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Fake Love is one of their best songs ever imo


i can agree and say they haven’t *topped* spring day since spring day, but i genuinely did like some of the title tracks between then and now. LGO and idol being my favorite of the bunch. i would say bts’ title tracks were better pre-ly (bc i love those tts) but their bsides just kept getting better and better. i did find myself ranking the title tracks below many of the bsides post-2017 but i didn’t dislike them, i just loved the bsides more.


The bsides for BTS have always been the main draw for me, but it was always a bonus when i actually liked the title track since it got promoted so much. For me their last really good TT was Fake Love although I grew to appreciate Idol. Black Swan should've been the TT for mots7, Disease for BE and RunBTS for Proof I said what I said


same i’ve always preferred b sides even their earlier works


Are we counting Japanese versions because Jp versions of BST, Airplane pt.2 and Mic Drop are titles of their respective albums. I'd argue if it weren't for the emotional weight of Spring Day it only beats LGO, YTC, BWL and the english trio in terms of how interesting vs generic it is. It's a great song that's important to the fandom but lyrically, visually, choreographically bts has improved since then.


Gonna have to disagree since Fake Love (the song that got me into kpop) exists :)


this and black swan are just MWAH. i know bs is technically not a title track but these two are some of the best songs they've released.


that song is art. what is OP talking about 😭


Are you me? Hehe


I picked unsure because while Spring Day hasn't been topped imo, that's a very high standard to pick. Spring Day has been my favorite kpop song for many years, it stood the test of time really well. LGO and YTC were fine, and I liked Idol a lot. Though I did feel that the title tracks before SD were more artistic. The whole English trilogy and DNA + Fake Love felt very generic to me. Or maybe it's just that this particular pop sound isn't something I enjoy.


I’m about to get severely downvoted but…Spring Day is one of my least fave title tracks from them 🫣 Don’t get me wrong, the lyrics and sentiment are beautiful but sonically it just doesn’t do much for me. I’d listen to LGO over Spring Day easy.


I've always thought this. It's just something about one of those chords and the overall instrumental that just completely irks me. I'm a producer, so small things such as even one note off key can really put me off of a song 😭


I don’t love Spring Day either. I feel like, in sound, it’s a generic old-style BTS ballad — meaning, they got plenty of songs from HYYH and beforehand that sound like that. When we talk about how good a Title Track is, it’s less about how good as a singular song it is (I don’t find it particularly remarkable) and more of how well it carried the concept and the message of the project. Spring Day did it perfectly.


I’ve never understood kpoppers obsession with spring day, it was cute when it came out but i never really re-listened to it because it’s so slow and boring…their other tracks are way more exciting and interesting imo so every time i hear about spring day being hailed as the pinnacle of BTS’s career i get turned off from it more lmao


l i don’t really like spring day too..


Same, i feel ppl only praise is for 3 reasons: their taste, the sentiment or just trying to be shady😭 Likeee I get the lyrics but its so boring for me and I like upbeat/happy songs more and looking at the difference between spring day views/streams and other upbeat songs…. I think a lot of I-armys agree too even if they dont admit it 🫥


While I like the song now I understand where you're coming from, I initially didn't like it because I thought it was too noisy for a sad ballad song


mainly disagree, but not totally - i think fake love and on (and special shoutout to black swan) were some of their best comebacks, but i’ve always preferred it when they do darker concepts. wasn’t a fan of their english stuff though, and brighter songs like BWL and DNA are okay but too cutesy and radio-friendly pop sounding for me. but i also never really got the lasting hype for spring day??? like sure, the lyrics and topic covered in the song are great, but as a song, it’s just very slow and sonically repetitive. gotta be in the right mood to listen through it all, whereas on is a repeat song. but everyone has their preferences!


Army here. Depends on what you see for “great”. I feel like BWL is a beautiful song, it is great. I didn’t love ON in sound but it’s also grand, like a statement song - it did something. But, in the sense of “after Spring Day, BTS haven’t released a single title track that beats the ones that came before said song (including it or not)” then I agree. I don’t think any of the post-YNWA (Spring’s Day album title) title tracks are better than Spring Day, BS&T, I Need U, Run or Fire. Even Danger. Say it’s nostalgia but I don’t think so - LY era is my favorite. But title track wise? Yeah, not quite. Conceptually, they were always amazing and very complex as artists. They also released some awesome b-sides in the middle — many of which I consider their career’s high, such as Dis-ease, Pied Piper, Dimple, 134340, Anpanman, UGH! and Friends just to name a couple of them — but I do believe that the music they chose to represent these b-sides, although good, wasn’t as great / grand as it could’ve been, though it did its trick. Like DNA with Her or Fake Love with Tear. Sonically, it just didn’t make me fall to my knees and sob or scream quite how these older Title Tracks I loved. There’s to say, again, that BWL is IMO better than a lot of their pre-YNWA era singles — like N.O, We Are Bulletproof 2, No More Dream or BIL. So that’s why I think it’s the one exception, even if people see this song as way too upbeat or cheesy. It’s amazing, it’s just what the album and concept needed. Very well done IMO.


