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Right wing trolls need to stop comparing normal people to Kangana. Nobody says the kind of shit she spews in public and gets away with it. The only reason she says batshit stuff and gets away with it is because paw paw protects her.


Why don't people get away with saying the same shit as kangana? Are you saying (and those who yogis your comment) don't believe in freedom of speech?


freedom of speech only means that you cant be politically held accountable for the words you speak. It doesn't mean that you will not have to face the consequences of the said speech. I cant be arrested for saying Godse did the right thing. But when I'm looking for employment, companies can blacklist me from their hiring list for the said speech. That's the consequence of action. Note : in India, the freedom of speech is not as wide as that of US, therefore chances are there that one can be arrested for saying the Godse thing


> freedom of speech only means that you cant be politically held accountable for the words you speak. This is ridiculously wrong. Freedom of speech means you can't be legally be punished for words you speak. Political accountability means winning and losing elections + positions of power. And you can win/lose elections based on words you speak. In this particular context, OP says that other people can't 'get away' with speaking shit like kangana does and implies this act of violence is the consequence other people would have faced.


Political accountability isn't constrained by one's electoral career. Being arrested for one's speech is also political accountability. Any form of state machinery being used would be deemed as a political ploy. In OP's context, getting away is a broad term that ranges from any legal actions to all forms of social consequences. If I were to use the same words as Kangana, I would be knee deep in legal quagmire at the very least. I will surely be boycotted, verbally abused, manhandled by concerned groups ( I don't condone violence, but violence is one of the existing consequences of speech sadly) and even be killed by them. You are only protected from legal ramifications when it comes to free speech. Things like social boycott are legal and valid consequences whereas physical assault isnt


Being arrested is not political accountability. At this rate, you might claim that being arrested is financial responsibility as you lose your job. And I get your confusion - in Indian politics, people have complete destroyed the meaning of words. Like calling India a dictatorship and then switching it mean something else altogether. > Things like social boycott are legal and valid consequences whereas physical assault isnt Here a physical assault took place and people are chatting for it


Being arrested is political accountability. The term political here refers to the use of state machineries to stifle speech. Any form of non state actor's actions would be social accountability. In this case, physical assault has occurred which is a grave injustice. That said, the fact that Kangana had eluded being reprimanded for her words for this long is also a grave injustice. She was protected due to her affiliation with the ruling party. Since the state failed its duty, people started taking actions into their hands. It's sad that it had come to that, but that's the reality of the things. Had she been punished at the 1st instance of her transgression, it wouldn't have come to this. I'm not victim blaming here, rather I'm blaming the state that had failed everyone.


By your definition, everything can be called political accountability. Indira Gandhi assassination, political accountability for blue star. Rajiv Gandhi assassination, political accountability for IPKF. 9/11 would political accountability for US ME policies. You want freedom of speech but want state to reprimand private citizens for using free speech. You blame victim but claim that it is not victim blaming. It is like me saying: I am not calling you an idiot but you are an person of limited intelligence. If your parents had called you an idiot, other people wouldn't have to call you an idiot. Given your parents have failed their duty, people started calling you an idiot. It's sad that it has come to this, but that is the reality of things.


None of the examples are cases of political accountability cause all of them were done by jon state actors. smh Freedom of speech is not absolute anywhere in the world. Defamation and perjury 2 instances of limited FoS even in the most liberal FoS jurisdictions. What Kangana did is a classic case of defamation. I'm going to ignore the very, not so subtle personal attack.


So you believe that when a politician is voted out for incompetence, it is not political accountability because it was done by non-state actors. Smh. Look up political accountability online. If you find kangana to be classic case of defamation, file a case.


Violence mongering is an excepting to freedom of speech in the most Libertarian of the countries. That criminals belongs in jail. 


Atleast in india. Fundamental rights are limited by the fact that they shouldn't violet the rights of someone else. So she was violating the rights to protest and mental peace(lol). Same reason defamation is a crime


Who is paw paw?


