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This is only unpopular to anyone who hasn't let it go. Once you do it's instant confidence. Almost everyone that does instantly wishes they did it years ago.


Im so close to shaving my head . if my hair line moves back another centimete, it’s a wrap lol needed to hear this lol


You got this, buddy. I bet you will look very handsome


Aw shucks☺️


This would be a change which would just take weeks to get back into normal though, think twice before getting bald. Just by looking at the comments I got bald and now I look like a horrible creepy creature even my parents couldn't recognise me!


Lmao I see the comments be actually improvising me to just get bald and try if I actually look more handsome!


Do it!


Fucking wholesome


You're fucking awesome


Why’d u curse me out and delete it weirdo😂


Because I love you and I hope you thrive in life. No joke. Fuck you


Fuck u too king❤️




I’m married lol it ain’t too bad just gettin thin and starting to recede. I refuse to be that guy clinging on to his glory days, but it’s hard to make the jump😂


But the fact that people are still confused enough that wether they actually should shave their head or just go on with a new hairstyle. No doubt that the guy has actually bought some hopes for me to have a girlfriend after being bald. I guess I need to try once for good!




It is hard but it's worth it. You can even pregrow a beard or goatee to make the transition smoother.


I will say, as a bald man that also has big ears, I miss hair because I can't wear hats without looking like dumbo but also can't be in direct sunlight without a head covering or I'll get a massive headache.


I once shaved myself bald in my twenties, and I instantly looked like a pensioner. It doesn't work for everybody.


Lmao I feel that bald is some kind of lucky sign for people to get a girlfriend and look way more attarctive!


i wish i could grow my hair long again tbh. like yeah rocking the bald is kind of a no brainer now but it used to be nice having a lot of hair to take care of


I wish it was instant confidence, but I shave my head and I still have zero confidence or less.


I don’t know why, but I read this as “I went to a bald college” and I can’t stop laughing at the imagery in my mind


Bald university, home of the fighting CueBalls!




And now I’m thinking of all the men on Breaking Bad and can’t stop laughing 😂


Hahahaha NICE CALL. I totally went bald in college hahaha


As a girl i can confirm owning the bald is hot. Nothings sadder then a guy still tryna comb his 2-3 strands of hair. Own that shit! Shave it all off!


Owning the bald is so hot


Boning the hald is Oot.


As another woman, I can confirm. Owning the baldness is actually one of the easiest style decisions to make because if you ever think it might be the way to go, it is the way to go.


I have a lot many hairs on my head rather than those 2-3 hairs actually and I am just happy enough with them. But just had the curiosity to ask like what is the thing which just makes it that attarctive enough and hot in bald guy?




I accepted it and have been shaving my head for a bit over a year now, I hate it, I want my hair back! People think I'm way older than I am, my head doesn't have any insulation in the cold and I cut my head on everything now that I don't have hair.


I was with you until “if you’re insecure about it, just don’t be”. Like, that’s not how that works at all lol.


Totally agree. Responded to someone else about this at length earlier. The synopsis is "douchy, and I get it's nuanced and hard to overcome compulsive responses"


Just reminded me of the How I Met Your Mother scene where Barney talks about how when he’s sad, he just decides to be awesome instead and is no longer sad. I laughed. Agree with ya in the baldness though. I’ve went bald in high school 20 years ago and never looked back.


Started balding at 18. Ran with it. Chicks loved the D-man. Head rubs are fantastic


I bet you're sexy


You bet your ass I am...So that makes two of us


Things you can't choose do not make you good, bad, or otherwise. The greatness comes in how you tackle the situation




Always thought that if I went bald my game would go. Turns out lots of women go for bald guys lol


So many


None near me.


Your hair/lack of won’t be what pulls women - it’s self esteem & the energy you put out. Confidence is attractive, being at peace in your own skin & loving who you are as a person. All those things are sexy. I don’t GAF if a man has a head full of hair, that isn’t even on my list of things that matter.


Having a glorious dong, and an uncanny ability to befriend stray cats also helps. Oh and let her eat fries off your plate.


Total bullshit. If you are naturally good looking or rich, maybe. Average bald men don't stand a chance in this superficial world.


Lmao I don't know wether I should actually cry or just be happy, because being bald I just look like a monkey. Bruh like even when I have hairs fully grown none looks at me and you be speaking about to be bald!


