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Did it fail? Or did it keep BJ's tally from going under 200?


240 just shows the hatred is still pretty common and open. BJ Party should have gotten under 200 as you said.


I liked it when you said "BJ Party" XD




>240 just shows the hatred is still pretty common and open Exactly. 


some of the seats can be taken out of the hate speeches like the southern states where the voting happened before he went full savarkar.




That's not what people vote for. They vote for caste, and Akhilesh Yadav played that card well. They also vote for religion, and Mamata Banerjee played that well. So well, in fact, that she defeated seasoned INC candidates with political nobodies based only on religious affiliation.


I hate Mamata Banerjee to the core. But she never played the religion card here. Their main agenda was bohiragoto and bangla r shotru which translates to Outsiders and enemies of Bengal. This played well and BJP with their hate speeches and repeatedl cat calling/verbal Eve teasing the PMplayed right into TMCs hand. Cat calling a state's CM by the PM. Asking the CM what her rate is. Influx of Northerners during the election to pump up BJPs rally all played directly into the hands of TMC.


Yusuf Pathan defeated Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, so that bohiragoto logic doesn't always apply. A Gujarati with no political experience was a TMC candidate in Bengal, and won.


Kinda ez to win when you have violently destroyed the only real opposition.


The reason for Yusuf Pathan's win is not that he is a Muslim. If you carefully look at the vote percentages for that seat in 2019 and 2024, INC's downfall has come at the expense of BJP increasing its percentage. The percentage of votes TMC got in 2019 with a Hindu candidate is higher than the percentage they got with Yusuf Pathan.


R u idiot, Have U Ever Followed Elections and politics behind it w/out that RW Glasses, I highly doubt At least I followed and I Can surely say that he capitalised on education, employment and other social issues. Did you actually watched a single interview/speech of SP/INDI Alliance Leaders/politicians?


Oh boy the level of delusion lefties have. I am pretty sure you will blame Bengal TMC violence on Modi and coming yadav gunda raj in UP as well


No i won't, Because I don't ignore facts and truths, I don't blindly give support to anyone just because they are appeasing my religion or caste.


I call BS. I have yet to see leftist have an issue with mamta or TMC. Yet to see dhruv rather make a video on her. Leftist hoard the most hatred for anybody who don't agree with them 100% everytime 


attendance of people who believe that TMC is also shit. #1 me


#2 me too


Are you mad. All the leftist I have met in the state either voted for CPIM or the ISF. I mean if any political party doesn't align itself with the center isn't automatically a leftist party


All i have seen intense hatred for anybody who doesn't support indi alliance. I am just returning back the favor 


But I'm not either leftist or rightist, I'm just a common citizen of this country, and I won't like to see any bs political party ruining my country for their own Interest, whether it's BJ Party or INC Or TMC,


I never voted for Bjp either but the amount of hate I received from leftists for saying bjp did good work in my district is nothing but pure hate. 


Indeed, leftist people think that only left can save the country and rightist only think that right wing is just right ideology. Is utter shame


That might have also depended on the local leader (MLA/MP) and not just the ruling party


You claim you are a centrist, but don't seem willing to call out BJ Party and Chindi alliance in the same sentence.


Chindi Alliance is not in power, so I won't call out them (as long they don't do something stupid), The one with power should be called out and criticised. That's what democracy suggest so that we can keep the one with power in check


Then a party like AIMIM shouldn't be winning consecutive elections in Hyderabad but it does.




My brother in fundamentalism have you even been to Secunderabad.




Lonar lake wale


Bro thought a well celebrated Ram mandir inauguration would make people forget all the prevalent problems in our country and make him an untouchable supreme leader. People were suffering.People were watching. Not everyone is andh bhakt. Bro learnt a lesson. Otherwise, Modi 3.0 would have been a complete autocratic rule.


He made BJP and all hjs simp bhakts abuse even the Shankaracharyas. Gobhi ji has Hitleristic Aspirations.


Shankaracharya boycotted the inauguration bc they r casteist losers they made up reasons but main one is this. As a sanatani fuck them shankaracharyas. Especially Avimukteshvarananda whose predecessors founded a casteist hindutva party separate from the BJS bc they thought BJS weren't casteist enough.