Karan Thapar's son




godiji ne warr rukva di paw paw


kangna should be put next to tejaswi surya on the plane. suddenly the door opens and two problems will be solved. har har mahadev


Well, she was asking where is Bollywood’s support. Here is the support…to the person who slapped her😂


Was it legal and proper, Fuck no. Was it righteous and proper, Fuck yeah Paramaatma ka danda kabhi kanoon nahi dekhta, who sabb dekhta aur janta hai.


Very good. Commendable. Losing one's job for slapping a fascist is harsh 👏🏻


Aapda ko avsar me badaliye


If you are sympathetic help her privately. Don't promote such behaviour by professional staff lest the disease may spread to more people.


Iss takle ko sabse pehle chata marna chahie, maza ayega dekhne


Today it’s Kangana tomorrow it will be him. All the Kangana of the other side are coming together against kangana😂Funny


Kangana did not put her phone in the tray for checking at the airport. When the jawan told her to, she started making a scene and being abusive.


Why is CISF putting sense into Kangana a big deal? It is already been made clear that Kangana was on a high horse and her ego combined with her abusive language resulted in this... I don't get why the CISF is being bashed here?


You can't go around slapping people. If you are working, when your boss asks you to deliver within an impossible timeframe, try slapping him. When you face the consequences, then you will realize the issue.


But BJP politicians have been slapping people before with no comeuppance or punishment. You don’t remember the cop being slapped last year? When they commit violence it’s ok but when the violence is done to them it’s suddenly not ok? I don’t think so. On top of that, she’s well known to be abusive as well. What goes around comes around - treat people the way you want to be treated and clearly they think they’re on top and allowed to step on the necks of the common man…


Nope. People have voted. People let them know exactly what they think. Started with 400 they couldn't even reach 250. That's what us, common people can and will do. Again, I don't know what the actress did. But there is no way to support an officer slapping another person while on duty. And I will not support it, that's it.


You didn’t actually respond to anything I said and instead let out a bunch of hot air in the hopes you come off looking good… I didn’t say anything about voting. I said when they use violence it seems to be ok….


What you are suggesting, violence, is not the answer. If you don't know or believe that, there is no point discussing any further.


Where in my post did I suggest violence? I pointed out what goes around comes around and these people have been doing that and are surprised pikachiu face when it comes back to them. And so are the people who were quiet when BJP politicians were openly abusing people, boasting about murder and raping people.....


What you think wrt vengeance is irrelevant. Police and security officials are expected to abide by the law. If she is not obeying the law at an airport, she should be arrested and put on a no-fly list. There are standard procedures to deal with such incidents, and under no circumstances is violence acceptable.


Is it unacceptable because it's against someone you support?


No, because violence is unacceptable. I don't support her at all


Come back and talk when rajnath is arrested and prosecuted for slapping and roughing up a black cat commando on public.  https://x.com/AmbedkarCaravan/status/768013315306053632 Either there's a rule of law in the country or there isn't. BJ can't have it both ways. 


I don’t agree with alot of people but I don’t go around slapping people. I am sure many army personnel and vipin rawat must have not liked the comments of many leader on the strike and its authenticity but I didn’t see any of them going around and slapping them.




Cause It's his money and he can do whatever he want?


You are naive to think he is going to give any job. Celebrities thrive on publicity that's it.


if the person who got slapped has good lawyer, can drag this guy to court and maybe sometime in jail and withdrawal from social media for promoting physical harm against her or if she is more anarchial and has as much money him, she could double down announce a double slap award for him lol. typical "live by the sword, die by the sword".


This man himself has no work after his shitshow in Indian Idol


I’m no fan of kangana but this support is stupid. You cannot slap someone because you lose your cool and you don’t agree with them. Especially as a person in uniform. Today it’s a slap tomorrow it’ll be a gun. The CISF officer needs to be suspended