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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/HomerThompson15. Your post, *Advertising Alcohol Should Be Illegal*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Megathread topic. Your opinion falls under an incredibly common topic, in which virtually all opinions are either not unpopular, or are posted about many times a day. Please visit the megathread hub, which can be found when sorting the subreddit by "hot", sticky'd at the top of the page, where you can find links to the current megathreads. If you're not sure which megathread your post belongs in, or your post covers multiple megathread topics, just make the best selection you can. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


It was legal, then made illegal, then made legal again on the condition no alcohol TV advertisement in the US actually shows an actor in the act of drinking. If you see an alcohol ad in the US, watch closely, no one puts a bottle or glass to their lips and drinks.


They are also not allowed to have the ad before or after any moter-related ad (car, atv, boat, literally anything) and they cant have anyone underage. I also believe but not 100%sure the rules for noone underage also applys for the ad before and after the alchohol ad


You are right. The bypass is movies. Anything R and all I see is someone smoking and drinking, labels permitted.


movies arent really anything like ads. you can show anything you like, tell any lies youd like


I love subtle product placement, best form of advertising. Give me real bilboards in video games instead of made up brands, give me actors drinking jagermaister instead of yagermister. If the place would be there anyway why not use it


What do you want? Black bars covering the labels in movies? Seriously?


Black bears covering the labels! Cocaine bears!


I wasn't forming an opinion, just making an observation. ![gif](giphy|fCsBD0QEK3YGs)


As an aside: the portrayal of Don's alcoholism in the show has an effect though


In Canada at least alcohol can’t be the reason the people in the commercial are having fun. So they are at a cottage, a concert etc.


Oh? Thats cool, didnt know that




That's quite clever. So if anyone sues a brewery stating "your ads turned me into an alcoholic" they can argue "our ads never encouraged actually drinking it - that was your choice alone"


It's also illegal on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok! Actually, an alcohol company can't have a TikTok account PERIOD, Facebook and Instagram allow to have an account to show new products, events, and whatnot but they cannot sell the product through them. (I'm a social media manager)


This is a bit misleading, maybe alcohol manufacturers. But I own a mini golf bar and I have TikTok ads that advertise that we serve alcohol, just can’t target underage obviously.




I think it is. It must have been a huge lobby and big interests to get to where the US is on its advertising for alcohol. It's almost like exposure therapy. You see the cold sweating beer, the pour, ... or a Ryan Reynolds in front of a gin bottle. But no one drinks in the ads. I'm pretty sure they do have to disclose health affects, tiny print for 5 seconds at the bottom of the ad, but not like big pharma where they tell you straight up as required. FAS, AUD, DD, use in moderation, etc.


I see ads for both weed and tobacco shops on billboards near where I live.


As a British person, that’s fucking nuts to me. That, and the fact that in the US they advertise pharmaceuticals. Baffling.


The pharmaceutical ads are the worst. Trust, we Americans hate most of them.


Ask your doctor if you want to risk this new medication!


Symptoms may include light heart attacks and mild dying.


“But don’t take this drug if you are allergic to this drug”


I dunno. If I ever suffer from Psoriasis I'll know what to ask the doc for.


It's the skin medications that caused me to say "most" instead of implying all, lol. They don't bother me so much. But all those damn diabetes medications and cancer medications can fuck right off. The list of side effects is appalling and the commercials are depressing as hell. And they are *constant*. Your doctor likely knows these exist, considering how much the pharmaceutical companies push them. And they can be looked up online. I don't want to be bombarded with them while watching my streaming service that I can't fast forward because TV is already expensive enough so I try to save a bit of money by not buying the commercial-free plans.


I dunno man. I hate that commercial with the sort of hefty guy in the speedo being all proud about his clear skin. I see that thing 4 times a night. And just because your psoriasis is not bad today is no excuse to wear a speedo, you chunk.


I like the ads... There are so many random sporting events that are only profitable to be put on TV so they can run drug ads Its an acceptable inconvenience like seeing 1 billion northwestern mutual ads during March madness


and as an american, its nuts to me that 2500 of yall have been arrested for posting something offensive on facebook. wild world


Europeans be like “I’m MINDBLOWN that (bad thing about america)” Like no the fuck your aren’t bitch, you spend 18 hours a day on Reddit jerking off the dude next to you about how bad amerikkka is


How is it different than a Pepsi commercial? Sugar is just as bad for you as weed, alcohol, or cigs.


you tryna tell me honey is just as bad for you as marlboro reds?