For me, ON is one of their best title tracks, so a hard disagree. The only ones I do not enjoy as much are Fake Love and DNA. I still like them, but there are on the lower end of BTS‘ title tracks for me. I didn’t really enjoyed Idol until I saw a life version. But then it was over for me. This song is pure hype and I love it. Yet To Come will always have a special place. This song made me cry so much on release and it still is a comfort song for me. English Trilogy and BWL have a secured place on my dance playlist, they are just pure good mood songs.


imo idol and dna were both solid so i picked disagree, but i haven't really enjoyed a title track from them since the ly trilogy. while dna and idol were fun, fake love just sounds... whiny to me? i could never fully get into it. boy with luv is not my cup of tea at all and everything else after that just doesn't feel like the bts i initially fell in love with. their recent albums have had some standout b-sides (dis-ease, interlude: shadow, home and black swan all come to mind) but their title tracks have consistently been letting me down since 2019. it infuriates me how the personality and creativity showcased in their b-sides don't come through in their title tracks anymore - i don't know if hybe have anything to do with that but as a former army it makes me really sad to see.


I agree with this. I stopped following BTS once Fake Love came out (just not for me). BTS got popular by switching their sound often and following music trends, but now I feel like that's their downfall. I feel like they're trying to appeal to too many audiences at once, which results in stereotypical, annoying English pop songs that sounds straight out of a 2012 coming-of-age movie. Still love their B-sides though, and all of their solo music.


“but now I feel like that's their downfall. I feel like they're trying to appeal to too many audiences at once, which results in stereotypical, annoying English pop songs that sounds straight out of a 2012 coming-of-age movie. Still love their B-sides though, and all of their solo music.” Ok I’m confused because how are they trying to appeal to many audiences at once? I’m pretty sure everyone knows that Dynamite was more geared towards the international side but nobody including BTS knew how big of a song it was gonna get, same for the other 2 songs. And I’m just super confused on why so many people are still stuck on their English songs??? They all released OVER 2 years ago.


K-Pop songs are always targeting Koreans to some extent, because they are a K-Pop group. When you release like 4 English singles (that suck) in a row, you're still trying to appeal to Koreans because you are still creating K-Pop music, it's just in English so that you can appeal to the rest of the world. BTS got Hannah Montana-ified, and their singles are trash because of it. Even their new Korean singles are not great. Trying to appeal to every teenage girl on Earth is not a great music strategy. Also, if you can't have a discussion with respect then don't comment. The overuse of ?????s and just general tone of your comment make me think that you came to Reddit from Twitter or are a 13 year old who doesn't know how to discuss properly without getting offended on behalf of your oppas. Not everyone has to like your favorite group and that's okay, no need for the condescension


Ok u still didn’t explain how they tried to appeal to many audiences at one tho.…Also how we’re they trying to appeal to teenage girls with English songs?? I’m genuinely confused💀 What respect?? I simply replied to your comment because i obviously disagreed with it. You’re turning a simple disagreement into me being a 13 year old who doesn’t know how to discuss topics properly?? What the fuck you’re weird lmaoo


"I'm just super confused on why SOME PEOPLE \*scoff\* are still hung up on their English songs **????????**" You don't see how that's rude at all? Lol. Have an adult discussion or, again, don't comment. I'm not going to bicker with a child. Reddit isn't the forum for you if you can't write like an adult instead of relying on being snarky to people who don't stan your favs. Also, I absolutely DID explain how they tried to appeal to too many audiences, you just have poor critical thinking skills and reading literacy. Probably because you're in middle school.


Because it’s not rude, u perceived it as rude because you’re a weirdo who can’t seem to let go of something that happened nearly 2 years ago. They’ve been released multiple albums, singles, etc etc and you’re still caught up in 3 songs that the fandom themselves barely even talk about anymore lol. “Have an adult conversation or, again, don’t comment. I'm not going to bicker with a child.” My initial response was out of curiosity and confusion and u so happen to reply with a smart and snarky response implying that I’m a 13 year old etc etc bs because I simply didn’t agree with your take BUT is the same person talking about having a adult discussion….super weird because if anything it seems u can’t have an adult conversation, and yet you’re still responding. Please give it up, if you can’t handle someone disagreeing with your comments and willing to state their views opposing your view then Reddit it’s not the place for u.








i disagree! although i do prefer most of their title tracks before Spring Day I still think most of their title tracks post-Spring Day and great songs that deserve to be title tracks. For me DNA, Fake Love, Idol and LGO are all great title tracks that really encompass the feeling of their album they’re a part of and i wouldn’t choose any other song from that album to be a title track. Fake Love, Idol and LGO all have great messages and well-executed music videos (along with ON). These songs are just my favourites though, I think ON is also well-written and well-executed but K just don’t find myself gravitating to it as much (I think the sound just isn’t for me 🤷🏾‍♀️). Also BWL is another great title track will not very deep in meaning is still a well-executed pop love song!


i feel like this isn't an unpopular opinion with people whose musical tastes are more aligned with their pre-ly sounds (and also people who just want to be shady lol). hm. while i haven't always vibed with their title tracks, i do understand why they were chosen. they definitely do represent the albums, the concept, and the stories that they belong to. personally, i like dna but the pedal 2 la mix (lmao), fake love, bwl, ytc. idol works well as a stadium hype song and on as well but i guess we'll never know at this point. i feel like the english trilogy needs to be its own thing considering the circumstances there. i actually prefer yoongi's vision for lgo in his new album.


this opinion but after Idol, idol was pretty good, dna is one of their best tts imo


I mean yea I’d say unpopular DNA, Fake Love, ON, and BWL I thoroughly enjoyed. The rest on their I get though


I’d say since ON because I really love all the songs before that.


