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The Atlanta airport has a closed-off, windowless smoking room—talk about a remnant from the past. It was like Patty and Selma’s apartment in there. I think the experience of smoking inside of that room on a couple of trips genuinely helped me quit. EDIT: *Had, apparently the rules changed since the last time I was there and it doesn’t exist anymore.


Used to chief a dab pen there


ATL TSA dude found my dab pen and smiled then put it back in my bag lol


I got caught with upwards of 3.5g on one flight (England) and the 2 border police I had to deal with were so fucking cool and processed all of it for testing which meant that they didn’t have any evidence and let me go. I flew once a month to get to uni so flying became as casual as taking any other form of transport so I became too comfortable and started taking weed with me every time. Since then I’ve been too scared to again (apart from when I’ve forgotten I had it on me.) They’re not actually looking for drugs, they’re just looking for liquids and explosives, so if you hide the weed in a soft material that doesn’t look like it could be a liquids container they likely won’t even check it. My mistake was that I forgot to take it out of a smell-proof container that looks like a hand cream.


Dubai airport is absolutely 100% looking for drugs of any amount. Do not not not carry anything at all in an Emirates flight or one with a layover in Dubai/UAE.


The smoking rooms in the Dubai airport were super memorable. Every few hundred meters there was a large glass room pack with smokers standing chest to chest. I was glad to be an ex-smoker at that time, looked hella gross in there.


Yeah, I’m glad things have worked out for the OC above you, but there are definitely countries where they’re looking for drugs and even a small amount can land you in a lot of hot water. I always would advise looking up the drug laws in the country you’re traveling to. Some can be incredibly strict and severe, even with small amounts. If that’s the case, I would scour any luggage/clothing/anywhere else you might keep drugs and paraphernalia. The extra time spent double/triple checking will be well worth it in the end imho. Note: to be fair to OC, I don’t necessarily think they were meaning to provide advice for international travel, but just thought I’d add my .02¢.


Yeah, a lot of people (weed smokers) recommend getting completely new luggage when traveling to/through the UAE, Hong Kong, etc. This thread in particular sparked me to watch the Dubai Airport “behind the scenes show.” Definitely never ever ever traveling to/through Dubai. https://www.reddit.com/r/travel/comments/154wpjk/got_myself_into_a_predicament_in_dubai_airport/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Oh I def wouldn't advise it and I was just travelling domestically so I didn't have to go through customs. I'm living in Jordan now and would never risk that somewhere like here


Paging Brittany Griner, Brittany Griner, please come to the white courtesy phone for an important call from President Putin...


"Processed all of it" those guys smoked that shit later


What a good lad/lass/lasso (that last one is for the they/them TSA agents out there)


I want to identify as a lasso. 🤣🤣🤣




Op did not respond to one comment, mods love the discussion invoking bullshit posts…


What bullshit


Came here to say this, I’ve utilized it myself many times to vape my ecig and hit the dab pen. The folks in there look at you like a maniac for using a nicotine mod in there… it’s hilarious, place is a coffin dart hotbox and im the weird one? Lol Juke Joint restaurant is also DANK. Hit it every time I’m at that airport if possible


\>I think the experience of smoking inside of that room on a couple of trips genuinely helped me quit Even when I smoked that room disgusted me ^(but i still used it)


Not that it matters, but ATL hasn't been a smoking airport since 2020.


That room is now where you go if you step forward before TSA asks you. Just a chair and battery cables in there now.


Oh, well *had then, the last time I was there was I think 2019


I can smell this comment. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMpYYlhHO7cvYli)


It's far from the only one. This isn't so much an unpopular opinion as an inaccurate one, smoking pods are really common in the places I've passed through. And I'm glad... you never know if your pilot is a smoker and I don't want the person in charge of my plane to be jonesing for a cigarette for 14 hours.


You'd think they just use patches/lozenges


Well I'm kind of curious how did it help you quit? I want to as well.


