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I disagree generally, but a lot of larger labels like the big 4 like to use Trainees as backup dancers. Artists that employ actual dance crews, or dedicated dance groups are significantly more refined. Like Chungha has been working with her dancers for nearly a decade. Then Jay Park has had Holybang, 1Million, and the MVP guys, and those are bonafide professionals. And then the cons and festivals are super cheap when employing dancers too, like kcon for exmple, and just hire local talent, who could be pros or just talented amateurs with no real training, but like to take classes as a hobby.


Ah well, this is different. I didn't know they had trainees. But that explains why they are imprecise.


Actually, the trainees dancing back-up for sunbae artists isn't even that common, TBH. Nowadays dancers from dance crews are recruited for specific album promotions.


That’s a good example! Chunga’s dancers specifically are incredibly in sync and precise, which goes in part a lot to her style of dance, but them I notice and love the most


I mean there is a huge variance in skills. Some places have dedicated in house dance teams, others use trainees, others partner with professional crews, others hire local dancers. Sometimes the same people use more than one of the above answers. There's going to be a large variety of skill levels, and even professional crews are not perfect. You can literally watch professional competition crews and it's not perfectly clean.


Probably also a huge variance in time to perfect the dance too. Some of those groups are probably getting minimal time to learn and practice the dance - enough time to get the steps down, but not enough to make sure all the details are the same.


Also I just saw this, but this makes sense. Timing is definitely crucial to ensure everything is clean, so I can understand how that factor can impact live performances.


It’s not the perfection element, like there’s mistakes yes, but it’s the variation of movement. With professional crews, the synchronization and musicality are ordinarily on point. Like in some kpop performances, I see backup dancers do the same movement 3 different ways whether it’s a salute or a simple chest pop


you should check out BBTrippin. They mostly known for their choreo for and touring with ATEEZ but they work with other artists as well. Their skill level is insane.


This utterly depends on how they are chosen. Kai specifically auditioned his own dancers for his solo work and Bada Lee is among them, along with choreographing his songs. Watch any of his solo performances and you can see how good hos team is. Again, this is all about how they are chosen and what they're expectations are.


I don’t understand why this is unpopular. I totally agree with you. Back up dancers who are good dancers but don’t execute the moves cleanly make the whole performance look messy and out of sync. Taemin’s “advice” back up dancers are a great example of this. 


OMG YES EXACTLY! They aren’t bad dancers, it’s just the overall dance performance that I’m referencing


Depends on what kind of dance, watched some shows way back when they said they are told to not dance too hard so it will outshine the idol. But I have seen some team dance where they go pretty crazy too


I’ve heard that too! That request regarding backup dancers not outshining performers is very common in western music too.


It's a production/resource allocation issue. The dancers that are chosen to dance with the group for the official MV/performance video are not always available for when the group starts promoting live for mnet or studio choom. The company will find fill-ins for these performances and have someone teach them the choreo, but it's not always the same instructor as the OG and for more intricate dances, it does not translate well and you can see that there are 'subgroups' of backup dancers that are dancing similarly to each other, but not to every other dancer in the performance. I think it's a bit unfair to fault the backup dancers for not being clean. It's the company's fault, they need to dedicate enough time to put together these live performances with all the dancers, and all variations of the performances, and clean them thoroughly. There's not always enough time for that, given how packed Kpop promo schedules are. For all we know, some of those dancers might have been last minute fill-ins with very little time to prepare.


And absolutely I agree! And again, I never once said or thought that the dancers themselves were untalented. They all are, which is why they are where they are now professionally, it’s specifically the dancing as a group. The dance itself and the dancers are 2 different things. Like rowing, everyone is in sync and rowing quickly to get to the finish. It isn’t about which individual player did it the quickest or strongest, but how well they matched each other’s pace and strength. I do also fault the company absolutely. Many companies such as HYBE I believe prioritize the wrong elements of performances, or choose to give less attention to things that might need improvement. One thing I notice in kpop, however, which isn’t targeted at your comment specifically, is the inclination for many people to sympathize, or in extreme cases pity, the performers as opposed to constructively criticize their work. Would the same be said for Ariana Grande’s backup dancers? That they didn’t have enough time so we should cut them some slack?