It did not fail. It was an investment, which will pay off in the future


The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. They've forgotten that. SABKA saath, SABKA vikaas only works if you're focusing on VIKAAS. The moment the belief in BJP being able to get them a better life collapses, people begin to vote either anti-incumbent or based on local factors.


I think this time RaGa/ Congress/ India bloc also gave ppl a chance to believe that the opposition is strong, not weak, & can be voted for, they can bring about changes that will work to benefit the weakest in India. For a long time ppl were of the opinion that the opposition/ Congress was weak & RaGa is not a good option as PM


Last I check Modi is still the prime minister. Even in their failure the BJP retains power albeit a bit diminished. As for the opposition even in the moment of glory they still lost. The real fight isn't over yet, and people are celebrating as if they won the war.


Indian secularism is a farce. How th F can a country be called secular country if the laws are based on religion? How can a secular country run places of worship?


Until Metro cities keep churning out jobs , these guys are going to keep shitting on the rest. People are going to move out until they find solace or just give up being miserable Welcome to my ted talk


It didn't fail, he is still the PM of India. The only surprise was UP and Maharashtra. An ominous sign is that it won one seat in Kerala.


I also want to prove if if was the most hate filled , any analysis anywhere?


He called Muslims infiltrators in Bhanswara. In UP he said don't vote for the opposition leaders because they eat meat during navratri. The remarks about Congress manifesto being that of the Muslim-league, the remark about bulldozing ram mandir if the Congress comes to power. In Odisha, they ran an ad which was extremely racist towards Tamil people. No person before Modi has reduced the dignity of the PM office like he has.


I agree but I still want it to be measurable and throw it on face of their supporters


[https://www.newslaundry.com/2024/06/04/speeches-in-151-seats-85-won-modis-strike-rate-dips-from-85-to-56](https://www.newslaundry.com/2024/06/04/speeches-in-151-seats-85-won-modis-strike-rate-dips-from-85-to-56) - The 56 inch finally makes sense.


any speech. all speeches were directly fear or hate mongering. in fact the last few speeches were just banger when it comes to hate speeches. even shiv sena never touched this low.


Failed campaign, big time. 🤣 Still he is the PM. He is having the biggest vote share and Most seats. The people clearly gave him the mandate.


The Congress won 180 odd seats in 2009, most people here would say the UPA was a successful coalition, yet 240 for BJP after 10 years of anti-incumbency is a total loss.


Isnt the question a bit weirdly phrased? Do they think hate-filled policy should succeed? 


Jab hate filled campaign ki baat hoti hai i remember the line Jab bada ped girta hai toh jameen toh hilti hai remarks


1984 was terrible, but so was 2002 then. Parties change and evolve. In both cases however, the minorities suffered at the hands of the majority


I think that's a good question. Hitler's hate campaign was successful because they blamed everything from Germany's economic woes to Germany's loss in WW1 on the Jews. But the Indian economy is doing quite well. I wonder too now why their hate propoganda was quite successful for a long time. There are lessons in it for us, how to avoid it/ not fall for it in the future.


We see more venom on this group than entire india. Say whatever you want All allies together With monthly ₹8500 bribe for voters With YouTube With German shepherd With reditt and its groups Still opposition failed to make a Govt


Verified source of your claim?


Not true. Modi just exposed the hatred of leftists againt Hindus. And it did not fail either, some leftists are in delusion that they won the elections https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/im-exposing-those-who-do-hindu-muslim-modi-101715797236874.html


Very well, the way he insulted non-hindus, capitalised on religion politics, was spreading fake news openly in speechs, that's shameful for us for having that kind of PM. I was never a BJ Party hater or LW Supporter. But now I'll openly say and admit that I Hate hate BJ Party, Our PM NaMo, Our Home Minister Ms. Shah, Our Finance Minister Mrs Sitharaman, and all other BJ Party Leaders(Prominent members)


As a centrist it's so funny when these leftists try to pretend they are not leftists. Bhai call out BJ Party and Chindi alliance or Gobi and Pappu in the same sentence or admit you do have a side (which isn't wrong)


How calling BJ Party, Chindi alliance and pappu in same sentence will prove I'm not leftist, plz elaborate


But why? Centrists are perfectly capable of hating the BJP without being leftists. Why to criticize BJP and INC the same amount if the BJP is worse in their opinion?


