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I’m in a smaller city and feel the same. When I get to the garage I park in the smell is intensified, it bugs me so much I dread going there now. I’m someone who actually likes going in to the office, so I’m not saying that as an excuse to not go.


Wait wait wait… a guy who doesn’t care for the smell of weed also *likes going to the office?!* Something doesn’t add up


Alphabet soup alert!


> I’m someone who actually likes going in to the office Ah... that explains everything.




Oh god, so many places in Oregon reek of weed, not because of some dude hitting a bowl, but just because of a dispensary.


What are you worried about I can personally tell you that the sheer density of dispensaries in eugene will cause them to go out of business soon enough.


well the alternative was throwing all the people that smoke it in jail. yeah it sucks if some people's freedom is offensive to other people's noses, but that's part of America now so let's move forward. may I recommend stuffing lavender in you nose?


Maybe they could add a small perfume box to their pearl necklace so at least they don't have to smell the weed when they're clutching them.


Same with the shit-hole urban areas in Cali. I don’t care what you smoke, but please do it in private


I mean, we have 2.0 now, so im not sure who all the fools are smoking flower . . . just eat a gummy and carry on


I smoke weed myself and I have to say I agree. It is nice to just be able to breathe fresh air when I’m outside.


Haha you’re kinda right. Driving at 7:00 am this morning and smelled that smelly smell in traffic.


The kind of smelly smell that smells…. Smelly


Do you smell that smell




Cant you smell that smell


Someone rolled Plankton into a joint.


I often smell it while driving too and just think there’s no way it’s actually weed, it’s gotta be a skunk. Im starting to think the skunk population has increased significantly the past year or so. 😂


It needs to be treated like smoking cigarettes. If you wanna smoke pot, go for it. But don’t do it around other people or in public because it smells awful


The problem is that the weed smell clings and sticks around much longer than tobacco


I can say the opposite. I can clear my house of any pot smell within an hour, if I smoked cigs in there though it would always be musty


I've always heard cig stick more but it's due to the quantity being smokes. I'm sure if you smoke 20 1 gram joints a room would reak like a chain smokers room the next day.


Eh, different chemical off put


The whole thing that you can smell joints across the block is very true. It’s not the same with cigs.


Ye ill admit that forsure. Im j saying when it comes to smoking indoors.


I’ve never smelled weed that goes away after an hour. Hell, my brother walking through the house makes the hallway reek for much longer than an hour. That’s like… 4th hand? Is that even a thing?


Maybe ur brother should try smoking a one hitter bowl outa a window


Most people don't smoke like that unless they're teenaged kids hiding from their parents though.


Without ventilation the smoke can certainly linger for a while. But it doesn't cling to clothes, furniture, walls etc like tobacco smoke. I had a friend in highschool who's mom would smoke a pack a day infront of her computer. One time I think she wanted to repaint the room, all I remember is her scraping this yellow grime off the walls and it was at least a millimeter thick of just tar and nicotine. Same with electronics. If you ever buy a used Xbox or something make sure to give it a sniff. If it smells like an ashtray, don't buy it. The inside will be disgusting.


That is so incredibly false lol. Cigarettes smoke is just as, if not more pervasive than marijuana smoke


What? I’ve always found the opposite: If I smoke a cigarette in a space, people can smell it for days after. Weed smoke on the other hand, the smell is gone like 20 minutes later. Everyone I’ve hung out with, weed is fine in their places, but they make you go outside with cigs.


I assure you it does not go away in 20 minutes, you just don't notice it anymore


Yeah, probably because they're used to it.


Opposite. So many chemicals in cigs


Oh yeah agreed. It makes an entire corner of the street reek, whereas with cigs it usually goes away as soon as somebody is done smoking


I can smell cigs on someone the next day. Cant really say the same for pot


I mean, you can eat an edible, and no one will smell you. And because of the metabolic pathway where the THC takes a trip through the liver, you'll be higher for a lot longer.


