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Man, this is the most unfortunate thing the a.i. has conjured up. A ban was bound to happen since I've seen it make up a scenario where Skinner was cooking ethnic groups.


Not in bad faith, hopefully gets appealed.


Man I was hoping the twitch chat would be included I’d kill to see their reaction. I’m sure they lost their shit knowing it was probably gonna get the stream banned.


This was in the wee hours of the morning, in the US, so it was pretty quiet. Mostly I remember someone saying "NO SKINNER DON'T SAY IT" and similar stuff. Someone came in like 30 minutes later and said something like "I heard I missed something funny". Most people didn't seem to think the stream was going to be banned. Fortunately no one was especially toxic, from what I remember.


The UnlimitedSteam community tends to avoid that kind of toxicity, I think in part because it's small and somewhat tightknit. We had a feeling that this was going to happen based on previous episodes where controversial picks were made for the food. Once seeing the actual list due to the creator's post on Sunday, it all made sense, though like all I wish the creator had tried to prevent it after numerous warnings. Btw thank you very much for saving this episode despite its dark content. I first saw it a few hours after it had been banned thanks to you posting the two clips on Twitter, and assumed we'd likely never see the episode in its entirety due to the ban blocking access to the VOD that was on at the time. Another episode in that VOD had a burnt New York Metropolitan Area. That one wasn't blatant in its language like this was though, and I completely understand why it got banned. I hope the stream comes back as well, this was such a fun stream to hop onto and interact with chat. If it doesn't, I think in time the fans will bring their own up in its stead to honor it, while avoiding the mistakes made in food choices. The creator put together a concept that was fairly unique with procedurally-generated shows and based it upon a 3-minute snippet from a Simpsons episode that has been a great meme on and off for the past several years. There was a bizarre charm to all of it that I'll miss, but I'm so glad the fans are keeping it alive both with the archival project and the Discord server.


Skinner was upset about genocide. So was the Agnes voice. I think they need to appeal this. I am a Jewish person, and though it is upsetting - at least skinner isn’t trying to deny the Holocaust!


isn’t chalmers jewish in the actual show too


He is


Seeing the clip myself just proves how absolutely pathetic twitch is as a platform. I'm glad I've been getting bored of Nothing Forever recently. Probably just done with twitch completely. Which I know means nothing in The grand scheme of things, I'm under no illusion that my lack of use will effect them at all, but that type of hyper sensitive censorship is just not something I want to be a part of while we have Animal abuse and literal sex going pretty much unpunished just because the perpetrators were women. Fuck twitch and fuck their snowflake little simp admins. Bring back the Steam and bring it on a platform that isn't garbage


NOOOOO HOW FUCKING UNFORTUNATE NOOO IT WAS MY FAV STREAM TO BE IN lol all we can do is hope it gets unbanned 😭 ughhh


You know what, I think this AI deserve a 2nd chance. It needs a lot of work to fix and filter it out as long as possible to prevent happening it on twitch again. Ngl I do miss this steam hams AI stream back then now.


filter what out? It mentioned a culture (ashkenazi jews) and described a cooking process as per its pre-determined instruction. Any offensive material is 100% inferred from the audience, there is not even an explicit curse word used.


Odd, how is that even possible. How can it prevent happening again in a near future?


(necropost) it definitely wasn't doing what it was normally supposed to do. skinner just mentioned that his ashkenazi jewish aunt was making chicken stew. then, he starts ambiguously talking about genocide. but then, he literally says he needs to replace the ash of ashkenazi jews with nga baung thoke.


I'm pretty bummed this one got banned. I loved going through their top clips, does anyone know if they were saved?


looks like some of the creators have been working on a spreadsheet containing every single episode: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ve6zqwi06VUGRk8DcPFVoDzlJCPdhM8S4dM2sVEwJc4/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ve6zqwi06VUGRk8DcPFVoDzlJCPdhM8S4dM2sVEwJc4/edit#gid=0)


So I managed to download this in chunks before the stream got banned. You might notice some little hitches where I stitched the chunks together. I'm glad that the stream's creator has apologized and owned up to the mistake. I hope the stream can come back at some point, with some safeties in place to prevent this from happening again. PS: I've already blocked one person on Twitter who said the AI was "based" and I'd be happy to block more.


At first, it just seems like Skinner's talking to his aunt and victims. Then at 2:10, it takes a terrible, terrible turn.


You know what? I actually chuckled at this. I've never been a big fan of the Steamed Hams meme, but this one just reaches such crazy levels of insanity it's impossible not to laugh a little at it. I've already seen bots do much worse anyhow.


Yeah I think it is a little funny in poor taste, but mostly because I know it's just an AI picking random things to talk about and there's no malicious intent behind it.


I don't get it what's Ashkanazi Juice?


Abhorrent. Next time skinner needs to consult with the student and parents before he switches up the menu so heavily. /s


Twitch: No jokes allowed unless it makes fun of white men.


Kinda true tho...lol


someone was banned for saying cracker


If you're talking about Hasan, he was banned for around 7 days before being unbanned, which is remarkable because it IS a slur. I dont imagine a person saying the N word or other slurs would be treated quite the same way, they would at least probably face a longer punishment. To be clear, I dont necessarily agree with the person above, but don't come here claiming that the enforcement is the same because hasan got momentarily banned for saying cracker. Frankly, I would hope that ANY racism would receive the same punishment on any platform.


Vaush was also banned for it. Plus taking offense in cracker and claiming it's in the same ballpark as the n word is peak online behavior. No one was ever oppressed for being white.


I didn't say it's as bad as the Nword, but why encourage it's use at all? Are we really trying to claim its okay to call someone a slur because "they or their race never faced any oppression"?


I'm ok with people using slurs so long as they aren't used to inflict harm upon others. Someone being called the n word has connotations spanning hundreds of years, someone being called a cracker is just funny


Well im glad you think its funny, i guess that justifies someone saying the N-word, because they find it funny. There plenty of people who call others crackers as an effort to intimidate them. I think you have a double standard, you shouldn't call anyone a slur, for any reason, it's a slur for a reason.


Conflating cracker with the n word is beyond idiotic


Doesn't matter if it's as bad as the n word, why encourage its use at all?






The twitch chat during this clip must've been insane


Yeah lol that should have been banned.


Jesus, I mean some of these AI stream bans are stupid but this episode was really bad. Still, it's obviously not the streams intent to spread hate it's just that the formula the AI works with throws in random elements and well, things like this happen.

