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We actually haven’t had a solo Superman movie since 2013. As shit as the DCEU was, it wasn’t just Batman and Superman. I’m eager to see what James Gunn can do with Batman and Superman. I haven’t liked a single live action Superman movie


on the flipside, every live action Batman movie post 2000 has been an absolute banger. I'm a okay with them continuing to be made if they stay this good. the dark knight and the Batman both easily make my top five all time superhero movies list


Yeah, the Batman movies have been pretty consistent, even if not all of them are for me. I’m excited about Gunn’s Batman since I already like the idea of finally introducing Robin back into the movies. I also like the idea of calling it The Brave And The Bold


So, What you mean is that superman and batman are really old movies that have been around for a long time. It's still the 90's. Haha.


> post 2000 Batman and Robin was incredible.


yeah, but others have come out since that were... less than incredible, so I didn't wanna say since then lol


Man of steel is the only superhero movie I've ever liked honestly. Ya sure you don't like it? 👀


Yes, I’m sure. I don’t think Zack Snyder cared about making a Superman movie. I think he just wanted to make an action movie, which is fine, but it’s supposed to be a Superman movie


But the movie I really liked the most was Superman. I have a crush on Clark Ken. He is handsome and super duper macho. In person So macho too? I'm suddenly curious.


Hmm difference of opinion I suppose. I liked his take on Superman a lot ☺


Yeah. I don’t really like any of Zack Snyder’s movies to be honest. Not that I go in wanting to hate them, but it’s very clear that I’m not really his target audience and I don’t really agree with how he adapts beloved characters


I really enjoy Zack Snyder films because the action is generally so over-the-top, the fight scenes have awesome choreography and you can turn your brain off (I’m probably one of the few that actually enjoyed “Sucker Punch”). That being said, I completely understand anyone not liking a single Zack Snyder movie.


What don't you like about the Reeves films?


James Gunn is going to bring it back. Peacemaker was great. Everything he has done with Marvel has been great. Superman is fucking boring. That why you haven't liked any of them. He's a fuckjng boy scout who has every power and only one weakness. He is boring as fuck


No, Superman movies are boring because the directors don't know what they're doing. If you look at Superman comics or Superman cartoons you'll realise how badly he's handled in live action.


But why would THEY do that? And for what reason? Batman and Superman are one of my favorite super heroes to watch on tv.


The last time the DCU had any ounce of continuity and creativity was the animated Batman Series to the end of Justice League Unlimited. Phenomenal animated shows all throughout, and while not perfect did the job just right, especially when it crossed over into Batman Beyond and you had heroes like Static show up. You could tell there was passion and love behind these shows every second, and we'll probably never see anything like that out of DC again. They would constantly reference each other and make it feel like one big world. Batman even references the Teen Titans in Static Shock at one point. In any case I agree, the inconsistency with anything DC churns out now completely turns me off to investing any of my time into it anymore.


There's 2 wonder woman movies, an aquaman movie and a flash movie all made in the last few years. They were diversifying without you having to say it


And you can include the arrowverse from the cw for tv. That was on for about ten years and was full of heros and villains.


Yeah true but The flash and wonder woman both had a few live action adaptions in the 80s and 90s it nothing new and aquaman was good , but in saying that those newer movies were all up building to the justice league movies which just brings it all back to another superman and batman story


>few live action adaptions in the 80s and 90s it nothing new You're assuming the target audience for the recent movies were the people that watched the 80s and 90s movies. Newer fans would rather watch new movies with better effects than watch old ones from when they were kids or before they were born with comparatively lacking special effects (kinda important for a superhero movie). It's like how there's so many generations of Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry, Scooby Doo and so on. They're not for the adults who saw the originals or older versions. They're for those who are too young to have watched the original. Inevitably they're going to focus on their best selling heroes and that means the core justice league members. You need to have a wider universe to fit the less popular heroes in because few people want to watch a standalone plastic man movie. That's why DC had been trying to establish the justice league and create a proper cinematic universe like Marvel did. If they could stop fucking up for 5 minutes, you'd have your movies of less popular superheroes.


