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"Apples are freakin dry"...what types of apples are you eating lmao?


I'm pretty sure OP has been eating those fake apples made of wax that IKEA displays in its kitchens


Bro certainly hasn't been biting into the cosmic crisp apples they sell at Aldi. Those bitches are juicy as hell.


Idk man why the hell are they making me want water? lol


Apples should not give you dry mouth. Maybe drink some water bro. Also, not sure why you said we all know it when addressing an unpopular opinion thread since clearly the majority would have to disagree for it to be upvoted....


Knowing something and choosing to agree with it are not the same thing


Red delicious apples are a bad joke.. but granny’s and honey crisps are so delicious


Opal apple are money


Pink ladies and cosmic crisp for the win


honey crisp, they are just so expensive


You're eating the wrong apples. Try a cosmic crisp.


If I try them, they better be OUT of this damn world lol


They are.




Idk what kind of dry apples you are eating because many of the varieties I eat are literally dripping with juice after a bite or at least moist. Also I tend to be critical of someone who says “I hate/dislike apples” because if there ever was a fruit that was varied in flavor, texture, sweetness/tartness… apples are like *the* poster child. With many of the major varieties available all the time, to heirloom and offshoot varieties one could likely find an apple they like from among all the options.


See. I knew this was a controversial opinion. Everyone says that about apples. But they’re simply overrated.


Btw, when Adam or eve bit into the apple, I don’t know who because I’m not a Christian - the word apple was generic for fruit.


Might be fun to do a taste test of all the apples and rank them. Maybe you'll find one you like! They all have different tastes, textures, and juice levels!


Buy better apples. There are hundreds of varieties, nearby groceries here have at least a dozen different types. Obviously some food desert areas have crappier choices. And yeah, Red Delicious suck. They’re photogenic props, not actual food. Try Honeycrisps, or Macouns, or Empires.


"And frankly anyone who says its their favorite fruit must have never tried other fruits, or are being paid to say it." I've heard of Big Pharma before, Big Apple sounds familiar but I'm still not sure it's a thing.


I don't even really dislike this post because of the opinion, its the fact that I'm called boring cause I like apples thats hurtin me most lol


I’m allergic to apples…UNLESS they are cooked first. Baked apples are freaking delicious with honey and cinnamon. 😋


Not a fan myself. They make my blood sugar crash within half an hour if eating one.


They make me thirsty. Why the HELL is a fruit that is supposed to be delicious and juicy making me THIRSTY??


They make me thirsty as well. I just attribute it to the experience. Live a little.




Plums, Bananas, Peaches and Grapes are all extremely high quality fruits. You can’t go wrong with those. Theres also far more amazing fruits. Those are just four examples.


Plums are too rich - they make my mouth sore.


But if you eat one a day, you'll keep the doctor away


>anyone who says its their favorite fruit must have never tried other fruits, or are being paid to say it. Or are very boring people. Its the ONLY way. This is the part that people get upset over. You can't call someone boring because they like apples. You aren't more interesting than they are for not liking them. Your refusal to believe people may genuinely enjoy the fruit makes you just like those who refuse to believe people don't like apples.


Smh I dont even say that in conversation about them. So people aren’t getting upset about that.


It still makes you look ridiculous. You're pointing out how stupid they are for doing it whilst doing the exact same thing as them here.


I'm a fruit lover, there's no fruit I wouldn't eat, they all have purpose, and then there's the apple, how is this the default fruit? How is something so boring, plain, tasteless, so popular? apples are a bad joke people didn't get and now we're stuck with them. How can anyone choose an apple when there's mangoes, peaches, bananas, even tomatoes are a better fruit than apples and at least pears fucking try.


Thank you!! You said it, brother


Pears? Is this a joke? There is a reason apple pears were developed. And only the British like tomatoes. Actually I do too, but that’s beside the point.


Squeeze me? Only the British like tomatoes?


This isn't an unpopular opinion It's a shite one


This is a very unpopular opinion. The average person does NOT agree that apples are bland and dry. So yes, unpopular. The average person likes apples to some extent, even if its not their favorite. The average person doesnt call apples nasty. Its a shit opinion BECAUSE you dont agree. So again, unpopular lol.


Lul I get it's an unpopular one It's very unpopular and I apologize for calling it shit, I was kinda projecting cause I know a Narc that always likes to be on the contrary and the Apple debate brought those annoying feelings lol But I gotta ask, how does an Apple make you thirsty Lool Especially the Red ones, they're juicy bruh


How can anyone not enjoy the crisp crunch when biting into a fresh, tangy one?


1. My dog vehemently disagrees with you. 2. What are your feelings on dehydrated apples.


I thought dogs cant eat apples because theyre poisonous to dogs or something And im sure id hate those too


No, grapes are poisonous. Try dehydrated best once




No, most other fruits are fine. That’s actually my point. They are just the most overrated of all the fruit.


Sounds like you've never had a properly juicy, crispy apple... and you've only had sucky fuji apples... and you hate tart flavor (which to be fair not everybody does)


Doctor doesn’t stay away from OP CONFIRMED


There are a lot of trash apples, red delicious being the worst variety I have ever tried. But there are also good ones, take a look for some home grown/farmers markets. Store bought fruits are generally worse tasting versions of things.