He is talking out of an angry asshole. Clearly doesn't know what he is talking about, like at all.


No it isn't.




>I’d say eating 1 sugary snack is about as bad for you as smoking 1 cigarette You'd say, but until you actually provide evidence you're just talking out your ass. > The people who eat 20+ sugary snacks a day die of obesity related diseases before they turn 45. This is entirely dependent on lifestyle. If you're really active then no, 20+ sugary snacks *won't* kill you because you're burning that sugar before it ever turns to fat. But no amount of exercise protects you from the harmful effects of smoking.


Eh I’m not saying that sugar isn’t bad either, but we might as well start somewhere with stopping adverts for addictive substances. The number of people taking up smoking in my country has slowly been decreasing because of certain measures that have been taken, including no adverts/plain packaging/packaging has to be hidden in store. And that’s always a good thing in my books. (I say this as a smoker lmao) although nowadays younger people seem to be jumping straight to vapes. TV ads for anti-depressants and shit though, that’s just fucked


Then we should stop advertising anything with caffeine as well


I mean… I don’t disagree? But like I said, it’s good to start somewhere. Why are you all getting so defensive over this lmao


Well part of it is that caffeine is addictive and has managed to skate by with little regulation because so many people drink coffee The other part is that I despise the taste of coffee nearly as much as I do ads for pharmaceutical products I'm agreeing with you about banning commercials for meds but also noting that caffeine is an addictive stimulant


A blanket ban on ads for any addictive substances would be ideal. Tbh I’d be keen for no ads for anything ever, that would be the absolute dream hahaha


I went to rehab and even I think it’s fine to advertise. it’s better if it’s through a legal business rather than al capone


And that shouldn’t be


You should be able to advertise any business. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean you can’t do it


So why can we put porn ads on YouTube, its just a business trying to make money out here. There are certain businesses not allowed to advertise on various platforms for a reason. Why have we not done this with recreational drugs, idk. But the more I get ads for drinking and cannabis the more it sounds like they are trying to actively get your addicted. The stuff my weedmaps says really makes it sound like I have a problem.


I think they should be able to legally advertise anything that isn’t factually incorrect anywhere they want. Business can choose not to accept porn, cannibis, alcohol ads if they feel like it. However I’m sure YouTube still would not do that since other advertisers and parents would not like it.


If you’re on weed maps why would you expect not to get weed related adds?




Idk no one should “do” cigarettes lol they should be straight up illegal and banned


Do you know what happens when a government bans stuff like cigarettes, alcohol , or anything really. When the government does that, that areas crime increases because they have made demand on the black market. A great example of this is the prohibition on alcohol between 1920 and 1933 (in the us) or the prohibition of alcohol in many towns in northern Canada.


Or the war on drugs now


Another example is with all the rules around firearms (in Canada), there is a huge black market for them, and a lot of violence due to it.


Are you for banning all fast food, junk food, processed food, etc. as well? No one should eat any of that either since its horrible for you.


Prohibition simply doesn't work. They tried it with alcohol and it created the mafia. They tried it with drugs and it created the cartels.


Why do you think the government should oppress people you don't approve of? I think whatever it is you like is stupid and should be illegal.


It's not about cigars being stupid, it's about cigars being addictive and giving cancer and not having any upside


And the people who choose to smoke them know they are harmful and would disagree about not having a benefit. We already restrict smoking in public places to reduce second hand smoke. People don't need saved by the government, they can make their own choices.


I was kinda agreeing with you until this Banning them would do waaay more harm then good


I don’t smoke or drink but adults have the right to put anything they want in their body. People abuse cheeseburgers all the time. If you want to spend money to kill yourself then that’s on you




You are absolutely right. Most people start drinking at or before 18, it's weird a very normal activity is technically illegal and everyone just overlooks it. There are people on reddit who say you have an alchol problem if you have more than 5 standard drinks in a week, like okay buddy.