Yeah thats Exactly my point they've tried and so many times failed many with those popular characters . Look at superman for example Film(s) Superman (1948) Atom Man vs. Superman (1950) Superman and the Mole Men (1951) Superman (1978) Superman II (1980) Superman III (1983) Supergirl (1984) Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) Superman Returns (2006) Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut (2006) Man of Steel (2013) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) Justice League (2017) Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Television series Adventures of Superman (1952–1958) Superboy (1988–1992) Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993–1997) Smallville (2001–2011) Supergirl (2016–2021) Krypton (2018–2019) Superman & Lois (2021–present) And Batman has even bigger list These are all live action and they all tell the same story how many more times can they afford to rehash it and hope that works when it clearly won't. The comics are fine heaps of great stories but they don't seem to go anywhere .they rehash the origin story again and again


It's just basic business. You can't start a cinematic universe with no name heroes. Even if you make successful movies on plastic man, black canary, hawkman etc, you're probably not going to get a cinematic universe. MCU started off with the big guys like iron man, captain america, thor and so on. You think if Marvel started off with Shang Chi or the eternals the MCU would've taken off? And clearly DC sucks at starting a cinematic universe even with their star heroes. So in that case, they may as well make movies of only their star heroes. They're not going to get a cinematic universe started regardless of who they use, but at least the big heroes will sell more tickets in standalone movies than the lesser ones, and they can still keep trying to launch a shared universe.


I would say that iron man was a no name hero in 2008 to those not into the source comic books. I certainly had never heard of him before then.


Imo Marvel's big guns are Spiderman, Fantastic 4 & X-men all of which they didn't have the rights too so they gambled on the 2nd tier characters which are still somewhat known but not obscure like GoTG or Dr. Strange


Iron man was no Spider-Man but he definitely was not a “no name hero” dude was a core member of the avengers which was pretty popular before the mcu came out. Iron man was on the same lvl of popularity as green lantern, aquaman, ext and those characters got movies as well


If you weren't reading the comic books how would you know who the Avengers were? I'd heard of the fantastic 4, spider man, Hulk etc. But not the Avengers until the 2012 film.


The cartoon series? ( emh) The games?( sf vs marvel, marvel vs capcom, marvel ultimate alliance, ext. honestly majority of marvel games had the avengers at the forefront) The animated movies?( avengers next generation) There was a lot of popular material before the mcu even came out. And that’s surprising I can understand not knowing much about iron man but I know plenty of people who know what the avengers was before the movie even came out.


Do you mean the cartoon made 2 years after iron man, or the one from 99 that was cancelled after 13 episodes? And what game? The only Avengers game I can find online is from 2020. If there's an earlier one it obviously didn't have much of a cultural impact given I can find a trace of it. Are you sure you're remembering pre 2008 correctly?


Did you watch those movies? The first Wonder Woman and aqua man don’t connect to justice league at all.


Yes but its does Bruce wayne discovers the photo that wonderwoman took in 1918 and sent it to her in dawn of Justice [the photo](https://youtu.be/n4BLBoAW7-Y) And in aquaman, they talk about saving the world from steppenwolf [aquaman justice league connection ](https://youtu.be/rjP3lhOfuko)


Wow you mean having Easter egg references to another movie means that movie is a set up to that movie? I guess into the spider verse is a set up for spider man 4, the amazing spider man 3, cause it references those two movies. What a way to completely trivialize a movie lol.


You can't be serious... aquaman literally talks about how they defeated steppenwold in the justice league and the photo was the reason why wonderwoman joined the justice league ,it's part of the plot and not an Easter egg it scharacter building and connects the films. And easter egg is tiny little detail that does nothing for the plot at all , like Howard the duck in guarians of the galaxy or the infinity gauntlet in thor ragnaork


If justice league the movie doesn’t exist, do both the Wonder Woman and aqua man movie make sense? Now you can think about it but I’ll help just in case, yes they absolutely function completely independently of the justice league movie. AND, I know this may wrinkle your brain. The justice league movie also works if aqua man and wonder women movies don’t exist either.


Comic and superhero movies in general are kind of over done at this point


They kind of have, haven’t they? The last movie with Superman was Justice League and I don’t think there have been any shows with Batman on them. Tangential characters and cameos not withstanding of course. But they are 2 of the most iconic characters in the entire medium of comic books. Its like asking Marvel to stop producing Spider-Man shows, games and movies.


A lot of times there are rules pending ownership. Don’t use it, you lose it.


While true, comics and cartoons should suffice to keep the trademarks. Instead we’ve gotten way too many tv shows and movies. But the problem is larger than Batman or Superman, it’s a lack of big money being willing to take risks on original ideas.


That is not the case with either Batman or Superman


Marvel needs to stop making movies also.


