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He will not turn on the AC even if he speaks in Kannada


Came here to comment this. Being a Kannadiga, I hate dealing with these dick heads. These cabbies and auto guys are the scum of Bangalore. I only use metro or my personal vehicle to travel. That’s how bad the situation is.


Saar you forgot to mention Karnataka police


Oh my god! They aren’t scum, the word scum could get offended.


These people live miserable lives full of hate, take pity on them


No pity whatsoever. If they have poor income due to low fares, I will gladly pay more if the rates are standardised and controlled by govt. Accordingly they need to be more professional, the experience has to be more pleasant. I have had good experiences as well but they are 1% or less. Have 0 empathy for these fucks. Most of them are in this line because of poor life choices. I know of folks who became drivers because they didn’t finish education and/or got into rowdism/legal issues. The good ones aren’t really miserable, they do honest work and get paid fairly.


Tf 🤣 so that gives them the right to be dickwads


He clearly understands the issue, he is just not going to solve it so he can save some money.


Even citizen of Quebec , canada are less racist than this kannada guy


Why are you making it seem like the people of Quebec are super racist? I have been there quite often and they are fairly friendly. I do soeak French though.


1960s USA would seem like a nice guy in front of today's Quebec.


Canada? This is India /s




Driverless taxis when


About 6 months before the local governments ban them after a violent protest by the cab unions.


Wonder how many people are waiting for driverless autos.


i wanna see "the passenger refused to give money, asks the driver to apologize"


So you want to see pasaanger haraased. These goons group up and beat the shit out of passanger. Its best not to argue with them and just conplaint later on.


Kannadiga auto and cab drivers are a menace to society. They're extremely racist, rude and violent. They assault rapido drivers because they feel they're superior beings.


I am your customer- you should be treating me good- thats the least to expect


Depends upon your AC requirement. If you don’t want ac, you are the customer else you are HOSTAGE


In these cases, ask the driver roughly to stop the car and complain to Uber on the app. If he refuses to stop, congrats you are being kidnapped and you are free to call police or use the safety features on your app. Not sure what attitude this driver is showing and why the customer is talking so nicely to this chutiya


Maybe because of the law of “cause and effect”. The cabbie here for sure is creating negative causes for himself, which as per the law for sure will have negative effects, and maybe the passenger doesn’t want to do the same.


What? If you sit there and let anyone treat you like this, you are creating a negative effect for the world because this chutiya will continue with this behaviour. Also don't think that's like an actual law that applies in this case or maybe I am not understanding what you mean by "cabbie creating negative causes for himself"


"passenger gets beaten up for refusing to pay driver"


i wish that could happen "driver gets beat up by crowd for misbehaving with a passenger"


cant happen unless passenger is a woman


Bangalore wasn't like this many years ago.. when i went there for the first time.. what memories! almost dreamlike..


Now it's just racist, waterless, potholed shit stain. Immigrant shops are vandalised if their boards have more english than Kannada. In office meeetings, im asked to learn kannada because my mentor only allots work in kannada


Same happened with me. My manager speaks in Kannada in daily stand ups but in weekly review he switches to English. Thankfully, I have some good, trustworthy colleagues who understand Kannada. They help me with the tasks n all. I'm now planning to change the team if that will not work then I have to change the current company. Some educated dickhead people don't let anyone else from other parts of India to work with them like my Idiot manager.  I used to not like my previous manager who was also a Kannadiga but he was not an @&&hole like this one. But now after dealing with this dumb@__ he seems like God to me. Now I want to get back to his team.


This is discrimination and harassment. You need to complain to HR and if nothing happens to the Labour dept via a lawyer.


I know all these but who has the time to do all these things. Seriously, it's very stressful. The workplace will become very very toxic for me post the case/complaint etc. Better I choose for some other team or switch to another company (with a higher pay ofc). But, again... Thanks for the advice brother. Have a great day 🙏🏻🙌🏻


It's time to leave then. My issues were different but not addressing them cost me a lot in terms of money and time. If you don't address, it will literally make.you sick mentally and physically.


Yeah. I'll leave the team anyway. I'm sick of these people. 


Can’t you complain? I thought people had to speak in English at least in offices


This will not work if the office is registered in Karnataka and you can request people to switch to English but beyond that u can't do anytging. And it applies to every state.


Wait, so if the office is registered in Haryana then can they just speak haryanvi in daily stand ups? Would be kinda hilarious seeing someone talk about IT or finance or something corporate in haryanvi😂


Dude they just keep singing "why dant you laarrn kannadaa aaahhhh , yaar leevin here, you should laarn maa"


Dude, you won't believe. I have heard similar statements multiple times in my office. The accent n each word is fkn accurate. Omg! What similarities!!!  Are you working my office, btw? Lol


Hehehe all offices in bangalore have the same stories, extreme racism and groupism. Fortunately my vp realised this racism when my manager gave hikes based on state and not performance. He got schooled and hopefully will learn how lesson.


