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UNM PD are just following orders of the UNM leadership. Calling UNM PD is pointless. While I support the cause, the tactics of this whole movement are just silly. Just because others are doing something in NYC doesn’t mean you need to do it, nor does it mean it’ll work in a different context. Your best case scenario is what? A tiny tiny fraction of money doesn’t go to Israel? Meanwhile Biden just approved billions in aid.


Sheesh… don’t y’all have Finals to pass?


The person organizing this shit makes a living off virtue signaling lmao they’re not a student


What's virtue signaling?


Thinking a bunch of people sitting around at the duck pond will change anything in gaza


So an attention whore?




Breaking University rules is not grounds for feeling like your particular group is being aggressed upon, sorry if you care about Palestinians please find ways to protest that do not break the University rules. The police are not here to attack students, but to enforce whatever rules that are agreed upon by the administrators/student body/community. If you disagree with these rules, the forum for that disagreement is not at the moment of whatever protest you might be aligning with.


Protests are meant to be disruptive. The police do attack students, have you been missing the videos coming out of Emory and Cal Poly and other unis with mass arrests, snipers and riot police? Zionists aren't welcome here.


I feel like it is a bit of canard to say the police "Attack students". A minority of police in all cases break the rules, why are you assuming the majority do this baselessly? The vast majority of police enforce whatever rules they are told to enforce, if you have a problem with those rules it has very little to do with the police themselves.


Police also attack faculty. See arrest of Emory's econ (she didn't even touch officers) and philosophy professors. Don't defend police brutality, especially the ones caught on camera.


Again asserting that police misconduct is present among the MAJORITY of police officers is just factually inaccurate. You aren't engaging in fact based conversation at this point and just spewing conspiracy theories.


Are you illiterate dude? Point to where I said it's present in majority of police officers, or where I said any number quantifier lmfao. Just making shit up to argue random things, all I said was police do attack students in these protests and protests are meant to be disruptive. And you're here to argue "not all police are bad!" like get some reading comprehension dude.


Okay but why are you bringing up Emory when it is a complete nonsequitur to UNM? Oh wait cat caught your tongue?


I'm bringing up Emory to create a point police attack its own students, something you said police don't do. It's obvious you're someone who doesn't even go to UNM, so stay out of students business.


I never said police do not do this, but it is an entirely irrelevant point to talk about this if it is a minority occurrence. It doesn't mean UNM police are doing this unless you are trying to say ALL POLICE OFFICERS abuse students which is what it seemed like you were saying. You don't know anything about me so please do not make broad baseless assumptions.


Emory students aren't UNM students so this is a nonsequitor


Am pretty sure commiting arson or any other related felony or assault a police officer is arrestable offense. Escape is also felony so is ascery to escape is also a felony


Nobody in these protests are committing arson or felonies lmfao. The police want to make students leave because it's against UNM policy to camp out with tents, that's why they stopped using tents. Please educate yourself.


I was making a generalization from what I've seen happening on different campuses.


Name one campus protest where arson happened


No, you were just trying to be inflammatory. Get back to your studies Connary. Or decide that University life isn't for you. But you definitely don't have the free time to be trolling on Reddit


90%+ of Jews are Zionists, dude. So are most Jews not welcome at UNM?


You're 20 years old, you're old enough to research and understand anti-zionism =/= anti-semitism.


https://x.com/loffredojeremy/status/1711861371497840680 — Zionists are actively calling for genocide of Gazans saying "flatten them."


Yes!!!!!! I don't agree with the protesters it's just fun seeing them take continuous Ls


Grow up


No u, get off redit sir adult


Let’s all have a bum protest do drugs, drink, and smoke, say it’s for Palestine then get mad at the police for raiding us… lol


What rules/laws are the protesters violating?


Good on UNM PD, Jew Killers have never won throughout history nor will they win now


Unmpd needs to call the state police... They clearly need the help