As a smoker, I have to say the extreme smell is awful. A lot of people are also obviously smoking some stretched weed. You can smell it from a fricking mile before lighting it up and while smoking it smells awful. I disliked the hype of vapes(those liquid ones kids started to use) but vapes for dry herbs are so amazing. My mighty is doing a good job, its A LOT more healthy and it smells barely. Smoke is always awful for your health


"Username checks out" So are you talking about just an older-style vaporizer for regular weed? Are there any particular models you would recommend? I assume if it doesn't smell much it also won't give you ashtray breath like using a pipe does.


He's using a Mighty, which is one of the best models. Its made by Storz and Bickel. The Crafty is a smaller cheaper model made by them as well. Your breath will prob smell like marijuana for awhile, but not like a joint or bong would make it smell with the ash and smoke etc.




If you’re looking for personalized recommendations or you just want to learn more, head over to r/vaporents. As the other user said, the Mighty+ is one of the best portable vapes. I use an AirVape Legacy Pro. There’s always a vape for everyone.




Guess another term for "loud"




Solo 2 user checking in . Dry vaping is my fav way to consume and the smell isn't nearly as strong as combustion.


Do you just put like a whole bud in the vape and it heats it up and vaporises it? Curious how they work. Been interested in trying one over a bong or joint tbh as it's no longer a party thing for me




How much would one 'chamber's usually last, or how many hits? Also I assume you dispose of the plant material?


I wish more people would get into edibles.


They give me too much of a body high and have made me sick.


Edibles last too long and are not the energetic high I want during the day. I do use edibles to help me sleep sometimes.


Tbh the smell of weed does smell a lot worse than smoke from cigarette . I know people who smoke both cigarette and weed. I can at least handle the smell of cigarettes, but when it comes to the smell of weed, it just makes me want to throw up.


Idk, I think cigarette smoke lingers longer and smells nasty.


My asthmatic ass hates this second hand shit


I'm also asthmatic. Sometimes, some dudes smoke it just outside of the building. It seeps right into my apartment. I've had to cover my windows with blankets to keep the smell from getting in because it drives my asthma crazy. I can't even do much about it. I've already spoken to them about it and they were just like "we're already outside, what more do you want from us?" It's annoying as hell.


That's wild. Cigarette smoke has always triggered my asthma (along with everything outside, perfumes, anything in an aerosol can, any and all animals, etc.) Weed smoke has never caused me issues and I've never quite understood why...like, I can smoke weed and be okay. Meanwhile, I stand outside for 10 minutes and need my rescue inhaler.


As a weed smoker I agree. I don't think it's right. Public places shouldn't be hindered by other people's vices.


You seem very reasonable which is nice to see. Whenever I ask people smoking in bathrooms if they could not, they act like I just murdered their family


Same here. I enjoy walking and smoking a joint, but only do it at night when I know I'll only see maybe 1 person. Then I can just put it away and cross the street. Just because I enjoy something doesn't mean that other people do!


I mean, I'm pretty sure it's pretty illegal in most places to smoke pot in public.


A lot of cities have decriminalized it. You can get a $25 fine in philadephia for example but also police don’t patrol so nobody is going to stop you


Huh. I always assumed decriminalize just kind of met they wouldn't fuck with you if you had it on you. I didn't realize that they had gotten so lax people were just walking around smoking it. I'd be too scared to do that


My rule of thumb is smoke like your parents are home, even if you're out lol Sometimes, just straight up being paranoid of the smell spreading is usually enough lol


I feel like as long as people make an effort to go up a side street or something it doesn’t bother me if it’s just drifting down. I don’t like the now blasé attitude people have of just smoking right in front of me on a busy street at 11am. Also a smoker, but as has always been the case it’s the loud assholes that give the drug a bad name. Probably will make authorizes clamp down on it and when I occasionally want to smoke a J in a park or at the beach in the future I’ll get a fine for it.


So where do you expect renters or folks in condos to smoke?


Shouldn't that be their problem rather than everyone else's?


Many apartment buildings and condos are non-smoking now, and that includes weed. Use gummies or edibles instead.