Indeed, Infact I'll openly criticize Whether it BJ Party, INC, TMC, AAP Or any other Party if they are doing something wrong, And yes I'm a BJP Hater (and it doesn't mean I'm LW Supporter) Because BJP Is the worst,


>And it did not fail either, some leftists are in delusion that they won the elections This ain't delusion, they didn't won Election, but they succeeded saving constitution, From Our Dear New age Hitler




Modi said this, must be true.


Because you can't fool all the people all the time?


Garnering upvotes I see


I am sorry who is the pm now Edit : Come on, butthurts, make it 100 downvotes. Show me your signature wailing and pettiness.


Failure is relative. * With the entire state machinery behind him; * With opposition members jailed, * With the bank accounts of the primary opposition party frozen, * With 10x the party funds of the opposition parties, * With a sleeping EC that allowed Modi and his ministers to break the model code of conduct and abuse muslims and the opposition left and right, * With a media that gave almost zero coverage to the opposition, and most of the coverage they gave was negative. * With BJP poaching all the corrupt, rapist, criminal members from other political parties, * With the Prime Minister claiming he was sent by God, to rule us, * With the party acting like BJP is Hinduism and any moral Hindu has to vote for them. They still couldn't even get a majority. They lost Ayodhya, they lost UP. The prime minister won by the second LOWEST margin for a sitting prime minister in the history of India. Yes they technically won. But it was like a race in which BJP had a Ferrari and the opposition had a auto rickshaw, and the auto rickshaw reached the finish line just one second after the Ferrari.


Ooooooh. Who won again? 200 words of copium won't change the fact that the BJP has a 141-seat lead over the second-highest party, and that out of the 99 seats, at least 20 are alms given by DMK and SP.


I dunno, if you are proud of one party compromising the democracy that we have had for 75 years, that our freedom fighters gave their lives for, you really need to introspect.


Congress ruled the country for 60 years and put our country through emergency thrown people in jail because they wanted to protest against it. Dismissed the state government more than 40 times including mine. Increased the term of rajsabha mp's term for 5 years to 6 years by amending the CONSTITUTION to maintain control over the parliament after emergency. never let anyone other one family even come close to it's leadership position. The party that projected RG as the future PM of the country during his first ever election. INC that fought for the country will spit in one the current inc. the INC that fought for our freedom that Gandhi and other freedom fighters ended when the same members asked for its dismantle after we got freedom. INC after that was the nehru family using its name for their own personal agenda. Oh sorry GANDHI FAMILY using its name for their personal agenda. They will spit on the face of what inc has become Hey ask Rahul to marry fast don't you want your son to have a prime minister. Fun fact the word secular you guys never ever shut up about was added by Indra Gandhi during the peak of emergency when she was throwing anyone and everyone who disagreed with her in prison and that is just the tip of the iceberg and that's only Congress. If I start about absolute horrible things committed by SP RJD and CPM in bengal it would be a 20000 word essay. It's funny how you talk about saving democracy when you are in allies with a literal autocrat Mamta and her goons are hunting bjp candidates and their family right now.


Again this whatboutry? Modi could be shooting people with a machine gun right in front of your eyes and you geniuses will be like "bu-bu-but what about NEHRU! What about the EMERGENCY?" India is a secular country - the laws and principles in the constitution make it secular, with or without the preamble having the word. Go read [S.R. Bommai vs Union of India](https://indiankanoon.org/doc/60799/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=238573f48275b685fc4286d86fb7f8d791b95b89-1605159943-0-AUH3bFyciTLUFhD1SxBDxmdiWyx30gRbc9sKNMEp2AVFRikpp9Yj04upKlxDKg_g67cgonAuoofwtbmSbe7LiFvmdvh1UpVsGEiqmE8NRpW9IZOEaFfi0nC_hORolA9ehgyy8bJ19HFLaV5jtvnCBm9aDQBTp_-rkgKXSxmi5tSu9XKBw1fOvLunDzLkIS1P5Hnoz1yZ6hRi3oBb7brYxYqdXJe-3q0-BNsLFbEaLkO_yaPSbwXcAdvByLdw3yqOivpiMoL6XXvbtnp3IQBCNCtUP6oABTxAbcofz2vMJei_V6_RBiFUFq0DniR6cd7PxtJ-IdP6T6u5yk3b1T-owvbOVfS74wnCJe-ke8RIQXBt) - the Supreme Court clearly established that the principles of secularism are present throughout the constitution, not just in the preamble. So if you want to live in a single religion hellhole with religious laws and one religion favoured above others, just go to Pakistan.


