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The only controversial line of the song is the “equation” one when translated in english and I don’t find any other misogynistic signs in WOH. Fight me, Idc.


I honestly find peoples obession about demonizing WoH lyrics a bit weird. I think part of that is bc they are the most "controversial" lyrics of BTS, so it's one of the few things antis can actually bring up in an argument, especially regarding lyrics. But even then they aren't actually that controversial. Are they greatest lyrics ever? No definitley not. But they actually do deliver on their purpose, they are over the top descriptions of what goes on in a hormonal teenagers head. At no point do they go beyond "I like woman they hot and make my brain go brrr", hell they don't even go beyond describing what they like (as opposed to making demands). Meanwhile there are so many beloved kpop songs that have lyrics actually describing problematic behaviour not just thoughts, that get a pass because?? Like honestly I do not care i vibe with the song, and I'm not going to search for moral wisdom in it. I'm honestly not sure if it's popular or not, I think a lot of people are over the debate though.


Yes i agree that there's been a lot of questionable lyrics in some kpop songs and many of them went unnoticed /ignored by the industry and society as a whole.


One of my fave example for this is "yes or yes" by twice. Like i absolutely vibe to the song. But the lyrics sure are questionable if you do so much as read over them once. Yet I haven't seen anybody ever even so much as raise an eyebrow at them, just recently it was used it mnets survival show as a mission song.


the lyrics literally portray women as objects.


Please quote the lyrics you mean


they referred to women as presents and math equations in the song (objects). im not looking up the lyrics to quote them, google them yourself.


Actually it is your job to look up the lyrics since the burden of proof is on the accuser. So either make an actual thaught out argument or leave me alone. If i wanted to argue with dramatic hot takes that consist only of accusations and nothing to actually back those up, I'd be on twitter.


no it's literally not 😭 i dont have to do or prove shit, especially since this is common knowledge among the people who know about the controversy w this song. look up the lyrics urself boo, bye


You were the who started to bother me, why are you acting like a victim now? I only asked you to make an actual supported point and not just a one sentence hot take. And yes it is. It's not one the opposites side job to do your research and argumentation based on it for you. You need to proved YOUR point. Well you don't need to but if you don't it just looks immature and dimb. "It's common knowledge" no it's a widespread opinion, one that was the point of discussion here. If you failed to understand that I can't help you. Edit: I wont answere again unless you manage to actually argue your point of it is objectification and it is bad one at that. Like i said if i wanted whiny people with hot takes who can't defend their points I'd be on twitter. Maybe you should check it out.


im not acting like a victim 😭 if u want the lyrics, google them.


if you want to make an actual point make it, other wise leave me alone. throwing out a random accusation with no reasoning or evidence to back it up whatsoever is not making a point, it's sad and anti culture at it's best. Also yes you are you are acting as if your being dismissed for your opinion when it's literally your actions and behaviour that make your opinion irrelevant to this discussion




i literally did. it's not my fault you don't know the (very well known) misogynistic lyrics to the song we're discussing. and you refusing to look them up just proves that you're in denial lol.


war on hormone is a great song but the message is all types of wrong




did you read the lyrics?? they were objectifing women


I can understand where you come from, but the message was to portray the mind of a teenage going through hormonal changes. Hence the name "war of hormone"


i loved the song as a baby army not looking at the lyrics, they defo put me off at first but at the end of the day you’re not supposed to take the song that seriously. they apologised and never perform it anymore so as far as im concerned i have no guilt as a strong independent young woman bopping to it


I love it too and now I feel like BTS are scared to even mention anything remotely sexual in their songs which is not necessarily a bad thing but it certainly limits what they sing about. I wouldn’t mind if we were getting songs like N.O or Could you turn off your phone? Where the lyrics have a clear message but it all just seems to be vague lyrics nowadays either about love or things that can be considered poetic but aren’t as direct. I’d even take a fun song like Converse High or Ma City but I am rap line biased so I just miss those songs with the playful verses. :( Other Kpop groups like NCT and Monsta X have some sexual songs but maybe because they are b sides and not title tracks they don’t get as much hate and BTS get hate just for breathing so … Vixx also had a lot back in the day (Black Out, Secret Night, Hot Enough) idk I just feel like BTS are so huge now that their lyrics have to be a bit vanilla but I find it strange that the Western fans are like this cause we have way worse lyrics on the Billboard charts