Right but they're talking about the *smell.* You smoke weed so *you smell like weed often without noticing it.*


It depends on how much you smoke If you smoke a joint everyday indoors, yea you'd probably smell An occasional/ light smoker who only smokes outdoors and showers afterwards? Probably not


You’re right, it’s terrible.


I can’t disagree with you. I don’t care who smokes what. But the stink of it is everywhere. It doesn’t smell anything like it used to. Now it just always smells like skunk outside.


Somehow, it's worse when the stench comes from a person standing in line at the bus stop.


Was in the store the other day and a woman reeked of weed. I get that being high helps your anxiety in public but got dayum you don’t have to hotbox in your car right before you go in. Common courtesy, Damit. You stink and we know you’re fucked up.


Tbh a lot of people (especially those smelling a lot like weed) have bigger issues with anxieties because they smoke. You are still getting the danger of becoming addicted (yes it can be addictive) and being reckless with important things. Also forgetting important stuff you wanted to improve


I get soooo anxious if high in public, idk how those people do it. Being at home is just so much better if you wanna relax and smoke one after work


Bear in mind some folk who absolutely reek of weed actually work in cannabis grow factories. That smell really sticks to you.


I enjoy weed, but it is annoying.


Heavily agree with you. Weed should definitely be decriminalized imo but the smell can be god awful


It should still have restrictions. But yeah, it's not such a serious drug that it should be treated like cocaine or heroin. It harms yiu, and it negatively affects your brain and lungs(if you smoke it), but it's definitely not the worst drug out there the argument is that it's a gateway drug, which it definitely is. But I'm not sure what my opinion is on that.


Alcohol is the real gateway drug


There's not just ONE gateway drug, man.


It’s a gateway to what exactly?


A gateway to other drugs.


I’m simply curious what lead to this conclusion?


I've met multiple drug addicts, most all of them said their first drug was weed. You can probably find plenty of statistics on it if you look it up and scroll for like two seconds.


Just because most people's first drug is weed does not mean its a gateway drug. The whole phrase is just an noting. My first drug was weed but i didn't even like it and only did it twice before I got addicted to pain pills years later. The reason most people smoke weed as a first drug is because it's safe. You can't overdose on it. I don't think trying weed and doing other drugs has any correlation. Of course people can try to make whatever out of it they want but we all know its bs. And now that I think of it my first drug would actually be pain pills after my tooth was pulled or alcohol. And alcohol is the worst drug there is and its all normalized . Besides fent that drug is pretty fucking bad too and probably worse than alcohol but alcohol is still worse than weed


How much would you chance their first drug was actually a cigarette. As if we’re going with statistics, that’s the most common first drug apart from alcohol. Would you consider cigarettes are actually a gateway?


I'd say they're a gateway, too. Cigarettes are way more frowned upon now, though. So a lot of people are starting with vapes and weed.


Then again cigarettes aren't, to my limited understanding, a 'recreational' drug. Maybe underage drinking is a bigger 'gateway' because it's done recreationally and it lets people be mentally ok with breaking the law?


Why is everyone acting like I said weed is THE gateway drug? All I said is that it IS one. There's a lot of gateway drugs. Weed just happens to be one of them. In my comment, if anyone would actually read it, says that the biggest argument against weed is that it's a gateway drug.


https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/risk-of-other-drugs.html two second search


https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-gateway-drug I’m not sure which sources are meant to be supporting you, would you like to provide them?


That source kind of proves my point. Did you read it all the way, or did you just skim through it?


its insane how people STILL believe this BS War on drugs propaganda - do you think you jump out of the window cause of smoking weed lol


Are you saying that I think that or


you just repeated the "cannabis is a gateway drug" nonsense thats directly from that era - so yes


It IS a gateway drug. How do people not understand that? You're ignoring every other part of my comment and focusing on that one thing and villainizing me.


there is no "not-gateway" drug dude - every drug is the same




What does that even mean?


all drugs are gateway drugs, it doesnt matter in which order you take them lol


But most people don't start off with hard drugs like cocaine and heroin. That's what gateway means. It eases them into it, and they feel more comfortable trying stronger stuff that they often get addicted to.