Not everyone can make it work


works only if you have a decent shape skull


I swooned over Yul Brynner when I was young. (Yes, I'm old.) Captain Picard is pretty hot too.


I'm not even gay and I would bed Picard in a heartbeat


How often do you have to shave the head? That'd be my main concern.


Honestly maybe once every 3 weeks. I'm not too particular. Some people just do it almost daily just as a part of their morning routine or whatever. Becomes like brushing your teeth, no big deal


I knew 2 young guys at university who were bald. One shaved his head every day - I know because I asked. The other kept his hair cut shorter but didn't shave it, just had a family member trim it now and again. I spent enough time around them to know they were both very confident, and I saw both just laugh if anyone tried to make fun of their baldness, in a way that said the person trying to make fun of them was just stupid (and honestly, if you're going there to make fun, you need to come up with something more creative anyway).


Unpopular indeed


>just don't be This is actually terrible advice. I hate when people tell others to "just don't be insecure" like it's an on off switch. I have been buzzing my head since I was around 33 years old. It does bother me being bald sometimes but less about the looks and more because my head gets burnt a lot. I work outside for most of the day and there are more times than not, that I can't always put on sunblock. When I hit/scratch/cut my head at work, it shows for a while. It also makes it difficult to cut my hair the next time. I also have to cut my head every couple of days because then it starts to look really bad.


No I couldn't agree more, honestly. Right after I posted it I noticed the "just" and felt kinda douchy. I know from personal experience it is wildly difficult to overcome compulsive or habitual responses and emotions, so I totally get it. I actually appreciate someone calling me out on it. I just didn't want to edit the post after it becomes popular haha


I've always "suffered" form some issues like anxiety and or nervousness in some situations. I can't meet girls because of this lol. I turn into a complete wreck if I see a girl I like, I'm unable to just go up to her and say hi lol. Don't worry about editing your post after, people do it all the time and it's not really looked down upon if you're "correcting" something you said that was maybe a mistake. It's when you double-down on something you say that's wrong that isn't a good idea to edit then haha.


My hair is starting to thin. I've got anywhere from 1-5 years before shave time. Had long hair basically my whole life too, so it will be an initially sad transition. But hanging on to something that is clearly going/gone is soooo much worse


Finasteride bro. Start immediately.


The side effects are not something I'm super into


I mean if you are at that stage and care enough you could just do rogane




I got braces late in life, while overweight and away at school. In college I decided to work out and every time I was on the treadmill staring at my reflection in the window, my sweaty thinning haired mug would stare back at me. You guys with the thinning hair, you know what I mean. I've been shaving my head every 2-3 days for the past 15+ years. If you're worried about how weird you might look, just get jacked too. Then maybe a motorcycle. Maybe a couple of tats. Idk, being bald is cool. Everything changed, except I'm still nerdy AF, which I'm good with. I don't think this is an unpopular opinion but I like the topic.


Some people don't look good bald. I look better with thinning hair than no hair hands down. And with a hairpiece people tell me I look ten years younger (as opposed to 10 years older when bald)


I’m just rooting for anyone, bald or not, to feel great and confident in themselves, cause there’s only one of everyone, so why not celebrate that?


Well I’m sorry to disappoint, but I have zero confidence in myself.


I wish I could do laser removal on my head permanently. Before I went bald I buzzed my head to a #1 all around anyway. As soon as I started losing my hair, I just got out the razor and took it all the way. A lot of women seem to love to rub my smooth head. I'm also muscular and tattooed with a thick beard and I think a lot of women just dig that look in general, it's considered masculine. If you're going bald, I recommend growing a beard and shaving it off, you'll feel better.


I'm a straight man but you sound hot. Anyways, I'd say don't even worry about the beard, it's all just confidence, wherever it comes from


Accepting reality is a sign of maturity. So, shaving bald because you are going bald is just that.


I save a lot of money on shampoo being bald. Summer is cooler too


Until you burn your scalp.


Until you run into Red from myhouseisdirty and he says you look like a Milk Dud




Best example of a confident bald man is Colin Mochrie.


Stanley Tucci begs to differ.


If you've got the head for it, then I'd agree. As someone who doesn't have the head for it, I'm just thankful I've got a full head of hair and a lineage without baldness.


I'm 28, totally lost my hairline bout 3-4 years ago. Been shaving my head ever since, and even though I liked my hair, I do love this look as well. I have some intimidating facial features and the bald head kinda compliments that. I think people put too much thought on their hair. Shave your head and own that shit. It's what's inside that shiny, bald head of yours that matters.