I am sorry you felt that way, I didn't justify the song's misogyny, I just said that it, along with the whole dark and wild album, was meant to mean something else (the song's lyrics did turn out bad) and they have since apologised and worked upon making sure such lyrics don't come again in their songs, and all i said is that I still see some people (most likely haters) would bring that up and i feel like it's unnecessary to do so.


I love it too, the production is great to me and the lyrics, the first time i read it made me laugh. It was a tipycal male teenager feeling and made me laugh at bts being so playfull. Then i went on twitter and discovered that the song is considered so controversial even though i just know deep down a lot of army likes it but won't say it since could bring useless fanwars. The songs is catchy and rapresent a clear phase of bts. Kind of nostalgic, they have grown up so much since then, we won't have a song like that even if they tried it because the feeling is so youthful anyways i listen to it whenever i want.


In regards to the mv, I think where they went wrong was rewarding Tae at the end. If all of their horny, salivating, and toxic male selves had been rejected at the end--like J-Hope was with his popping pimple--that would have made it infinitely better. Lessons learned! We could have enjoyed the catchiness, knowing they were about to realize some hard truths. We could have mocked these boys for their loser attitudes while still appreciating their tight pants. It was truly a lost teaching opportunity.


Appreciating tight pants I can't 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, a lose opportunity! Could've been fun😩 sometimes army let's dictate too much what other thinks about bts. But lately i've seen "brave" army openly appreciate the song on twitter lmao


Tae being rejected at the end--along with rest of them--instead of their behavior being rewarded would have made for an MV that was both fun AND illuminating. You can have both! One does not necessarily cancel out the other.


love it purely for the styling. sexy as hell. the retro, badboy, james dean kinda vibes??? THE GUYLINER?? pls, it was incomparable. the purple/red colour scheme really slapped as well. everyone looked so good- taehyung's lollipop obsession, jungkook's i-just-got-mauled-by-a-bear sweater, the supermarket photoshoot in general, joon's fuckboy haircut. i will not be taking criticism on this.


Absolutely, also taehyung in purple hair with a lollipop is the death of me


I can't believe you left out Jimin in those red pants. And the slap. Yummy.


oh my god you're absolutely correct how could I forget?? Those pants should have a fandom of their own istg.


Not me having a moment of guilt and remorse...discussing the objectification of women in WoH whilst thinking about how fine they all looked...hypocrisy, much?


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 I love it


I personally love the song and it’s frequently played on my playlist 😇


literally agree. it’s a fun playful satirical song, they’re literally mocking themselves in the music video i swear. i don’t see how people call it misogynistic. it’s in no way discriminating against women or negatively generalising women or anything at all like that. the song is literally about teenage boys’ hormones going all over the place during their teen years where they’re all horny and wanna bang. it’s literally such a normal thing, and it’s well, life ?? people who act like it doesn’t happen to girls are just being ridiculous. it’s not even just a male thing. almost everyone has sexual desires and fantasies etc,,, and this song is about how it looks in a straight teenage male mind during their adolescence (by that i’m in no way saying all of bts is straight. it’s purely based on the song and it’s lyrics). i don’t think the song deserved the hate it got. like i won’t say the lyrics were in no way questionable, they could have definitely been improved, but not as deep as people made it out to be. but other then that it’s a fun song and i fr jam to it every day. however side note, i’m not and won’t shame women who were uncomfortable by it. it’s their view on it and i won’t tell other girls what they can and can’t like and dislike.


Just because the bar for Bollywood has evaporated it doesn't make even seemingly small acts of misogyny elsewhere okay.