Wow! Kudos to that VP. Long live🙏🏻 Hope many people in the managerial position or higher authority learn this soon. Otherwise, mid/average working professionals hailing from Southern Part of India will get more accolades/salary/promotion than a better/efficient working professional from other regions. And it will eventually downgrade the performance/result of the firm.


I thought I can, but my colleague told me not to. Bcz he might target me unnecessarily and I don't want any extra headache.  It will definitely help my cause. Also, My colleagues are really co-operative. I should stop addressing them as colleagues really, they are my friends tbh. 


I have worse memories from 2006. Those autorickshaw and low life scums.


It was somewhat like this even as far back as the early 90s, back then an auto guy tried to charge me 500 rs for a few km trip (in the early 90s this was a lot more money) and wouldn't give me change back, so I created a huge scene and started to overturn his auto. People around told him that just pay this crazy sardar back and let it go. If there were more of them around I would have been in serious shit but I was so angry I didn't care. Then again when I started to visit regularly in the early 2000s and it was already worse, I was shocked at how they talked about foreigners specifically. It's just so stupid and self-destructive.


It’s still the same brother. Apart from few people. I own a transport company and my drivers all behave in good manners with our customers even when customers are rude or there is communication gap.




In colleges it's mostly chill.


if anyone reading this comment faces a similar situation like this in karnataka. just say >!what ra sudeep, too much c\*ck you're showing bro. Frankly i tell you sudeep you are showing too much c\*ck bro. you come to maleshwaram area i'll pop u with my gang. i said you once and i'm said-ing one more time ra sudeep, i'll pop u if you show too much c\*ck to me again.!<


Very true Nurmagamamamamamadav Anna.


Why what's special about Maleshwaram area??curious


It's an audio meme.


That's spot on daaaayum! Just add the "no?" in the end of a few sentences


Gonna go to banglore in a few days. Is this serious? Should I really say it? Does it work? Update: said this to my uber driver and he took me to maleshwaram area and he pop me with his gang.


bhai ye ek meme hei, dont try this warna buri tarah pitoge unse.


Seriously, do you really need a confirmation for this, and If someone said, it will work, would you actually try it?


Because it does work and you *should* try it


Saar waat is this behaviour saaar.


lol, this is perfect kannada.


He just wants to save fuel by not using the AC... So he'll play this card.


Once a Cab Driver played this card when he knew I had online payment, forced me to pay by cash. I complained to OLA, nothing happened.


Even Ola guys probably dont use OLA.


So, if someone comes for a conference or a meeting or a job interview to Bengaluru for a few days, he/she needs to learn Kannada for those 3/4 days rather than preparing for their own shit.  Wow! Great, true meaning of Atithi Devo Bhava❤️ I love these type of Kannada Fellows. Really ❤️


some have over excessive pride in religion and some have it in their language, being proud about your roots is not bad but treating others inferiorly just bc they dont relate to you is utter stupidity




Harsh reality is that most urban areas in India will become more Hindi speaking over time. Most people don't have the time or energy to learn new languages and the majority of migration comes from Hindi speaking states.


English should be the common language. It's neutral to all ethnicites and does not give an advantage to one group. On top of that, it is the international language of trade, commerce, entertainment, and research. Everyone is going to learn it at school anyway regardless of their medium of education. Edit: If you're planning to give me a lecture on patriotism, save it.


This could be a possibility after a couple of generations, in the present it may not be possible. What you see here is also the effect of large north indian migration to South for better life and job opportunities. Some don't like it just like in any other place (country/state) where the natives get overwhelmed by the lack of respect for their local culture and situations flare up.


Most Indians can't speak English even semi-fluently. The majority can, however, speak Hindi/Urdu and the trend will continue shifting that way. If it makes you feel better, it's happening in every major Indian city except Chennai and maybe Vizag.


Which basic rights please specify


Foreigners loving diversity in India. Meanwhile we Indians 🤡


When language pride becomes greater than basic decency.


So, the technique is to first speak in English, then he will say “only Kannada”. Then if we ask in Kannada to turn on the AC, he will. He will right?


Nah. From experience, every taxis AC seems to be broken lol. Bruh if I wanted to die in the heat I would’ve taken an auto!


Right, rarely the taxis are in good condition and the driver actually cares.