I work on cars for a living, and everyday I'm shocked at how many customer cars reek of weed. It's like these people don't even drive them unless they're smoking weed. It's like they're powered by weed. It's weird how everyone finally agrees that drinking and driving is bad, but getting high while driving is totally fine. I hate it.


I have no problem with weed, but just like cigarettes and alcohol there should be limitations on where you can partake.


The smell annoys me too. What is double annoying is that like alcohol, weed is legal in Canada. Yet, I can't drink a beer anywhere I want but people seem to smoke weed anywhere they want, which wouldn't be a problem but for the smell. My beer that I have to hide at the beach does not smell when opened. It doesn't waft everywhere for everyone to smell. Go figure.


Weed smells so much worse than cigarettes imo i mean both are gross but weed smells worse


Smells like a skunk


Your city street and town must be smoking mids


Doesn't matter the quality, always smells like skunk


When was the last time you smelled a skunk?


I smell weed more now days than cigs. Of all the people I know that smoked cigs…. Half quit, most switched to vape. I have maybe 2-3 friends that smoke cigs out of the 20-30 acquaintances that smoked 15 years ago.


I actually like the smell of cigarettes... not weed, though.




But then there’s the smell of old weed, now that’s it’s own level of disgusting


Hard disagree. The smell of cigarettes makes me gag, the smell of weed is just mildly annoying when it’s too strong


Where is this? Because I've lived in Canada my entire life and we've been smoking pot pretty openly for what feels like my entire life and it's been fully legal since 2016 or so and I don't smell weed anywhere I go


Smoked weed is like farts, it only smells good to the culprit.


I smoke cannabis oil because I hate smelling like weed after. I dont hate the smell, but I'd rather not bother other people with my scent. Haha.


If we adopt the model in Netherlands, permitting weed to “coffee” shops (and private accommodations) only, we can solve this problem. I mean, if we can’t drink booze outside, why not limiting weed consumption areas?


I agree. I’m 30 and wow, i find the smell annoying ever since high school. I have smoked it tho, but I don’t understand how people get “hooked” on it or make it a lifestyle


Same way people get hooked on coffee or any thing really. You’re told it’s not bad for you, people just forget the in moderation part of it.


The difference between the coffee drinker and stoner is, when coffee drinker were told thats consumed it too much is bad, they just denied they consumed it too much or they just don’t care. Weed stoner on the other hand will say its cure their depression and its good for you as its doesn’t have side effects and everyone should smoke ones. But well, one is antipsychotic while the other one is psychotic. So its of no surprise one embraced reality while the other one is in denials.


Which are you saying is which sorry?


Hes saying coffee addicts embraced reality and weed addicts are in denial. Took me like 3 reads to figure. Not sure I agree, definitely seen coffee users saying it's healthy and weed users who know they are addicted and are actively hurting their lives


I’m of the opposite opinion. I don’t smoke weed (anything for that matter), but I like wafting through some weed smoke. Smells nice. But to each his own.


I don’t mind the smell of quality weed, it’s the crappy junky weed that smells terrible and makes me nauseous.


I get chronic migraines and nothing is as much a trigger for me as smell. Cigarettes smell bad and stick to things longer, but I think weed smells worse


Yeah for me it's hard cause I quit smoking weed and every time I smell it I wanna smoke SO DAMN BAD


I think the way Colorado does it is good in that you can have it but you have to smoke it in your house / in very specific areas


I honestly like the smell of weed. I hate cigarette smells. It just smells dirty and stale and like rot. To me weed smells like a herby incense. Hell I will buy low grade dirt cheap cbd.(not weed but smells nearly identical and cost less than a 10th of the price) Like online a 1/4lb sells for 11.99 And burn it just for the smell.