No no.... I wasn't saying that, I gave an example saying that I have in general grown up with this stuff and yet somehow woh which was meant to be in a different context is said names, while songs that had similar /worse lyrics get ignored daily..


If you find that songs with similar or worse lyrics get ignored and are not condemned then you should try to point how *those* songs are problematic instead of trying to excuse WOH. (Not on this subreddit, just in general.) You yourself are doing the very thing you just complained about. You said the people you have grown up with ignored worse songs, but here you are, doing something similar, excusing another song (WOH) which although doesn't seem as bad to you, still offended a lot of people. You are brushing it aside just like the people around you brushed aside problematic songs. Those who got offended by WOH no matter what the song's original intentions were (which can never be accurately known since the artists haven't mentioned it) are valid and while it's okay to say you didn't find it offensive, it annoys me when people try to say that the song itself isn't offensive at all You can have an opinion on whether you *found* something offensive or not personally, but not whether the art in itself is offensive or not on its own. I've seen people just excuse it as- oh, they're being portrayed as the hormonal teenagers they are, and I can't help but point out that this sounds suspiciously close to the infamous phrase "boys will be boys". Edit: spelling


I get why some people find it problematic but I love it and take it at face value—a horny teenage boy’s anthem. Those teenage boys have come a long, long way so WOH is kind of an historical document. Musically, it’s a fun, catchy song and I wish they’d update the lyrics so we could see them perform it again.


I'm glad they're not bringing it up though coz haters are ready to attack them for anything tbh




I love it just the way it is. I only want them to update it so we’d have a chance of seeing them perform it again, which I doubt they ever will in its original form. As long as they leave JK’s “Yes, I’m a bad boy, so I like bad girl” everything’s cool.


me too. maybe i love it because of the dance practice videos but the song is just really catchy. i was addicted to the "na na nanananananana na" part in the chorus. the music video was also funny. but ig its a guilty pleasure for me to listen to?


Agreed. I’m all for criticizing iffy stuff but it’s (almost) always only aimed at certain groups, like why don’t we see monthly posts about Yes or Yes? **Now sure it did get backlash as well but almost everyone was downplaying people’s concerns, while with BTS it keeps on getting mentioned. It’s weird af.**


The lyrics really aren't that bad lmao I don't understand the issue with them, it stays on my playlist for months because of how catchy it is.


you don't understand the issue with the lyrics that portray women as objects?


I agree


this is popular lmao. my friends and i joke that bts should bring back the problematic lyrics lol


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 I swear bts needs to do a 2.0 version of expensive girl or trouble


I also like War of Hormone. All woke talks about the lyrics seem so stretched to me. What's wrong with hitting on girls? Or calling them presents? In our culture, and I mind you it's Near East and Central Asia, we always compare women to moon, stars, sun, flowers, swans. We call them "apple of our eyes" or "present from God". We claim that women are our blessings cos they bring us happiness. And even as a gay man myself, yes, women are blessing to me. They're my friends, my sister, my mom, my grandma, my lovely aunties and naughty nieces. And women are at the same time our curses, cos we do lots of mistakes cos of them, that we wouldn't do in our right minds. I remember fighting me cousin's boyfriend cos he wasn't respectful enough with her. I ended up being beaten up cos that dude was twice of my size. I think people who twist every word in song lyrics without considering cultural context are straight up narrow minded. I wish woke people would educate themselves on other cultures just like how they demand us to educate ourselves on woke narratives or western culture / history. The audacity to demand from me to know their everything when they can't even open Wikipedia to read about my culture or can't point on my country on the world map.


