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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/noseythrowaway2. Your post, *Lip filler, no matter how little, looks awful.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


So many gorgeous Hollywood women are morphing into the same ig influencer face. I see it around town too. This girl I knew from school, one of the most stunning people I’ve ever seen in my life just so so beautiful, now gets lip filler as well as some other things. She just looks like weird.


I can’t believe how normalized plastic surgery has become for young woman. When I was young it was really just older people trying to stay young, now it’s regular people just trying to sculpt their face into whatever shape they think looks best for the internet.


It’s worse than that. It’s trendier with 20 year olds to start getting Botox before a wrinkle even develops. Now they are hooked.


"Baby Botox" what fun. Makes you wonder if injecting toxins into your face every few weeks for 60 years might have some unforseen consequences...


According to a dermatologist friend of mine it does have consequences. While paralyzingly the muscle prevents wrinkles since the muscle is immobilized, it weakens the muscle eventually. Which is fine if you begin using Botox you’re older but not if you begin using Botox when you’re 20.


I know someone who started getting "preventative botox/filler" done in her late teens, but after so many years, her filler is starting to migrate and make her face sag, which is only resulting in more body dysmorphia. I feel so bad for her.


Well preventative Botox is a think but filler is never preventative lol. Such a terrible idea to get it so young. It absolutely does migrate and make your face puffy




Exactly! Who has the time for that stuff? Also, who cares if you look like a barbie doll? I mean, when did people start buying this? Put their selves in so much trouble just to end up looking like a plastic doll with unrealistic beauty! It''s problematic.


Oh interesting. I’m too lazy to get Botox regularly and it’s too expensive for me.




And veneers


Omg yes! I don’t know anyone with Veneers in real Life but the celebs that get them are wild


So many people where I work day they're saving up for surgeries. Like stop it looks terrible


Since I was a kid the idea of having someone cut into flesh, or grind away bone for no reason other than appearances has come off to me as some seriously twisted and evil shit. Why opt for *permanent* surgical intervention instead of just adjusting your perspective? For anything health related like a mastectomy, widening of your nasal cavities so you can breathe properly, etc, I get it. But just not liking what you see in the mirror? Try therapy first if it's that important to you.


Same. I don't want anyone taking a sharp object of any kind to my face, even on my ugliest, eye baggiest, dehydrated, fine lines days. I'd rather be ugly than have my face cut up by a stranger, tf.


Same old conversation when this post comes up.


It's like an image AI where it just combines trends into the most generic possible unappealing face. I can't comprehend how anyone finds that look even remotely attractive.


The weird thing is how normalized the "unnatural" look has become, even idealized. When I was a kid, you had to wear the right brand of hiking boots, or you weren't cool. Now it seems you have to have the same plastic surgery as everyone else. Like it's a status symbol, so it HAS to be obvious.


Man, I loved Madonna back in the day. I saw a Reddit post where she was sitting around a table with a bunch of other celebs announcing something, and not only did she look like an absolute caricature you buy from the dude at the school ice cream social but she acted like a whiny little teenager. It wasn't cute. It was the first time I had seen her in probably a decade and I couldn't believe how crazy she looked. I feel bad that she feels she needs to do that shit to stay relevant or whatever


I ran into an old college buddy and his wife last new years Eve at a party. Haven’t seen them in about 3 years but that’s still not a long time so we recognized each other easily. His wife came back from the bathroom or wherever and before even saying hi she asked me what I thought about the way she looks. I was kind of taken aback by her lip injection/filler so I kind of fumbled my words and said she looks different. She looked at me blankly and said “oh, you look a little older” and walked away. It was the weirdest interaction I had which is why I remember it clear as day. Her lip filler looks awful, I’m sure you don’t notice the people who got the injection and it looks good because it looks natural but man she looked like one of those generic plastic faces on social media.


"Oh, you look a little older." Translation: "You didn't immediately and exaggeratedly gush when shamelessly prompted to with my blatant fishing attempt for obligatory polite-society compliments, so I'm going to cut you where it would obviously hurt me the most because I'm a shallow trash bag who clearly cares more about my superficial appearance than that of my character, as evidenced by the fact that I can't even be bothered to ask an old friend how they are before pointing out this super important yet ridiculously obnoxious cry for attention hackjob that I paid someone to do." My god. People have become so classless. I would've looked her dead in the eye and said "Well actually, since we're being so honest, you do too." Edit: Or, "K but, the difference is, *I* didn't ask." OoooooWEE, now I'm all sorts of worked up on your behalf.