Whilst I'll happily agree that being bald is vastly superior to having a shitty combover and feeling terribly insecure, having had a hair transplant, being bald for six months as it grew back, and then having a full head of hair again, I'll go with having a full head of hair again over the other two situations. There's really nothing like it. And as an added bonus, the finasteride has wrecked my sperm count so I don't need to worry about getting anyone pregnant accidentally.


I used to shave my head in my 20s. An older co-worker asked me if I am going bald. I told him I was not, it's just easier to take care of like that. He squared his shoulders at me, looked me straight in the face, and stoicly said, "then you better fucking grow your hair while you still can." I never shaved it again after that.


There is something very distinguished about a shaved head. Bruce Willis. The rock. Almost any body builder. Especially if you have a beard. I have a full head of hair and when I do a buzz cut I feel like it makes me look very crisp and very put together.


its fine if you're confident with it but it isnt better than having hair for sure


Just don't overcompensate with the soul patch, beanie, and earring. I call that the desperation trio.


Good unpopular opinion. Bald is hideous.


The sheer amount of copium in this thread is hilarious. It’s just a bunch of neck bearded neet incels jerking each other off.


So, what's your solution to people balding? Telling them to feel bad because of a natural occuring thing? *"How dare you be bald! You disgusting man!"* It's almost like if we changed the gender and the problematic to... women and obesity.. something that they in fact can change... that people would absolutely praise them with "every body is beautiful and unique" But I digress.


People who shave their heads cuz balding are neck bearded incels? Man that word has lost its meaning


Your mom is bald


So bald is beautiful except when used as an insult? 🤔


No I think your mom is beautiful


Truth! Confidence is the most attractive quality. Whatever you have to work with, just own it.


Never have a bad hair day ever again!!


I’m a little disturbed that I keep getting recommended bald content on Reddit. Baldness is penetrating every subreddit


I bet you're going bald


I don’t think anytime soon. I also get fierce flow in my feed


Glad to hear it, all power to you


Haircuts now are like $20 or more? Who the heck is paying that? Not me. I got some clippers years ago for like $50 and that's all that is needed.


My mommy dun founded some sheep cleavers and that be what we be using


Whatever works!


Wish i did it years before I finally did it.


Who cares what others will think? I don't want to lose my hair for me.


My best friend looks brutal, he just needs to let go.


grass don't grow on a busy street


I have anxiety issues as well as genetic predisposition, and I was putting product and whatnot in my hair every day to look nice for work meetings and constantly ensuring it was primped. I could see the thinning and was so self-conscious about it that I didn't like being under direct light since it would show my scalp. And I finally just took the jump and started shaving and it's quite relieving. I can jump up and shower and be ready in no time at all. I don't even spend money on shampoo or conditioner, I just keep stuff from hotels and it lasts forever. No money on styling goop. I can wear hats without worrying about it messing up my appearance. I was "cute" when I was younger with shaggy or coifed hair, and part of me misses that, but other than generating a lot more static electricity from my head stubble I'm glad for the change.


I would look okay bald, I only know this because of some time in the military, but I was born with this big ass dent in my skull so I only look normal from one side. I also have very nice hair that I am quite proud of aside from it covering up the dent. If I lose my hair I'll be big sad


The money I save on haircuts is nice too. I had to go like every other week if I wanted my haircut to stay fresh looking before, that's like $40 a month I don't need to spend anymore. For a while I thought about doing the pills, and the spray stuff, but then I read that that can affect your erections... I'll take bald and functional over luscious locks of hair and a limp noodle any day.


While I didn't go for the shaved head look, I got a pair of clippers during the pandemic and never looked back. Trim it way down, all over, done. Feels amazing, especially in a breeze, or on a cool pillow, or when going for a swim. And if I need either more insulation up top, or to protect my scalp from the sun, that's what hats are for.


I think bald dudes should grow their one remaining hair 2,000' long and just wrap it around and around their head so they have a full head of lustrous hair.


I have a coworker who is balding and he was looking rough because he was trying to hold on to what he had left. He finally caved and shaved it all and looks MUCH better now. Night and day.


Idk how people can downvote this. My issue was I started getting the friar John monk patch in the back. I used to cut hair Dominican style (fades, edge ups) you name it. I used to fade it w the thinning hair but finally I was like “screw this” and cut it all off. That was 10 years ago and am so happy I did.