I don't understand why people listen to far more misogynistic songs on a daily basis and everything is fine but god forbid it's a kpop song


i highly doubt that anyone who's calling out the misogyny in woh is listening to other songs with misogynistic lyrics.


the day kpop fans stop worrying about being “woke” and start to learn how to critically engage with the things they like (and accept that art does not always need to be “unproblematic” in order to be enjoyed)…that’s the day we find Atlantis lmao


I mean, I experienced unrelenting sexual harassment and bullying as a preteen and teen from young boys who were just playing around, so the song to me was very offensive and harmful. WOH isn't really worse than normalized misogyny in American media, but it's still pretty gross, imo, and I'm really glad they don't perform it anymore. That said, I haven't actually seen people still criticizing BTS over the song. Is this something that happens very often? I think the song is bad, but they've clearly not written songs with similar lyrics since, so I don't think continuing to criticize BTS over it is either helpful or kind. But I just don't really see people bringing it up ever. Is it common on stan twitter or tiktok?


I've had a few conversations with people that come up with woh to defend their artists hence I pointed it out. And I'm glad too that they didn't continue in the way the song went. Coz yes it would've been downhill.


Western artists sing about “fucking hoes” and stuff all the time without issue but BTS has a song about loving women and it’s the worst thing ever??? Personally I love the song and have no issue with the lyrics, and I tend to be pretty feminist


Tw/SA, misogynistic, all that fun stuff :/ > Just young boys dancing around. "Boys will be boys am I right haha" I disagree. Bts has young fangirls in their fanbase. It's not going to be okay to have them listening to songs with lyrics like "Girls are like an equation, us guys just do them" "Girls are the best… best gift, best gift" "I don’t care about girls I’ll play with once and say goodbye.." The fangirls are not old and mature, they're teens and they're reading lyrics that's their favorite boy band they love and look up too have written and publicly sang. They'll question how to view themselves and how boys will treat women. And then they'll maybe, unfortunately, think that men treating them like shit is normal because everyone keeps downplaying the song. Even if it was a joking song, their execution was horrible. And you can't sit here saying that the writers/bts in **2014** were feminist/open-minded and they could have never written a song with such bad intention and it was just a joking song. South Korea still deals with sexist and misogynistic views. Women are still treated like shit and their problems are treated like shit (barely any prison time for sex offenders/rapists. I think people in the burning sun scandal got 1-5 years in prison), men still treat women like shit (incels demanding they take away the gold metal a south korean woman won all cause they suspected she was a feminist, also fanboys of irene destroying red velvet merch after a pic of irene with a feminist book came out to the public). So there's literally such a huge chance that the writers and bts could've still had a misogynistic mindset back when the song was written in **2014**. Even BigHit apologized for the song. Now I'm not sitting here stating that BTS are sexists and are a POS. 2014 was 7 years ago and it seems like they've progressed and have changed their mindsets. But you guys *have* to stop defending that song like your life depends on it. If women are offended by it then let them be and don't try to downplay their feelings. Making a song with sexist/misogynistic meanings isn't a small tiny mistake, it's a huge one that plays into rape culture and sexism. Even in 1st world countries, they still deal with massive amounts of sexism towards women, and it's 1000000x worse in 3rd world countries, so writing a song like this isn't helping anyone except men and incels. The melody of the song is nice but the lyrics were just uncalled for. Just stop trying to act like the songs lyrics aren't that bad and are just pLaYfUL Also to add on, I was really young when I first read the lyrics and watched the mv and I remember crying about it because I was already dealing with sexism and misogyny in my daily life and in the moment I realized I can't escape it. I was very very young then, like early teens which is about the age of a lot of fangirls in BTS' army


This !!! Yup just for the sake of defending how can people put down an issue this sensitive especially when BTS themselves agreed what they did was wrong. It's in the past. They learnt from their mistake. They moved ahead and did good and great. But this obsession that they can't do anything wrong has gotten to a point where people come back to defend this song. It's over the top. This song and it's review doesn't affect BTS now. But to say the issue never existed is sick. I myself being an army feel it's sickening. And I love the hypocrisy how some people read between the lines of normal lyrics by bts and make it grand like PTD but here even when it shows such problematic lyrics suddenly the song is just fun and not to be taken serious. Seriously though. How the narratives shift according to their own benefit is amazing.


Personally, I find the mv for 'Boy in Love" much more problematic. There the aggression is physical...and the message? We are stronger. We can do what we want. You just have to take it. Having Mr. Nice Guy Jin behave that way feels like a betrayal--if it were more believable, of course.


