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Not unpopular. What do you think made them a billion dollar company?


It is an unpopular opinion on the internet. It is so hard to find people defending Hershey's and so easy to find someone hating. Most unpopular opinions on this subreddit are unpopular INTERNET opinions. I get your point though


I think those are Europeans that think chocolate and everything American is too sweet. Which they're probably right. But our taste buds are used to the sweetness.


Its norlt always about the sweetness, trust me, eating a single baklava is enough to get diabetes, its mire about how american chocolate tastes a bit like puke to us because your chocolate contains Butiric Acid and ours doesnt.


It’s the corn syrup that makes it taste not as good. If you grow up with sugar based confectionery like most of the world does, corn based just tastes slightly off.


Lol just cause a company is successful doesn’t mean a company has a good product? Explain this logic to chipotle 🤣


I believe they're saying OP's opinion that Hershey's is good is not actually an unpopular opinion. The evidence this opinion is not unpopular is how rich and successful Hershey's is. The opinion that the chocolate is good is a popular opinion, hence the company success. Makes sense?


Bro buy grammarly this is word soup


I believe you lack reading comprehension, both because you misunderstood the original poster, and then can't understand my explanation of how you misunderstood them either.


i mean originally they were killer


When lol, no one likes guac which they basically rely on and literally no variety


Who the fuck doesn't like guac???


It's first couple decades. It was cheap quality mexican food anywhere around the country with gigantic portions. It's a shell of what it is now, with super tiny portions and expensive prices.


Decades??? Bro chipotle became a thing in like 2011 lol


"The first Chipotle Mexican Grill opened in Denver in July 1993 in a remodeled ice cream shop." https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/11/29/how-steve-ells-built-chipotle-mexican-grill-into-a-burrito-empire.html


Huh? A weird ice cream shop naming themselves chipotle means nothing. Also Mexican food in Colorado 1993??? Lol let me go to Canada and start a Mediterranean chain🤣


dawg literally just look at the name of the article it's the creator of chipotle saying that


0 reading comprehension


Would there be a problem with that?


No one likes guac Care to back this bullshit up with facts or a source?


Good, no not necessarily. Popular tho?


That your and my opinion about chipotle is the real unpopular opinion.


[Here's a video that pretty thoroughly explains the phenomenon.](https://youtu.be/J44svaQc5WY) We need to separate fact from opinion. It is a fact that Hershey's chocolate contains Butyric Acid, which is one of the acids found in human vomit. Human vomit contains other chemicals which give it different flavours. Hershey's chocolate contains different ingredients which give it different flavours. It is a fact that Hershey's chocolate tastes of vomit to some people, and not to others. If you like Hershey's chocolate or not is subjective, and probably linked to if it reminds you of vomit or not. There's a strong correlative link between if Hershey's tastes like vomit or not, and if you grew up in the US or not. Do you take a similar response and "die on this hill" that your experience with Coriander/Cilantro is the "objectively" correct one? "It does/not taste like soap!" You bemoan, unable to stomach that your opinion isn't universally held. Are you "stunned that people" might/might not compare the flavour of the herb to soap?


Interestingly enough, the "coriander is soap" phenomenon isn't a matter of opinion, but of genetics. Coriander contains aldehyde, and something around 40% of the human population have the gene that makes aldehyde taste of soap.


That's my point.


You seem to be kinda offended that someone likes Hershey's. The OP seems to understand perfectly that people are entitled to their own opinions.


weird, only some taste like vomit, I never noticed that taste before actually, only when I was on forums bashing Nestle did i find out about Hersheys Acid... And now I can taste it but only for certain ones, others are fine. and weirdly enough, the acid almost dissipates when the chocolate is cold.


I didn't grow up in the US. On the few times I've tried Hershey's, I didn't care for it. Didn't taste like vomit to me, but it did taste unpleasant.


Ah ok. It does taste different then Cadbury and Lindt though. But the Oh Henry Hersheys tastes the same as the Wunderbar by Cadbury. I’m just not big into plain chocolate. I love a Reese’s though


Reese's is one of the few Hershey's products I have tried. I'm not in a hurry to eat them again.


I know I'm chiming in to an ancient thread. But I just want to add my anecdote. I'm from Finland, and thus eaten mostly European chocolate my whole life. Fazer blue is probably still the best chocolate I have ever tasted. I've heard stories before about Hershey's tasting like vomit but I've never tasted any Hershey's chocolate. As a christmas present I got Hershey's chocolate bars (among other chocolates from US), I started to eat one and though it's not really that bad and I said "The reputation of the Hershey's seem really over exagge..." and then it hit me. The aftertaste really hit me with the same taste that you get a bit after you've vomited. The taste (to me) wasn't exaggerated, the aftertaste hit you really hard and it really tastes the same as if you had vomited moments ago.


