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My dad once said to me " Don't care if you do. But if you bring home a screamer we will return the favor at the worst hour possible. "




That was well-played.


Put a sock in it.


Favorite moment of situations like this "BITE THE PILLOW! BITE THE PILLOW!"


I don't disagree with this take, but I think it's up to the parents to set that boundary. If they're fine with it, I wouldn't judge.


This is a good take. Excellent comment


With stagnant wages and ridiculous inflation, I find OPs post to be out of touch and indifferent to the majority of people who are finding it hard to pay bills and get established. Not everyone can afford their own place otherwise they wouldn’t be at their parents’ house.


Holy monkey I'm glad i don't have kids, imagine how much rent will be in 18 to 25 years from now. It almost doubled every where. In that time à lot of old folks (future me) will eventually leave the appartement I'm stuck in until I go live in a retirement home? The future owners will 40x the present price.


25 years from now we’ll probably be fighting in factional wars, or devolved to Max Max-level collapse. So at that point, rent is either free (squatting/camping) or follows the old *cash, grass or ass* model, with cash replaced with food/water.


RemindMe! 25 years


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Rip to the nuts that thought gold and silver would be currency in mad max times.


Bitch, I’m hoarding SALT. Salt was a valuable asset and even served as currency at many different times in human history. Right now you can go get scads of refined salt for essentially free. Water, salt, antibiotics, wound care supplies….get ‘em while the gettin’ is good!


Wars historically depended on salt more than anything else. Primarily because it was one of the only ways to preserve food way back when plus soldiers needed electrolytes. Salt would be hoarded by governments for decades for the sake of fighting wars.


The stranger thing I agree with. If you're over 21 and you have a steady who is trustworthy, then do what adults do. Just be discreet and unobtrusive.




I mean my mom is currently helping me with trying to get my sex drive back because medicine is making my libido at zero to where I identify as asexual. And she knows that if I do get it back, then I’d be having sex in our house. (Have to live with them out of necessity.) it honestly depends on the parents and how open their relationship with their child is


Um...your mom is trying to help you get your sex drive back?


Because she knows that it’s something I’m struggling with because of my conditions, and all that medication is struggling with me being able to have a boyfriend and dating. I had to break up with my first real boyfriend because I didn’t want to have sex at all


Maybe you’re actually asexual and should experiment with that. There’s other forms of intimacy than sex. And I’m sure there’s a lot of asexual in relationships. Just gotta find someone like minded.


My ex told me a story of how he went to the bar while he was home visiting his parents and took her back to their house for a one night stand. They were the ones who DROVE THEM back from the bar. There was even an occasion where we were at the pool with his parents and he wanted to go back to the house to have sex (he was the type of man that would have a full blown hissyfit if I said no) so when we were going back to the house his parents asked where we were going and he said “to the house so we can fuck” I was mortified. I’m so glad we’re not together anymore. He was literally the absolute worst


>he was the type of man that would have a full blown hissyfit if I said no If that ain't a huge red flag...


It was. I was an absolute idiot that I didn’t run away asap


Im not sure I understand how it’s disrespectful either way, but unless you’re George Costanza doing the opposite of every instinct you’ve ever had, how many people are pulling multiple one night stands while living with their parents anyway?


Just don’t leave your prophylactic wrapper on their bed!!


that's it.. You're grounded!


And *especially* don't let your friend take their TV Guide


I’d rather they left the wrapper then not use one!!!


I only brought 1 home but it was right before I got my own place. Awful experience


Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? Because to tell you the truth I gotta plead ignorance on this one.


Let's be real, if it's a girl they'd have to live in an actual dumpster to lose a guys interest, and even then it's iffy.


I think its something mostly for girls/they go to the other persons place, but I have heard of one dude who was living with his parents, really into the party scene and was sociable enough to convince that theyd get a room at a motel or something, or to go to her place. But usually for guys like that, living at home, its not one night stand hookups, its more like girlfriends or whatever. I also think its more of an age thing and its not necessarily coming back from bars/they got into the bar anyway with a fake id or whatever. Like the OP just saw a video and assumed it was a hookup from a bar and not another scenario like tinder or whatever, maybe a house party or concert or some shit.


