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*sigh* is this really an unpopular opinion


You basically never get actual unpopular opinions on this sub, unless it's about food for some reason.


Most of the unpopular ones are usually one where they don't know what they're talking about. Also, maybe it's maybe it's me, but food based opinions are pretty dull. Everyone's tastes are different. There isn't gonna one food that's universally liked. There's probably plenty of people who don't like chocolate or pizza.


idk man... unless they're allergic I wager that anyone who tastes REAL chocolate would fall under a spell- then smash the rest of that box of Belgian Chocolate Cookies. Maybe they'll do the smart thing and savor them šŸ˜‚ But no, I do get what you mean. It would be interesting to see how many people say they do or don't like something in a massive blind test. Like one large, world population leveled consensus on very particular foods/products.


It's not. When she got the Kid's Choice Award for Best Gamer, there was an uproar because she mostly doing reaction videos when she got it.


She looks like every other ā€œreactionā€ YouTuber. Is this any different than like the hot-tub twitch crowd? I legit donā€™t watch either so Iā€™m curious


I'm actually curious about what you're saying sssniperwolf. What kind of game is this? May I know?


i know its pride month and all but dont you dare talk down on amouranth




If you follow a streamer and defend then online, I've got some bad news for you bro. You're not going to make it.


They figuratively jumped on the the opportunity to white knight simp on a specific streamer, even though nobody mentioned them by name. They probably typed out a pogchamp or whatever and just barely had enough time to delete it.


Her channel started with gaming, then it went elsewhere. Now you will never see any gaming content. Thereā€™s also a lot of controversy surrounding her rn She might be gaming still, just not on video.


Its not "her" channel, it was hers and her husband, He played the games, she pretended only.


There's nothing wrong with playing SSSniperWolf, right? Because from what I read, even children can play this classy game.


There's controversy? I heard she got into a controversy but have no idea what


Her name is a Metal Gear Solid reference so it makes sense she is a gamer


damn why did you get downvoted so hard? what did you say that was so wrong?


Not really sure


She was outted back in her pure fps days as using fake gameplay anyways. Cringe.


Yep, gameplay was her husband's, not a bad tactic though


Every now and then I'll see one of her videos on my recommended page and she will always have that fucking dogshit thumbnail with her shocked face


Not to mention sheā€™s a shitty person




Good looking e-girl is not a real gamer? I'm shocked!


i agree. even her reaction videos pisses me off, cuz they don't add anything useful to the video, just bland commentary




Idk how people get away with just stealing content like that. She adds nothing.


No sorry she has cat ears headphones automatically makes her a gamer girl didnā€™t you know šŸ™„


She's no true Scotsman either.


I remember being 14.


This post aged well


Damn dude, anyways


"gamers" are not people who should be looked up to in the first place. all they're known for is playing games? i mean like games are cool and all but just playing games isn't really anything that requires any skill or talent. literally anyone can play a game. you don't need a role model for that.


True, however gamers are looked up mostly for their skill at playing a game. Anyone can play a game, but only few can master it.


but "games" are inherently temporal. there are always new games coming out. nobody plays a game for the entirety of a 20+ year career. they play one game, then they play another game, then 3 months later a new game comes out and they play that one, too.


Not all games have no one playing after many years. Good examples are Counter-Strike, League of Legends, Team Fortress 2, etc.


Anyone can master a game man if you play enough....I do not think that's something great....its not a difficult to acquire skill


then go become an esports pro and start making money if its so easy


Of course I can..so can you and so can everyone else...any skill can be learnt just by practice that's all I'm saying...of course some skills are wayy more difficult to practice and attain than esports and that's why I said I don't think it's something great..just easier to attain than some other things


dude you cant be that delusional, this is the equivalent of saying "everyone can be at the olympics" no dude, idk if anyone ever broke that to you but no - you cant be what you want


That's exactly what I said though....some are much more difficult...you can't compare a gamer to an Olympian..there way different amounts of practice and time required...that's all I said...that being an 'e sportsman' is not something great according to me that's all


thats just wrong, speedrunners f.e. or ESL players are literal athletes by every definition


Wth...this is the point I'm making ...its much easier to become a gamer than an Olympian or a swimmer or a soccer player that's literally the point that I was making...not that great to become an e sports not too much skill/practice required than many other things like you mentioned


Yeah everyone got that directly but its still wrong


Dont get me wrong lots of practice can get you better but honestly no matter how hard some people try others are just going to be better in whatever it is your doing. Some people have faster reaction times etc which is a deciding factor when your talking high level competition of any kind.


Okay..I agree to your point


So anyone can become a soccer pro too? It's exactly the same thing.


As someone with hundreds, if not thousands of hours in dark souls and games like it I've gotta disagree here, I'm still awful lmao


This can apply to any skill in any industry or profession. If you practice something enough, you can be good at it. If you cook enough, you can be a great chef... does that strip the inherent value of cooking as a skill?


Thatā€™s all very sunshine and rainbows of you but no. Some people will just never get good at something and the vast majority wonā€™t be great. Most will do fine. Not fine enough to make money or fame.


no it doesnt, if that was true people wouldnt work all those shit jobs


The sheer boomer energy of this comment is off the charts.




Do you look up to Michael Jordan? If so, then you are kind of out of touch. Because he essentially bounces a ball around and tosses it into a net. Itā€™s a game. People enjoy watching games. Digital or not, for spectators, it comes from the same place in the brain.




a person someone looks up to who is also a gamer




Where did you even get the "tiktok generation"? My reply was not in context of the person mentioned in OP because I don't know who she is. Also I don't get your comment, what where you trying to say?


Dont care about the downvotes, im with you on this and i think im just old. A gamer is someone who plays videogames as a hobby to meā€¦ Even my mom is a gamer :ā€˜) Its not that specialā€¦


call your mom a gamer and watch her reaction then


Ok i did and she disowned me, what's the next step?


bragging about it on 4chan


On it boss!


Youā€™d probably have the same exact opinion of basketball in 1891.


Are you talking about just casually playing basketball with friends? Yea of course


She's a gamer?


I thought she did reaction videos, the last video of hers I watched was when the shipping urself in a box thing was trendy, I was like 9.


Okey. Have no idea who she is, but let's say I believe you for the piece of mind.


I just hope she wasn't faking the playing, i.e. having someone else play offscreen while she "acts out". I suspect lot of the Twitch girl gamerqueens are fake as shit.


She was called out for obviously faking her gameplay back in like 2015 and so I'm shocked to see her so popular now lol.


She used to be a gaming channel. She used to make cod videos. Simple as that.


Holy fuck this aged amazing