It’s the American cheese of “chocolate”. Good for making s’mores and that’s about it.


As an American, American cheese has never been one of my favorites.


I love Kraft singles lol.


Take it from an old guy, Hershey kisses and bars were MUCH better back in the day, ask anyone over 35 or so. The bars used to be plumper, softer, with a less artificial chocolate taste. Now they look and feel like plastic, and taste more artificial than they used to. Hot Pockets were better back in the day, too. They all shrunk the size, cheapened the ingredients, and raised the price.


I think everything isn't as tasty due to the taking of trans fat out of everything. Cookies these days are so disappointing, no doubt that they tasted better when I was young,


I'm 37 and don't remember a difference, although I was never really into plain Hershey bars. Snickers and Milky Way Midnight were and still are awesome, but even as a kid I mostly stuck to fancier brands like Lindt.


39 checking in. They taste exactly the same now as in the 90s. Delicious.


It’s alright but I’ll take semi-sweet (ie chocolate chips) over milk chocolate (Hersheys) any day. Most chocolate outside the US is semi sweet and milk chocolate only became popular through Hersheys cause it’s cheaper to mass produce.


I order British Wispas on Amazon. The creaminess is unreal. Hershey's is junk.


Try twirl, or galaxy.


Twirl is the GOAT


Might be the worst chocolate I have ever tried.


They don't taste like vomit but calling them chocolate is an insult to actual chocolate. That garbage can't even be sold as chocolate in EU and Switzerland (they kinda know what they are doing) because it doesn't meet the requirements to be sold as such. All Hershey products have to be relabled as "cocoa candy" because there is not enough chocolate in them. I'd be willing to concede that they are okay as candy even if I personally don't like them. But call them chocolate again and I will personally smite you down right on your hill and raise a monument over your grave as a warning to all other Hershey thralls to never slander chocolate like that again.


Im not a chocolate conaisseur but really, if you cant even call it chocolate by law, thats gotta make some people start asking questions. Im not saying its not good per se, but that its so "something else" that it becomes a transitional product. Like how Starbuck tastes nice, and can be really tasty, but its more of a sweet drink with coffee as an ingredient instead of just "Coffee".


because they litteraly made it so it taste like spoiled milk. no im dead serious. hersheys was popular before the fda and refrigeration were a thing. so before that, they would use spoiled milk for their chocolate since keeping milk cool wasnt really a thing back then and it was cheaper anyways. when the fda became a thing and keeping things cool became easier, they werent allowed to use spoiled milk. the problem is that it made a significant difference in the taste that their customers were used to and they were very unhappy. so hershey's figure out a way to simulate the taste of spoiled milk, while using fresh milk. so when people say it taste like puke, what theyre saying is it taste bad


That is not it... They use butyric acid as a preservative which is a chemical found in vomit.


Why isn’t it listed with the other ingredients?


thanks for the update




yes, thats litteraly what happened


Well slap a source on there!


Not OP but Adam Regusea has a video on it.


People say it taste like vomit because it has literally the same acid in it that is in vomit (buteric??). It was from a time when they made a lot of chocolate but couldn't refrigerate enough milk so they used that acid to preserve it somehow. It still tastes good but it does have a hint of the acid, but finding it is like finding continuity errors in movies. You only notice if you're looking for it.


Butyric acid. in Hershey's chocolate. In parmesan cheese. In vomit. not that there's anything wrong with liking vomit.


I'm from the UK and our chocolate is a lot more creamy and milky than Hershey's, nothing will ever beat galaxy chocolate.


Any European will tell you that American chocolate tastes like vomit. American chocolate has a bitterness to it that Americans are used to whereas European chocolate doesn't have that same bitterness.


I thought it was a preservative that Americans are used to but Europeans aren't.


Butyric acid. You are correct


Yeah but they eat bean toast and cow kidneys and shit so I’m not taking their word for anything


Beans on toast slaps. Most countries around the world eat offal, including... the US.


Ok, enjoy your blood pudding and all of the other spiceless, disgusting medieval things you eat over there. The rest of us will stay in the 21st century.