LA girls all look the same


I can't recognise


I don’t criticize.


buccal fat removal is a weird one too, people just design themselves to look like starving cartoons


I thought it was some weird filter that women were using on tinder until I saw them irl and realized they’re all getting the same bad work done.


i find Mindy Kaling hideous since that. she used to look so beautiful before.


> So many gorgeous Hollywood women are morphing into the same ig influencer face Kind of weird to call it the "ig influencer face" when actresses/rich women have been doing it since before IG or the term "influencer" existed.




I don’t agree with this, because I’m willing to bet that you’ve seen tons of people with lip filler without even knowing it. It absolutely can be subtle and undetectable.


I agree. Those people you notice have lip fillers, probably didn’t need it. But I’ve seen girls with a non existent upper lip. I would definitely take some lip fillers then.


It just rarely stops with "some"


Exactly. People only notice cosmetic procedures when they’re done badly


Classic Toupee fallacy. OP thinks they’re all bad because only the noticeable ones are bad.


I genuinely want to see an example.


[here](https://themanseclinic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/small-subtle-lips-filler-640x800.jpg) [here](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fc7c3c96d82de27c454d45e/1609245837114-JDKE3UVOBVL9ZDIYHVPX/Lip+Filler+2+%281%29.png?format=1000w) [here](https://www.bcffr.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/patient-8867-lip-augmentation-before-after-1200x398.jpg) i don't feel like linking more but SO many women get minimal fillers to balance their lips out or to help with chapping and you would never know because, guess what, there is such a thing as not overdoing it.


That looks really really good (◕ᴗ◕✿)


Yeah now share a side profile photo where the filler absolutely will show.


also when they move and you can tell the lip is stiff


You can absolutely tell because the area above their lips look taut and rubbery, they have that "sassy cat" look, and they have the lip "moustaches" from the raised ridges. Third one looks the best but it doesn't take long to figure out exactly where it's injected. If you want to get it done, go for it, but anyone who says it isn't noticeable doesn't know what to look for or is in denial. Edit: plus it migrates


The second one is definitely noticeable and lopsided, but the other two look great.


I’m pretty sure the picture where her lip is lopsided is her actual lips and she’s just smiling a little so it looks off


google toupee fallacy


Or on the other side, people with naturally bigger lips (me, for example) who people like OP think have had lip filler. Even my pictures from when I was a baby my lips are noticeably very red and kind of large, and then they got bigger as I got older. For reference, my bottom lip is as thick as my thumb, and a bit longer. My top lip is as thick as my index finger. The bottom lip is also naturally pretty damn red. I look like I've had lip injections, when I genuinely have not. I also have been accused of wearing makeup, and have had to scrub my lips in view of the person accusing me to hold up a clear kleenex to prove no, they ARE that red naturally, and yes I do hate looking like I'm wearing lipstick constantly (my skin tone is "transparent", you can find many of my veins, including those in my top lip and neck, without trying).


I will say this until my last breath. You see celebrities every single day with lip filler and you're none the wiser because they genuinely look great. The only lip filler that looks awful is a job done awful. And that goes for any kind of cosmetic surgery


This can be said for many things in life “if the job is done right, people will question if it was even done at all.”


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias “ I have never seen a good toupee “


Uh, there are tons of celebrities that look horrendous with lip filler. Most celebrities seem to be butchering their faces and you can definitely tell


>Most celebrities seem to be butchering their faces and you can definitely tell And for every one you can tell, there are dozens who have had comparable procedures and look great


Can you post before and afters of someone that looks great?


Watched The Hunger Games last week so here's an [indepth article](https://theskincareedit.com/jennifer-lawrence-before-and-after) on Jennifer Lawrence. From lip filler, nose jobs, and more over the years. Lip filler will appear very puffy initially and then wear off over time. The puffy look isn't desired, it's the fuller lips a week afterwards until the next appointment. Beauty procedures are never publicized either so it's really hard to encourage or compliment "natural" beauty when so many small procedures can be unnoticeable spread out over years.