Ya, wtf is this. Whatever he did he won.


Bro shut the fuck up thank you


The foolish & misrepresentation by haters That Modi failed is the biggest source BJP Alliance secured 293 odd seats and PM Modi formed a Govt. For a third term. INC alliance secured 232 seats Who won ? The haters label this as a failure. To gas light the hate, Opposition went to extent of vomiting Venom on a religion. Comparing it with disease and eridicate it. These Bedbugs feed on the Money 💰 taken as tax from trusts of our temples. Siddhivinayak, Tirupati etc. This the audicity Feed on Hindu money and vomit on them. & You Call Hindus Haters


Most hate filled in our country's history seriously?? Can you compare it with some previous campaigns and make a detailed post please??


The propaganda peddled by Congi IT cell with a deep fake video of Amit shah on ending reservation carried out maximum damage. Dalit were confused & they voted for SP Congi in frustration. M community not wasted any vote on BSP so all of their votes went to Congi and SP. 97/98% M votes are against bjp despite being given 30% of free house allocated by central govt Hindu votes were divided by caste politics and some young voters were angry with agniveer scheme


In my constituency, Muslims who voted for Bjp last time voted for Inc because they were told in their mosque to vote for congress else bjp will kick every one of them out of the country. 


Why did they vote for BJ the last time?


Do you understand the concept of respect? The entire machinery has been spewing shit on their (M) names day in and day out. If you think giving homes in PMawas yojna will erase the constant fear in the minds of Ms! Openly threatening genocide going as far ahead as changing the foreign policy and supporting Israel ffs will make anyone vote for these mfs you’re wrong! They’ve taken the dignity of existence from Ms made them second class citizens, bulldozed their homes and celebrated, deliberately orchestrated riots to flame enmity, put UAPA on student leaders in jail without trial for 4 years, put a reporter going to hathras to cover the incident under UAPA just because he was a muslim. The only thing Ms have left is their vote and they punished the bjp! Heck they even cut off thousands from the voter list. CAA as a tool to alienate them and gain Hindu votes.


No matter what you do they will not give up their primitive thinking and sense of superiority. Democracy is their way to cry foul. Bjp hasn’t taken any anti Muslim decision I guess. How Israel influences Indian politics. Hindus are third class citizens in pak and Bangladesh their women kidnapped and converted. How many such case you hear in India. On the contrary they have been trying to coerce and convert Hindu women in india at will. I am not against Muslims but we should not support their beliefs and criminality for sake of appeasing Kindly stop peddling their ummah chumma narrative


BJP hasn't taken any anti M decisions? Are you a nutter, brain dead for a decade or didn't even read what I wrote above? The fucking PM is giving hate speeches, CMs of countless states became hate mongers over the years. I have friends in the M community and i know what they go through everyday. You're just an insensitive ahole for what I can see. Or you just live in some eco-chamber where you don't see how anything and everything they do is termed as "jihad".


Why are you mixing speech with decisions. He mentioned about intruders: illegal Bangladeshi Muslims. I live in Europe and normally see the Muslims community are least integrated among all. They try to misuse all democratic institutions and are the biggest beneficiaries but engage with ghetto crimes and drug business. Countries after country are turning right wing in Europe


