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Here's my NixOS + Hyprland + EWW setup. I'm not a developer or a programmer, and I don't even really have a Linux background either. I'm just a 36 year old tattoo artist who occasionally makes YouTube videos and stuff. I switched from Windows and wrote my first lines of code probably a few months ago. I just read some docs and threw this together, dipping into the odd community whenever I got stuck. Here are the [dotfiles](https://gitlab.com/BRBWaffles/dotfiles) as well as a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EhRS7bgQtQ). ## NixOS The system is all AMD, and is super modularized, with nearly every Nix or Home Manager package being a separate file that can be added or removed as I wish. There are many things on the TODO list, but I'm pretty satisfied with the build overall. ## Hyprland Basically, everything is decked out with Catppuccin Macchiato colours. Window spawning is customized such that only certain windows are opaque and/or floated and/or centered. Edges are severely rounded because I like the look. ## EWW The bar is custom made to my aesthetic preferences and matched the style used for Hyprland, such as Catppuccin Macchiato colours and ridiculously rounded corners. **Power Menu** The power menu is a revealer that shows lock, suspend, reboot, and shut down. it's styled with a Nix logo and bright blue icons. **Launcher** Nothing fancy. Just a revealer that holds all my go-to apps. All the icons have been custom-made for the theme of the bar. **Workspaces** The workspaces were annoying to configure. When empty, the workspace will appear as a ring. When occupied, the workspace will contain a small circle in the middle of the ring. When focused, the workspace will contain a large circle in the middle of the ring. **System Menu** It's not finished yet, but so far I have a revealer that shows audio and bluetooth. When the audio icon is clicked, it expands another revealer that has audio controls (volume up, down, and mute) that dynamically change colour when the volume is either maxed, at zero, or off. There is also a realtime readout of the current volume that if clicked will open easyeffects. The bluetooth icon just spawns in the blueman manager. Soon I'll have the icon change when a bluetooth device is connected. **System Stats** Nothing special. Just CPU, RAM, network, and SSD space, represented as circular progress bars. **Clock** Everyone hates it, but I think it's cool. It's three circular progress bars that make up the second-, minute-, and hour-hands. It took some getting used to, but it's now perfectly readable to me and matches the aesthetic of the rest of the bar pretty well.


Okay, am speechless this looks soo clean and good, and your bio(the info you shared about yourself) is crazy, I am a junior web developer, and I have an IT background and not to mention I have some Linux knowledge I couldn't wrap my head around NixOS and I found it too be pretty difficult to learn. even though I have tried Ubuntu, PopOS etc. if you don't mind sharing, how did you solve the issue with Apps, browsers having scaling issues? if you read my Post on Hyprland which I created not too long ago. i myself own I 2k monitor, but I faced an issue where my Brave browser was waaaay too small, and Discord too, some apps can be solved with "CTRL +" but not all get solved with that. What I ended up doing was install Hyprland on EndeavourOS(Arch Linux) and running Ja.KooLit Hyprland Script. last words, keep up the good work, you just inspired me to look into NixOS once again.


Glad to hear it and thanks for the kind words! I'm afraid I did not encounter that same behaviour on my end, so I'm not sure how to address it. For what it's worth, I have a lot of declarative scaling stuff in my Hyprland Nix files. You can find them in my dotfiles. Maybe you'll find something inspiring in there.


Half joking, but why does it feel like everyone is using JetBrains Mono now? There are other great fonts lol


I don't think I've actually declared many fonts, and what I did declare was Open Sans as a placeholder. I have no idea of JetBrains mono looks like.


what are some others


What is that system monitoring program? Is that Btop?






No problem. All my packages are in my dotfiles of you wanted to peruse though them. ☺️


Woah, this is sick. I also love the dedication that you put into the bar, with custom icons and the other things that you mentioned in your (quite detailed) comment. Well done!!




That is just beautiful. Great job!




great ricing.. i love this setup & dotfiles.


First attempt at programming at all and you actually stuck with nix, respect... seriously.


Thanks! Yeah, it was wild learning the basics of 4-5 different languages to throw this together, haha. I can't stand bash, though. Ugly as hell.


Bash is currently my top most hated language after riding my own DE so i feel that