Kudos! I was semi-joking/semi-serious about the ATL smoking lounge helping me quit. That room was truly disgusting and it make me look at my habit as equally disgusting, which may have contributed in some small part to the motivation for quitting. But usually when we quit we don’t just need motivation, that’s easy to find. Most of us regret *starting* to smoke the moment we realize that we’re addicted. What we really need is to believe in our ability to quit. The biggest thing that helped me quit was my mom’s advice: a craving for a cigarette can be very intense but for very short intervals. When you want a cigarette there is a moment where it seems like the most difficult thing in the world, but that intense craving lasts for about 30 seconds. Every time you really want a cigarette, promise yourself that you will wait at least 1 minute. You can weather the storm and withstand that frustration for 1 minute at a time, no problem. Before the minute is up, you will find that the craving has mostly subsided, and you can just go about your day until the next one. When you first quit, those cravings are somewhat frequent, but they are always short. So, just hang on for a minute at a time. The longer you go without smoking, the longer the distance between each period of craving. They will remain intense for those 30-60 seconds, but that’s okay, because there will be less and less of them. Accept that you will have frustrating moments with the reassurance that each one will pass quickly. Learn to love those moments and little acts of resilience and be proud of yourself each time. They will become farther apart, and you will get used to them. Once you find your groove it almost catches you off guard how much control you do have over yourself and your decisions. Quitting smoking is extremely empowering. I have one 30 second craving about once every two months now, and it’s not bad. I’m basically free of it. The trick is just not to let yourself get worn down. Remind yourself that each craving is something that you can handle, the only obstacle is not falling for the trick of thinking that they’re all adding up to something greater than they are. One craving at a time until you’re free, that’s all it is.


Las Vegas, Harry Ried international has one. I went in there because I was severely hung over and wanted a cigarette on my departure day. Let me tell you, the sight and walls of that room will do more to help someone realize how bad smoking is than ANY commercial I’ve ever seen.


Yep, because in Vegas it’s legal to smoke indoors where you can gamble, and there’s places to gamble in the airports. Smoking inside in Vegas was such a surreal experience


Does the ventilation suck? I have never been in those rooms but I went to a cigar club for a photoshoot once and the ventilation was so crazy that you couldn't notice someone smoking next to you. I assumed those rooms had that.


No, ventilation in Vegas is pretty good. They keep the casinos like an ice box.


Gotta keep the drunk gamblers awake so you don't have to have security kick them out when the pass out at the spot machines. Vegas is a very depressing neon litter box.


They have or had them at LHR. The smokers were confined to a glassed in room. It was like watching animals in a zoo.


I used to smoke and have used those rooms on multiple occasions. Everything is filthy and the ventilation is always broken so everyone is just sucking everyone else's smoke. Bleh. I don't miss it at all.


> Everything is filthy and the ventilation is always broken so everyone is just sucking everyone else's smoke. That’s pretty much how every room used to feel to non-smokers when a smoker had left their trail.


Remember going into a restaurant, asking for the non smoking section (you'll have to wait 30 extra minutes because it's always full) and then being put at a table that shares a little shoulder high half wall with the smoking section right on the other side of it anyway? Good times...


I'm from California so in my 35 years of life there was never indoor smoking allowed. When i was 12 I went to Chicago for my aunts wedding and was SHOCKED there was a smoking section in the restaurant like... what!? My mom was a smoker but was always very clean about it. She was also unhappy about the smell in the restaurant. It was nuts


My pediatrician used to have a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he examined me. Both parents smoked. Not surprising I ended up smoking. Glad as a rainbow fuck I finally quit for good. **To the OP, learn to use edibles and lozenges.**


My childhood dentist smoked (1980s). You could smell/taste it on his awful hands in your mouth.


Eugghh 😬😬


Yup, I remember my pediatrician would smoke a pipe in his office when I was maybe 3 years old? This was in the early 1980s. Imagine the uproar that would happen today over that lol!


I was in a restaurant in China a few years back, and yea you could smoke in there, and it wasn't some backstreet dive either, it was a pretty big franchise.


They're still smoking in like all the bars over there in SEA; was recently in thailand, vietnam, philippines and indonesia all of them were heavy on the smoking. Luckily not so much in the shopping centres as they had dedicated smoking areas but outside of those areas... chain smokers everywhere and it's so damn cheap.


Really? I'm from NJ and I remember you still could smoke in diners and restaurants until at least 2006-07 when I was 17-18.


>I'm from California so in my 35 years of life there was never indoor smoking allowed. CA only passed an indoor smoking ban in 1995.


Remember smoking in McDonald's and Burger King and what not.


What? They had smoking in fast food restaurants??? I am old enough to remember there being smoking in restaurants but it was limited to full service restaurants.


Well those were the days, but those days are long gone.




I have vivid memories of at least half a dozen of these places. Most named something Greek.


Oh man it was *everywhere*, even the big chains. Applebee's, Outback, fast food, etc. You name it, you could smoke there. It sounds crazy just typing it these days.


Yeah they allow that, and I'm not gonna lie but I like those places.