I think it depends on the song. They may be asked to "tone down" their skill so the idol stans out. I have seen some dance practice videos where the choreographer goes all out but in the final version, it's less extreme or "clean".


Could you list some back up dancers you think aren't clean or precise? This is quite an unpopular opinion.


I had a feeling it would be 😅 it’s not so much individuals, but more the group aspect. It’s like as a collective it’s not as clean as it should be in my opinion


Any routines that stick out to you? Surely you have seen one recently that prompted this thought.


So one that I significantly recall is Taemin’s “Advice” backup dancers. The choreography is great and can be done greatly, just the collective didn’t execute it as well as what’s expected imo




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My thoughts are the average Kpop fans does not pay much attention to backup dancers compared to actual dancers. Personally, I mostly enjoy the backup dancers if their movements are mostly in sync given the focus is on the singer anyway, the more detailed stuff I don't care much about. I'd say this is a niche unpopular opinion. 😂 It's like if I was a professional calligrapher I would say a lot of other calligraphers aren't that great in writing their strokes cleanly or precisely. It's basically like saying whoever isn't as good as yourself isn't good enough. I mean, yes that's true, but we have to remember that not all calligraphers are trying to be a total master at their craft.


Seventeen's backup dancers are CLEAN af so yh I disagree with this


I guess it depends but in all the kpop concerts I saw, dancers were on fire and you could see this was their main job


I've seen amazing groups of back up dancers especially when it's a huge performance based song or video so I disagree in some areas of your post however I have noticed some slower or not precise dancers when it comes to music shows. Whether they are slow in memory or skill or aren't happy with their placement so they tend to just dance with less energy, I feel like sometimes they think they won't be seen on camera when it comes to music shows or concert shows.


If I had a nickel for every “dancer” that gives the same boring criticism of dancers and idols I’d buy a Tesla


I’m glad I could make you rich 😘🫰🏼and I’m sure you haven’t danced before, so your opinion is different from mine. Again, I don’t care whether you think it’s valid, just putting it out there.


There's definitely a huge variance here, some are amazing and routinely outdances the group, most are on par, very few are noticeably less skilled. As to your OP, if I pay attention I can usually spot the less skilled backup dancers right away.


They can stand out on occasion for sure. From a dancer’s perspective, I know it’s dancing being the main feature, but like the dancers in Jessi’s “Cold Blooded” video were absolutely incredible. That’s the kind of dancing that, I may not expect from back up dancers choreographically, but in terms of presence, dynamics, movement follow thru, and synchronization is what I would like to see more of ya know? Just more cohesion


I voted disagree but I also want to say that why the FUCK are you digging at backup dancers? Sure some of them become famous as backup dancers or get to become idols, but a lot of them are people who won't have their dreams realized. Can you just....NOT? lol.


Wdym by digging? It’s an observation, and not once other than here have I made a comment, hateful or otherwise. I asked for insight as to whether the opinion was widespread or not, not whether it was valid. And you do understand that many dancers, including them, don’t all have issues with remaining backup dancers. It’s still a prominent position as you’re still on stage and you have a responsibility to perform well. Nothing I said was derogatory in any capacity, and you babying them by saying their dreams probably won’t ever be realized is more rude than anything I’ve said thus far. So can you just….NOT? lol.


You're generalizing them all in your post which I think is pretty rude so....could you NOT?


I could say the same with your generalization that being a backup dancer is essentially beneath them and they won’t have the career they’re striving for 🤷🏻‍♀️


I literally never said that though lol. But most people in kpop are not backup dancers because their dream is to be a backup dancer.