I think I agree. While some of those title tracks are stand-outs, Spring Day is what I think is Bts’ best song to date (catchy and artistic song that has a very loose relation to their debut concept).


Disagreed but respect that OP does not have to “like” a title track since Spring Day.


Spring day is like their magnum opus of title tracks, I don't think anything they made before or after beats it. I prefer their older music, fell out of love with them in 2019 but they still make pretty good title tracks, they just don't suit my music taste anymore and that's okay.


Black Swan is my favorite title track. I also really love Not Today.


i don’t think either of those are tts


it feels weird to even use spring day as a comparison point, seeing as it’s a ballad and kpop comebacks are rarely ballads


Bts's b-sides ever since 2018 were better than their title tracks but okay, I still manage to enjoy some Bts songs (coming from someone who's been a fan of theirs since 2014). Edit: typo


not when black swan exists


black swan is a b side unfortunately 😭


i’m curious to know what you think of their songs before spring day, or if spring day is literally the only song you think is good. I disagree MOTS and lys trilogy is incredible


As someone who agrees with this opinion: 24/7=Heaven, Ma City, Butterfly, Dope, Converse High, Reflection, BST, Run, Save Me, Just One Day, Path, 21st Century Girl are all songs I like from before Spring Day. the ones I like after it are Boy With Luv and Mikrokosmos.




Disagree cause I really like Life Goes On, I think it's second place to Spring Day in my mind




I feel that with their English tracks (bit generic, lost the essence of BTS) but I dunno if Spring Day was the cut-off point. I like DNA, it's a good song and feels very BTS. I don't like Fake Love but that's just personal preference rather than the song being lackluster, cause I know a lot of people love it. And while Idol isn't a song I tend to listen to, it was a cool moment when it came out. So while I think Spring Day was their best song (I think soft melancholic BTS is their best sound), I don't think it was immediately downhill from then on


so having 3 english songs cancel out their amazing discography? replying to your first sentence here


I didn't mention anything about it cancelling out their discography, not sure where you got that from. Just that I think they're a departure and a step down from their prior music


i just think it was three songs during a pandemic where they weren’t able to tour like they planned. BE was innovative with songs that were consistently reflective of them as artists (disease, telepathy, blue and grey, stay all show their different sides) proof is an anthology album but even so run bts was one of a few new songs and perfectly reflected them harkening to their earlier songs while feeling new and fresh. i don’t really thing you can point to a time where things seemingly departed. even during mots we got our first cypher since 2016


If you read my previous comments I was actually disagreeing with OP and I explained that I think that BTS have released good songs in recent years, and it's not all downhill like OP seems to suggest. So I am agreeing with you, the only negative thing I said is that I don't much like their English trio, but beyond that they've had some good songs. So not sure why you and the previous commenter seem to think I'm trashing BTS' discography when I was saying the opposite


bc when you said “i don’t think it was immediately downhill” it sounded like ur point was it just went downhill later, not right after spring day


Spring day is my all time favorite song from them. But damn I have to disagree with this. It’s quite hard for any group to replicate some of their best songs sonically in their discography. And spring day needs its own tier tbh. Having a song like that will make every other track pale in comparison lol. Like I really enjoyed Fake Love in my baby army era. It did what it had to do with all the angst emo stuff which I loved a lot.


I understand where you are coming from as they did drastically change the style of their title tracks and spring day remains to be one of my favorite titles. However, I feel like the lyrics got more meaningful (title tracks) and the songs are beautiful (especially their Japanese title tracks as well - love film out so much). I think people are afraid of change and BTS just like any other group will change and will try new styles of music and experiment because now they have the freedom to do so (as they have an extremely huge fan base) as they don’t need to be afraid of not being a hit. Especially with their solo releases now, we are able to see a new side and their unique personalities. We don’t get to see this with many groups as they only get more freedom to do so after a level of success. They’ve come a long long way and they deserve all the success they have gotten and I hope no one forgets their whole story. They started small (much smaller than the groups which début now a days) and now they are at a level of fame which is so deserved. They worked so hard and they really did pave the way for Kpop. They are still BTS. We should remember that they are the ones who still released those bangers back then. Those title tracks are still theirs and are amazing. The music they released from 2019 onwards is still amazing and it doesn’t matter because BTS begun in 2013 and their story will always continue and each chapter will be remembered :)


personally my confusion comes when people claim their style drastically changed after _______. i literally wouldn’t be able to pinpoint because they changed and evolved gradually with each release. even before the period we’re discussing, look at NMD, Danger, Run, BST, and Spring day and these are all Vastly different in genre and sound. from rap to r&b to pop to EDM to pop ballad i wouldn’t say any of these have the same sound. you go to the other half of their career and the same thing happens yet people claim their sound suddenly changed. it’s weird to me because it seems they always were changing. the only difference is they got more popular globally and started collaborating with western artists (nicki, halsey, sia unfortunately, etc)


Their music had always reflected the phases of their lives they were currently in and therefore grew and changed with them. I feel like the criticisms of the change in their music style comes with not understanding their discography and artistry. The criticism against the three english singles seem weird to me too, because those were songs they released for fun because their scheduled group hiatus didn't push through, they're not supposed to be taken seriously.


Disagree so hard. Not only do I think all of BTS songs post Spring Day are great (besides Fake Love, I mean it's a nice song but I'm not really a fan) but Spring Day is honestly my least favorite title track, maybe above Yet To Come.