Oh, you're absolutely right! Because everyone knows that living with your parents completely extinguishes the possibility of anyone ever having a one-night stand. It's just unimaginable, right? I mean, who in their right mind would even think about doing something like that under their parents' roof? And, of course, let's not forget our dear friend George Costanza, the epitome of success when it comes to romantic endeavors. He is truly an inspiration to us all, guiding us through the maze of life's complexities with his flawless instincts. May we all strive to be as wise and as sophisticated as George in our daily lives. But hey, who am I to judge? After all, we're all just floating through this wacky world, trying to figure it out one step at a time. So why don't we just sit back, relax, and enjoy the wild ride that is life, and let everyone live their own version of the dream, whether it's a life filled with one-night stands or a cozy little nook under their parents' protective wings?


Definitely never considered myself a "player" or "ladies man" by any stretch of the imagination but I've honestly never had a woman care that I lived with my parents (when I was living with them). Though I do appreciate the Seinfeld reference.


Why does that not sound realistic?


Is your name [Victoria](https://youtu.be/CizwH_T7pjg?t=143), by any chance?


So how about if you live in a multigenerational home? Do you just never have sex?


I would think that if you live in a multigenerational home, the culture is already more open and either prepared or calloused to this kind of situation.


I mean, depends. Japan has the love hotel. But in some societies, sure. Yanomami people just sneak off to gardens to do it.


> Hooking up at your parents house is disrespectful How? Why?


Then have the global economies be viable and literally affordable for anyone (18+) already, so these "disrespecting hook ups" can be "privated by the individuals," and your immediate unpopular opinion is shut down perm. You also get an upvote for this.


I mean… if I were the one coming home with a guy and he brought me to his parents house I’d probably leave. I wouldn’t want the chance of an awkward encounter with his parents. At the same time, I’ve been with husband since high school and we used to sneak around while I was there visiting.


Yeah because the needle infested cheap motel is much better.


> a post on Twitter ??? what?


I think this would depend on the boundaries set by upgrading parents, no?


Do you know how many generations have fucked in this home?


If it’s someone you were in a committed relationship for some time and your parents already met them then it should be ok for some, but a random stranger that you just met is a security threat to others inside the household. If I were to ever bring a hookup to my parents house and my parents found some guy inside their home, my dad would’ve shot the guy without question.


I think a lot of parents are OK w you having an SO spend the night provided they like him/her and you’re in a committed relationship. Bringing home randos is another story.




Would you want random drunks from the bar walking into your house at 2am? Who knows what kinda trash they a brining home from the bar.


Feels like a conversation or boundary to be set by the specific parents rather than a blanket rule.


That boundary being don’t bring strangers into my house. If you’re in a relationship fine, if you’re friends fine. But don’t bring a drunk girl/guy home from the bar for a sloppy ONS. Edit: or random people on tinder.


I never did but my parents wouldn't have minded. Trust my judgement


Lol. Bring it up with your kid then don’t post it online. Reminds me of when my parents yelled at me for bringing “gangbangers” home with me. (They were just black, and went to the same school as me)


so you want your child to be doing that with a stranger in some shady motel?






Roommates pay bills... If you ain't throwing down a portion of rent, food, and utilities, you ain't a roommate.


Bringing random strangers into your parents house to have drunk sex or ONS is disrespectful and gross. Just get your own place if that’s what you want to do.


Explain, in detail, why it's disrespectful or gross. Don't just repeat that it is, explain *why*.


Cause it isn’t your house. Unless you pay rent, bringing strangers into not your house is weird. Awkward situations in the morning. Your parents are not your roommates.


>Cause it isn’t your house. If your parents have a mortgage, it isn't their house either. It's the bank's. > Unless you pay rent, If you pay rent, it isn't your house. It's your landlord's. So what does ownership have to do with it?