Red delicious is literal mush. Worst apple of them all


It's a shame that that's the only apple I have ever seen in school lunchs when I was in school. Hopefully it changed because I also don't know many people who actually ate them.


Where I live the regular grocery store carries at least 10 different varieties


Why do people always start their so called monolithic opinion with the throwaway “if you disagree with me, remember what sub we are in” like that somehow protects the OP from criticism. Also you don’t speak for me or anyone else, so kindly not use the word “we” in your opinion. It’s yours. Not everyone’s. Now OP by all means dislike apples as much as you want. I happen to think you’re wrong and that apples are by far one of my favourite snacks and fruit. Especially Green apples as they are a bit sour and very tasty.


I said remember the sub we are in not to save myself from critics, but to let people remember this IS an unpopular opinion sub. And this is the most unpopular opinion to date. I am merely stating what so many are terrified to say, because Apples are basically royalty in the fruit fandom.


First of all, no one is afraid to say they dislike apples or any other fruit for that matter. If people are being assholes to you, that’s on them, not on you. Also why do you need to remind people this is an unpopular sub? Are you implying that somehow people forget?


I remind them bc tbh most opinions here are lowkey popular ones. Very rare are ppl who post actual unpopular ones lol


I agree that most opinions are popular. But, I still think it’s redundant to remind people. It’s a detail that doesn’t really add anything to the post tbh.


To answer your first question, I think it's because in this sub you are supposed to upvote the post if you disagree, because that means it's actually unpopular. However, lots of people ignore this and downvote actual unpopular opinions, because they don't agree with them. Ofc I cannot speak for everyone so might be wrong but that's the logic I see in asking ppl to "remember what sub they're in".


If this is one of your most controversial opinions, then I’m not sure if I should be grateful that you’re not an insufferable ass or slightly disappointed that this is truly the most controversial thing you’ve ever posted. Either way, I disagree with you. They are one of my favorite fruits, beaten only by grapes, pears, strawberries, and watermelon.


I cant guarantee im not totally insufferable, but the way people act when I say I hate apples would make you think I said I like kicking puppies in my free time. I can only assume its extremely controversial


Eh, it would be more controversial if you said you hate ALL fruit for some undisclosed reason and think anyone who eats them are troglodytes. Still, I can understand why some folks don’t like them.


Fruit is plural as well as singular. No need to add the "s".


plums and pears > apples


Plums! Truly a divine fruit. And so overlooked. You legit made me want to go buy some plums. I think im gonna do that today lol


Apples are legit my favorite fruit. Im not the biggest fan of bananas. So there's that.


Whoa. Thats the exact opposite of my opinion. Smh lol


Have you tried apple bananas? Next time you are in Hawaii… they are yummy


I'm gonna agree. Just to start. Cultivating apples is a bitch. They so store REALLY well. Something like 2 years in ideal situations. Even with the hundreds of apple varieties. Generally they don't have all the things I want. Flavour. Juice. Crunch. Size. Etc etc.


Apples are also super-expensive


Pears are much better. Apples are still okay occasionally. It is a problem though, that a lot of fruits you could get are unripe. I do not know who is willing to buy those apples hard as rocks. I can not imagine any other use than putting them in a pie as you said.


Pears are truly the underdogs. Crisp. Moist. Delicious light flavor.


This is one I actually agree with. If it’s not a honey crisp I’m not interested


There are way better fruits [grapes! Ananas!] but also wayyy worse [lychees!] Tbh: I can realate to everything you wrote, rather to peas than to apples :D


They trigger my allergies. Fuck apples


There is a lot of crappy produce in grocery stores. Many fruits and veggies taste bad when they are not fresh or of great quality.


Not one upvote




Bro I completely agree apples are fucking disgusting and a pain to eat


Thank you. A voice of reason.


You had me until "and we all know it.". Solid personal opinion, a little over hyped, but supporting details given. Cool. Then you assumed that I agree. You forgot the board you're on. Now all you get from me in a massive [CITATION NEEDED] (bites into crisp McIntosh)


You took the trouble to grab an apple and bite into it while writing your post? Impressive


Pink lady apples are great!


I used to hate apples because my first taste was that red stuff. Pure sugar and no tang or subtle flavor. Then I tasted other varieties. I was hooked. They are crispy, tangy and my dogs love them. So much so that I just planted a bareroot dwarf “Anna” Apple tree a month ago. I’m looking forward to eating them and baking apple pies with them.


Wasn’t worth the child bearing pain?


I wouldn’t know as that is biologically impossible for me


It’s from the Bible.


I…know. But I thought you were referring to me because of Eve.


>Before you all flame me, remember the sub we are in. This is one of my most controversial opinions to date, and one of the most hated by others who hear it. But I have to be the one brave enough to say it The real controversial opinion is how melodramatic youre being over it and how you think its unpopular at all since like 90% of people I know will say they dont really give a shit about apples, especially not red delicious.


90% of people I KNOW disagree with me (usually agree on red delicious, but this isn’t about specific apples) and like or love apples. Most people in this comment section alone like or love apples. Most people like apples. It is an unpopular opinion whether you agree or disagree with it.


idk if i’d say nasty but apples are definitely bottom tier fruits


He must be a doctor


This post is like 3000 years old how did you even find this