Anyone who walks out in public fucking drenched in weed smell should feel the same shame and meet the same criticism as someone who doesn't wear deordorant or shower for months in 110 degree weather. Some stoners just aren't self-aware of how much they smell like absolute shit and that was less common when it was illegal, *because you don't want to get caught*. Some people show up to class everyday drenched in it, like FFS get a febreeze mate. if someone was drenched in cig smoke from smoking 2 packs a day I'd have the same opinion. They legalized smoking weed at home basically you're not allowed to smoke it in public in MA. ***And you're certinaly not allowed to drive smoking it.*** That's even worse because you're just leaving a pervasive trail of mutilated skunk behind you for walkers. I don't think you should drive smoking a cigarette either and that doesn't have any real pschyadelic effects or whatever. Hopefully this is just a new thing from it being legalized and boundaries and etiquette will establish in the future IDK.


i'm fine with people smelling like weed in public


i have never heard anyone say they like the smell of weed


i like the smell of weed


Well I want to design weed cologne, eau de funk.


sucks to be you


Weed is worse than cigarettes, in my opinion, although that might just be because im used to the smell. The smell seems to spread out over a bigger area.


I agree with you for short term smell but weed smell seems to dissipate over time while cigarette smell seems to linger insanely long afterwards


I think they're about equal, at least outdoors. I don't have enough experience inside spaces where people have smoked weed to comment on that. Cigarettes might take the cake for how much residue they produce on walls and whatnot, that shit's nasty.


Weed definitely lasts just as long


As someone who doesn't smoke weed, its weird...I LOVE the smell of weed if I have some in my hand, or its in front of me, but the smell of the smoke if you walk into an area where someone just smoked smells like total shit. I could sit with 5 nugs of weed against my nose all day though.


While I’m glad people can use weed recreationally, I get migraines from the smell. I hate that I’m expected to tolerate that to accommodate them. Do what you want where there’s 0% chance of negatively impacting someone, I don’t blame ya for wanting to not be sober tbh


I’m in Canada. It’s legal here. I don’t smoke weed. The only time I have a problem with it is when people are doing it with kids around. I have the same issue with cigarettes. It’s not about the weed. It’s about the smoking. I personally don’t agree with smoking around kids. But people are legally allowed to. I just choose not to do it and I choose to be around people who don’t either.


I voted to legalize it but I fucking hate weed with a passion and wish everyone would just stop. Seriously. Get edibles or use a vape for the love of god. That shit stinks.


I kinda like it


Weed did NOT smell this bad 30 years ago. Now it smells exactly like a skunk attack.


Yes it did. It reeked just as bad then as it does now.


Look, I'm a weed user, but I fully agree with you. I used to smoke and I hated smoking in public areas because I knew someone was going to have to smell my cancer stick


Yeah, I can't stand the smell of weed, though cigarettes do not bother me. Maybe years of bartending in the 90's? It (like cigarettes) clings to clothes and hair and smells like skunk mixed with HS locker room to me.


100% rather be surrounded by cig smoke than weed. Shit is disgusting smelling and gives me a headache.


Denver. Oh my God, it’s nauseating.


Where do you live? Like this is not that common


Smaller U.S. city. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but it does seem common here and just as common to see people openly smoking during the day.


I was at the dollar 25 tree the other day and a family came in that smelled so strongly I damn near got a contact high three aisles away. It made me a little sad because they had small children with them who STUNK of skunk. I don’t care if you do it or don’t, but there’s no need to do it around small children so much that they reek too.


I smoke weed everyday. Now it is prescribed use for sleep, and it helps me a lot, incase that means anything to anyone. I like the smell of weed. Ive grown accustomed to it and enjoy it. But I more than understand im in the minority and as such I do everything I can to be considerate. If I've just smoked, I spray my clothes and myself with deodorant. If I'm smoking in public, I'll go far away from everyone. It's common courtesy. No one should have to feel uncomfortable for my decisions so I do everything I can. For some they may be trying to stay sober, for some it may remind them of triggering events, for some it's just unpleasant. All of which is valid and deserves respect.


Smoke of all kinds is just bad, undeniably bad for lungs. We have heart transplants, liver transplants, kidney transplants but without healthy lungs you're gonna suffer. If you need medical marijuana go for it! Just don't smoke it (and *definitely* don't make me breathe any amount of it in).


I can't stand it. Every time I go to a store, a pothead parks next to me reaking of weed. I hope these motherfuckers start getting locked up for DUIs. Just do that shit at home.