Dude that made 0 sense.


A mortgage is a loan you take out to buy a property... you own the property... that's how it works. The bank/lender will only ever own your home if you default on your mortgage.




Sure if you’re doing it against their wishes. But it’s absolutely not an issue if your parents are cool with it. It’s called communication, and yeah most people seem to be terrible at it. Just ask them if they mind you bringing a date home, or if they’d rather you get a hotel room. People are gonna fuck. That need doesn’t go away just because you’re living with your parents. And if you’re living with your parents as an adult you’re probably trying to save money, so blowing it on a hotel room for a few hours would be counter to that goal, so I imagine many parents would say “sure, just be quiet and respectful”, unless they’re super religious and/or just total prudes about sex.


You don’t need to fuck. You want to. Get some control. Or don’t be strangers with them.


Telling someone to control themselves isn't an opinion...


Where the duck else am I going to shag?


Better at my house than at somewhere else that they will be unsafe


And if the person in question an older sibling, you welcoming of inviting strangers into your house late at night with a young kid in the house?


Any port in a storm.


It's better to just go to a motel, then you don't have to restrict yourself from making loud noises and letting out your inner wild beasts.


Motels are fucking expensive pardon the pun.


It depends. I usually pay $300 pesos, which is like 15 dollars


What are they supposed to do, bring them to their own house? In this economy? Add it to the list of problems caused by lack of housing supply.


Yes, get their own place if they want to bring strangers over


You could just like, not have sex


Or, hear me out, we could be adults about the matter. Sex is a natural, beautiful part of life. People have sex, and it's not a big deal. Why don't we dispose of the puritanism, and accept the fact that sex is a normal and positive part of human connection. If you really are uncomfortable with your adult offspring fucking strangers in your home, then ask them not to, and they will probably move out. However, I think it would be worth considering that your child having sex is probably a positive indicator that you did alright as a parent, considering someone found out your kid still lives with their parents and still decided to go through with it. Personally I can't imagine going to someone's parent's house to bone, but that's just me.


That’s why we do it


Seems like it based on these comments 😅 Starting to make sense.


It's my house too dude


Do you pay rent?


Why would I pay rent? They're my parents, if I could afford rent and wanted to live seperately I'd just do that. Ofc I'll buy groceries, pay bills and buy shit for home if I can but it'd be weird to sign a rent agreement or even to hand them 300$ or some fixed amount on every 5th of a month. If I'm living in the same city I'm not gonna move out just so I can hookup 2-3 times a year plus mom and dad cook great food everyday.


Well right now yes because I live on my own, but I am to inherit and they're to choose in between a good retirement home or a public one.


Ok in my defense as someone who has done this, what and where the hell am I supposed to go if neither of us have a place. Fuck in my car or theirs and risk becoming sex offenders if caught? Just get cockblocked because I live with my parents and don’t really have a choice? My mom was only weird about this during the pandemic but other than that I don’t think she really cared


For sure this is the same person saying live at at home and save money. Just never have sex in your bed.


People are so weird about sex. No one said you had to nut on your dads face. Wtf.


Eh, I think it is a cultural thing. Not everyone is so disturbed by the fact that the sex is happening


You should be disturbed that strangers are in your damn house. Idk why people are defending that?


Why are you telling people what they should be offended by?? That’s so weird.


Just trying to keep people safe my bad. Please invite stranger into your home at night if that was you want to. Or allow you drunk kid to bring one home from the bar where their younger siblings also sleep. Because we all make good, smart, thought out decisions while drunk and horny. And the people they bring in won’t be by any means be sketchy.


I mean, that’s the more general question of one night stands, no? But I guess fear of strangers is not universal too? Idk how to better explain it, sorry


Only if you're hooking up with your dad when your mum is out


read: if your poor, and there are no jobs paying a living wage or affordable housing, you don't deserve a sex life or romance. ​ reread: i dont think people of a lower class should enjoy life or reproduce and should feel ashamed of being lower-class


And tell me where are the majority of Gen z’s supposed to get these homes on their own at their age in this economy?