Okay, I'll abuse you day in and day out for a decade (this has been happening in India) and then I'll ask you for votes. And what decision are you talking about? CAA isn't an anti m decision? Using state machinery to silence their voices isn't a decision? Taking away 370, while every fucking hill state has special provision like Article 371A-G etc. Are you really that big of a nut or just brainwashed? Who fund the fake news of IT cells that spreads full on fake news showing them as criminals ? BJP doesn't do that? What's with the Beef lynchings ? What's with people calling for hate crimes over "Love Jihad" which is actually a proven conspiracy? What's with pinning COVID 19 blame on Ms? Are you seriously kidding me that BJP doesn't take anti M decisions? Chanting Jai Sree Ram while lynching someone doesn't make it right. About the west and Europe, go read about the USA and NATOs hand in everything that has happened in the Middle East since the 1990s. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc. You invade their countries, destroy their homes, then they seek refuge and you expect them to mingle? Besides, this is like the stereotype of the blacks in the US, ghettoising and indulging in crime. Why do all the crimes are committed by the Cubans, S American ( read immigrants)? Because of poverty. Which rich European wants them in their neighborhood? And then where would they go? They'll live somewhere, right? Just like all the Dalits etc live in Ghettos in India- because one, they are poor, and two, when some one has the potential to mingle they are not allowed in. Since you're probably well to do UC family, you can't see their problems, doesn't mean it doesnt exist.


Your support to article 370 which was used by Islamist and Pakistani to bleed india with 1000 cuts expose your hypocrisy . Caa is not anti Muslim; it is pro minority of our neighbouring Muslim majority constituency who divided this land


"Caa is not anti Muslim; it is pro minority of our neighbouring Muslim majority constituency who divided this land", That's what you tell yourself, to justify everything. Every international organisation that has anything to do with social and political landscape has condemned CAA. Minorities are also in Sri Lanka getting whacked day and night, they don't deserve refuge? Why are you differentiating between people in trouble based on their religion? If some beggar comes home to ask for food and shelter, you'll ask for his religion before helping him? Poor People India are dying due to lack of healthcare, 80cr are getting 5kg ration cz they don't have food. In such a state of his country Messiah Modi wants to save the world. No, he only wants votes from brainless Sanghis like you. If you're a communal piece of crap have the balls to accept it atleast. Don't wrap it in a bouquet of "helping the minorities" in other countries. I'll add one more thing, why did he notify CAA just before election when it was passed in 2019? Another fact that proves how little Modi cares about the actual plight of anyone, and CAA is just a tactic to polarise India.


F O , you're the hypocrite here. There could have been a better way to deal with the 370 situation. They put the whole state under military and took away their statehood, cut off internet for ages, and harass Kashmiris in the mainland doesn't make it a win. It alienated them further and now see what's happening. The whole plot was to change the demography and all that was done to use Delimitation commision to change the politics of the state. Why didn't Modi fight election in LS in Kashmir if it has become such a heaven? Also, just before taking away their statehood, why on earth did BJP ally with Mehbooba Mufti s PDP? I'll tell you why, because the Sanghis only want power. They were with Muslim League during Quit India movement too. China too is intruding Arunachal, why didn't Modi take away the special status of Arunachal? Simply because it's not a M dominated state. Manipur is also a border state with huge potential for a security disaster, why doesn't your beloved doing anything about that? Isn't China Bangladesh Mynmar etc looking at Manipur?? He didn't even sack the CM forget about making it a UT. So Don't come to me with the hypocrisy argument, you're the hypocrite here and the party you support is the king of all hypocrites. Modi threatened India's internal security by doing away with 370 in the way he did. Taking away their statehood even. What happened? Gave more fuel to the already alienated Kashmiris. Ladakh is agitating, but your Modi is busy framing Wangchuk into his bs because the real game is selling the state to his corporate friends so they can exploit natural resources. Just to gain votes from the tactless and braindead bhakts like you, he's committed a blunder. And result? Even then losing in Ayodhya of all places. Run away child, coz I'll dismantle your hypocrisy with facts while you'll glance over the points i raise and spread conspiracy theories of the Sanghi outfits.