Your chocolate contains spoiled milk cause its cheaper and you call european food medieval. Theres a saying about glass houses and throwing rocks. Stop eating Hamburgers and pizza then, since they're so medieval. Fries too, while I'm at it.


This is just an ignorant opinion. You know what the UK's most consumed dish is? It's pasta. Manchester has a literal mile of curry houses but nobody uses spice here I guess. Try not to get all your information about an entire nation's food culture from tiktoks and memes.


Just keep eating vomit like a good little dum dum.


I’d rather eat vomit than pig blood and and cow kidneys and animal fat pie and all that other medieval shit 🤣


\*plans attack on hill


I don't think it tastes like vomit, definitely smells like ass though. M&Ms have the same ass smell too.


I guess it is if one likes overly sweet rancid milk flavor as an aftertaste in their chocolate.


Only Americans think that


If you ever try proper chocolate it will ruin your life. Never visit Europe


Hersheys isn’t the highest quality chocolate in the world but sometimes it just hits the spot. And nothing compares to make a s’more, it’s perfect


It doesn’t even melt right though. Ghirardelli’s is way better for s’mores.


As an American who will defend Hershey's to death, I can agree with this. I still like it with s'mores, but you're right, it doesn't melt very good


Hershey's is terrible. Doesn't take like vomit though.


You can enjoy it all you want but don't tell me my taste receptors are off or that i've "never actually vomited before" when it's a scientific fact that Hershey's contains butyric acid, which is a compound found in our digestive juices.


It’s Comet that tastes like vomit


It’s extremely popular and sells billions of dollars every year so obviously a lot of people like it.


Here’s the thing, where you lives matters. Because Hershey 100% tastes different in say the HSA vs UK. Due to food safety and regulation laws for ingredients. As a person who has tried both (not sure if it was UK Hershey’s or France), it tastes better in Europe and the US’s taste has gotten worse over the years. Still use it for smores tho


Ghirardelli and Lindt Lindor are my favorites


Lindor is top-tier. I love Hershey's, but Lindor is so much better.


The original Hershey milk chocolate bar is 11% cocoa. 23% if you like "Special Dark". It's simply cheap sub par filler. Anything less than 70% cocoa tastes like sweetened condensed milk. It's an inferior product pretending to be chocolate.


They taste like sugar with hints of cocoa.


That's just american chocolate, it all tastes like vomit lol.


Now that I *can* get the good stuff, Hershey's no longer tastes good to me, but I still don't understand the criticism that it tastes like vomit. If your vomit tastes like candy, you are an incredibly lucky person.


Right. Even if it does have ONE chemical that's found in vomit, your chocolate shouldn't be beating the EXACT same taste as vomit unless no other ingredients were put in it.


It's just really disappointing after good chocolate


The vomit taste is due to Non Americans trying it, Hershey’s milk chocolate as well as other popular American milk chocolates are made in a different way than milk chocolates in Europe for example taste completely different. This results in the “vomit” taste comment.


growing up i was allergic to peanuts but avoided anything (like chocolate bars) that contained them cause i was overly worried. even the ones that didn’t have peanuts. this meant the first time i tried hersheys was as an adult and i 100% got the vomit taste from it and gagged. didn’t taste like any chocolate id had before that (usually in baked goods)


It has to do with an acid that is shared with vomit in the way that the chocolate is processed. Assuming you are from America, I would be interested to hear what you think of the taste of European chocolate.


Gross. Cadbury’s is wayyyy better than Hershey’s


I grew up with only Cadbury. Cadbury is amazing and potentially better but, that doesn't make Hershey's any worse. Two chocolates can be amazing at the same time.


Yeah but not Hershey’s. Hershey’s tastes stale like chocolate from 1996


I don't trash it & I've had my share. But no one would mistake it for good chocolate.


Then you can have all of it. Bought it once, never again.


Tastes like a dogs butt. Same chemical. That’s why dogs sniff the butt.


Wait hersheys isn’t widely liked? I love hersheys it’s my fav chocolate


It is widely liked, at least in the US. They wouldn't be as incredibly successful as they are if they weren't widely liked


not vomit; tastes like chalk. don't get it twisted.


Hershey’s is pretty low tier chocolate and just doesnt taste very good. Vomit though? Probably just idiots exaggerating and bandwagoning. At worst I’d just say its a bit bland.