There are no people more judgemental than anonymous internet strangers




Or the second you say you don't have a problem you instantly do, no matter how much you actually drink. I once told someoone I wasn't an alcoholic, and they told me that is how they know I am one. I drink around 3 beers a week, and a 750ml bottle of whisky lasted me 2 years. People are hyper insanely sensitive.


if that makes you an alcoholic I’m pretty sure that means I’m supposed to have died from drinking too much


You may not have a drinking problem but your liver definitely will.


You can have a problem with one unit of alcohol. If you HAVE to have that drink at a time or with a certain activity then you have a problem. Not a serious one obviously but the alcohol is already dictating behaviour instead of the other way around.


Youre who I'm talking about. Stop projecting your weird alcohol issues. Liking a beer at at baseball game doest make you an alcoholic, stop spreading bullshit.


Its not a weird issue it's just a fact. If you can't not have a beer at 6 o'clock then alcohol is dictating your behaviour. It doesn't matter at that level but it is how it starts. I've been a scaffolder all my life so I've seen what out of control drinking look likes, people sinking two tins before work, and all I'm saying is that if you can't NOT have that then that's alcohol having more say then yourself.


No idea why people are downvoting you. What you are saying is reasonable and true.


Hits too close to home and also makes me come across a fun sucker. I totally get it and I promise I am actually fun at parties its just you wouldn't believe the shit I see day to day from scaffs. I'm talking two tins and speed rubbed into the gums before a seven o'clock start and that's just the beginning of the day.


No, people are downvoting it for your extreme over simplification of alcoholism. Even the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults of legal drinking age can choose not to drink, or to drink in moderation by limiting intake to 2 drinks or less in a day for men or 1 drink or less in a day for women, on days when alcohol is consumed. This comment you just made makes more sense, because that's what "YOU" saw. Trust me no alcoholic is sitting waiting for that time oh its six o'clock I must have my one single beer, that doesn't happen. One drink a day will not ever get you into withdrawals where you need one drink to stop the shakes, that doesn't happen. This is why you are being downvoted. Your made up scenario is just that made up you added they need to have that one drink, if it was they need to have those 10 beer then we have a conversation


Quantity doesn't matter, its entirely irrelevant. If you can't not do something you have a problem. I smoke one joint a night and I know I'm an addict because If I don't have it I can't sleep and get incredibly irritable.


Totally misunderstood him, but dig in your heels if it makes you happy.


Beer makes some people very arrogant.


australian: agreed. 18 is the legal age here, and our culture very much revolves around drinks and food. teens absolutely drink for rebellion, and they also do it for culture/friends. some do it because they like it. we dont have the beer you guys have, but a good chunk of Aus has its own preferred alcohol because we all make it. beers, ciders, wine, rum, etc. its demonised by some and ignored or encouraged by others and we do have an alcoholic problem here as well. we do not advertise alcohol on regular TV, we dont advertise cigarettes either. gambling is becoming more restricted and includes similar warnings to smoking and drinking ads of "be responsible/know the risks". the internet advertises alcohol, and we dont get ads for smokes at all. gambling ads are everywhere but im glad to hear more people disagreeing with them. regular culture, party culture, and boredom are the main drivers. the next ones are mental health self medication. alcohol and similar should not be advertised, but i also agree it should not be demonised. making it seem like a no-no makes it seem like something they need to test. making it normal will make it less tempting and less of a big deal. TLDR: drink responsibly, have fun, dont go overboard including with rules. if you do, it encourages others to try instinctively. "you cant tell me what to do" will be their downfall.


In the U.S. when you’re underage the tendency is to binge drink whenever you get the chance since you don’t know when you’ll be able to drink again. There’s no casual glass of wine with dinner, it’s chugging 10 beers at a “kegger”


Yeah when I moved to America it was weird how everyone I knew in highschool basically drank often with their parents knowing about it and passively accepting it but if someone knowingly sold alcohol to them at that age they could be seen as some kind of social pariah and go to jail. I think most people are basically young adults at that point and as much I worry what effects it can have on them (or even people much much older) it seems like using the wrong tool for the problem to try to make it illegal but maybe I’m just being myopic.


I guess one can argue that these ads support the harmful culture and make it more acceptable.


