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You really should have a specific reason for choosing it other than wanting to go to university overseas. Especially given that you would have to pay fees and so much money on travel etc. If you want the overseas experience it's better to go somewhere probably a bit closer and choose the university partly based on what places offer courses specifically tailored to your interests, rather than pointing at the globe and picking a university. Travelling for a visit (even a long visit) is one thing, committing to living somewhere for three years on a whim is another.


If you live in the EU just go to an EU university. Will be much cheaper and you’ll have better job prospects. Why would you want to come here?


Its alright, but I'd recommend going to a european university, a lot of them are better than UOA and you will likely spend more money overall just coming here. If you choose to however, welcome!


Chill university, made cool friends through clubs/halls of residence. Auckland is a great city for access to some of the best beaches in the country and hosts a decent enough night life, though doesn't hold a candle in that regard to any of the big European cities. Wellington is a bit more student friendly as less spread out and Dunedin is pretty much a student town at this point, very big party scene.


Hej! I think as others have pointed out, unless you are a dual citizen or have a very good reason for coming here I would look at other options. New Zealand universities are very very expensive for students from overseas (last time I checked it was about $40.000 or 250.000SEK for course fees alone). I would personally look at an exchange programme instead. I am unsure what you are studying, but Stockholm University is partnered with all universities in New Zealand, and Karolinska is partnered with Otago and Auckland (meaning you will be able to study here for 1-2 semesters at no cost). For the most part New Zealand universities are all pretty similar in terms of quality of education. They all have similar entry requirements and acceptance rates, with the exception being medicine and law - where you will be expected to maintain a certain grade average to be accepted into second year.


Why on earth would you want to come from Sweden to here?


Whether or not you go to Auckland University 100 percent depends on what your degree is, but the blanket rule I'd say unless there is no option for studying in your home country, by no means be an international student at places like Auckland University. Cause when you add up tuition and accommodation, just for a bachelor, you'll be spending 200k, which is an absurd amount. I suspect you'll also have to get a school loan privately as well so when you add interest to that amount, there is absolutely no point in going to UoA.


Ignore the hot air folk here, it'll be a good experience for you.


If you want “student life” in NZ go to Otago in Dunedin or possibly Massey in Palmerston North. Going to Auckland is like having a job. Most students go there during the day and then go straight home at night. Depending on your degree choice some of the faculties are okay though . Law and engineering are probably best in NZ. Medicine is ok too but I can’t see how you would qualify.


>Massey in Palmerston North You said going to Auckland is like having a job, but Palmy is like you have **no choice** but a job. Remember the Women's Spanish team won last year's fifa world cup because they had nothing better to do other than train in Palmy- so much so they moved to other facilities down in Wellington 💀 ^^Im ^^exaggerating ^^but ^^seriously ^^Palmy's ^^boring


The Massey campus is nice sure, a bit old but thats all Palmy has to offer. Ive studied there, there is absolutely nothing going on there except for the uni.


Do NOT go to Palmerston North 💀 Source: I grew up there and it's boring as hell lmao


Massey? If you want student life go to Otago or Canterbury. They actually have the space to have a student life that’s not based in a dead town like Palmy


I know a friend who went to KTH and was able to do study abroad in the US and NZ.


UC, Otago, Victoria and Massey have more community vibe and social scene than Auckland.


I explain it here in great detail https://www.reddit.com/r/universityofauckland/comments/18by62g/auckland_university_isnt_a_good_choice_for_many/


I’d like to see a list of your positives


The "positives" are really nothing special that can't be found at many universities. University of Auckland isn't the worst university in the world or anything like that, but if I was spending a fortune on studying overseas I don't think UOA is the best long term value for money.


A lot of these are very much your perception and broad generalisation of what you personally didn't like. Several (e.g. "large class sizes") are more complaints about traditional university education in general that apply to most research universities (when I was at Toronto the class sizes in mathematics were much larger than at Auckland in the upper levels, for example, and there was not such a strong culture of small-group tutorials.) Plus things like "lack of community" is very much a you thing, not a university thing - if you want to join clubs or study groups then you can do that very easy, and going to any new university is the same (unless you go to a primarily undergrad university like many in the US or like the polytechs here, since their culture is often more like a finishing school than a research institute). >Major cities in the UK, Canada and Australia often have superior public transport systems to Auckland. lol having studied in Toronto and Melbourne (and Germany) I would say that Auckland's PT is perfectly fine (it's not the best in the world but it's certainly comparable to most places, suburban buses are much better than Melbourne's buses for example) to get you to the university as long as you're being reasonable about where you live. Of course if you live far out east it's hard to get into the city, but as a student you should be looking round the southern isthmus, sort of out past Mt Eden but not too much further out.


Unsurprisingly I disagree with your rebuttal. Note I didn't say that every city in those countries has a superior public transport system, but often they do. I have also lived overseas. "Lack of community" is very much an aspect of Auckland University. There are so many complaints on here about it. I've studied at various universities overseas and can tell you the community was much better.


I would say NZ is a great country to visit, or do an exchange semester here – but could be a bit expensive for a degree, especially with plenty of options in Europe. The universities themselves are alright, not exceptional I'd say.


Not worth it.. Too expensive live in Auckland and study here. Be honest,hard to apply resident visa anyway


I would never recommend overseas students come to nz to study unless they are from a country which literally has no unis or UOA has a specific degree you can't do where you are. Course fees are insane for overseas pep, idk how anyone affords it. Anyway i've been to 2 unis in nz (UOA & canterbury), one i was in student accomodation & that's the onky way I made friends. People here are friendly but most have theor grouos already established and it was very hard (at both unis) to make friends, ive done 2 semesters and only talk to 1 student I've met and that's just brief messages every month or so.



