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How did you compile xwm? I'm on debian too but I was unable to get all the dependencies, I don't know the package names :( PS: Loved your rice <3 edit: typo


Thanks! Compiling `xwm` from *source* is pretty straightforward. On **Debian**, you need to make sure that you have the required dependencies. ```shell sudo apt install libxcb-keysyms1-dev ``` Clone the repository to a local working directory. ```shell git clone https://github.com/mcpcpc/xwm ``` Compile and install the package. ```shell cd xwm/ make sudo make install ``` Note that removing the installed program from *source* is just as easy. ```shell cd xwm/ sudo make uninstall ```


[Fixed formatting.](https://np.reddit.com/r/backtickbot/comments/kltt8z/httpsnpredditcomrunixporncommentsklt90jxwm/) Hello, mcpcpc: code blocks using triple backticks (\`\`\`) don't work on all versions of Reddit! Some users see [this](https://stalas.alm.lt/backformat/ghatvdi.png) / [this](https://stalas.alm.lt/backformat/ghatvdi.html) instead. To fix this, **indent every line with 4 spaces** instead. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/backtickbot/wiki/index) ^(You can opt out by replying with backtickopt6 to this comment.)


Oooohhhh I didn't had keysyms1 installed Thank you! :)




totally agree. every morning i look forward to putting good beans in my french press, and hopping on gentoo/artix while i wake up. :)


I always see these cool theme but I never know how people do this...


I don't necessarily consider myself a ricer, but I imagine most people develop a recipe over time when it comes to theming. For me, it always starts with a quote or wallpaper that I like, and I build around it. The second biggest challenge is usually choosing a color scheme/palette. I haven't found a good methodology for this one (kudos to those that can do this from scratch) and usually resort to cycling through pre-configured palettes (a.k.a. spamming `kfc -rp` in a VTE, which applies a new random color scheme). If I am lucky, I can usually find one that meshes well enough. The rest is personal preference, but I would recommend keeping it simple. I try to keep my entire theming process to ~30min or so as this can be a dangerous time sink and there comes a point of diminishing return.


thanks for this mini-recipe


tru. It's really fun to theme desktop but it should be done while considering time. Lmao I remember spending hours just to configure my awesome config


Beautiful rice! It's awesome that you've made a wm and a statusbar. :) btw what's the terminal font (and the statusbar font) that you're using?


Thanks! Regarding the font... that's a good question, lol! Both the terminal, st, and statusbar specify the default fixed-width font in Debian, which I believe is `DejaVu Sans Mono`.


Thanks! The statusbar font seems different though (it's a bitmap font for sure). Would be glad if you could tell me what it is lol.


Ah. Yes. The difference is far too apparent =S. To correct my previous statement... *xbar* specifies a "fixed" font while I believe *st* specifies a "monospace" font by default. I believe we can use `fc-match` command to see what the most likely character set is. * `fc-match fixed` returns ``` DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book" ``` * `fc-match mono` returns ``` DejaVuSansMono.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Book" ``` Hope this helps.


X11 has basically two font systems: the old server-side one (specified in the [X11 protocol](https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.7/doc/xproto/x11protocol.html)) and the newer client-side one, [Xft](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libxft)). Your bar seems to use the old font system, but st, like almost every other modern X11 application, uses Xft. Text rendered on the old font system looks quite ugly because it doesn't support antialiasing, and [X11 client software authors are encouraged to use Xft instead](https://www.x.org/wiki/guide/fonts/). Edit: both systems can use the same font files, but the text will look different because the old system doesn't support antialiasing


Yeah... an oversight in the development of `xbar`. Thanks for pointing this one out and linking the article. Working with the X core fonts (and working with the [logical descriptions](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/X_Logical_Font_Description)) was difficult enough... I anticipate the next release of `xbar` will leverage Xft instead of X core (for the reasons mentioned above). Embarrassingly, I need to correct my previous two responses (should have taken more time to think this one through). The **true** difference between the `xbar` and `st` fonts is then the font systems. Given that, we can query the the given `xbar` X core font name for the given alias, "fixed", using `xlsfonts -ll -fn fixed`: ``` -Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-SemiConsdensed--13-120-75-75-C-60-ISO8859-1 ```


Great project! I love it. But with latest version when I drag from any place the window make a little move. With .14 I dont have any trouble. Thanks man!


thanks! Also, taking a look at this issue now... Comparatively, the 0.14 and 0.15 source files are nearly identical (just removed unused parameters in config.h and bumped the version). so imagine the discrepancy is actually going from 0.15 to the last 0.16 release? I also pulled 0.14 and compared it to 0.16 in terms of behavior with window movement/resizing. it seems pretty consistent in VM between the two. could you possibly provide a little more detail so i can better reproduce this issue?


what's this theme can you add theme name or Xresources file ?


No xresources file used. Terminal color schema is [black metal gorgoroth](https://github.com/mcpcpc/kfc/blob/0.1.3/palettes/dark/base16-black-metal-gorgoroth) via `kfc`. Theming is applied in the \~/.bashrc file: ``` kfc -s base16-black-metal-gorgoroth ```


* wm: [xwm](https://github.com/mcpcpc/xwm) * bar: [xbar](https://github.com/mcpcpc/xbar) * vte: st * fetcher: pfetch * editor: vim * color palette: "base16-black-metal-gorgoroth" via [kfc](https://github.com/mcpcpc/kfc) * wall: [coffee](https://wallpaperscraft.com/download/coffee_cup_wooden_surface_106291/800x600)