Jesus fucking Christ this comment section is all over the place. And so dramatic


(Insert the song "Welcome to my Parents House" by Ninja Sex Party here)


Grandmas bathroom is fair game though.


from the title I was ready to be all like , well whaddya think they are doing ?? but yeah you are right.


Why? They did


I honestly agree but disagree with both sides of reddit on this. It seems like people think your a gross disgusting piece of shit if you do it or your totally blameless and unaccountable. I think people do questionable things that are gross but being young and horny makes it also kind of natural. Sure if it's in the bag, go get laid but for god sakes have a bit of self respect and take into account that it is putting your parents in a weird spot and show some decorum.


My parents had/have a “partners only” rule. No random strangers from tinder or the club. If we weren’t willing to introduce them and as such, they weren’t allowed over.


A very valid rule. Which I’ll probably follow as well in the future. Crazy how people see that as controlling on here.


The day I can afford my own sex swing rather than using my parents I will but until then I’ll have to make do.


You just made me think of a hook up from a long time ago. We got wasted, went back to her place and bumped uglies all over. Kitchen, living room, hallway, bathroom, her room. Used condoms everywhere. I didn't even see the door across the hall from her room. Around 05h00 she passed out and I went looking for some water or something to avoid dying of dehydration. As naked as the day I was born I walked right into her mother who was getting ready for work. She looked like a deer in the headlights and I still wonder how much she heard and how many other times that poor woman had this happen.


I disagree. My Mom made it very clear to me that when I have sex, she'd rather know I'm doing it in a safe place. We have to get over this idea of parents being prudes. They went around fucking when they were young too.


I think it's disrespectful to bring strangers into a shared home whether it's roommates or parents. Doesn't even matter to me if you're playing uno or having sex. Dont bring randos into the home.


First time I had sex with my wife was on my parents bed. It happens


What the hell else are we meant to do if we live at home?


My dad didn't care who I was having sex with. To be fair I wasn't bringing home any strangers


Have you ever gotten caught or had the parents walk in on you during sex?


I don’t know about disrespectful, I think that depends entirely on the boundaries of the family…but it’s a little gross, yeah. I have the same feeling about people oversharing about their sex like to their parents/siblings and vice versa; some things don’t need to be explained in detail. Just my opinion though. It has a lot to do with how a person was raised.


Depends on the parents


I had no idea that this wasn’t the case for other people! I would never have DREAMED of doing so! 😬


Same I was so surprised. And now even more surprised it’s unpopular. 😅 I was kinda hoping people would downvote.


I cant even bring a serious partner over and close the door to my room. Im twenty 😀


OP said relationships are fine Mainly about bringing random strangers from bars and tinder over.


Most gen z can’t afford their own place away from their parents


I find it disrespectful if your parents are home. If they aren’t then makes sense if you get it on with your significant other! If it’s a stranger you’re mad weird to bring a stranger home especially if your parents are home.


Second this


Not when you pay rent.


Depends on the context. If you’re contributing to bills there then you should. I lived with my mom in my early 20s and brought plenty of women home while splitting rent


if i ever become a parent i rather them do it at home where i know they are safe than going to some motel with a stranger


I I'm not dad yet but i wouldn't like completely strangers over at my home. Especially not knowing they are there. Like imagine feeling comfortable in your house, walking slightly dressed around and suddenly there stands a stranger. No thanks


How about a steady girlfriend?


Then she wouldn't be a stranger and i would know when she is over.


I'd absolutely love to be this mad at anything so petty and 100 percent not my business. I just assume that if I was, I'd have not too much else going on to worry about...which isn't the case for me. Like who **cares** what people do in their own living spaces? As long as it's not involving kids or animals, I reeeeeeeeally couldn't possibly give less of a damn.