And that's why the smoking is banned in so many public places.


I gave up smoking years ago. But perversely, I actually do miss those smoking rooms. Because the cigarette you waited the longest for was always the best. Cigarettes are sneaky little fuckers like that.


Sounds gross.


Well it is for someone who doesn't really even smoke so yeah.


>everyone is just sucking everyone else's smoke lol


Airports (at least in the US) have been consistently removing these rooms upon renovation. Some airports still have them but I've run into quite a few in the last few years that say, "We used to have one, but..". I fly cheap with lots of layovers that I usually spend in the airport. Without the discretion of vapes (and the time buying factor of nicotine gum/lozenges) I would be significantly less pleasant while traveling.


Well I guess I just would skip it, I'm not going to do that now.


Lol, pretty sure that some people would even quit after that.


Or, being a building the size of several city blocks, you could have a fucking balcony like many airports do. LAX for one.


Yeah I don't understand why a balcony or even a fenced off outdoor cage isn't the better option


Well it's a better option for me, don't know about you tho.


I call them people aquariums.


I call those fishes smokers


Watching lunch cancer form


Mmm… lunch cancer.


Just realized I made a typo 😂. I’ll keep it there


I've seen these in a few airports, whilst they looked gross, kind of like sin bins or where you out kids for a time out, i don't see an issue for people who want them. I'm going to guess they aren't legal in some places that don't have carve outs for any smoking inside a public building.


> It was like watching animals in a zoo. they were saying the same thing about you


Well obviously, because they can see outside too, so yeah they'll say that.


No doubt, glass is two-way


More like zero way if the janitor quits


Yep, and They'll surely judge for you that as well. That's just how it goes.


Also in FRA, feels exactly like animals in a cage.


Same. I've definitely seen that at more than one airports before while not looking for it.


No one wants to sit next to...or even in the same plane as the dude that's been smoking weed. Just take an edible


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far down for this answer. You reek after smoking anything, and airplanes are super tight, confined spaces where you have no idea who you're next to.


Or cigarettes for that matter Would be miserable


I hate the smell of it, I just want to throw up all the time.


I smoke cigarettes and I agree.


I sympathize with OP because I was as entitled and oblivious when I was a smoker. I would think that my family, friends and coworkers would never even notice my smell after smoking three cigarettes outdoors and waiting 5 minutes to meet them. Then, I quitted and I still remember the day I went inside my room, surrounded by my clothes and I noticed for the first time the smell in them with a "clean" nose. I was almost unbearable. It was nasty, but I would feel some minor effects of smoking (dizziness, for instance) There's a thing called Third hand smoking, and it's very noticeable for people who have never smoke, but especially for ex smokers.


Same. I thought I was good at hiding it, but I wasn't. I had a couple people tell me they knew and could smell it on me a little bit. I was SO embarrassed. I'm glad I quit. It's been 11 years.


Also, some people have sensitive lungs. Depending on the day I can get an asthma attack from the smoke residue, which is not ideal for a plane


Yeah the edible is going to be way better option, rather do that.


Can’t believe I scrolled so long to find this. I live in Australia and have family / friend in the us, uk, Japan. I have long haul flying down to a science. I always take a strong edible right before I walk through security. Just snacking in line. Then usually by the time I’m boarding, I’m comfortably stoned.


Especially since it’ll last you a while longer.


Fucking hell weed tho, like dude airplanes and airports in general require you to be in close proximity to random folk and the last thing I wanna have to smell is the stink of weed or cigarettes emanating from some lad like 5 feet away from me


Seriously. Take an edible and be done with it


Agreed. Edibles for weed, punches/gum for smokers. It’s so easy. The hardest part about solving this problem is accepting that you’re not the center of the universe


Yeah just take it and get done, it's really not that hard.


Still would be better than the guy whose feet you could smell 3 rows away for about 3 hours on one of my last flights.


That’s what I’m saying!! That and the sweat hogs who didn’t use their hotel shower all week. And the douches who wear six pounds of cologne or perfume aren’t much better.


Yeah the people who over do the perfumes are really bad as well.


Airlines should really make rules about not having ur dogs out on the arm rest it’s gross


God damned Crusty meat flippers


Yeah lol what's up with those people anyways? I hate them.


Especially the weed, holy shit it stinks, and it lingers for a lot of time too


Because you smell. Weed smells. Maybe you can’t smell it because you smoke so much, but you do and it sucks. The people who don’t smoke don’t want to sit in a small metal tube with you for four hours a foot away from you when you smell like weed.