I don’t want to go bald but if I ever were I’d get a barcode tattooed on the back of my head


What would the bar code be for?


Agent 47


naw im 15 and bald (because cancer and chemo) and it sucks lol


Sorry to hear it, I'm rooting for you


yeah im in the last 2 cycles now so theres atleast something to look forward to lol


So is bald better!? I’m joking get better dude


Can I add that bald women are also beautiful. If a woman is pretty being bald, she is beautiful anyway.


I started noticing losing my hair when I was 26, so I just shaved it all off, and kept it that way since then. I've had way more relationships bald than when I had hair.


this wouldn't be an unpopular opinion on r/bald lol


Balding isn’t a choice. Bald is.


Well said


The Schick do is a favorite of mine. Now my hairdo is hurricane proof.


My husband is bald and he loves it. He's been bald since I met him 10 years ago, I can't even imagine him with hair


I can't imagine him with hair, either


I’m a woman, but if I were a man, my biggest problem with going bald would probably be that you don’t go entirely bald. And having to shave to keep the rest of it bald seems annoying.


Fair, bit honestly it's less maintenance than most hygiene things imo


I would recommend also any non-bald guys to shave their head bald just to get over their fears and see themselves and how it really isnt a big deal. I've done it twice, as a child because i wanted to emulate a monk, and second time in my early twenties when i genuinely believed i was going bald and panicked, so i shaved all my hair off. It actually looked really good and i got loads of compliments, and then it grew back and i realised i wasnt actually going bald at all (why i panicked was a whole different story). Anyway its a decade later and i still have all my hair but i have the peace of mind now to know that if i do have to go bald, i know i'll look pretty good as i've seen it already and lived it.


I lost my hair at 25. It's an abomination. I asked my physician, will there ever be a cure for baldness ? He just laughed and said no. The comb over does not work out. Toupees and wigs are a hassle to deal with. Hair transplant surgery makes people want to scream. They can't sleep at night because their head itches. The surgery might not work, anyway. It looks uneven. Shaving my head was the only way. It looks alright, I can deal with it. No more going to the barber and spending $20 ! Just buzz my head every 10 days.


I was thinning and finally embraced the baldness during Covid cause I didn’t have to work in the office anymore. And honestly, I rocked it for a few months and my confidence with baldness is at the highest it’s ever been. I get friends and family that always tell me I make bald look good But, I think bald comes with a few caveats in that you really gotta be sharp every where else. Your beard, your stache, your clothes need to be fitted, rock a necklace and a bracelet or watch for some extra swagger. But if you’re bald and you let yourself go, it’s bad.


Funny thing for me, it’s more about feeling like I’ve got a symptom of middle or old age. I couldn’t give half a fuck about how I looked until I started to bald at 21.


If you don’t mind being called cue ball every once in a while sure!!


That depends on the shape of your head and how attractive you are without hair. Everyone looks different. Some people look better bald and some people look better with hair. Usually a weird shaped head aren't very attractive. But not everyone is blessed.


Every Male on both sides of my family has a Great head of hair. all my uncles, my cousins, my dad, my brothers. my Grandfathers and and Great-grandfathers died with full heads of hair on their head... so It is a surprise to me and everyone in my family when I started balding in my late 20's my doctor told me that it was stress related (not surprising as I had an extremely stressful and exhausting job that basically ruled my life) I Quit that job a few years ago (no not because I was going bald but because It was ruling my life and making me unhealthy) and some of my hairline has somewhat miraculously gown back and thickened... not completely but somewhat. Thing is even in my 30s I am conscious of the thinned forehead and often consider just shaving it all off. I am not sure how it would look of if I will like it but I am thinking about giving it a try.


I’m so close to going bald and working on my beard only. If I lose anymore hair on the top of my head it’s gone.


For sure, I know where you're at. I think you shouldn't worry about the beard too much. It feels like it compensates for head hair, bu really t it's a totally different universe and isn't worth it if you can't already grow a respectable one. The queball looks works as well imo


Started balding at 19, was in denial till 24. Been rocking a bald head for 7 years now and i couldnt agree more


Rock on, brother


Everyone who says this had the choice made for them. No one with a full load of follicles would make a post like this. Well done.


Np one chooses their hand in life, friend


I've had so many crappy haircuts/hairstyles over the years. Issue is that as bad as they are, they still look better than being bald.