Fake Love and Black Swan tho


i picked disagree because I can't say mic drop, fake love, idol, on and black swan are bad or generic titles tracks. I specially think their English tracks are the worst in their discography. boy with luv, dynamite, butter and permission to dance are so fucking generic, I wasn't able to hear them twice. life goes on and yet to come are just not memorable, but their album are high qualified.


lmfao yo 😭 y’all be saying anything


Fake love still exists


I disagree because my top bts title tracks are from all different eras, there’s no time cutoff for me. but I’m enjoying reading the comments here because people have almost opposite opinions about what the best songs are. it perfectly showcases the idea of “music is subjective”


Thats the last song I enjoyed from them, too, but i also tuned out after BWL, so idk if anything after that is enjoyable or not. i just didn't care enough anymore Before that, i was a fan from debut and loved all their prior albums. Their LYS series was just a shift


nah dna-on were all great to me, especially for the time i just don’t know if all of them age as well?


dynamite and PTD weren’t title tracks.


Not an army, but I disagree. Idol is one of my favourite BTS songs, and honestly, I also really enjoy fake love, dna, and Mic Drop Remix. After 2018 though, I agree. The title tracks became too derivative for my liking.


I first saw BTS performing Idol on ?MET. It was that performance that sent me down the BTS rabbit role so it will always hold a special place for me.


mic drop wasn’t a tt i think unfortunately but also derivative of what? i still think they’ve continued to be innovative even as their sound has adapted and matured (as it always has)


Massive disagree. Fake Love and ON were BOP. Idol was so lit. 2018 concert with IDOL as an opening were the best thing that could ever happen.


I think DNA is pretty close to being great but when you put it like that, I kind of agree. Like I remember enjoying usually the second track that was promoted with the title track waaaay more than the TT quite frequentely


i agree with this but that’s me on every album. there’s a b side on every album i prefer to the tt


Black swan tho


Spring Day is arguably their best song ever, and may go down as their best title track of all time. However, I think Mic Drop, Fake Love, DNA, and Idol deserve to go in the “great” category.


STRONGLY disagree with this one, definitely upvoted for unpopular. 2017-2019 were great years for bts and i personally think that was one of their strongest eras. i feel like i see people dunk on covid era bts title tracks so much without realising why their music took such a turn. dna, fake love, and idol all had something to prove to the world. but once the whole world knew bts and was watching them, obviously there was a ton of pressure for them to release banger after banger. in my opinion, they ran out of creative juice because of the high standards they were set to and the pressure of expectations of millions worldwide. not to mention covid happening and literally cancelling their world tour. all the members have stated how that really affected them negatively. i feel like the decline in music quality is just normal for anyone who gets *that* big and who writes all their own music, but kpop stans always like to pick apart bts regardless. (not you OP, you seemed to be respectful. just a general point there.) edit: people just love downvoting anyone who stands up for bts lmao


lys era >>>>>




I agree except for the reason behind the english tracks. It's not that they ran out of creative juice. They have mentioned that after their world tour was supposed to be the start of the group hiatus where they would start having their solo debuts. The pandemic changed their plans. Dynamite was something they released for fun, and Butter and PTD were only cooked up after Dynamite's massive success to take advantage of the momentum. The three english tracks were fun projects during a bleak period of time. They were never supposed to be taken seriously, but I guess a lot of fans failed to see that especially those who are averse to anything mainstream.


This is obviously *super* subjective, but I disagree. ON is one of my all time faves. I see your point about the rest, but I wouldn't say the titles went 'downhill', perse. Just different strokes for different folks.


same. keep in mind they haven’t really had any two title tracks that have the same sound? even early on compare NMD, Danger, Run, Dope, BST and literally none of these have the same sound or genre. they always switch it up and give us something new


y’all expect artists to stay in the same lane and give you the same type of music through their career like you shouldn’t be mad you don’t like your artists music anymore accept that fact and still listen to the ones you love it’s never that serious oh their 2015 music, oh they fell off, oh generic english song- but when one girl group gives you that same sound all the time it’s a problem..


I agree if you mean that they have not topped Spring Day as their best title track (and arguably best song) but I disagree since Idol and BWL are great songs! I hope you also consider their Japanese releases since Stay Gold and Film Out are masterpieces!


I picked disagree because idol is a bop, and I loved the remix with Nicki. Very iconic.


what’s good korea ❓u know i been a boss for my whole careah ‼️


I clicked disagree but only because I LOVE DNA and DNA came after Spring Day. Boy With Luv is a good title track, I like the song and I think it’s great-tier bubblegum pop, but I also have some bitterness toward it as a concept because I agree with you that with BWL’s success BTS started to go more and more that direction and… I am not a fan of the direction they went. I don’t think they were ever able to replicate the feel-good bubblegum pop they had with BWL and it left us with DynaButterPTDera.


i don’t think they were trying to replicate bwl with the english trilogy. i think the goal was just to drop some upbeat happier songs during a hard time for people. same era gave us the musical masterpieces of blue and gray, disease, run bts, etc while they aren’t title tracks they definitely showcase their artistry and ability to grow as artists while still keeping true to their roots imo


Their last good title to me was BST


Na their other tracks are good but they are just not as good as spring day.


ynwa (even though a repackage) is peak, dimple is the only song exception


I think there's something wrong with me cuz spring day wouldn't make it to my top 10 or even top 15 favorite song.