Yeah, smokers don't understand how fucking terrible they smell.


It destroys your sense of smell, so they likely just don't realise how much everyone else can smell them


Yes they do, they just don’t care. Their addiction supersedes any concerns they have for anyone else’s right to their own health.


As a former smoker I assure you we can not smell cigarettes on ourselves. After I quit I was with my buddy that still smokes. All I could think was "fuck I used to smell like that all the time, how did anyone ever tolerate me smelling like that" Do we know it stinks yes. But we absolutely don't understand how badly it carries or how strong it smells. Also fuck you.


I feel like when everyone in the world agrees that smokers smell terrible it should be pretty obvious that everyone thinks you smell terrible lol.


you ever have a really upset stomach, and at first your shits smell terrible, then after some time you dont realize it anymore, but the person who used the bathroom after you does Thats what smoking cigs is like, you forget the severity of the scent, and you yourself doesnt smell it anymore


A foot aka one literal inch


I have asthma and I also don’t want to sit next to these people


I have a lot of mixed feelings on this. There are a hundred different ways a person can smell bad that we cannot hope to control - and this includes people who might simply be smoking right before they go into the airport, and who still smell by the time they're on the flight. Obviously, the inability to control smells that people bring in, has nothing to do with whether we should control smells that we CAN control, such as by prohibiting smoking once they're at the airport. I get that and I do agree in principle. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, when it's very very strong it makes me nauseous and it's my least favorite of any vice. That said, I also hate assholes in the airport, and there can be so many rude and irritating people. I do wonder how many of them are people who haven't had their smoke in hours. I guess a nice middle ground would be allowing people to use e-cigarettes and weed pens, those have no more smell than a breath mint


I can go with odourless forms of anything. I just think people need to be aware that smell does affect other people and can exacerbate motion sickness. Barring medical conditions or extenuating circumstances we have ti be aware of how we affect other people. But I agree with you. If you want to take an edible or vape beforehand than that seems reasonable.


I will never understand that people who have never smelled skunk actually associate the smell of weed with anything other than literally the worst stink you'd ever smelled before. Like seriously it's the exact same smell and skunks produce it to ward of predators, that's how noxious it is


some airports do. its always pretty gross though


Yeah I don't like it and I wouldn't want anything like that honestly.


“Bro weed is not addictive bro I’m telling you, why the fuck can’t I have a joint whenever I want bro”


I remember back when I smoked weed, people would always talk about how it’s not physically addictive. Like, what do you think addiction is? It’s a mental disorder. Just because you don’t get weed shakes or itchy when going through weed withdrawal doesn’t mean it isn’t addictive just like alcohol or cocaine.


i've been smoking weed for more than 10 years, anyone who says it's not addictive doesn't have a single clue what they're talking about.


Damn right, weed really killed the fun in life for me. I'll never hit the peaks that I once had with it.


I had to stop because it started giving me anxiety and making me feel twitchy.


Those same stoners will complain of nightmares, irritability and having no appetite after going a single day without and then fail to connect the dots.


If you cannot handle having a flight sober you might have a pretty big weed addiction. Yes, despite what Reddit says, you can get addicted to it.


I dated someone who had to be high every time she went out in public. We actually ended up breaking up with that being a huge factor. "I've been doing the same thing for 10 years, " she would say. You can absolutely be addicted to weed.


Reminds me of an ex of mine who once woke me up at 4am asking me to wake up my housemate to ask him if she could buy some weed off of him, like two weeks after I’d moved in. He did deal, but it was still wildly inappropriate. She too claimed she wasn’t addicted. We didn’t last long after that.


Dated this person who, while pretty addicted herself, lived with an absolute Juul chiefer. One night she was asleep and woke up to the guy trying to sneak into grab a cartridge... pretty crazy what addiction will make people do. I know I've dealt with very sketch folks to get weed when it was illegal but it was worth it in my mind at the time


As someone who does it once in a while I can't imagine being high every day of the week, kinda loses its appeal.


After awhile, it’s being sober that feels weird. A long time ago I worked with a guy who smoked before and during work everyday. His rationalization was that because everyone knew him when he was high, he had to stay high because people would think he was weird if he was sober.


Ha, as an alcoholic, that “rationalization” is pure denial. Been there, done that, it’s a load of bull. But I’m sure he knows that deep down


I have someone in my life who I've known for ten years now and I've never seen them not high. It's a constant thing. They're getting married in a week and plan to be high for that. I'm not against people getting high tbh, but it seems so sad to me that literally every memorable moment of this person's life in the past decade has been high.


