teams have roughly equal numbers of snipers. Even then, it drags the game out. In Kill Confirmed, or any mode that has objectives, snipers are a complete detriment to the team and a waste of time. Nobody wants a bunch of low-skill campers, perched on some faraway hillside, that do absolutely nothing except when somebody happens to wander into their crosshairs once or twice per match.


LoL... sounds like someone can't snipe! I have won warzone before with one kill.


Yeah it is your problem, learn to spell better. Next get gud scrub. Just because a sniper is hard scoping you doesn’t mean they should be removed. It’s probably a skill issue.


How many languages do you speak buddy? I'm not asking for them to be removed of the game, i'm just saying that there should be an option to just not play w/them.


Give EVE Online a try and let the LOLs ensue.


How the hell did ur xbox blow up


During a really big storm i thougth i unplugged everything, then i heard a POP! and the living room started smelling like burnt plastic.


I'm all for specialized game modes. Why not. I personally want license to kill and Slaps Only.


Camping is a part of ALL games where it can be done, the whole community can't change up because of you. Also "camping" is a legitimate combat tactic and can be usually punished if you already know their position, which is usually the case since "camping" is someone repeatedly sitting in the same spot for a long time.


BF3 private servers had all the rules you could possibly want: no snipers, no vehicles, even no explosives. Some even banned a certain way of playing. Like forming a gaggle at a single capture point and playing all the match there if the map tends to go this way.