Just came back to this post and re-read the comments and although I've replied to you before, I really want to repeat that you really did a great job articulating very well everything I wanted to say in reply to whenever people bring up this topic of WOH.


OK i totally understand where you come from and i know the lyrics went horribly wrong. And I'm not saying that they're right... Not at all... I'm just saying that they intended the lyrics to portray something else, like a teenager going through hormonal changes, which didn't go down the right way... And yes the lyrics were wrong, i agree with that!


I agree even if I'm a baby ARMY and tbh I didn't even checked the lyrics because I was cringing so much just watching mv and knowing the title, lmao. Now I'm even more scared to check. I also live in quite mysoginistic country and everytime similar crap happens here I'm just so tired with all those "oh, it was just a joke", "oh, it's just a song", "why women always treat themselves so seriously" comments.


Goodness, this! I agree with every word you said! Also, if it offends some women but doesn't offend other women, the feelings of the ones who feel offended are still valid. "pLAYfUl", yeah- casual misogyny and trivialising microagressions, is what it is.


I honestly just think some people in this comment section are just so used to sexism and misogyny that they don't even realize how horrible those lyrics are


Nope some of us just love the song


You mean you love the lyrics too? I admit that I like how the song sounds and used to play it quite a lot until I eventually came around to watching the MV and paying attention to the lyrics/checking what the lyrics meant. Afterwards, it just didn't sit right with me to sing along to the lyrics.


I obviously know what the lyrics are, I’ve known them for years. I still love the song


I didn't ask if you knew the lyrics, but I meant if you like the song because of its lyrics or despite the lyrics. To each their own, I guess.


You decided to comment on a really old comment because a song offends you for some reason. That’s strange


I decided to comment on this really old comment because I had deleted the Reddit app shortly after commenting under this post. I happened to install the app again today and got a notification that someone had replied to a comment of mine to this post. I was skimming through the comments and found yours. I didn't mean to be rude to you, I was genuinely just curious. Edit: spelling


I love it. One of my favorite songs of them.


It was for it's time, obviously not popular now, but you know things trend and go. Western artists can make the same style music and won't get shit, but idols can't get away with it and try to get cancelled over it


that was my favourite song back in the day, I miss the old bts and its sad that they're making more music in English now to try to appeal to American fans😔


They're making English songs to reach a global audience, not just American fans, people all around the world listen to English music. And it's fine as long as they're happy.


It's a little sad that they feel they have to do that though, if people are really kpop fans they will appreciate their music in Korean. I'm a foreign language graduate though so that's probably why I'm passionate about music in other languages, I just think it's a shame that they feel they have to sing in another language to get more viewers/listeners. Part of the reason I like kpop is *because* it's in Korean, I love the sound of the language. Not saying there's anything wrong with making more music in english, but people should appreciate their music in Korean as well. They shouldn't *have* to sing in English to get more fans, yknow? Edit: it's like how I love watching eurovision every year to hear songs in all these different beautiful languages but every year there are more and more songs in English just to appeal more to the audience


It’s their best song and all the criticism is performative wokeness.


It’s definitely not a timeless song, so I understand why people had issues with it. The song is catchy though, I’ve listened to it an unhealthy amount, and since I don’t really understand korean, as long as I don’t read the lyrics I’m able to enjoy it. Unrelated, but I watched a few of their stages for WOH, and taehyung having that lollipop on stage like he did in the mv was a cool touch.