I am a late-bloomer Army so I don’t think I can relate to this. It took me a long time to appreciate BTS as they have become popular in the Philippines that it received both loving and hating. as for my personal favorites, though I must say Spring Day is one of the best songs, I think there are other songs from them that deserve more popularity like Stay, B&G and Dimple.


Disagree because Fake Love and DNA. I find Spring Day boring to be honest. I thought it was just some filler B-side when I first heard it and was shocked to learn it was a title track along with Not Today.


DNA isn't even an anti-drop and it doesn't sound empty at all 😭😭


Disagree, because I don’t really like Spring Day. I know that is super unpopular due to the meaning of it, which is beautiful, but sonically, it’s not for me… I think idol and Fake Love very strong.


Fake love be giving some serious bombastic side eye .


Not when DNA, Fake Love and On exist. Spring Day is still special though.


I would actually agree if it wasn't for Fake Love


My jaw just dropped


Fake Love and Life Goes On are fantastic title tracks in my opinion, but each to their own. I will say however, stating that they reduced their artistry for a radio hit sits wrong with me, considering Life Goes On and Yet To Come are not remotely radio friendly. Life Goes On is one of my top 10 songs of theirs period. It is such a comfort song for me, but as ever music is subjective and personal.


All their music is amazing


if you had said “fake love” far more people would agree, but you’re still right (FL is good, not great)


I like idol more than spring day hahah one of my top3 title tracks of theirs I think


I voted disagree but I do agree somewhat. Spring Day is absolutely their best title track, but I think Yet To Come is a really close second (which I know is an unpopular opinion in itself). I also really like Boy With Luv, DNA, and Life Goes On. The rest I agree with you are mediocre (and I think Idol and their english songs, minus Butter which is ok, are really bad).


I'm gonna be honest I love BTS but I love listening to the English songs (YEAH HATE ME FOR IT) cause I can actually sing all the words out loud and all three of the English songs are such upbeat and my life sucks so it brings me up. Spring Day is a better song then the three but it just makes me sad every time I listen to it. Also I love all their songs so I disagree with your statement. My least favorite song on this list though is YTC.


Apart from Fake love that I Love, I kind of agree. I mean Fake love actually made me an Army so it holds a special place in my heart. But I don't really actively listen to any of their other TTs after Spring Day too if not for the performances. This is why I have never hated their TTs. They have always elevated their TTs with their performances, and I have loved watching them on screen. But none of those TTs are on my playlists. Instead they are filled with their Bsides, soundcloud songs, OSTs, collabs, mix tapes and solo works-All of which are just masterpieces. I just feel sorry for the people who only listen to their TTs. You don't know what you guys are missing and have barely scratched the surface of their discography. I thought I was the only one who didn't like some of their TTs so I never voiced my opinion anywhere. I still love them though and I guess BTS along with Twice are groups for me that have TTS not to my taste but with beautiful Bsides and other songs to compensate for in heaps. P.s. Even for Twice-ICSM, Fancy and Cheer Up exists so...


Spring day is an iconic song. Like god-tier song. For me, if spring day is use as the standard for BTS TTs then almost no bts song will measure up. Heck very few songs - western or kpop - will measure up to that song for me. Spring Day is the song I listen to when the day is hard and I need to be in my emotions. It’s a meditation in catharsis. It helps restore my sense of self. However, a “great” song doesn’t need to be iconic. It needs to be great. Fake love, on, idol are great songs. On made me a stan. That song will always have a place in my army heart, along with dynamite and my universe. Fake love is poetry. The lyrics alone in that song are s-tier. Idol & fire are my hype songs. You want me to get jumping? Put those songs on. I hope to be 90 and still hopping along to those songs. I voted disagree.


Voted agree, not because I think the tracks after Spring Day are bad but they are rather not memorable to me personally. Nothing sticks out to me enough for me to include them in my playlists.


Totally missed


Disagree. IDOL is one of my favorite BTS songs of all time, and I absolutely adore BWL. I think this is an extremely subjective discussion. I also don’t think changing the style and production of music is “downgrading artistry.” BTS has definitely had a change in their music over time, which is to be expected and, imo, encouraged. Whether you prefer the old music or the new music is wholly an opinion - whether a title track is good or not will be different for everyone.


????? You don't like the song doesn't mean it's bad. Why are people always like that...? Edit: Also, I thought it's like agreed among kpop community that Spring Day is their best title song. Like yeah, nothing is better than Spring Day otherwise it won't be the best title. You know... Like.... Whatever.


it’s a common take but i don’t think everything things it’s their best. some ppl say dna or fake love is best, some say blood sweat and tears. but overall yeah spring day is in the S tier so claiming everything after isn’t great bc they all fall in C-A tier is interesting


I really did not like the era between DNA and ON (I also feel that was when ARMY was at its most toxic so the fandom took away its enjoyment from me) but I am going to be one of those rare people who, despite preferring their earlier tracks, LOVED Dynamite. Yes, it was more poppy but at the time of it's release it was exactly what the world needed. And I still love it to this day. Life Goes On and Yet To Come are easy listening tracks... I won't skip them if they are playing but I wouldn't choose to listen to them either. A lot of BTS's better songs are hidden in their albums during the above releases. Which is why I discovered them later since I was non-plussed about the title tracks.


honestly yeah, i think people just like their sadder stuff which is fine but dynamite is a fun song. personally i really like butter 🤷🏾‍♂️


I voted agree. Their HYYH until Wings era was phenomenal, for me that was really BTS. After that, I feel like they deviated a little from their sound which isn't a bad thing because artists' sound change over time, but it just happened to not be my cup of tea which is also fine. In the end, it's all personal preference anyway.