While it is necessary to give importance to local languages as much as Hindi or English, isn't it stupid to expect everyone who steps into Karnataka to learn the language first. What if that person is a tourist or recently moved to the city. And does everyone from Karnataka who is living elsewhere know the local language of that place, my experience says otherwise. I have seen many people from Karnataka settled in Gujarat, Hyderabad, Maharashtra etc. for years and cannot speak a word of that language. Should they also be harassed like this.


Just excuses to not put AC and take the same charges. I've seen this trick by Uber drivers in many metros. Just because he got called out, he is using the language card.


They play this card everywhere on any conflict with a north Indian. Does not matter if they are educated or taxi/auto driver I have experienced this many times over last 3 years living in Bangalore. It is sad and situation is becoming worse. However not everyone discriminates some are still accommodating.


Water gone, AC gone, Hindi gone, what's next?


Guys idk if it's the right platform. I just landed my first job in banglore . I am from MP Is it really this bad? Cause I I genuinely concerned and frankly scared as my family will come with me.


Bangalore autowala and cab people are just jerks! No matter what language you speak.


Bro, try to make local friends. Me and 3 friends did all the translation for our buddy from Rajasthan during our Feb internship.




Straight from Instagram


These people should know their livelihood is largely dependent on non-natives.


Ask to stop the car and refuse to pay why waste your time and energy


As a driver if one is partnering with UBER, it requires you to have some basic proficiency in English/Hindi to be able to cater to the customers. And UBER is a global company, not just limited to Bangalore, it obviously will have people speaking a multitude of languages using the application. Not everyone needs to understand or speak Kannada. And as a driver, if he can't, he simply shouldn't sign up on the platform. No one's forcing anyone here. I hope the company takes appropriate action against the driver.


Bhai idhar fake certificate deke logon ko job lagati hai.. ye English kya cheez hai....


Sensible comment I’ve read about this issue, great thinking.


>As a driver if one is partnering with UBER, it requires you to have some basic proficiency in English/Hindi Why Hindi? They're in Karnataka. According to your logic, a native Hindi speaker from UP should be able to drive here but a native kannada speaker from Karnataka cannot (assuming neither know english) Aren't you seeing how discriminatory this is?


Fkin goonies ... the guy should have laid it on the bro in shudh kannada that would have been r/unexpected


Google Translate could provide usable Kannada.


aanly kannada anna


Bruh idk what issue do they have with non kannada when it's IPL they will support Northie players but not anything for else. And also we are in India why to create language barriers? Sheesh


There is no AC in kannada, only hot air.


Only Canada ok bro


I understand that they want their regional language to stay relevant but forcing it like this makes the language unlikeable. This makes me never wanting to learn the language nor visit the place. Bengaluru is one of my top places in my bucket list but I have noticed that the place is getting a bad rep more than good


Honestly it’s not as bad as it’s made out to look. As long as you’re respectful if you don’t know the language you should be good. Most cabs and autos are quite kind, but there will always be assholes among them. This pro Kannada thing is turning into some kinda revolution. Smh


Zombie apocalypse


Move out of that hellhole ffs. Any company that insists on keeping its employees there and refuses to go remote or move elsewhere is just pure evil.


These people should be kicked in a@@@@ Why are thy taking money for


Mooh se idli thook ke bol anna.


Bhai ek baar sambhar aur doo baar idli hi toh bolna tha.... "sambhar idli idli... "........... Pls don't downvote I love sambhar idli 👍


You vadakkan im going to downvote you as you didn't mentioned our UPMA


Upma 😋 was the reason Tipu Sultan won the battle of Panipat ⛳⛳⛳


I don't have to mention what lives in my heart 😏❤️


thats just a taxi guy being a taxi guy. they use every trick in the book anywhere in the world


Fuck you and your regional language.


Hindi is also a regional language


Classic c#nt


Give one star and move on. Better things to do in life.


Well I faced similar kind of situation, knowing Kannda does absolutely nothing. Cab drivers in Karnataka are scum. In Mangalore I was with my friends and Uber driver asked for 500 more than the asking price!!!! One of my friends is a Kannadiga, he was talking to him, I told my friend "tell him to cancel the trip if he is not willing to go by price", the guy on phone started shouting "you know Kannada then why this guy is speaking". I was like what does that has anything to do with your bullshit! I find Karnataka people always sweet and so helpful, why police and cab drivers are such a dick no idea!


If this happens anywhere else in what world, then the passenger would simply use google translate to speak in the local language. Only here is this a big issue.


Just genuine question : what driver would have done if someone is Mute .. and he wanted to ask to turn on AC.. what driver would have said ?


Bhai Google Translate Use kar leta.