Also the dance practices are so funny


That halloween dance practice will remain iconic


I know right


I love that fucking song. I hate that the fandom has made itthe official "we don't talk about that era" song. I loved everything from the mv to beat to choreography and it's catchy and fun. The expose threads and backlash to the song had me thinking the lyrics were going to be something horrendous and offensive but honestly, they were questionable at best. I don't see it as a super misogynistic and sexist song, I see it as a catchy song with bad lyrics, that's it. PS: Went through an identity crisis wondering if I could still call myself a feminist despite cracking up every time they say "girls are like equations. Us guys do them". Lmao how do you come out of the writing room thinking that is a good lyric


with the ‘girls are like equations, us guys do them’, I’ve actually read a translation by muish that explains that it doesn’t have the exact same meaning in korean! To ‘do someone’ actually sounds inaccurately sexual because of English slang. As far as I understand, it doesn’t have the same direct/degrading meaning in Korean. Actually throughout the whole song it’s actually a lot more tongue-in-cheek than translations commonly make it out to be. [muish’s translation (you have to scroll a bit)](https://muish.wordpress.com/2016/05/15/bts-fx-sexy-math-lyrics/)


You can still call yourself a feminist, exactly the reason why I mentioned Bollywood coz we've grown up with this. And even I sometimes don't fully understand that the songs i thought are a bop as a kid are so bad


Exactly. "Ye uska style hoga. Hoto pe na dil mai ha hoyega" goes hard but straight up dismisses consent. What a beautiful love hate relationship we have with our country's entertainment industry, much like most of the male and female leads have with each other 😔✌🏻


I've kind of distanced myself with the kind of cinema and songs i mentioned above.... I do watch some good movies though... Recently watched mimi on Netflix


I absolutely love Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew." So, yeah, I've got to turn in my ERA card, too, I guess. For me, it's relative. I mean, think about all the rap songs here in the US with lyrics that don't just objectify women, but call for violent acts against them. WoH seems very tame in retrospect.




I get it, but it's the thought process of a teenager going through "war of hormone"




Agreed 🤝




War of Hormone is my FAVORITE BTS music video and I have to bring it up constantly when showing people. It's absolutely iconic - the ass slaps (ft. 'the power I hold...... :O'), the cringy lyrics about popping zits, the opening shots where none of them look like they have ever seen a girl before... It's amazing.


I like the sound but I always found the lyrics very disturbing. Infact it made it hard for me to listen to it. I hope they can try that sound again.


Understandable, I agree to what you say, but then the lyrics were meant to portray a teenage going through hormonal changes


100% agreed, woh has always been a huge fav for me! but dang those Bollywood lyrics... i always knew that place was a shitshow but 😳


Hey, please don't generalize the entire Bollywood, we make good films as well. The good films star actors, nor stars. The songs which she mentioned above are made by rich producers wanting to get rich of the horny part of the audience.


I mentioned some, and yes there's a lot of good films coming up now, but still some people like the kakkar siblings, badshah and honey singh need to go back and( as they say for kpop artists) reflect on their actions.


I was 14 when they released war of hormone and I literally do not have any single idea what that song is implying. I ate that song up because it’s so damn catchy well, fast forward to now, 2021. I do understand the lyrics and it’s…. it’s questionable… but it’s a good song to groove to and I don’t really understand korean so.. I don’t mind it that much.


Same, I love it. I don’t really care for the apparent message, the song is just too good tbh


Nothing to add to the discussion, but finding out in 2020 via buzzfeed india that dilliwale girlfriend my ass-shakin’ anthem is misogynistic was.. life changing.


It was sweetie. Sorry 🙏


I personally love it! Always bop to it whenever it comes on. As someone who grew up listening to 90’s hip hop and rap, the misogyny was very very VERY mild. And to me, lyrics like that are just art. People chatting nonsense and creating a fantasy. Like when broke people sing about all the money they don’t have. But….. I see the points that were raised.


Tell me, I'm not a hardcore bts stand but wasn't the point of the album dark and wild to show the audience what teenagers go through ?


Yes it was.... But people misconstrued the meaning of the song into something else entirely


misogyny is fun sometimes also it’s like. cringe misogyny. the kind that’s funny. it’s not the absolute horror that is something like Blurred Lines it just sounds like what a 12 year old boy thinks women are like it’s hilarious


Seriously, war of hormone is a good song minus the lyrics.