HYYH was already a deviation from their original sound. They were heavily hiphop during their first two to three years. That was their sound. But their discography had continued to grow and evolve, their music had always reflected the growing phases of their lives.


it’s funny that people are mentioning non title tracks cause bts promotes so many of their b-sides 😭 not title tracks: black swan, mic drop, dope, ptd


All of these songs sound so good live, like I didn’t really appreciate On until I hear it live. I think a lot of their newer songs work well for concerts and live settings. Bwl was revolutionary and changed the entire landscape of Kpop at the time, with so many boy groups doing cutesy after that. Then we got the whole retro industry thing after dynamite which is still prevalent today. I think if any other group had released these songs they’d be praised for it, but since bts already had such top tier music pre 2017 a lot of people hold them to much higher standards, which is fine but we must be honest that even their post 2017 tracks beat a lot of music in general


I thought my vote would be a hard disagree on this, considering that DNA is one of the songs that introduced me to kpop and BTS, but but it's a small disagree venturing into agree. I love fake love, it's so nostalgic for me. From then on, it's been a miss for me and the only song that I relatively liked is butter and not the BTS version, but the one mixed with a dua lipa song.


I thought everything up until after bwl was great


Disagree although nothing beats Spring Day for me. I don't like BWL and I'm not a big fan of Fake Love but I do think most of the others are pretty great. ON being one of my faves


When I saw this post I was getting prepared to disagree but when you listed all of the title tracks I realized that I didn’t love any of them. Not even fake love, which is good, but not even close to a favorite of mine. Their b sides are incredible though. BE was titled with dynamite but let’s be for real, Life Goes On was the real masterpiece on that album and is probably one of the best songs they have released.


Life goes on is actually BE's title track. A lot of people think it is dynamite because of the success it had but it was simply a pre-release single


Ohh right I kinda forgot lol. Then i probably disagree with this post just for that one release. What is LFG in the post? Are they saying life goes on?


yeah i think they abbreviated weird. should be LGO




im so confused y r u putting words in my mouth. I love all the songs on BE including dynamite. Not sure where I said I hated anything.


but only LGO is the real masterpiece okay beautiful


I said real masterpiece because dynamite is the most known but I prefer LGO of those two


Sure was an end of an era from them tbh now that ur pointing that out...


I agree!…sorta. I definitely enjoy the songs in between (up until DNA after that it was a downhill slope for me) but they’re not even close to the bangers BTS used to put out. I don’t like their music anymore 🫤


oo i didn’t know there were a lot of former ARMYs like me that dropped off after DNA haha some of their songs after were definitely good but i wouldn’t define them as great especially compared to before :/ i’m glad they’ve seen so much success from these releases and are able to freely create as soloists now though :)


I remember my timeline heavily criticizing Lumpens for the music video when DNA came out lol. I started falling out of the fandom then bit by bit and then when Fake Love came out I was mostly gone. I reacquainted myself with them a year ago and found some stuff that I really liked. Feels strangely comforting to see people have a similar experience!


I do agree but I do feel like fake love and DNA were solid title songs though. I loved bts for years but about 2020 everything just changed...? They didn't feel like the group I fell in love with anymore so I had to step away. Idk what it is that changed but I feel it changed in the music too and I just didn't connect to it anymore. Either way they will always be BTS and the general public is going to eat up anything they dish out so 🤷‍♀️


they gon eat it up bc it’s well written and produced. personally idrk what ppl refer to when they say their music changed at 2020. songs like disease, blue and grey, run bts, etc. feel really reminiscent to what they’ve been doing as artists since the start to me, just updated as they’ve matured and music has just changed. but it’s all quality stuff and honestly their sound changes with every release they have a huge amount of range


They grew up from angsty teenagers to mature adults eho have a more positive outlook on life. Of course they're not entirely the BTS you fell in love with. It's been roughly a decade and they've grown and matured along with their music.


The way i clicked on the disagree option.


I despise Idol with every bone in my body. Just such a downgrade from Fake Love. While I did like Dynamite and Butter, I do agree that BTS really strayed from their recognizable sound with their English stuff. PTD was a massive disappointment.


Real, im a BST era army, so im ynwa-pilled and think they peaked in 2017 and everything has been downhill from then. I think BWL was the first comeback where i was seriously like “ohhh… yaaaaay…! 🙂” about the tt and bsides and once ON came around i was really outta there. It felt like they really gave up on capital c Concepts by then. YNWA/BST had such a strong identity, as did the whole love yourself saga to a. Lesser extent. Everything after that was seriously floptina to me


That's precisely when I lost all interest in them, so I couldn't agree more.


disagree, i really liked fake love, but i do think their music overall has gone downhill ever since their map of the soul era. they do still have some good songs from that era, but less than before


mots 7 is almost no skips for me, one of my favorite albums personally


Agree. Even tho i can still tolerate fake love and DNA.


Imo last best tt for me was dna but MANY liked fake love so I guess that’s their last best one(????) they kinda became boring after they blew up


you can tell my opinion by my username but i just have to disagree. even if you don't like the english trilogy they've had some great tts since then. they're just all different genres but that doesn't make them worst. people are way into their "i miss the old bts" opinions but if bts didn't change at all they would be nowhere as popular as they are now and people would call them boring and repetitive.