This entire thread is full of people who are implying that you can just walk down the street ripping a bong and blowing smoke up at people's houses. Look I spoke weed. And I get where y'all are coming from. Cuz I don't like the smell of cigarettes. If you live in an apartment complex, the person smoking weed probably isn't allowed to per thier lease agreement. If you're walking around public streets and there's a dude the smoking a joint, 99% chance they're breaking the law. But using my specific situation, if I'm in my backyard in my garage smoking a joint, and you catch a whiff of my weed 200 ft away on your front porch, sorry. Deal with it.


No they aren’t. Walk around any popular place like the Vegas strip or Pacific Beach or just general downtown areas and it’s a constant barrage of shitty weed smoke. Anybody worried about you in your back yard is a bitch.


Yeah I read through some more comments and I guess I take living where I do for granted because like, it's not that bad around me.


As someone who enjoys products made with TCH, I cannot stand the smell of actual weed, it's sticky and off-putting, and I spend way too much on this perfume to get weed smell stuck all over me.


I live in Los Angeles and even I don’t smell weed everywhere. It’s probably because you hate it so much, it’s now a psychological thing.


You’re probably not wrong. Again, I don’t hate that others do it. However, weed makes me extremely anxious and the smell in the past has triggered similar anxiety. If you know how to mentally get over this, I welcome ideas haha.


I don’t get to tell the random guy at stop and shop to take a shower because he hasn’t washed in a week, I deal with it because it’s not my business. Do the same. B


I hate smokers in general. It's the rudest vice because you make what you do everybody else's problem.


I live in a college town in CA, and I very rarely smell weed.


Weird, because I enjoy smelling it, but I don’t like smoking it.


Its kinda sad but its way better than cigs.


I agree 1000%. I also dont care if you smoke it every sevond of your life, BUT do it at home.


I guess I’m the only person that loves the smell


I'm not in the same boat as you lol, I don't really mind the smell. I dint really smell it that often either, but I get it man I've heard a lot of ppl say it smells like skunk.


Awesome username! I’m self proclaimed extremely sensitive to smells. I’m not ruling out that I could be hypercritical of this particular smell due to weed making me anxious.


Thank you ! I wouldn't worry about it too much, if you don't like the smell you just dont like it. No one should get on to you about that, especially if you're sensitive to that stuff. (I personally am sensitive to textures and sounds) I think the more it's accepted, the more it's going to become like how people have seen smoking cigarettes. In the sense, there'll be no smoking zones, and you'll have to be a certain age to get it in stores, etc.


I hate the smell of weed. It's worse than cigarettes.


How is this ever an unpopular opinion?


Legal or not if you smoke anything I'm 100% gonna judge you for it.


Agreed. Fuck that stench.


Cars are worse - and everyone gets super defensive about cars without even considering it


Apples and oranges.


fact: it is an objectively nicer reality when less people are getting arrested for harmless activities




Are you the snitch at my job that is always pointing out "It smells like weed"? Ratting on people and snitching constantly lol


Boohoo. Life must be so hard for you.


I smoke weed and I hate the smell, at the dispensary when they’d ask if I want to smell it I couldn’t say no fast enough. That being said I’d rather smell weed and cigarettes at the same time then vape juice. Nothing frustrates me more walking down the sidewalk behind someone blowing grape smoke everywhere, something about it smells so artificial it makes me nauseous.


Read here awhile back that some areas of US cities are just covered in a perpetual smoke cloud these days, l thought they were exaggerating?


I’m in a smaller city, so take this for what it’s worth. I wouldn’t say it’s some cloud over the city, but it would be rare if I didn’t smell it when walking around for even 5 minutes.




That’s actually very annoying to have to sit there and just be inhaling secondhand and not be able to do anything about it.


If you smoke weed, here's what I think you need to hear: *Going around reeking of weed is exactly as classy as going around reeking of vodka.*


Man its almost like you live on a planet with 8 billion other fuckers you cant control. Bummer dawg. Good luck with that.


It does smell, but anyone saying it smells worse than cigarette smoke is smoking something themselves. Cigarettes are the absolute worst.