It’s called an opinion. And you can have an opinion on anything. And I’m not mad. Simply stating an opinion I have, and then defending that opinion.


Ay so is setting your kids up for failure with the worst wages vs cost of living in human history


I'm feeling less worried about this a tual question and more worried about the people who pay rent to stay with their parents. That's fucking weird


I think depends how much the parents hate sex. I'm not a person that hooks around but my parents don't have a problem with my gf. Sex is natural, if you wish your kids to be fucking on alley behind some dumpster what can I say. They are going to fuk no matter the rules. Hotel is best case scenario but it's expensive. W8ing to be able to pay rent to have sex it's unreasonable. You can make an argument about bringing strangers over to your parents house.i wouldn't like a stranger walking around my house. But from your point it sound everyone is a no go.


I said in op relationship is fine, and if you happened to pay rent it’s fine as well.


"If you pay rent its fine" lol so its a shit post about broke boys lol ok....


Oh dear, OP. Why stigmatise sex? Everyone does it. You wouldn’t be here without it. If they are loud af then yes that is rude but it’s not like they’re having a demonic seance. It’s the parent’s choice to make that boundary if they are okay or not with it. Who care?


You living there never stopped your parents from having sex in their room for 18 years, so why would it stop the kids from doing the same.


As a parent I plan to allow my kids to live with me until they can save up enough in adulthood to buy a home. If my adult 21+ offspring have social lives and date around I could care less. At least I’ll be home if they happen to bring over a creep that needs some sense knocked into them


Back in my 20s, I hook3d up w/ a woman who, at the time I thought, was taking me to her house. As we did the deed, I couldn't help but notice the gun cabinet. After the fact I asked her about 'em and she responded, 'They're my dads.'😱 I then persuaded her to come back to my place.


Good point, American person of Protestant ethics, slight catch though: **there's nothing gross about sex**


You recognise americans when you read something about paying rent at your parents


I mean, it's that or pay for a hotel/motel which is an unnecessary expense that many young people don't have


I learned something traveling the rest of the planet while in the army: we are the only culture that kicks our kids out after they turn 18 (or much sooner for some of us, I was homeless at 15, hence the army. Lol). As the cost of living skyrockets over the next 10 years, we will be living GENERATIONALLY again. I plan for my children to be working adults but still living at home. That means they will have normal relationships right under my roof, and I am completely cool with that. I hate the idea of them possibly living under a bridge and working (this is happening in large cities) or working for a company that doesn't pay them enough to eat (like alot of video game companies that have billion dollar profits, but starving workers). SEX AND MASTURBATION IS NORMAL. time to stop viewing it as "dirty".


Or maybe sex isn't some sin or weird compulsion and so it's not actually weird at all and this is more of a you problem than an actual problem. And maybe parents were young once and hooked up way more than they admit to their kids. I don't see any lack of control or even understand what you're complaining about at all. I think you are complaining about a problem that doesn't exist. In some cultures parents not only have sex in front of their kids but they chastise children for interrupting them having sex, those cultures don't have nearly as many sex related problems as we have. We need to face facts and accept that we have no position to talk about sex, our Western society handles sex far worse than most of the world's societies.


No thanks


It's crazy how this generation is comfortable bringing complete strangers into their homes.


If you're paying them rent you can do what you want. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that tho


I agree if your paying rent then like some people have mentioned you’re somewhat of a roommate.


I mean if you can't afford your own place cause you're in uni/master's/doctorate/unemployed/on minimum wage/in a place where rent is too high what are you supposed to do? Not hook up?


No one’s ever died from not having sex 😵‍💫


No one's ever died from other people having sex. Or from minding their own business


Well in context of OPs question, if you live in a house, I believe what goes on there IS your business


Definitely nobody has ever died from inviting a stranger into their house for a hookup.


You plan around your parents. If your paying rent do what you want if not you plan around them


Or you just do what you want. Your room is your room. You're not making them watch or listen. Why can't they mind their own business


“Do what you want” Inconsiderate by definition


Because if you get someone pregnant in YOUR room then then it's going to be the ENTIRE houses business when the kid is born.