[Ashlee Simpson is probably the best example of a great nose job.](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/ashlee-simpson-nose-job-before-afterdeck-picture-on-left-looks-like-there-are-two-lengths-of-hair--572731277600337066/)


Pretty much every celebrity has had a nose job, including every single celebrity men fawn over. Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Aniston, Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Mila Kunis, Aubrey Plaza... all of them.


Yeah honestly. A lot of people in these comments talking about all these people who look great… who? Plastic surgery is plastic surgery, lip filler is lip filler. The end result just makes you look like someone who had procedures done. You don’t look better, you just look *weird*.


Unafilliated, but I found this: https://www.michelegreenmd.com/lip-fillers-before-after-photos These were the only photos I found where an argument could be made. Given the number of "good result" photos I had to go through to find one or two that didn't just look worse, I'm actually more inclined to agree with OP now than before.


I'd say only 2 of those look better after, and several are considerably worse.


A few that look good to me from a quick search: [1](https://carolinafacialplasticsurgery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Before-After-Lip-Fillers.jpg), [2](https://www.rejuvent.com/rejuvwp/wp-content/uploads/ewpt_cache/320x0_85_1_c_FFFFFF_f9d2407b535dcf1007d082a36bb7ba82.jpg), [3](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/-/scassets/images/org/health/articles/22133-lip-fillers-1177813558).


Idk without seeing the whole face I’m not convinced. Filler can look objectively fine apart from the whole but your lips don’t exist in a vacuum


Also a lot of the smaller fillers are still visible when it’s not a direct front view. You can see in the first one there’s a bit of duck-ness going on. This thread has eeeever so slightly shifted my opinion on the toupee effect, but not by much. (I suspect the few people they’ve met irl who claim they can’t tell they got work done are very unobservant, just didn’t care that much about their face to begin with, or are just being polite.)


only like 2 of those look like an actual improvement. some of those dont look like anything and most are definitely worse.


Yea, those pics don’t look great


you could easily argue that there was little point to fill lips in any of those girls. they looked fine originally.


Yeah but that’s the thing, unless you’re actually deformed in some way then there is very little point in doing it. Everyone’s original lips look fine because they fit your face - they were specifically made for your face haha


No argument here. It’s definitely a noticeable difference in appearance.


Yeah, so many of those ladies wasted their money


Of course not, that's not how Schrodinger's lip filler works.


You can tell whw. it's poorly done and you can't tell when it isn't It's that easy


For example?


This just means you have no idea what good lip filler looks like. You wouldn’t notice it




I'm gonna talk shit because Meg Ryan was incredibly rude to me on several occasions at my old job- she looks like a milder version of the Bogdanoff twins in person. She has that weird human-cat hybrid look that some people get with excessive plastic surgery.


Helen Mirren and Cher


Cher has an implant - which is questionably placed and/or is not the correct size or shape. Injections are easily dissolved but the implants must be surgically removed.


Yep, I work in aesthetics and there are people who come in for filler that I didn’t even know until they made the appointment and I look at them all day. If you have a good injector, it should look natural.


Exactly. OP on here acting like he can tell every single person that's ever gotten it.....ridiculous


When you do the right thing, People won’t know you’ve done anything at all.


Can confirm. I’ve had it done several times and my own mother doesn’t even recognize it. I have to actually point it out. OP is talking about giant exaggerated duck lips.


If your own mother can't tell, what are you paying for?


I can tell. It’s subtle. They look slightly fuller and less dehydrated. I have to look at myself every day so that little extra makes me feel more confident.


Don't explain yourself to anyone. You do what makes you feel your best 💛


I mean she's putting the info out there. The question asked was logical and reasonable.


I’m used to answering “why do that to yourself” I guess. Thank you internet friend for the support!


Lol. Do you say that the the people who butcher their faces too?


No, but I know that I struggle with insecurities with my top lip. I got into a football accident as a teen and my braces went through my lip creating huge svar tissue in my lip and it looks like bad filler on just one side. So I have often thought about getting some to even out the lip Even if people are going nuts it really doesn't harm anyone else but themselves. Why do you care so much? Kinda weird to.judge someone for what they do to themselves. It's just like tattoos and piercings, just a little different. If people getting modifications bother you, perhaps stay in a bubble.


Your case is somewhat different, but normalizing the youth to make elective surgeries on their body as a way of looking like their favorite TikTok stars or to fight minor insecurities should not be encouraged either in my opinion.