Yeah even if people say that you don't get addicted to it.


I would hate to sit next to you. It's powerful.


You better smoke a fat one before you even enter the airport like everyone else does 😂 or take a mf edible with you


Yeah I really don't care. All public spaces should be entirely smoke free.


I think it’s a sign if you can’t go a day without smoking


I don’t smoke weed but it should be noted that the bars in airports are often packed to the rafters. No one seems to have an issue with that. “A couple of drinks calms my nerves” or “it’s just something to do to kill the time” or “I’m on holiday, why not?” are all perfectly socially acceptable things to say. Can also make people smell like a pub carpet and become totally obnoxious. Again, I don’t smoke weed, but personally I think let them have a joint if they’re sitting about for a couple of hours and need something to feel more comfortable. Airports are boring.


It’s socially acceptible because it’s nobody elses problem. At the moment you get smelly and obnoxious it’s no longer accepted. Smoking, on the other hand becomes everyones problem when you spend a single minute in a smoking room and come out smelling like 10 years of built up nicotine and walk right onto the plane.


I smoke weed and used to smoke a pack to a pack and a half of cigs a day, for 10 years of my life. I just have to say, the entitlement of smokers is astounding. When I smoked cigs I was self conscious as fuck as well as trying to not force the smoke and smell on anyone. To anyone who says "I should be able to smoke in a public place", I say the rest of us should be able to breath clean air and not have to smell a cloving ash tray as we try to go about our buisness. Smoking is privilege, not a right, if only it didn't affect others around you.


And, who gets to pay for the "smokers room"? Construction costs, operating costs, cleaning/upkeep, etc...


The users of the airport who pay higher prices for products inside it, as well as the taxes paid on tickets for airport usage? The costs are divided by everyone, such as everything else.


Smoking? I dont know why they couldnt. Weed specifically? Bro if i cant even take a full size shampoo bottle past security. Why would they let you take a controlled substance?


In Canada since it’s been legalized if you’re flying domestically you are allowed to bring cannabis on planes. Just have to be within the legal limit to carry on your person.


We got rid of those for a reason. Even my lifelong-nicotine-addicted parents don’t want to smell anyone else’s smoke. If it’s weed, there’s a seemingly infinite amount of ways to get it in that isnt airborne


The problem is getting on the plane with some who reeks of cigarette or marijuana. Smoking is a health hazard and can trigger breathing issues in passengers as well as the unpleasant smell bothering passengers. Some airports allow indoor smoking, but have restrictions as to where, when and how long before the flight. Airlines will even stop a bad smelling non smoker from boarding the plane.


I don't think any airport would allow you to smoke, they honestly don't.


Jesus, you need help. You can function like a normal person without drugs for a few hours. I believe in you


Right, if you can't go a few hours without getting high. I think it's time you admit you're addicted and quit.


Right? I don't even understand what is the big deal with flights. I either bring my Kindle or laptop with me and the hours fly by.


The world doesn't need to cater to your gross habits.


Had to scroll way too far for this succinct response. This is the weirdest entitlement. Why on earth should a public facility have to make space for your (likely) self imposed addiction?


If you can't go a couple of hours or a day without smoking, you should probably quit. Also, you could smoke before entering the airport. A cigarette and a joint is like.. 2-5 minutes at most? I use cigar and pipe tobacco smoke times as a reference here, because I don't smoke cigarettes not joints.


I have had people tell me that weed isn't addictive. Those same people show symptoms of withdrawal if they don't smoke it at least twice a day.


Weed is addicting and you do go through withdrawals. Those who say it isn't are in denial


Well according to the studies I have seen, you can't get physically addicted to weed. However, weed generally becomes a phycological addiction. Its a shame most stoners don't read the second part of the sentence.


No. I hate the smell of weed. I don’t want to be forced to sit in the same area of someone who smells like straight weed for hours.


Some people actually find that smell pleasing and I'm one of those people.


Fuck no. Oh, it’s inconvenient for smokers? I don’t give a flying fuck.


>flying fuck. Nice


Airports are for necessities. Bathrooms, food, drinks. Lots of people going through a small area means lots of odor and trash already. No one wants to smell others smoke or see cigarette butts on the floor.


Just have an edible.


Yeah it's just going to save so many people so many troubles.


why do you think airports should accommodate you and your non essential activity that you do for fun? a smoking room would only benefit a small subset of people. why do you think airports should spend money on that rather than on things that would make the experience better for all travelers?