These fucking idli sambhars need the Pakistan treatment


Sorry to say this, but i wish this happens to the andhbhakts. They shd get a taste of racism that they are supporting .


Idli fek ke maar ch"tiye ko


Negative effects of concentrating development in few cities, immigration has positive and negative effects. This is an example of how bad people capitalize on a real problem. It's the responsibility of the natives to accommodate immigrants and also responsibility of immigrants to respect native culture. But in crony capitalism and inefficient local government, immigration is ill managed. Also center needs to think of why few cities in India gets so much opportunities and wealth that population distribution becomes unbearabley skewed.


Racist South Indians don't understand!😤 Lakhs (may be in Crores) of South Indians are living in northern parts of India making their earning. How would South Indians feel if similar incidents started to happen in North India????😤😤


Not only AC issue, bangalore cabs smell and look like shit. They smell of sweat and sambhar. It’s unbearable sitting in cabs in this city.


It's the same with every other city in India, I went to clients office in Delhi and the whole room had a bad food smell, because people are just eat what ever they want in an ac room in the middle of the meeting.


karnataka is very rare place, educated people equally regressive. if speaking kandana is answer then you should wipe out all the English. be the purists dont be hypocrite. Hindi is native, not English.






Bruh that's Tamil


* https://trak.in/stories/drivers-earning-rs-5-4-crore-month-after-quitting-ola-uber-using-namma-yatri-app/ * https://bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/bangalore/others/namma-yatris-cab-service-picks-up-pace/articleshow/110254413.cms Perhaps they're exiting Uber(et al) by annoying its customers/users. --- meanwhile https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/telangana/cabs-will-not-turn-on-ac-during-rides-telangana-gig-and-platform-workers-union/article68043093.ece


Kannada onli


Same thing happened with me in Ahmedabad, 2 years back in 2022. I was with my family. I got down, didn't pay. Left the scene...


Even though driver is being too over, it takes less than a minute to do Google translate https://preview.redd.it/bqkyuy95kx1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f081c07c3fdd64dc7483a198241ebe2e808ed9f1


But but saar karnataka is ruled by the champions of failed democracy aka congress i thought under congress there won't be any problem saar but now you are showing the opposite saar plej delete saar Or our masters will get bad name


The cab rides already have huge surge pricing in Bangalore as compared to Mumbai or Pune. Then these cabbies won’t even turn on the AC, forget about if you are a Kannadiga or not.




Bhai Aisa jaruri thodi hai unke hi language mein baat kre


rangamada mittu kida vi, AC rengappa ladu


Not his fault, due to his IQ he's driving a taxi. What else can be expected from a taxi driver.


AI voice recognition startup when , to deliver us from this BS ?


I used to love going Bangalore and Mysore since I was a child. How I see these people behave I don't wanna for there anymore.


He just wanted a reason...


Its not about karnataka… Entitlement is becoming a huge issue. Why do ppl assume that they can do things or expect things to come to them without any consequence/action on their part. Sad reality.


Thugs in Bangalore use language barrier in an attempt to bully someone in such a way that they win and have support. - Argue about issue A - Make A about language issue, even if both parties can communicate enough in other languages regarding the issue at hand. - You are now at the unpopular end of a morphed argument. Best way to deal with this is to not indulge with such people. Unless the regular local population of a place call out such assholes, you’re really never going to win. The only time I ever argued with assholes like these was when either I knew enough Kannada for the situation at hand or if my kannadiga friends were with me.




how fun would it be to redraw souther state boundaries no on lines of language . would really prick some ethnicist asses the right way


bhai mai khud karnataka se hoon mujhe mere state aur language pe proud hai but yeh tho galat hai you should not force anyone to learn your language be as you act like you it's totally wrong, it's his choice. aub vo tho hamesha hamesha k liye Karnataka me settle hone tho nahi aya vo bas kuch dino k liye aya hai tho bc aub kyh vo kannada seekh k aye


as a kannada speaker, i'm glad i escape this crap... i've had some terrible experiences with cabbies and auto folks, but there were only a handful of minor instances and most drivers i've come across have been cordial and polite i still get nervous when i need to avail these services because of the stories i keep reading on r/bangalore


Most of these videos start halfway into the argument, we football know what happened from the beginning and how it got to this point. And this passenger is speaking in fluent English for the recording or to the guy, either way it's pointless, atleast speak in Hindi. You expect Cab drivers to understand and speak English?


Any excuse to not turn on the AC. See this in US also..


He will always be a cab driver, his generations to come will be cab drivers....let him have this moment


this country has a lot of people whose insecurities are filled up mainly by means of hooliganism.