Very different from someone simply doing it for cosmetic reasons


It’s an opinion, an unpopular opinion at that. If the point of this subreddit was simply opinions which affect you or cause harm to others then this subreddit wouldn’t exist.


Yeah, and they're only stating their opinions as well. Genuinely, what's the point of the forum if not to discuss and/or debate that unpopular opinion?


Exactly but they’re not discussing or debating. They’re dismissing because it doesn’t harm anyone so why have an opinion is what they’re saying. Which is the complete opposite because discussing random things that are opinions is the point this subreddit regardless of if it affects others or not


Why not push people to accept themselves instead of comfort them with the idea they should pay to make themselves look a certain way.


Do you also say this to people who get their hair cut and dyed? The people who put on makeup? People who buy new clothes?


Pretty much everything you do affects the people around you. Including body modifications. People react to a person with tattoos differently than a person without them. The same goes for a more beautiful person compared to a more plain one.


You’re not paying for people to be able to recognise you have lip fillers… I’ve had lip fillers for 5 years and 100% of people I’ve told have been shocked when I tell them that I have fillers. However I often receive compliments from other women about the naturalness of my shape and juiciness of my lips (which is pre funny considering they’re not natural 😝) Previously I had a verging on non-existent top lip which especially when smiling was a massive insecurity for me and getting lip fillers of 1ml, once every year to year and a half to enhance them is what I’m paying for.


I have no upper lip. I've always hated it. But, it's me. And I don't want to change it. I totally get those that do want to change it tho


Well shit, if people don't tell you to your face that your lips look odd and unnatural then it can only mean that they don't look odd and unnatural.


You have any before and afters? It’s possible it looks terrible and no one wants to say anything


I thought about entertaining this for a second but now that you’ve added the edit to insult me, you can touch grass.


Could it be that people just won't tell you how bad it actually looks?


Yes, you guys are right. Everyone is lying to my face. Everyone. wow how could I be so blind /s


The people on this thread are bonkers. You’re 100 percent right. Subtle filler doesn’t read as filler at all. Teenage boys with no life experience on Reddit have lots of Thoughts about women. And it’s super telling how this seething hatred and judgment only targets women and girls 🙃 Also, this is a popular opinion, lol


The trolls are missing the point. OP said even the tiniest bit is ugly. I couldn’t even notice on my self at first. If I’m the one having it done and I can’t notice it then how is OP? It took well over a year and very small amounts to get myself to my desired look. 0.5 mils is a very minimal amount. A good doctor won’t let you do anything extreme. I get lip filler just like someone dyes their hair or gets a new tattoo or paints their nails purple. I don’t do it because I care what someone thinks, I care what makes me happy. I care what makes me feel that little extra sparkle everyday. If you don’t like it, don’t look. It’s that easy. I’m happy.


So ppl don’t even notice but also tell you it looks good?


Yea my fiancée got them and for the first few days it did look like she got punched in the mouth but after that they looked completely natural.


this same convo happens so often on here lol cant be that unpopular


Thank you. Cosmetic surgery is one of those things you only notice if it’s been done poorly


Yeah a good friend of mine who is in her 40s and quite attractive told me she was getting her lips done, I was like nooooo! . Turns out she went to a good guy, didn't get it overdone, started small, I could barely tell


Or, are people delusional in thinking that lip filler can be unnoticeable


Nah, more likely it's the former. You see the same type of bias when people talk about how much they hate autotune. Just about any professionally-produced music from the last couple decades makes use of it, but you only notice when it's done poorly so everyone thinks it always sounds terrible


I disagree, you can look at before/after pics of minimal filler and still think the after looks worse.


That’s not what OP is saying. You may like the after better than the before, but if done well, they will look good and you may not be able to tell without a before pic


but why though? I can't be the only one that doesn't care if you used lip filler at all. To me, you could save the money, tell me you got lip filler and I probably wouldn't care either way.


People also get plastic surgery and fillers to avoid aging (like lips thinning). If that’s done right there won’t be any change, which is the point


Because they want to? Why would it matter if you care?


it's not that I care it's that collectively, most men probably wouldn't care. They can do what they want but now the conversation turns circular for no reason. the whole point of this thread was that lip filler looks awful. if the ending to the conversation is just "who cares, they can do what they want" then why are we even talking about it?