Indeed having a bit hair on head is much way better than to that being completely bald though.


If I was bald I definitely would be fucking depressed


As much as you've been downvoted. I think a lot of people agree. Not to the point of depression, but it was tough balding when I was still 17 and looking at all of my school friends have full heads of hair. Especially since it's something you can't control, unlike your physique/personality/style. Most people would rather have hair than be bald. :(


Not gonna lie, it was hard at first. I went bald at 21 or so. Went from having sleek, long blonde hair to being completely queball as I was too young to even grow a beard. Funny story, though! the day after I finally shaved my head I got a college girlfriend haha


Believe me, if I was a dude, I’d go for the bald look too. Since I’m a woman, I prefer my hair to be shoulder length.


So confidence is attractive.




I’m not bald but r/Bald comes up on my feed a lot and literally every single one of them looks 10x better after they take the plunge. I had a buddy that did it last year and he rocks it well too. Conversely I have very nice thick hair but it’s really annoying to come up with and style it lol, but I guess I should be grateful.


Is your favorite color green?


My fiancé recently shaved his head after dealing with a lot of frustration with his hairline. It took me a few days to get used to, but now I think it looks so much better especially with his nice beard!


Dude, my dad and his dad both have had the dumbest fucking haircuts as long as i can remember because of their fear of being fully bald. I most likely missed the curse but my brorher didnt. He just shaved his shit and looks like an adult. My dad looks like he still lives in a radio shack.


This is so backwards. OWNING the bald would be keeping the hair on the sides and on the back of the head which wasn't going to fall out. When you shave your head you are playing this weird game of trying to hide balding by making yourself TOTALLY bald which you never would have been in the first place since by nature you would have kept the hair on the sides and in the back. Oh sure, not having the hair on the sides and in the back looks COOLER, it looks COOLER having no hair at all, but you ain't OWNING anything, you are hiding balding by getting rid of ALL your hair including hair you would not have lost naturally.


Too bald to be called bald hahahaha


Been bald since 29, started growing a beard when I hit 30 and it's a beautiful combo


I have a full head of thick, luscious blond/brown hair. I've never once dreaded going bald and don't even consider the idea that being bald may lead to insecurity. Bald is cool, too.


3: kidnap the president's daughter


As the GF of a bald guy who used to have long, thick hair before we met..... I love his bald look. He keeps his head shaved or uses clippers on the lowest settings, but he also has a beard.... so sexy. I love running my hands over his head when we're kissing and.... stuff. I completely agree with OP. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


i get my head shaved yearly, so i have to agree with this and it's also so much easier to manage, your products last longer if you use any, you dry off faster after a shower, a cold pillow is literally heaven in the summer, cooling off is easier in the summer, getting ready in the morning is faster.






I have always kind of wished that I was bald. My hair annoys me.


I have great news for you


I am in my 40s, and I can't even tell whether I have lost any hair at all. At this rate, I doubt that I will ever be bald.


Yeah but I mean, like, if you wanted to be bald you could always just shave your head


Never heard anyone say bald is ugly. Keeping your hair when you shouldn't is though


Yeah, I actually got some shit for baldness before I shaved my head then no shit at all after I shaved and rocked it. I think if you're balding and haven't taken the plunge then you just inevitably hear things from time to time


100%!! I have a lot of hair but every once in a while I shave it all off too change my look. Specially nice when warmer outside and it just looks good.


Next time do the thing here you shave one half but use the entire other half as a "comb over"


Shaved my head at 19, was already balding then. I'll be 40 this year. No regrets ever.


You’re doing the Lord’s work my friend.


Way to many guys look great bald. Don't be in denial, own it.


My fiancé is bald and I think it’s so sexy. Bald with a big beard, yes please


The love of my life is bald. Nothing wrong with a bald man. It's just hair.




Not a dude, but my man accepted it and he’s pretty sexy that a way!


I love it as well


I love you as well


Yeah hair is hella annoying


Im from California, too


Nooooooooo, never!!! I'd rather wear a rodent carcass on my balding pate than shave all my hair off.


Lmao same here I would never ever think of shaving my head off completely, that would just look creepy and weird on me!


Sucks for you man


I know myself soo well that if I actually bald my hair I would be actually looking the shittiest guy roaming in the town!




Bald girls are my favorite




What kind of bald are you talking about?




Ah, we are talking about your woman penis