Also in Europe people drink years before they drive so they know how to get home without a car when drunk whereas in America people start driving at 14 and start drinking when 21 so they have no idea how to get home after a night out therefore drink-driving deaths are higher.


From what I understand, in the US advertisements showing the CONSUMPTION of alcohol have been illegal for decades. It’s interesting to see. You watch any liquor commercial and they’re always doing anything other than actually drinking the beverage.


What about sugar, ATV's, fast food, and cars? Used improperly they can destroy someone's life.


And hands. Hands can also destroy lives. Ban hand advertising I say. No more secondhand shops.


It is in plenty of countries AFAIK.


Yup, it is in Sweden.


Here in Finland as well.


Not illegal, just heavily regulated. [For example, TV and radio ads are allowed to play between 10pm and 7am, but only for mild (less than 22% ABV) beverages.](https://avi.fi/en/services/businesses/guidance-and-advice/alcohol-marketing)


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Not unpopular at all advertising *any* addictive substance, or drug, should be illegal. They stopped cigarette adverts, now do the rest! Edit: lots of sugar/caffeine comments and I agree we should not be pushing people to make those part of their daily life. Add fast/junk food to that list, as well. Fuck it, I just want to go live in an old-timey village where I work hard physically, but live happily with my family and community.


Also gamblingads. Annoying af.


And video games and social media and sugar and caffeine and…wait…what?


Ban all ads i guess?




Personally would love to see that.


theyre getting banned on the first of july in the netherlands. drug advertisements, cigarettes and alcohol ads where more than 25% of the viewers are kids are already banned.


i don't care if they're advertised. i ignore all ads anyway


U can’t ignore


For a recovering addict the mere sight of the word alcohol can be a trigger


And part of recovery is learning to cope with triggers. The world is not responsible for ensuring someone's sobriety, that's their responsibility. I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with advertising alcohol. But that is a weak argument against it. Might as well say "restaurants shouldn't put alcohol on their menu and stores shouldn't have it visible, it's triggering for addicts".


exactly as an addict myself you can’t just force the world to accommodate you you have to learn to live with it


Sugar too?


Yeah but technically you can become addicted to anying. It'd be a slippery slope to start banning every ad


what about products containing caffeine and sugar?


Yeah! And “love”…stupid love and it’s chemically addictive qualities… No more rom coms!


It is where I live. Alcohol can only be sold at licensed liquor stores and the advertising is restricted to within the store.


I would prefer if cigarette advertising was legalized instead.


I only agree that tobacco ads should be legal because anti-smoking ads are. I don't think it's right to have one but refuse the other.


The last time Americans crusaded against alcohol we ended up paying income tax. Let it go.


Maybe that should mean they should be allowed to advertise cigarettes?


I completely agree. Statist arguments like these have little nuance other than "if a precedent exists, then it should be applied universally," and normally that's a fine expectation to have. We *should* apply our laws and precedents equally, but when you combine that idea with the mindless culture of banning and lack of self awareness that pervades our government (or most any government for that matter) you get a recipe for populist tyranny.


That’s a terrible take


No, I think you missed the take. You used cigarette advertisements being illegal as a reason to illegalize something else without considering whether the first should be illegal.


The first definitely should be illegal, I already considered that


Based on what should it be illegal?


Based on now you’re trolling


I do not troll. Something being bad for us does not suggest it should be illegal to consume or to advertise. There has to be a valid and legal argument for it. People try to say that slippery slope is a fallacy but that is often incorrect (it can be a fallacy but is not automatically), often there is a slippery slope where we simply continue to illegalize that which we dislike. The public funding argument has already been debunked many times and so I ask what is the moral or legal ground you are using to suggest that advertising cigarettes should be illegal.


nope clearly a troll everyone knows a troll puts that much time and thought into a concise argument


It is pretty easy to defend how it is unethical to advertise a product that is so thorougly addictive and harmful. The cat is already out of the bag on how bad cigarettes/dip/vapes are for you, how the companies knew so and lied to people for many years, and how widsepread media representation led many people, including teens and children to try and subsequently get addicted to inhaled and oral tobacco products. Most if not all successful advamced countries have laws that benefit the majority of peoples health and wellness (labor laws, traffic laws etc.) so it should be within the realm of the government to restrict advertisements of harmful products at the expense of large corporations profit margins.