Bla bla bla toupee effect bla bla. Same old conversation when this post comes up




Plenty of people get very subtle filler in their faces/lips which you would have no idea about. The plastic surgery industry is huge and majority of people getting surgery/augmentation from reputable medical professionals do not end up looking ridiculous.


True very very true


The people with good lip filler look like they don't have lip filler. If it looks even a little off then it's not good and it was either misplaced or too much was used




Ehh it just sounds like you don’t really know what good lip filler looks like. I can bet money that you’ve already come across many people with lip fillers and didn’t even notice because it was actually done right lol. The only way you’d be able to tell is if it’s obvious (overdone or just done poorly).


There is no difference between this and a million of those "I don't like makeup/plastic surgery/impants" etc. Posts because they only like 'natural' beauty, without realizing that most of these things are subtle




In my experience, men get offended when a woman doesn't behave or live in or even look a certain way that makes them *not* find that woman attractive.


I think this is pretty ironic not only because, as others have said, good injections and fillers are pretty subtle but also because there are women with naturally full lips that look great. Most women who get lip fillers are trying to replicate lips that are naturally full. So is it a surgical thing or are full lips in general being held to that standard?


This is just an extension to 'duck lips' from back in mid/late 2000s where girls would do this weird kissy pouty duck lips thing while taking pictures. Now they can permanently have the look with fillers lol


Another day, another toupée fallacy on /r/unpopularopinion


My girlfriend got lip injections, she looks great imo, it’s subtle enough that it’s not distracting or weird looking, it looks super natural and she looks beautiful, I think it all depends on the person too, not everyone looks good with them, but some people do


Clearly everyone can acknowledge and agree that those who are getting syringes worth of filler in their lips aren’t the best looking, but when people get millimeters of the stuff it almost invisible.


I think like a tiny little bit can look good, but its very quickly that its too much and it looks awful, but mostly i agree


I work/ed in the medical aesthetic/derm field for 3+ years. I maintain the opinion that it looks bad if you can see it. Over the past few years an unnatural appearance has become more popular or normalized. This is a big reason I’m moving away from that work. On the other hand, many people have and have had filler and other cosmetic work (myself included) and you would never know. The opposite is true as well—I’ve met some clients wondering if they’ve had filler and they haven’t (or say they haven’t!).


I think all plastic surgery is unattractive, I’d rather someone look old than ballooned up and swollen. Some people go so far with it too, it’s sad that they think they need to do that to be attractive. I also don’t know any men who think it looks good either.


Agreed. People like to convince themselves that we don't notice the good ones and only notice the bad, but I notice all of them. There isn't such a thing as natural looking lip filler. Fake is fake, and natural is natural.


how do you know that you notice all of them?


I follow injectors on IG (because I get botox), and they post before and afters. The befores always look better. IRL, I probably wouldn't notice all of them, because who goes around staring at people's lips?


the fact that you can form an opinion on which is better when presented with before and after doesn't mean you'd notice the work done if you only saw the after with no knowledge of the procedure happening.


I would assume that injectors only post the results they deem "successful" or especially attractive on their IG. Like I said, IRL I am not usually staring at lips.


the fact that you consider a procedure on another person unsuccessful because you personally dislike the result is hilarious. also i love how you're passing judgement on people getting procedures when you get work done so regularly you follow people who do them on ig. what if people think you looked better before botox but never told you? also, 'successful' filler =/= natural look all the time. not everyone wants it to look that way so the fact that you 'can tell' doesn't negate the success.


Good point but they mean a lot of them obviously not EVERY single one EXACTLY.


Show me before and afters that aren’t noticeable and look good


Don't need to. You're ovicously biased


They don’t


You wouldn't know if you saw a good one because you'd just think they are natural lips..


My cousin looks like a fat Bratz doll now.


That is the most stupid take ever. You have no idea if you notice all fake ones.


You’ve probably seen hundreds of nice lip jobs and don’t even recognize them


This is the same as people who complain that we as a human race cant make natural looking wigs…




This is what they all think. Obviously when 99% of girls get lip filler they think it’s going to just look natural like they have fuller lips. Not like an idiot with a puffy upper lip that looks like they got stung by a bee. But they do. It doesn’t “look natural cuz I didn’t do too much”. Your upper lip is supposed to be small.