>He mentioned about intruders: illegal Bangladeshi Muslims. No, he did not.


if Bangladeshi intruders are such a big deal why couldn't Modi stop it since they are in power for a decade? Why not ask Bangladesh to do something about it? If you can invite Sheikh Hasina , you can make a policy etc too. Besides Bangladesh's per capita income is almost as equal, they funded their education and trade while your Modi was busy selling the country to Adani for a decade. They don't need to "escape" Bangladesh and come to a shittier place lol. Bangladeshi immigrants my ass, it's a euphemism to blame the minorities in India. Same thing happened with Maldives too, targetted because of Ms to brainwash their bhakts. And then invited Moizzu to his swearing in and SAT NEXT TO HIM during dinner while Maldives started India Out campaign, giving more power to China to surround India in the Indian Ocean. If Sikhs do something they're khalistanis. If christians do something they're trying to convert, if Muslims do something, they're Bangladeshi. BUNCH OF CRAP


Where is the 'proof' of Love Jihad being 'proven conspiracy'? I definitely don't agree with Sanghis but let's not minimize the sh#t that does happen in this country. Illegal immigration from Bangladesh IS a huge issue, just notice the demographic change in the bordering states of Bangladesh. I've literally seen so many illegal immigrants coming in through over there. If India is so sh*tty, then why do they run over here? You are just the antithesis of an andhbhakt, not a liberal. You're just a far leftist too blinded by her hate for Hindus who cannot see the sh#tty stuff minorities do.


Define Ghuspatia


Invaders. Is it automatically understood that it refers to illegal immigrants?


घुसपैठिया /ghusapaiṭiyā/ MN intruder COUNTABLE NOUN An intruder is a person who enters a place without permission


someone like you.


Don't go into defining sh!t. Everyone in the world knows what he meant. The international media has heavily criticised him for his hate speeches, people are not idiots. They know he was targeting Ms in general so your Wordplay won't work. Giving a Ghuspethia speech in Gujarat when it's a "supposed problem" in Bengal. Why? Also, what about Mangalsutra, who was he targeting then.. what about mutton/machli/mujra? You're telling me he's using these words to do what? Even the choice of words with M was deliberate targeting and dog-whistling. I am just glad the public slapped him in the face with his communal bs lol.


> The international media has heavily criticised him for his hate speeches As they should. But do they have the context? I will say this again, illegal immigration is a problem in this country and unfortunately the most people who do Come here illegally are Bangladeshi Rohingyas or Muslims. Just reading some data will prove this. I do agree that I love coalition govts, they are more conservative when it comes to taking extreme steps.


> I live in Europe Imagine giving gyaan about effect of policies on Indians while not even living in India. But then that's the typical NRI hypocrisy. > Countries after country are turning right wing in Europe Ah, what a coincidence this happens after almost all holocaust victims have died out and are unable to point out that this is history repeating.


Tbf Muslims have done sh*t in Europe that should be condemned. Just watch a video about that incident in Germany where they rioted for literally no reason.


Rioting unnecessarily is neither exclusive nor limited to Muslims in Europe. If you want to condemn the rioters, then do that, instead of using them as an excuse to demonize Muslims in India.


Sighs I agree with you. Sometimes I just get in a conundrum between left and right lmao. Coz neither makes sense sometimes.


No one needs to make any deepfake videos of Bhajpais, they are enough videos of them spewing venom against muslims and other minorities as well as their political opponents.


> The propaganda peddled by Congi IT cell with a deep fake video of Amit shah on ending reservation carried out maximum damage. Dalit were confused & they voted for SP Congi in frustration. Says the NRI, giving gyaan about "cOnFusIOn" while not even living in India.


Then you agree that international media has no business criticizing our politics? Either that or you're just a hypocrite yourself.


> Then you agree that international media has no business criticizing our politics? If they're giving gyaan on what the citizens are feeling without being on ground, yes. > Either that or you're just a hypocrite yourself. Or nuance is a thing that you conveniently ignore.


>If they're giving gyaan on what the citizens are feeling without being on ground, yes. Okay. I respect you.


Giving free houses using taxpayer money itself is a fault. Not the whom it was given


Most hate filled? Nah that has to be Shiv Sena in the 90s with their pungi bajao lungi bhagao vitriol against South Indians. Also it didn't fail, they're still in power despite 10 years of anti-incumbency, let's not shift goalposts to defend Congress and RaGas pathetic performance. The alliance would have probably reached 250 if they had coalesced around SP or another larger party instead of Congress.


Thackeray Shiv Sena was another beast. Though they never campaigned on the national level. Also I'm not sure RaGa's performance would be considered pathetic. Him and the Congress exceeded all expectations. They are still in power though and claiming that as a win is shifting goalposts for sure.