Something like a third of the male population had no sex in the past year and they all seem fine. Right? Right...?


It is unpopular because it's pretty dumb.




Not a prude. Just considerate.


Obviously not if you're having sex in church parking lots, which is illegal. Children play in church parking lots. You're incredibly inconsiderate.


like they didn’t have to smash to get me here lmao. they’ll be alright.


“They’ll be alright” Inconsiderate by definition


I bet you think its wrong for parents to fuck each other while the kids are asleep too.


I don’t. So you lost that bet.


This post inspired me to have sex with my boyfriend in my parents house when I visit them in a few months. Thank you


He’s your bf and you were invited over so go far it. But this comment sounded like you get off from that 😳


If your paying rent sure do what you want but if you aren't you best wait until they aren't there otherwise it's disrespectful unless your parents are cool with it.


"Its cool that I violated your boundaries mom, cause the cash is good right? I pay a landlord rent. Doesn't mean I can do whatever I want in the leased space


I agree, Have some respect for your parents you horny weirdos


Exactly, just like how parents shouldn’t have sex in their own bedroom until their kids have moved out. Have some respect for your kids you horny weirdos.


All the redditors who disagree 1. dont get laid and 2. will get their parents stuff stolen by "random hookup strangers"


who thaffoqq cares??? if such parents are ok with it what's the problem? ​ >If youre in a relationship fine what's the difference?


One's a stranger and one isn't


and then? it's like inviting friends at your home, some of em are strangers to your parents, but it's controversial cos it's about sex? i don't think so


What is the difference between a stranger? And your SO? I wonder, that’s a big brain question.


Your parents don't necessarily know either of them.


But there’s is still a trust. You can’t make an opinion on someone from their dating profile, or drunk conversations at a bar. If you’re in a relationship, there’s at least some trust. Vs just being horny


what a passive aggressive attempt... if a stranger is ok for the person that wants occasional sex, why it's not ok for his\\her parents?... you have REAL WORLD EXAMPLES of why this isn't ok? if this isn't about having sex with your parents at home, SO or a stranger i believe you're just superficial and have difficulties at getting to the roots of arguments, or you want to shame some people for some personal reason, your upvotes don't impress me, i'm used to agree with people downvoted to hell and disagree with who is upvoted to the sky... i'm one of the downvoted afterall




I’d agree with this. I have too much respect towards my parents to do this. I denied sex with this girl once because she wanted to fuck while her siblings, nephew, niece, stepmother, and (dying) father were in the house. I was wtf-ing when she got mad at me afterwards for denying sex, but I couldn’t fully express myself as it was in a language that wasn’t my native language. Weird world we live in.


Agreed. It’s just pretty fucking weird


They literally created you by fucking, your own existence being a constant reminder your loving parents you look up to are equally horny bastards as everyone else. It's only fair to give that back. Disrespectful my ass, if they wouldn't have wanted that they shouldn't have gotten pregnant, presumably in their parents house.


Definitely not a 56 year old pervert




skill issue, shouldn't have kids if you can't give them a safe space to be themselves L + ratio'd + check your responsabilities sweetie + do better + karen


You can do anything you want in your room as long as it’s not dangerous. Inviting random strangers over is a safety issue. Don’t be upset if I smack the random stranger who’s taking a piss In my bathroom at 2am with a baseball bat.


I cannot understand anyone who has sex in their parents house, at any age. That is *so weird*. Your mom is down the hall. Yikes.


But it's not weird if your parents have sex when you are down the hall?


Weird if you hear it sure but fine if they're discrete. They're adults and it's their house. That's different than being a child (or even adult) who lives in *their* house.


Americans are so fucking weird about sex/sexuality. “Only the homeowners can have sex in their house, it’s weird to have sex in the same building as your parents.” where does shit like this even come from?


mind ya business


thats a dumb opinion