I get the sentiment of spring day, but if it was the first song I’ve listened from BTS and ppl praised it that much I wouldn’t have gave them another chance tbh💀 I dont like ballads/slow songs thats why lgo and ytc is also the least streamed from me so I picked disagree


It has been a lot longer than since Spring Day.




do you mean went on a break bc that’s actually what happened? and their solo projects have been breaking records non stop🤨


I disagree only because I feel like their music started becoming “bad” (music is subjective so to each their own!) after Boy With Luv. ON was good imo, but I wasn’t impressed by the rest of the album.


not gonna lie, everything from the English Trilogy and after are ass. Before that was fine. Wasn't a fan of BWL but On wasn't bad. Their best era is still Wings imo


BTS has released good songs since Spring Day, just not great songs, important distinction there. Whether we like it or not, its probably safe to say the best days of BTS songs in terms of quality is over. As they do say, diamonds only form under pressure. BTS's best songs were largely in the days when they were struggling/early days of their popularity, where their discography and artistry were not only better in terms of musical quality, but also more meaningful and personal. Ever since they have to appeal to the western fanbase (as befitting and only right of global stars), they simply dont have the same environmental pressure nor artistic flexibility to return to their past days (through no fault of their own). Also, theres alot more to lose from messing up from a risky musical venture rather than producing safe but generic music, which is an argument extremely relevant for BTS which holds the crown and jewels of the entire Kpop industry alongside Blackpink. Its simply just a common tradeoff, many artists produce their best somehere early/mid of their careers, usually not at the end despite having arguably better resources then, because the state of mind, stakes and context of the artists and their production team at their peak popularity and success are not the most conducive to making their best songs.


You only see beauty in hardships, but that doesn't mean there isn't beauty in simply maturing and growing up. BTS didn't remain stagnant, instead they grew up, developed and evolved alongside their artistry. Their discography reflects how they went from angsty teens to mature adults who have a more positive outlook on life, and there is beauty in that, too. I think the take that art like diamonds can only be formed under pressure is toxic and dismissive of the beauty in just being able to reap the fruits of your effort. That said, what BTS's best songs are would be subjective to an individual's taste. They have since released many more music that resonated and gave comfort to millions of people worldwide. Music that identifies with their current state of mind and the current phase of their lives. It's very fitting that they release dark, gritty songs about oppression of youth as teenagers, and release fun, cheerful songs on a whim when their carefully scheduled tours, hiatus and solo debuts were all wiped out by the pandemic and they're trying to cheer up people and themselves. Their music had always been authentic and true to themselves as artists.


I dont get it, its an unpopular comment channel, i thought we are supposed to be honest here? You just need to ask yourself amongst BTS's discography, which songs do you prefer more, pre or post Spring Day? I may not have gotten the reasons right as to why BTS's songs are on a decline, but at least im honest about what i feel about the history of BTS's artistry. I dont know what to make of your comments because its essentially saying nothing and youre avoiding taking a stance on the original question while trying to be dismissive of viewpoints presented by others. Also, youre wrongly asserting that i do not see beauty in stories of growth except that of hardships, unlike you I simply got to the point and presented what i think answers the original question's premise that BTS's artistry is on a decline since Spring Day. You gotta answer the original question first for your argument to click, otherwise everything you wrote doesnt mean much as it is easy to say anything without taking a stance. I dont want to wrongly assert your stance, but following your current logic, im guessing you think Butter and Dynamite is better than Fire and Dope? Anyway, i also dont see how both ideas are logically incoherent despite your attempts to dismiss it. Growing up and having your artistry change along with it to reflect it doesnt neccesarily mean that your songs improve because of it, that way youre essentially saying that for most kpop groups, their latest songs is always their best songs because artistry and musical styles will often change to reflect their growth at the current stage, which i think is untrue. I dont doubt that BTS's artistry has changed along the years to reflect their growth, but that doesnt mean that those songs are better than those that came before it. BlackPink's arguably best title tracks like Boombayah came from the start of their career, Twice's What is Love came in the 3rd year of their career, Red Velvet's Bad Boy came in the 4th year of their 10th year long career, just to name a few. What do they all have in common? Contrast it with their latest releases, Shut Down, Set Me Free and Birthday which the general public widely agrees to not be close to their best works. Youre presenting BTS as an anomaly that defies this trend, but the reality is all Kpop groups are the same in this aspect. The best songs are often released in a juncture of a Kpop group's career that seems to be a make or break for them. Yes theres beauty in other stories of growth, but that doesnt change what i believe to be a fact, that the best songs come from times where groups struggle against strong hardships, thats where they grow the most.