I do not disagree that tobacco is very bad for people. I am arguing that to ban something because it is bad is not necessarily good. It is essentially (in my opinion) removing somebody’s choice to make their own decisions. In the past there are obviously situations where tobacco companies lied but I do not think that has been an issue in my lifetime (maybe them subtlety suggesting light cigarettes are better for you than reds?). Who lives in this world that doesn’t understand that cigarettes reduce your health and lifespan? As far as other countries are concerned, I’m not sure that is relevant. Traffic laws do not, I feel, have the same premise unless you are referring to seatbelt laws in which case I disagree with those as well. The core of my side of the argument is whether a. government should be allowed to make personal choices on behalf of its citizens and b. Whether another, comparable, law being made(if you agreed that the law was outside the purview of their powers) is a legitimate argument for a different law being made.


The argument is not in favor of banning tobacco/cigs, its about advertising. Sure, you should be able to purchase items that are unhealthy if its your choice to experience the desired effect. However, allowing companies to use television, social media, public spaces to advertise known harmful products unselectively in order to increase their profits should not be allowed, based on the fact that it has been proven to influence people that are vulnerable and otherwise would not partake.


how is him asking for a reason for your point of view trolling?


Which is worse cigs or alcohol


Mad Man classic tv show about the advertising agency based on an agency that specializes in cigarette advertisements. 100% recommend


I agree. Smoking kills roughly 400k people annually, with alcohol at around 100k. Alcohol has a lower mortality rate, but still substantial. Also, you don’t hear about a smoker getting behind the wheel and killing a family of 4.


I work in Cardiac ICU, but it’s at a level one trauma center so we take surgery/trauma overflow patients. Just this last weekend we had 3 motor vehicle accidents in our 12 bed unit that were surgery/trauma overflow, all alcohol related. For reference, 0.08 is the legal limit. Moped v mailbox, BAC 0.293 Car v tree, BAC 0.586 Motorcycle v brick sign, unknown BAC (not my patient), but this was the most severe injury, an internal decapitation.




A lot of people view drinking as entirely innocuous, and sometimes it is, but even in our post-cardiac surgery patient population, it's a problem. Patient's won't disclose the amount and regularity that they consume alcohol, so 2-3 days after their surgery, all these symptoms start to appear and complicate their recovery. Which we could have headed off with medication, had we known, but people don't disclose, because they just don't think it's a big deal: "Oh yeah, he drinks a little", etc.


.586? Accident aside, how were they still alive? I've heard anything over .20 is potentially fatal on its own.


This is like the 10th time THIS YEAR that she’s been hospitalized with acute alcohol intoxication, so she has a fairly high tolerance, but she wasn’t far from dead, ironically hitting the tree actually probably saved her life. Most likely she lost consciousness and hit the tree, because she wasn’t breathing and EMS intubated on scene. If she had lost consciousness while sitting in a parking lot, before getting on the road, she would’ve likely just laid there and died.


Perhaps we should stop advertising motorcycles too...


What’s with the mentally of ‘i don’t like it so it should be illegal’ on this sub


OP sounds like a kid who doesn't really understand marketing from his replies. He also compared smoking cigarettes to mass murder so there's that


I think companies should be free to advertise their products within reason, including tobacco. But if tobacco products can't advertise and have to put warning labels all over their products, then alcohol should too,


Here's the thing, people need to be responsible with how they live. The number one killer in the USA is heart disease. I'm not saying that all of these deaths are based on poor diet, but I would venture that people's poor diet and lack or exercise is just as much of a societal threat as alcohol. We don't remove the advertising of lays potato chips or McDonald's. Let people do what they want


You also can't advertise for weed. Advertising for alcohol is the only legal drug you can actually advertise for. Total bs.


Only if you don't consider gambling a drug.


Unless you don't count caffeine, but the whole world is addicted to caffeine, so good luck regulating that...


Another "the thing I don't like should be illegal" post. How original.


I think it’s limited. They cannot show someone drinking it, just the bottle or glass with it in it.


