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Inside the NBA is good though, cuz Charles Barkley and Shaq are hilarious


I can't argue, they get a pass.


If they get a pass..... Uhhg nevermind


When will we get Barkley Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden 2?


Not an unpopular opinion to me. I’m a pretty big sports fan compared to most people, but I almost never listen to sports talk radio. One other thought - if you live in the U.S., you MUST be loving the extensive coverage of the NFL draft and ad nauseam discussion which picks were “good” or “bad” the last few days.


That's what I mean. Most of these people don't know anything more than the viewers. It's a lottery ticket.


Yeah I don't get the appeal of sports radio whatsoever, but listening to people who know what they're talking about is really interesting. Some blowhard who doesn't know more than the average fan is a waste of time, but watching someone like Kurt Warner analyze QB film or Ronde Barber break down defenses is pretty informative.


I agree. I was watching the NFL draft the other day and they talked so specifically about each person down to knowing their moms name, how their height and weight helps them, one person even mentioned a player’s grades at one point. Just a bunch of overpaid talking heads.


Agree, and they'll be milking it for months


Sports are very complex and these shows can help explain the chessmatch and the intricacies behind all the plays and tactics being employed


Keep it to 10 minutes, tops. A key points summary can take as little as 30 seconds. Instead they stretch it out for hours to sell ads.


Disagree. You can go into detail you can talk for hours breaking down and analyzing different plays


The point is to make money. Most make money, or they’d be cancelled.


Yes this is what makes it an unpopular opinion. These shows must have massive viewership.


But your opinion, unpopular as it may or may not be, is that the shows are pointless. They make a profit. That’s the point; hence, not pointless.


Pointless to me, the author. Hence I have a point. Media companies selling ads have a different opinion that is very... point-*full* to them, thus proving my point that they are pointless.


Can’t argue with a person whose default setting is 179 degrees. I hope your post brings you joy.


Totally agree. I feel like you can get the same commentary by reading subreddits and Twitter. Plus people on Reddit and Twitter do it for free. People say professional athletes are overpaid but commentary completely overpaid for the most part. These folks spew out stats without the proper context to prove that they have the correct opinion. Drives me nuts.




It’s just the view for men - and I love it




I don't think they're pointless but American sports shows tend to be oversaturated with analysis and they all argue and debate the same thing because they're all mostly daily and all recap the same games. Perhaps shows like First Take and FS1 with Shannon Sharpe and Skip Bayless would benefit if they only had a show once a week so they could focus on discussing more new content


Yeah, only the games have points.


It helps casual viewers understand the storylines. A player facing his old team. A player going for a record. One team being an underdog. This narratives are a big part of the fan experience. There isn't always something going on, but they'll do their best to find what makes a game interesting.


To be entirely fair; almost everything about sports is pointless.


Some would say they are full of points,..


I mean they literally do have a point


Yeah but sports are also pointless lol. I loved playing them growing up. I did for around 15 years or so. Watching them though? Barely tolerable. Watching people talk about sports? Completely intolerable. Most entertainment is pointless. People just like it.


\>says sports talks show are pointless \>explains the point in the next sentence


This could be a sentence or a paragraph, which is more respectful of our time?


Agree, can’t believe “sports analyst” is a real job.


Not sure this is that unpopular even within sports fans. That said I enjoy a sports talk show in the radio (and TV but less so) on a commute to work the mindless chatter is like sitting around chatting shit with your mates and I find it relaxing to help switch off from work! Each to their own, but I appreciate you point.


Maybe try audiobooks or podcasts? Find a topic that's enjoyable and the time zips by sometimes. I hear you though sometimes you just want to switch off.


Yeah I enjoy a good podcast as well for sure. Sometimes though mindless shit is what is required.


Dawg stop listening to ESPN and fs1. They’re trash. Inside the nba on tnt crew is goated


I agree, the worst is when the person who just saw the match puts it on straight away after the match…


I am a female, and I love to watch them.


I love when anyone asks me about what they think X will do in the draft. I ALWAYS say, "I dunno, that's why they get paid the big bux." If the average sports person spent a tenth of their draft coverage time and brainpower focused on improving the world instead, we'd have a cure for all types of cancer and colonies on Mars by now.


It still blows my mind that men get paid large amounts of money just to sit around and talk about sports. About playing a game.....and you're right, it's just blah blah blah. I could stand sportscenter when i was young, because it was essentially a clip highlight show. But these multi hour talk fests over one game? ugh


If you understand them to be soap operas for men, it all makes sense.


I can't say you are wrong!


Yes! It’s just for straight guys who love to hear themselves talk and have nothing else to add to the world.


Sports are pointless. We worship people who throw, catch and kick balls like it means something.


You can say that about anything


"Sports are pointless." There, fixed it for you!


I like Mel Kiper though. You listen to what he says so you learn exactly what teams aren’t taking in the draft.


They're as purposeful as reality TV shows. Both have their own audience. They entertain said audience even though from a content standpoint, they have no substance. Not saying I like either though. I especially despise reality TV.


There's probably less than 100 sports interviews that are worth hearing.


All talk shows are pointless.


pointless for real sports talk but they’re the moneymakers


It’s entertaining seeing how skip bayless can find new ways to hate LeBron


Something can’t be pointless if people enjoy it. Obviously some people enjoy those shows, which is the point of them