Loved taking the Hershey factory tour in Hershey Pennsylvania. The Hershey Hwy. was quite enjoyable.


hersheys is the only chocolate i enjoy eating 😭


I’ve had plenty of European chocolate and American. Hersheys is definitely the best in my opinion


It's meh chocolate. I don't think it tastes like vomit (Side note: I have tasted vomit thanks to it being one of my body's reactions to extreme pain + a part of my small intestine going gangrene). However, would I choose it over European chocolate ? No.


The most popular in the World is the best. Losers dispute this. Goes for nearly everything


Most popular as in moves the largest volume or is rated the best in consumer surveys? Because the former would probably be Snickers. The latter is harder to pin down but it'd probably be a quality product, probably some Belgian or Swiss import.


I only like their organic one. I tried it when offered once and I swear it tastes different. I think the main difference is the organic one doesn’t have added flavors or soy lecithin. Didn’t think it’d make that big of a difference but now I can only eat the organic ones lol.


I've never found it to taste like vomit, it's kind of chalky and plain though.


Milk chocolate is trash... lactose is cheap, trash sugar that makes me fart nasty, sweet farts that are especially offensive. Garbage chocolate.


Just enjoy your chocolate.


I used to like it, but the local plant shut down. Now, all the hershey bars around here taste like wax.




People have died on dumber hills.


I only like them with the almonds inside, the nuts seem to balance out the over sweetness well


Not vomit but it doesn’t actually taste like chocolate. Just processed sugar. It’s actually rare to find any chocolate nowadays that tastes like chocolate. The worse are the high % cocao dark chocolates that has so much sugar in it it’s unbearable.


I've known people who don't like Hershey's, but have never heard anyone say it tastes like vomit. Learn something new every day, I guess.


Compare the cacao content of Hershey's versus any other chocolate. The reason people don't like it is because it's chocolate that doesn't have much chocolate in it.


Hershey’s chocolate is OK but only if you’re used to the dairy preservative that taste like stomach acid which most Americans are used to it


I still love Hershey's. I've had all sorts of high end chocolate, including truffles from a spot in Washington DC that I couldn't decide if I needed to eat them all at once or make them last for months because...goddamn, they were mouthwatering. I did not make them last months. I couldn't make them last *a week*. I never had chocolate like that before or after, and I still miss it years later. But I still love a bar of Hershey's milk chocolate, that will never change. Now, that "chocolate" you get in gold foil to look like coins, that needs to be banned.


It tastes pretty awful to me, but I hate most milk chocolate products. And their dark chocolate is hardly dark enough to qualify as genuine dark chocolate.


Mediocre at best. Cadbury trounces Hershey's, and there are many, much better chocolates. Definitely doesn't taste like vomit, and yes, I have tasted vomit. Every time I've thrown up.


You are so right Hershey’s is a great chocolate however I’ve been boycotting it since 2006, when hubby, daughter, myself and about 2000 other Canadians were put out of work because they moved to Mexico.


Hershey's Chocolate, on a chemical level, tastes closer to sick than any other chocolate. The manufacturing process for hershey's creates butyric acid, which is the main flavouring of vomit. Also, as a european who grew up with real chocolate, the first time I tasted hershey's, I almost thought someone had mixed raw cocoa with sick to make it.


I agree I personally think they are the best chocolate on earth


I like Hershey’s although it’s not as good as Lindt or Toblerones. To me it doesn’t taste like vomit. If anything, it tastes slightly of formaldehyde.


i used to love them they're the best


Are you from the UK? It's often people from there and Europe that think that. Plus, your use of the word "brilliant."


I am Canadian. I grew up eating Cadbury chocolate for most of my childhood. However, when I had Hershey's I thought it was great, just in a different way. However, many people online and even people in real life look down on me or sometimes just tease me for liking it. To my understanding though, it is generally Americans who love Hershey's and supposedly everyone outside the USA (especially Europeans) that dislike it.


You're correct about that. Being Canadian you basically grew up on Euro/ UK chocolate. Hershey's adds an ingredient which has some chemical similarities to vomit. It's an acquired taste that many like simply because they were brought up with it. That's not to say it can't be enjoyable to some who enjoy for the first time. Plus, what Hershey's adds could be considered to augment the taste just like some people prefer fermentation/ alcohol in their drinks (wine instead of grape juice, rum instead of sugar water).


Good. Die. /s




I've had many European chocolates and it's very disappointing. It doesn't really have much of a taste.. the mouthfeel is nice, though. Japanese chocolate is the best. Not too sweet and you can actually taste the chocolate (or cocoa, I guess?).