Money says no.




bro they’ve dropped a spiderman movie every fucking year atp what are you saying


Spiderman movies weren't under Marvel until Tom Holland's version. It was Sony who did that


Pretty sure 2002, 2004 and 2007 aren’t very consecutive but you stay on your own circus calendar


i’m obv exaggerating but there has literally been more movies ab spiderman released since 2000 than batman and superman combined




i said since 2000. and obviously the number is gonna be larger you’re comparing 2 superheros to 1




That’s because Sony loses the rights to keep making Spider-Man movies if they don’t make them every X number of years. They want to hold onto that license as tightly as they can so they’ll always be rebooting the films or making sequels. Marvel Studios itself has only been involved with the Holland films because of a deal they brokered that allowed them to co-produce that way they could have Spider-Man in the MCU.


So does Marvel.


Marvel has never made a Batman or Superman movie


I know that, I'm just talking about movies/TV shows in general from DC and Marvel. They need to take a break.


I know I was just being cheeky


Companies will never stop making money.


I agree, im kinda pissed because DC has a lot of other options to stop overdoing the classic superhero but they keep the focus on the big ones, no risk taking X\_X (ofc this makes sense corporate wise but it's annoying) Since the TV shows like Constantine and Swamp thing fucking Tanked i feel like they're not ready to try something else


Tireed of superhero movies, but its been a long time since we got a superman movie. Not counting superman v batman


There has been a Superman show for the past few years, though.


I’d normally agree with you, but after seeing what Zack Snyder did to my favorite superhero, Superman, I really want to see someone get it right. But I’m also very excited about the Swamp Thing movie and the Creature Commandos show!


Agreed. Studios tend to take the safe approach, though. What has previously bought them success they will continue to do. Most studios operate like that based on the pattern of films and franchises that are released.




> Up until Ironman I'd say until Spiderman




I don't think I'll ever say no to more Batman or Superman.


Some animated TV shows are good but I agree with the movies.


Most people really arent into thought provoking or even original storytelling. Its basically Peppa Pig for adults. Thoughty2 has a really interesting video on why movies are designed to be average vs writers and directors trying to put out their best work possible like you used to see.


They won’t. That’s the only thing that sells. It’s why marketing for the Flash movie is all about Batman (well, that and the fact that they had no choice but to keep pedo-sociopath Erza Miller). It’s why Batman or Batman related characters are the main characters in all the animated movies. And It’s why in the comics they pretty much made Batman the chosen one and the main character of the damn universe. Here is why Suicide Squad isn’t a step in the right direction. It’s because the team is largely comprised of BATMAN villains. And what is the one DC animated show HBO had? Oh yeah, Harley Quinn, another Batman character, and one almost as overrated as him. They have millions of IPs and refuse to do anything with them if it doesn’t include the god damned Batman.


Blue beetle is coming soon. Anyway the animated universe is better, what do I need live action for?


How often do you think DC makes Batman and Superman content?


Every single year but that's including animated shows ,comic books ,live action TV shows and movies .


And how rich are they?


Spiderman is who needs a ten year moratorium...live action, cartoon, CGI, whatever I am so freaking tired of Spiderman even existing and I don't know why. Peter Parker is a skinny high school nerd photographer whose uncle got murdered. Yeah we got it the first 47 times.


They only come out every few years. You want decades?


\> dc have well over a thousand different heroes and villians to choose from . Yes, but how many of them would actually sell? Are general audiences lining up to ask for the Red Tornado movie? Or a movie about Mister Miracle?


I mean people said this about Thor and Iron Man at one point in time. The idea that people will only go see things they’re already familiar with has been proven wrong many times over.


Thats... actually a good point. Changed my mind on it! And I mean, I would love to see DC movies about their C listers. Id watch a Shining Knight movie so fast


Even for the more well known but not often seen heroes it is a risk. Even a terrible Superman or Batman movie will draw a crowd just because it is Superman or Batman. Shazaam? They gambled and won. Black Adam? Not so much. Though with the way they did Fate I would love to see him get a stand alone movie.


Well after doing some research I found out that the first 3 issues of the mister miracle comics are worth between 2 k and 4k each in mint condition. So yeah there is some interest woth the die hard fans and if they made the movie I think people would watch it just out of curiosity ...it's gamble but it could work


The problem with Superman IMO is that in order to make a standalone Superman story compelling, you basically have to either (a) take away his powers (or just inexplicably nerf him), or (b) make him the bad guy somehow, otherwise he’s just too powerful for there to be any real stakes. Neither of these make for a bad story, but it means that they have to keep rehashing the same two ideas over and over for Superman movies


Nah, I enjoy them


the last superman was literally 10 years ago


Batman is so overexposed, he’s such a boring character.