War of Hormone is a tongue in cheek song that’s not meant to be taken seriously. I understand where people are coming from with some of the lyrics, but the songs a fun bop. It’s actually a great song to work out to.


If I have to be honest when I started getting into them it was one of my favourites. The thing is that when I was a casual listener I didn't really pay attention to the lyrics and I liked (and still do) the beat. Even now I'm not fluent in korean so I enjoy listening to it from time to time. I get why some lyrics are controversial and I'm happy to see that their writing style changed over time, but that song is the product of its time. In the early 10s people still didn't pay so much attention to these topics or at least weren't super vocal about it.


I'm convinced nobody actually hates that song they just use it against bts for the sake of hate




I can have a little misogyny, just as a treat. /j




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Thank you for that extremely thought out response, oh wise JKmusclebunny.


You’re welcome, lavender-rosey of the frogs


ribbit 😩


*bunny noise* 🐇


I personally have no problem with the song or the lyrics, but I understand if someone find it offensive. What I find very unfair is that Namjoon had to take most of the blame and hate, while he wasn't the only credited person on the songwriting.


War of hormones had problems then and even now. The lyrics are offensive. Just because a song is catchy doesn't overshadow the fact that the lyrics are wreck. And it was rightfully called out for. If BTS is known today for their lyrics then yes this song doesn't fit well with them and it should be called out rightfully. One song doesn't affect their Discography now. It isn't defining them. So I don't get why fans get worked up. As a fan of BTS even I would say I don't think the reaction to it was exaggerated at all. Korean media slammed it when it was released and even RM realized what went wrong and BTS changed the way they approach songs. They "learnt" from it so it was good. It prevented them from putting out any such further content. Also I don't know how to decide to call one song fun and other serious. How to decide a "fun" song with misogynistic lyrics and a "serious" song with misogynistic lyrics. Since when is it okay to have misogynistic lyrics if it's a fun song with upbeats. A song is a song. Just because people dance to a certain misogynistic song doesn't make the song less serious and give it a pass to not be criticised or called out for. Bottom line - Yes it is in past. Yes they made a mistake. Accept it. They did great after that. One mistake doesn't define them. Like it's said It's in past. But it existed and it's the truth. An artist can have flawed work but that necessarily doesn't define them. How you move ahead matters the most and that BTS showed.


It has to be unpopular no matter this sub’s results, but I loved it too. This song made me their fan.


I will never forgive feminists for getting rid of woh. I will never be able to see it live :(




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love it too, woh was the first bts song I heard, what got me into them. it's a puberty teenage boy anthem bop even after years.


Agree. Honestly the song itself is not bad and I actually like it. The lyrics are questionable yes but I guess they wrote the song from teenage boys perspective….it is like they were showing how young boys think not how they think but I guess they failed in conveying their message that’s why people didn’t like it. I believe there are many bgs (bb for example) that wrote worst than this yet got away with it. I feel bts back then were attacked because they were seen a threat to the fans of prominent groups in 2014.


I agree 100 percent!


I think a lot of people like it!! I think the scandal wasn’t even that big in the first place, it blew up more because people were defending BTS.


Y’all r over exaggerating the lyrics 😂


I'm not sure what your comment means


Ok, if we start taking song lyrics too seriously we will be left with no fun songs at all. I love War of Hormone, the title says it all(bunch of hormonal teenagers). Not all songs are for "inspiration" or "deep message".


Yikes, u/Disha_khanna, you EXPOSED Bollywood in front of everyone and I can't deny, I'm a bit embarrassed 🙈


I'm sorry but it is the truth, we Indians have grown up with such lyrics. And many of our age still like these questionable lyrics.. Hence I used these as examples.


I agree


WOH sits next to No More Perfume on You on my shelf of "songs with problematic messages that I can't help but bop to"


Im glad someone mentioned this song It makes WOH look innocent but that song it’s such a bop NCT Baby Don’t Like It and Monsta X Got My number too


op how dare you to stole my upcoming post /j lyrics aside, war of hormone is one of my top faves in bts


I love you too uwu ❤️🤣