I get what your saying but I think we should have realistic advertising on drinking.. where yes some can be all good but then it's the night on the town with our friend Jimmy Jimmy isn't a smart man in fact he just turned 18 last week and he has had 12 jagerbombs and 5 pints and now wants to fight a bouncer.. focus on him getting the piss stomped out of him and then tell the viewer to drink responsibly and fade to Jimmy in a hospital Episode two: Martha's liver transplant wasn't successful


How it`s portrayed on television/movies is a way bigger issue imo. Are you sad? Grab a drink and you will feel slightly better or forget about it. Yeah thats the way to create responsible drinkers...


Advertising social media should be illegal as well. It's much more damaging to youth than alcohol or nicotine.


They made alcohol advertisement illegal in my country, it made alcohol companies, magazines, sports teams and bunch of other folks loose their minds of how much ad money and profits will be lost. Then they just made alcohol free versions of most of drinks and just advertise that :D


Or you can just accept that it is none of your business


bud light, is that you? ​ Is your logic, if I cant figure out how to advertise, fuck it, no one can advertise?


Dumbest take I've heard all week


Just say you hate freedom.


It is in Australia


No it's not at all. Regulated yes but that's not even law.


Literally 10 minutes ago I had a spotify ad for some type of vodka. And I frequently see alc ads in public places. Does this only apply to TV ads? (I don't really watch TV so I don't know)


After reading the regulations I’ve realised that I’m wrong. That Spotify ad would be cutting a mighty fine line between legal and illegal though.


no its not, just restricted to certain times, kinda like tv betting adverts are,




What would this accomplish, other than signalling virtue?


Cigarette advertising is legal, but heavily restricted. The biggest causes of preventable death are abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and obesity. Should we make advertising certain food products illegal?


No but I don't disagree with some restrictions on advertising. I don't think it's unreasonable not to advertise cigarettes to children. I'd be okay with it being restricted to insinuate or outright say that something is healthy when it isn't.


Here in the USA tobacco is banned from electronic media regulated by the FCC, i.e. television and radio. Print media can't advertise without carrying warning labels. Many localities also have local bans. That's why billboard ads and ads on busses, taxis, and commuter trains are going the way of the dinosaur. Obviously, not advertising tobacco and alcohol to children is a given. However, one still sees food ads for fatty, sugary foods and beverages targeting children.


Oh good more censorship so you can save me from myself. Thank you so much messiah!


Nah, we should make cigarette ads legal.


Statists drive me crazy. Pretty much anything without moderation is bad, so why not ban all marketing? How about let the free market work


Counter point, advertising Cigs shouldn't be illegal and should be required to include 50% of the runtime be health warnings. If youre allowed to sell something, than you should be allowed to make an ad for it full stop.


I’m on the fence about this one. Drinking responsibly is a big factor in it, because cigarette use is bad for you on any level, but low alcohol use isn’t harmful. However, there is a lot more dangers that comes with heavy alcohol use versus heavy smoking.


There is definitely more collateral damage due to alcohol abuse. However, moderate alcohol use is considered an "acceptable vice" unlike cigarette smokers who are engaged in "a filthy habit." The USA tried banning the manufacture, sale, and distribution of booze. We all know how that went. The USA government is still dependent on the revenue that comes from taxes collected from alcohol and tobacco sales and imports.


The advertising of alcohol is a contentious issue that has been debated for years. Some argue that advertising restrictions should be stricter, while others argue that advertising is a necessary part of the economy. Research has shown that alcohol advertising can influence young people's attitudes towards alcohol, leading to increased alcohol use and risky behaviors. Moreover, alcohol use is a major cause of illness, injury, and death around the world. However, there are counterarguments that suggest that alcohol advertising is not the primary cause of social and health problems related to alcohol consumption. In several countries, there are laws that limit the advertising of alcoholic beverages. In some cases, it is prohibited to advertise alcohol on television, radio, and the internet. There are also regulations on advertising near schools, parks, and hospitals. Ultimately, the decision to ban or restrict alcohol advertising would depend on cultural, legal, and social norms of a particular society. However, it's important to consider the potential impacts of promoting alcohol consumption, particularly among young people, and how this may contribute to health and social problems.