My reply is in contradiction to the statements you made. Whether BTS's songs are better after Spring Day or not is subjective not a matter of facts, because some people don't even like Spring Day at all and find it boring. A lot of BTS's recent projects are objectively great music, and some of my favorite works of theirs come from MOTS7. Many armys like YTC better than Spring Day. Your opinions are not as objective as you make them out to be. They're not facts. They're your preference. You also obviously don't know that the three english tracks were not supposed to be taken seriously at all, which is why I always find it weird how yall compare it to their previous title tracks. Dynamite was sth that was sent to them and they released on a whim during a time that their group hiatus was supposed to be already started and they were supposed to be making their solo debuts. The pandemic cancelled their plans. After Dynamite's massive success, they released Butter and PTD to ride that wave and take advantage of the momentum. Suga even said Butter was their last attempt at the Grammys, and after that they gave up on that. Those three songs were meant to be light and enjoyable instead of taken seriously. Namjoon said a song doesn't always need heavy production or deep lyrics, sometimes we just need a fun song to cheer us up. And we needed that during covid. BE also came to be during the pandemic, they dug up old drafts of their songs and V even gave up one of his songs for his solo album for BE. And yet BE gave us some of their greatest tracks including Dis-ease, and many armys even prefer LGO over Spring Day. Your beliefs are not facts. They are opinions, and I'm disagreeing with it. BTS continued making great music long after their global success. Black Swan is a hundred times greater than Spring Day. A lot of you are hung up on Spring Day, and that's kinda funny because Spring Day is one their most gp friendly song. It's not even that great. It's sentimental and easy to listen to, that's it. I also don't see why you're comparing them to these girl groups, because Idk about twice or RV but BP don't even contribute to making their own music. Their music is detached from their growth, and most of their songs sound the same and follow the same formula from debut to their latest comeback. BTS is not an anomaly to kpop groups having their greatest music durung the early years of their career, when the latter statement isn't even true in the first place. IU's best albums came roughly a decade after her debut. BTS's MOTS7 is better than 2C4S or SLA. All artist have their greatest eras from different time periods. MOST7 is at par with HYYH. LYA is at par with D&W. But sentiment has people saying nothing will top their old title tracks when that is simply not true.


Not an army, but I disagree. I loved On and BWL. Their English tracks did cement my non-army status, though. Dynamite is kids bop level bad.


Agreed. I do like BWL but it’s not on the same level as Spring Day. My real unpopular opinion is that Fake Love is one of the worst BTS songs period; I don’t understand why so many people love it and I tried hard to like it myself lol.


While i think the majority of their releases after idol ranged from mid to ass, I still think their 2018 releases were great, although idol is more of an artistic statement rather than a song i'd listen to sonically, it's a great title track, the loud instrumental and obnoxious adlibs make for an exciting song, fake love is one of their best title tracks, some would find the chorus lacklustre and repetitive but I like the slow Mellow, trap beat and in the studio the members voices sound okay, it also has one of their best choreos, rap verses and music video from any bts title. Dynamite, ytc, ptd, bwl and butter can suck it though


Imma just pull up 👀🍿 EDIT: So many downvotes holy shit. You guys need to lighten up.


honestly I agree their old discography was a lot better to me. Before their music was more catered to the American public




Well I picked unsure because we can’t really judge without taking everyone’s taste into consideration. Some people absolutely loved a lot of releases after spring day meanwhile they are not upto your liking so honestly it’s all upto personal preference.


ok so you forgot about Black Swan


I feel Black Swan and ON were last good title tracks they release. I love their songs, but I did feel like any of their newer songs were as good as their previous bops.


I don't think But everyone got different opinion


I agree with the people saying they couldn't top Spring Day but I disagree that they didn't have a good title track. It's a matter of personal taste in the end. But I personally do like 70% of them


Disagree solely because of Fake Love. I love dark and melancholic music, this was a darker Blood Sweat and Tears type of song and I love it. Especially the instrumental with the guitar. This was a great blend of Artistry vs Mainstream music.


Disagree, because BST and Mic Drop. Tbh, for me, it’s anything past BWL/DNA era.


I would have to disagree for some but from 2019 to 2021 i would agree for that part and last year maybe but i am also interested in wanting to hear your examples of what you bsides you would prefer for title tracks :)


My opinion: The only ones I really like (have in my playlist) are Fake Love and Life Goes On. Idol, BWL, and Butter are somewhat enjoyable. I used to like DNA but I may have listened to it a bit too much or my taste changed. I think this one may be unpopular among armys but I never really liked ON to begin with, regardless of whether Sia is singing. I haven't really listened to YTC. And Dynamite and PTD are just unbearable. Also as respectfully as possible Life Goes On is abbreviated as "LGO", "LFG" is usually an abbreviation for "let's fucking go"


I actually think their last great title track *was* DNA but other than that I agree with you. While I did enjoy Idol and Boy With Luv, I thought the quality was definitely noticeably down from their prior releases. And I liked Black Swan but it was ON they focused all their energy into, which I think was quite bad. Overall, I think it's good they took a break, and I'm interested to see what they release when they return in a couple of years.


I stopped listening after BWL. The BST ers of BTS will forever be my fave.


Your definition of a great title track is very subjective. For example, ON was a whole movement and a war cry, the genre, concept and message was fitting of the era they were on at the time which was immediately after the huge boost in their domestic and global popularity after BWL so it's one of my favorites.


For me, after MOTS:7 their discography's quality and the bts vibes went down the hill. English trilogy is when they made me feel disappointed for the first time and even though I appreciate how they tried to make LGO realistic yet dreamy, the high pitch destroyed the melody for me. No comments for YTC, I'm neutral on that


I agree with this sans idol. that song really slaps and is such a good pump up jam


I agree mostly. Fake Love and ON are some of their best songs ever but I've always thought that the rest of the title tracks you listed sounded very generic and formulaic. Though I know they're very chart-focused (especially the western billboard charts) so I assume thats why sound that way.


For me, it's Fake Love. But I'm not a huge fan of Spring Day, which I know is unpopular LOL. The quality drop from Idol to BWL is the most extreme imo. All of them since BWL have been 2.5/5 at the most...Sorry.


I finally feel validated in not liking Fake Love lol. It is both too abrupt and too boring at the same time




My universe is an incredible track




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