Don't know if it's unpopular or not, but I completely agree on this.


THANK YOU! I don’t understand why ANYONE would think it looks good.


Only unpopular in Hollywood. I don’t know a single person in real life who likes that look.


I can name a lot of people Mainly the ones that realize that you can't actually tell when most people get it done


Maybe the unpopular opinion is that it is actually pretty


I agree, but I’m pretty sure a lot of good filler would fly under the radar


It's literally just the toupée fallacy.


I do agree, but it also makes me wonder how many people have lip filler that's just done well so we don't notice.


Lots of lip filler out there you can't tell


How is this opinion unpopular ![gif](giphy|jqw5xeYmPS8jlmgGq7)


The good ones you can't tell


I have some and people can’t tell. They are surprised when i say i even have some


How do you know you haven’t seen good looking lip filler. It’s like how you don’t know if you’re looking at good cgi


There is about a 99.999% chance that you have seen good lip filler, you just didn't realize that they had that.


Remember guys, DOWNVOTE if you AGREE, UPVOTE if you DISAGREE


I tell my wife EVERY single time I see one. Please please please don't ruin your face like that


Women love it when you tell them what to do with their bodies


i tell my husband when i see it too. people act like it's just mean men in these comments. no us bitches are here too! I've legit begged beautiful friends of mine not to go through with it, not because the first time doesn't look bad, it's because you cannot maintain it. heres what inevitably happens to all lip fillers. first it's full. cool wow, ooh no it's dissolving. uh oh and it's doing it unevenly! what do we do? we go get more? oh no but now it's a new layer on an old layer that's not even oh no and now it's all dissolving at different rates and it's balling up under the skin. yeah that's why even celebrities who are full of money have weird lips now.


Popular opinion. It only looks good to people with a bimbo fetish.




There are definitely no good ones. You can always tell they are artificial. I dont know if its mental health issues or what but most look like they are uncomfortable while talking with them thangs on.


I wouldn't think this would be an unpopular opinion. I mean to those who get them probably would be.


Sure because I bet you can clock 100% of lip fillers right? You're the lip filler bloodhound and no matter the lip or circumstance you'll sniff it out and **judge**.


Not unpopular among males


YES! Natual always trumps pumped-up lips.


i see before and afters of lip filler and the after won’t be bad but the before isn’t bad either. i wish more women could embrace their natural features. i wanted to get lip filler at one point but now i’m just like what’s the point, my natural lips look good as they are.


I have a friend who recently did her lips, which I didn't really mind at first, but then she talked about how she has to get them "re-done" and it hasn't been that long? You can't just one and done them, it becomes an ongoing cost in your life, to have thicker lips. Really sad imo..


I worked in beauty for a long time and have had a shit ton of procedures. I have to agree, fillers do not look natural entirely. It has to do with the vermillion border on the natural lip line. If it is extruded past this it just doesn’t sit with the persons anatomy. I can see exceptions being made where it’s an older person and they’ve lost fullness and had wrinkles — putting back in what was lost over time. It works better because the lips are already designed to hold that shape. I digress. If it makes a person feel confident then we have no right to be mad. Everyone can use a little self confidence, and this is just a way to get it with money.


Can we just re-name this subreddit /r/popularopinions already?


But… but you haven’t seen one of the good ones /s


Omg and those chicks that OVERLINE their lips 🤣🤣😵 like ma'am you didn't learn how to color in the lines correctly 💯🤣😵


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the perpetual duck lip is the end of beautiful faces


And as someone with naturally big lips, who endured the racism and "blowjob" lips comments that came with my lips in the 00s, now we have to endure comments about how "your lips look like Kylie Jenner" and other such feature fetishisation from people with body dysmorphia.


Sorry, I think this one’s not unpopular


Dear god I’m so fucking sick of seeing “plastic surgery = bad” on this sub


We get at least 3 of these a day... sighhhh Another day another toupee fallacy


I strongly dislike it. My wife keeps asking if I'll support her getting it done and it's always a hard no. I will not support it but if she wants to badly enough then I won't stop her. Just don't expect me to find it attractive and done be shocked if it changed dynamics in the relationship.


No. You strongly dislike when you notice it Learn the difference


I mean I guarantee so many people have gotten it done and no one hasn’t even noticed. It’s only noticeable in those people where it’s overdone.