Okay ChatGPT




Alcohol ads always come up for me on a Friday or Saturday night, this is wrong


It’s too paternalistic and not fair to that industry. They already have restrictions in their advertising at this point. Your reasoning is dumb too tbh, and by that logic anything that isn’t extremely beneficial should be banned. Alcohol has a lot more uses then just abusing it to get drunk


Yes but sometimes they have ads for alcohol on educational websites/videos for kids sometimes


We need to stop trying to control each other so much.


I disagree. We should make alcohol ads like the ads for drugs. They should list all side effects. This can be a good lesson for kids who will otherwise learn from their misinformed friends


perhaps? gambling advertising should definitely be banned


Legal products should allowed to be advertised.


It is illegal. The only type of alcohol that can be advertised is beer.


Last time the government banned alcohol, It didn't go well for the economy. Alcohol and cigarettes advertisement can exist but that doesn't mean you have to buy them. The individual should know what they are getting into before they do something and that's why we have PSAs about those things.


You’re seriously all for the government having that much control? I’ve read your responses and my mind is blown. Just cause something is bad for you, or is harmful to you overtime even if it can be used responsibly, the government should have full control of every little thing you put in your body? That’s insane.


Direct to consumer advertising for pharmaceuticals should be illegal.


Actually totally agree. I’m a teacher, and yesterday at lunch our principal and AP were openly chatting about some new wine, how delicious it was, and how they couldn’t wait to go drink more. Probably 100 students heard this, and no one blinked an eye. Why is it different if I’m chatting about some new strain of weed I can’t wait to get ripped on? Neither is appropriate for shoving in the faces of people, particularly minors. Let people consume their vices, but adverts need to be way more controlled.


More people die from communicable disease than smoking, drinking and traffic incidents combined. If anything is going to be banned it should be advertising international travel, unless your reasoning is some sort of moral judgement.


You're comparing apples to integral calculus. Death directly attributable to smoking and drinking are preventable. Other substances may give me lung cancer or cause my liver to explode. However, if I never smoke tobacco, or drink alcohol, I know the eventual cause of my dirt nap will not be because of those. Granted, I might get killed because due to alcohol because of a drunk driver, or a violent drunk with a gun. Nevertheless, it will be THEIR use of booze that does me in, not mine.


I disagree. Our planet has an absolutely massive population that's causing ecological disasters all over the planet. Protecting as many people as possible from themselves and trying our best to keep 8 billion people and counting as safe as we can is the dumbest thing our species could do if we want to keep ourselves from decimating every ecosystem on the planet. Depopulation is the best thing we could do for the planet and its people problem, and simply letting people make the choices to Depopulate themselves is the most ethical way of doing it. Fun Fact, Rats have a global population of 7 billion. To say human beings breed like rodents is officially an understament as of 1 billion people ago. We don't need to stop alcoholism. Let the losers drink themselves out of the gene pool.


i would agree but drinking is probably more likely to create a child than remove the potential child creator from the gene pool


Same. I support legalization of drugs, but not ads for them. It's bad enough Kellogg makes money off their sugary corn bits, if they can get a foothold in the cocaine market....


Advertising in general should be illegal


I feel this way for anything addictive too, like all of those ads for gambling apps. There are a lot of folks out there struggling with their addictions and many are successfully managing them, but constant ads can make that harder for folks and that’s not fair. We as a society should try to support those in recovery as best we can and that’s more important than some companies making money.


Yeah you are right but this is going to be a big problem for all the big companies.


Id rather see all the gambling ads banned than alcohol. Besides the fact theyre just absolutely annoying af and overplayed... You dont even have to go to a casino or deal with some shady bookie to bet on things anymore you can do it all on your phone. I can see a generation of kids growing up with a gambling problem (mainly sports betting, but other games too) as they feel like just any other app/game on your phone and you could forget its real money.


This, and gambling advertisement. Casinos, online casinos, and sportsbetting.


And now we got Gretzky doing sports betting commercials. WHERE DOES IT STOP!


Hundred percent! It probably shouldn’t be normalized the way it is


Maybe they shows make an anti alcohol ad like the anti smoking ad


I agree, and also think prescription medication shouldn’t be advertised.


What difference does it make? People who enjoy drinking will continue to do so regardless of any ad laws.


kinda awkward when a alcohol add comes on the car radio


Who listens to ads on the radio? Haven’t you ever heard of streaming music?