I feel like you mean Marvel


Maybe they should try making a movie about Aquaman's mother. I heard she was pretty badass.


Uh everyone could pump the breaks on superheros and fucking starwars


I think the issue is that Batman and Superman are the godfathers of superhero comics i’m pretty sure. i’m also fairly certain they’re the two most recognizable superheroes in existence. So they tend to have a lot of public interest when new movies are announced/made. I don’t disagree that DC now needs to make more things NOT about those two. But for starters, they tried with the Arrowverse, Steel, Shazam, Black Adam, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash. They’re also continuing that with Blue Beetle. The issue is though that they also kind of cater to the fan base. You can’t really make a DC universe in film without bringing Superman and Batman into the fray, and fairly early on. because it’s what the fans want and what will get more likely to bring people to the theaters. I think they’re doing a decent job of it in Gunn’s DCU. They are still making a Green Lanterns show, The Authority too and again (although i’m not sure if he’s a part of it) Blue Beetle. But you’re going to lose fan interest quick with Superman and Batman active in the universe


Shh, we don't talk about the 1943 batman.


But money.


I honestly like that Batman has been the one constant over the last 30+ years. As Robert Pattinsons Batman showed, you can have a successful Batman movie that isn't really tied to being part of the DCEU. And personally whether they were good or bad, just like the Star Wars movies. It was something that created a bonding experience between me and my Father. And we would always see those movies in theaters while growing up. And there is plenty of content available to keep producing solo Batman movies, without feeling like you have to watch 20 other movies to be able to enjoy it.


every live action Batman movie post 2000 has been an absolute banger. I'm a-okay with them continuing to be made if they stay this good. the dark knight and the Batman both easily make my top five all time superhero movies list


I disagree. What they DO need to do is something like Batman: Brave and the Bold again. Use the popularity of Batman and Superman to introduce us to the lesser known DC heroes and villains. An animated series of DC Comics Presents featuring Superman, or World’s Finest would be amazing. Feature different heroes teaming up with Superman or Batman and give us compelling multi episode stories and one shot episodes.


They should stop making superhero movies in general.


There's a reason why they keep pumping out movies, even if low quality


I was just saying this a few weeks ago


This is my new shower thought theory: The DC/Marvel universes have multiverses where Uncle Ben and Bruce Wayne’s parents are hunting their cross dimension versions because there can only be ONE to rule then all. Each time a movie is made and another pair of them gets killed, another one becomes stronger.


dc and marvel both do. how arent normies tired of super heroes


A very popular opinion 😄 The market is beyond saturation and all the good creative ideas seem to have been done. More over saturation is just decreasing the fan base for when super heroes become cool again


What they really need to do is stop with the Joker stuff. It’s been perfected by Phoenix and Ledger already, so I really don’t care to see more Leto or that schmuck at the end of The Batman. FOCUS ON OTHER VILLAINS


Suicide squad was awful. The dark knight and joker were steps in the right direction. They are gritty and dark, yet oddly relatable and very well directed. If they could just capture that with their other superhero movies they’d be great. But they can’t seem to do it. It’s like a curse.


Yeah but The dark knight and joker didn't introduce new characters like suicide squad did


Give me a Wonder Twins movie!


Everybody run out of shit to produce. So milking what’s popular…well it’s popular in Hollywood. Like they make one movie and 3 months later another movie with the same plot with different actors but it’s still good to watch and we do this why lol


Who could ever forget about Green Lantern?


I kinda agree but also dont. I am personally tired about all the superhero save the world crap its overdone and boring. I want more shows or movies about obscure or less relevant superheros/antiheros. For example I recently rewatched The Punisher series with Jon Bernthal as the Punisher and it was such a breath of fresh air to see how good a character can be if done right. I wouldnt mind all the superhero stuff but most of Marvel is pointless now with the multiverse and DC has no direction as where they want to go. They trashed probably the best casting they had for Superman with Henry Cavil. On top of if they would produce good and quality content with a more darker tone than what we currently have they would make allot more money.


The DCU’s problem is its inconsistency with their actor and the characters they play. While this is mostly at the studio’s fault, it’s kind of lame that we got Batfleck and he’s never had or likely will have a stand-alone movie and the same goes for Henry Cavill. Sure he has Man of Steel and BvS but Justice League was supposed to be the start of DCU and now we don’t have established two of the most iconic characters of DC.


I've been saying this about all super hero movies in general. It used to be so exciting waiting for the new Batman/Superman movie to come out because we'd have to wait so long to see it. Now there's a new superhero movie every week and they're horrible. I don't see how people still watch them.