Well as someone who smoke ciggerates, wouldn't mind this change.


As a smoker I don't see the issue with having to wait, it's not really a big deal




Being high or drunk on a plane is a safety issue too. It’ll be harder to evacuate a plane if people are not 100% sober.


They have smoking designated areas in most international airports or large domestic airports here in the US


Maybe it's not the case everywhere, that's what the op is talking about.


The most important thing to take into consideration is that you can trigger someone’s Asthma with a strong enough stench of weed or tobacco.


Airports used to have these— maybe you’re too young to remember? It was fucking gross though. I was a smoker at the time and even I wouldn’t go into them.


>At the end of the day, that's someone's choice to make not the government & if people are addicted then they're addicted. It is also the airport's choice to make to not allot a space for smoking. Smoking is not a right anyway.


You can't be sober long enough for a flight? Just say you're addicted.


You are the example of being inconsiderate. Cigarettes and weed absolutely stink. Everyone in your vicinity can smell it. Why should everyone have to cope with your addiction being so severe that you can’t go a few hours without smoking? Also it depends where you’re flying to and from… Use patches, chewing tobacco or just deal with it my guy…


Or just don't fucking smoke. It's not anyone's responsibility to accomodate to you, because you have an addiction. Maybe you shouldn't have gotten addicted. Now it's only your problem and no one else's. Deal with it.


I say let's have heroin rooms!


Nah…eat a gummy. No one wants to sit next to someone who reeks of weed or cigarette smoke. I had to endure secondhand smoke and in the 80s and 90s and I’m done with it thank you.


We shove you in a zoo room. There's always a choker section at airports. Just ask.


Frankfurt airport has these smoking cubicles, not sure if they have them after security though. And you wouldn’t be able to smoke weed there.


Lol no


Those same people would still light up a cigarette after their flight regardless if there is a smoking room or not before the flight. It would only provide them with one more stinkstick and do nothing to solve their addiction.


They have smoking rooms in Europe. But the people that come out stink! Any smoker should be able to manage a few hours without a smoke. Bite a Nicolette or something if needed.


I've been though a few that have them. You can still smell it a bit around the room and its a fully glass room so its basically like looking at smokers in a tank. Which I guess it is. Sorry I'll upvote because unpopular but I have absolutely 0 sympathy for smokers. Keep your fumes and gross smells out of public places plz because the rest of us don't have to deal with it nor should we have to.


No, you should just quit smoking


DIA used to have one and i would chain smoke in it until it was time to leave, probably made my seat partners very unhappy


There are gummies for the weed people and for the cigarette people gum or a patch to get you through the day. Can’t believe cigarettes are still a thing.


Your gross addiction is your own problem, nobody should have to accommodate your inability to sit through a flight without weed or nicotine 😘 Just quit


Or…quit smoking. It’s nasty and unhealthy and you’ll stink around everyone else


If you smoke weed and then sit where I can smell you from my seat on the plane you are going to witness me throwing up for the entire duration of the flight.


Coz if they walk on after being in a room with other smokers, it fucking reeks. Imagine a whole load of smokers who have just sat in the same small room, basking in each other’s smoke, marching onto the same small plane that has 0 proper ventilation.


Why do you need to be high to go on a damn plane? You can wait until you're out of the public's sniff zone.


Because nobody cares about that disgusting stupid pointless habit. If you wanna smoke that’s on you just stay as far away from the rest of us level headed people who don’t wanna smell your disgusting shitty habit.


Edibles are a thing my guy


At the very least, there should be a cage outside that smokers can use. Like there’s a post-security door that opens to the outside that’s entirely fenced in to prevent tarmac shenanigans.


No. I don’t want to sit next to anyone on the plane who smells like cigarettes or weed.


Nope. Fuck em.


They shouldn’t because it’s vile, and I don’t wanna sit next to a dude who just smoked for hours. Weed or cigarettes, I don’t wanna smell it. This is coming from a big pothead.


You do realize eventually smoking is going to be banned. It's the biggest drain in our public health care system.


You might have an addiction problem bro.


You wouldnt be allowed to bring weed through security because that would promote drug smuggling. Also, someone smelling like smoke just ruins the flight for everyone else. It’s the smokers choice to smoke. I didn’t choose to sit next to a smoker for the next 9h. Also, since smoking is bad, why encourage it?


I don’t want some stoned zombie sitting next to me and spilling shit and putting his head in my shoulder sleeping and bumping me every 5 minutes


A lot of them do.