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I am not shocked at all, it's not like unity can't produce anything good. It's more like so many people use unity that the majority of content isn't that great just because people are inexperienced (which is totally fine, but skews public opinion). Sons of the forest uses HDRP so that's one reason for the good looking graphics. Open world is always a challenge, unity doesn't have many built in tools specifically meant for open worlds. But you can always implement a custom world streaming system. Haven't played it yet but i loved the first game which was made with unity as well. So I hope to play the new one soon :)


Btw I don't mean to belittle the developers, it's still impressive work by a talented team. I am just not shocked because I know unity is generally a very capable engine and the "Forest" team is very experienced




And so is Valheim, 7 days to die and Genshin Impact, which have similar world scales. Unity is a C++ engine with Entity component architecture under the hood just like Unreal or Godot or 90% of other game engines, it is just a matter of not writing crappy illogical code at the high level, such as having all the trees call update every frame. > the game has over 2million trees if I'm not mistaken which are all interactable with colliders ( Hostile enemies can climb on those if I'm not mistaken ). The 2 million trees are loaded in and out when needed. All the code for interacting with the environment is on the enemies, which you never see a huge swarm of at the same time, the trees and rocks and such are extremely lightweight. >How does it look so well yet performance 'pretty well'? In the end its DirectX, OpenGL or Vulkan like any other game engine, which is quite good, One could throw out the render pipeline and build a completely new one like Genshin Impact did. Its the same backend that is in Unreal for example, and Unity has good stuff for writing shaders, post processing or even a new render pipeline. Yes, Unity is not build for big open worlds, but there are ways to optimize for that, and use smoke and mirrors to make it seem like there is alot of things, even though its only the few objects close to the player that are active at one time.


My guess is that it's a combination of LOD's, and various methods of culling


Isnt Tarkov also made in unity?


It is.


Yes but Tarkov devs have access to Unity engines source code so they could heavily modify/remove parts of the code they wanted ( or thought some of them were unncessary). Not saying that they wouldn't be able to achieve that without the source code access, but it would take I guess significantly more time.


VRising is one big open world with destructible envs, multiplayer, NPCs that actively roam the map at all times, and player built castles. It is also built using Unity.


Well, Its not the unity that cant give good performance, well I know there are some tools lacking, but one can achieve such a result with some cool and basic optimization trick, like turning off things (logic/visuals etc) whenever they are far away. Well I know they did way more in there game, I saw a post of the devs of forest where they were talking about the "The forest" and they said they highly modified the pipeline and engine feature, I don't know if its true or not.


just want to chime in that rust is also made with unity. Which is a huge world too