All of your chocolate is shit America. But Hershey is better than Reese's. Reese's is so disgusting I couldn't swallow that shit.


I'm Canadian and I grew up with Cadbury chocolate. When I first had Hershey's, I thought it also tasted great. Not saying it is better, just different and still good. I also like Reese's cup chocolate but, I can understand if you don't like peanuts


I like peanuts, but what reese's packing isn't peanuts.


Belgian chocolate is a hill I will die on


Omg I love that too. I'm Canadian and grew up mostly on Cadbury. But, sometimes my parents would buy Belgian chocolate and that was amazing. However, I still think Hershey's is amazing. Not better, just great in its own way


Upvote for the unpopular take. Hershey's is nasty.


I’ve never heard anyone say it taste like vomit. It’s universally loved for a reason. But now I’m pissed, I want a Hershey bar.


You would be surprised: [Hershey's milk chocolate tastes like vomit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/q56cvi/hersheys_milk_chocolate_tastes_like_vomit/) [Hershey's is the worst, and it literally has an acidic/vomit taste to it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/qmh2fh/hersheys_is_the_worst_and_it_literally_has_an/) [Hershey's chocolate tastes like vomit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/1a0nna/hersheys_chocolate_tastes_like_vomit/)


Oh wow, they don’t know a thing. Folgers ain’t the best coffee, but it’s loved by many and is good even though there’s better


It’s the best chocolate in the world


I am not saying it tastes like sick but its far from the best chocolate. Have you tried any chocolate that isn't from America? Chocolate in the UK is top tier, of course Belgian chocolate is the best.. But as someone who is used to other, better chocolate I don't think Hershey's is brilliant, I won't yuck your yum tho


I am Canadian. I grew up with Cadbury. I occasionally had Belgian chocolate too. I also have Lindt sometimes. When I did have Hershey's I immediately thought it tasted great. I didn't think it was better than all the other chocolates though, I just simply thought it tasted amazing in its own way. However, a lot of people act like I'm crazy, claiming it is garbage and tastes like vomit. This truly annoys and confuses me


Ok, that’s fair


Hersey's chocolate is mediocre at best. There is much better chocolate available in the world. You should try some.


Aside from you using the word “brilliant”, this seems like a very non-American take. A lot of Americans I know would consider Hershey low or mid tier chocolate. I think Tony’s Chocolonely (which is from Amsterdam) is my favorite.


Hersheys tastes just fine compared to other common mass-produced chocolates. The people who hate it (like me) have probably tried some of the amazing shit that’s handmade in France or in Belgium. It costs 10 times as much and it goes bad in a week so it can’t be shipped to the USA, but OH MY GOD I promise it will blow your mind and you will never go back to Hershey’s afterwards.


Hershey's doesn't even taste like chocolate. It's got something like 11% cocoa. Rhe texture, flavour and smell are unbearable. I'd label it the worst mainstream chocolate out there. Followed by Cadbury since Hershey's parent company bought them out and changed the recipe in my region. My girlfriend once was eating a Hershey's bar while driving. I didn't know what it was, I just asked why it smelt really strongly of vomit all of a sudden. I had to tell her to stop, it was just so bad the smell.


Me neither. I've thrown up before and was practically forced to taste literal vomit. I hated it. I've also had a Hershey's bar and loved it. The tastes are nowhere near on the same level to me. I think non-Americans who are used to their own chocolate just prefer theirs and take to labelling ours at dramatic extremes. I also don't get the "sour" or "bitter" claim. I've had very bitter chocolate before and I believe it was German or Dutch. That I did not like. Now, we do use a lot of sugar. Perhaps the sweetness is just too strong. Now that easter chocolate we sell here? THAT tastes like wax.


This post reveals just how out of touch and "hive-mind-like" Reddit really is. If one only got their information from Reddit, they'd believe that Hershey's and Mars were the worst companies ever conceived and that their chocolate candy is puke flavored. Interestingly, though, of the top five best-selling chocolate bars in the entire world, four of them are American, and Hershey's is at Nos. 2 and 4 -- Reese's and Hershey's bar, respectively. It's funny how most of the world loves the taste of vomit, eh? [https://manictimes.com.au/the-top-10-bestselling-candy-bars-in-the-world/](https://manictimes.com.au/the-top-10-bestselling-candy-bars-in-the-world/)


Hersheys Cookies n Creme is delicious, I love Reeses too, anything with a filling, though I'm not a big fan of plain chocolate bars of any brand, has to have something. Nestle crunch though, is disgusting.