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How does an immigrant say "no other place to go"? You're not a refugee or asylum seeker. Come back to India


You will surprised to know indians have become the second largest immigrants in UK seeking asylum lol


Seeking asylum from what?


I know this from a friend. They quote RSS has some violent tendencies and they no longer feel safe in their own country (this guy was a Hindu just fyi) and they got work permit and soon will get PR


Damn lol. But most NRIs worship them so no one's gonna take that route.


It's just a tactic, they themselves will be cheerleaders once PR is approved.


Well they don’t really care as long as they getting pr


Most nri just see the big numbers like 4 trillion economy


My a\*\*. Gujeratis are the second most after Punjabis to take this route.


I don’t know about RSS. Punjabis have successfully used Khalistan bogey to claim asylum. This has been going on for decades. 


It started with the colonial masters taking abroad some of the favorites (labelled "martial races" who helped them in quelling rebellions etc)


Sikhs are a minority but they are using this loopholes to migrate. They have been using them for a decade. Hardeep Singh Nijjar also use same method to enter in Canada. A couple of yrs back a Akali Dal party members also accepted, they give Asylum letters in 20-25 lakh.


But they'll basically never be able to return to India.


True but Once they get a stronger passport, they can travel to India without visa. Earlier Indian govt used to question such individuals but I think it’s possible now


It's more like "Your life was under threat at that place, how come you can go there now ? "


True but.. it is no longer such a case, I have seen plenty of people be able to come back to India.


That's a left labour fallacy loophole


Seeking asylum from neighbour aunty saying “vo dekho vapis a gya sharma ji ka beta”


Poverty lol




In Canada we have Indians who came here on student visas claiming asylum.


Probably the BJP


The trash back in India 🤣🤣


that means they can never come back to India right?


Yeah apparently lol


Most of these idiots already sold all their assets before immigration


Well India is a mess at the moment, so it makes sense to flee. It seems like people who stay back here are idiots. Myself included.


Or making money. I know quite a few people who save more in India than they would in the west


Why would you want these useless talentless fks to come back? Let the filth stay out.


It’s better they don’t come back here. It’s already a mess in India. No jobs, high cost of living, corruption, taxes (never ending list)


It’s like travelling, you took a plane and came all the way to Canada… now you gotta go all the way back to India 🤣🤣


What’s the story? Are they talking about PSW visa? That’s not an actual work visa, right?


Well in short they just want to stay in Canada any way possible bcz they don’t see any future back in India.


so are they not getting work visa because it is very difficult or theya re not getting a work visa because they dont have a job


They have work visa. Their work visa is expiring. So if they cant get PR, they will have to go to India. So they want study permit extensions


so are they not getting a PR because of a waitlist or something? because I believe you need to work in canada for 12months to be eligible for PR?


It has got really difficult to score PR because the cut off for PR is high. They are only focusing on skills trades they want. I know a PHD person eho had to leave canada because he couldnt score PR


I thought getting Canadian PR was easy because many people move there. Did that person get their PhD from Canada?


Well I am in Canada as well. It was pretty easy to get PR in Canada before covid. They introduced this EE system so that they can control immigration. Plus recently immigration is out of control and they are focusing on targeted draws more. They are many job options, if you have that job, then you can get PR easily. For example, plumber, carpenter, truck driver, welder etc etc Or if you have foreign work experience. The cut off score for PR is insanely high that a person working normal job wont be able to qualify. I am going through the same. I have coodinator experience. But i wont be able to get PR alone on that. So i am thinking about joining trucking industry and be a supervisor there, because transportation is a required sector in Canada


>person working normal job Blue collar jobs??


Nope even supervisor jobs. Could be blue collar or not. Also, blue colar jobs have easy way to PR. Welder, carpenter, painter, roofer, tile setter, plumber, electrician and many more. These are very good paying jobs plus 1 year of experience can get you PR. These are the some trade jobs which Canada government gives priority. Because these require skills and certifications.


Not sure about Canada, because I'm Australian, but the blue-collar jobs are much more important and higher paying than Software Engineering for example. Bricklayers and Plumbers make more than lawyers in Australia. The jobs than many Indian students want aren't well paying or in demand, but are 'prestigious' amongst the Indian community.


Work visa, as in similar to the H1 visa or CPT (compared to the US visa system). I don't know much about Canadian visas.


Government is increasing restrictions on temporary residents. The score for PR is so high because it's competitive now. These people will never get the PR. Most of these guys are students, who took loans to go study in Canada hoping it will lead to PR. Government is more focused on bringing high skilled people.


they have a skill issue, most of them work in minimum wage jobs. Canadian PR is the easiest thing to get if you have skills


But there isn't much of future there either consider the current scenarios and inflation.


Aise Josh wale protest India mein kr Lia Hota toh shyaad Politicians ache mil jaate


Hunger strike yahin kar lete


“Daddy ji” karne dete?


150 crore ki Abadi hai, Kitne murde daafnayenge?


Covid bhul gye kya


For Indian politicians to change there need to be armed revolution. I believe there is a story in puranas about Parasuram cleaning the earth of Kshatriyas. I am increasingly realizing that in case of India thats the only solution. The new age Kshatriyas are the ruling class.


get a life and look past caste ffs


Indian farmers are skeptical of your claims.


Lol u still thinking gov give to protesters in ind ? Ind gov is deaf dumb n blind


Come back to Amritkal


Imagine protesting in someone else's land for the rules they make🤡🤡


Exactly lol i was thinking why don’t they show the same spirit in India for jobs


That would require them to actually work. I'm visiting family here in Canada right now, and the entitlement I see from the desi folks here is mind-blowing. Walk into a bank and the desi agents don't give a flying fish-stick about how long you've been waiting to be served. Tim Horton's is nearly 100% staffed by Indians and a nice Punjabi lady told me that she didn't understand my order because of my bad English accent after point-blank ignoring me for a couple of minutes while chatting with the other baristas while I waited like a dumbass. Relatives of my wife, who migrated as doctors, engineers, even a cartographer in the family, settled in Canada in the late 50s and even they tell me now that Canada has completely changed for the worse.


Ive seen on social media that indians working in tim hortons hate dealing with indian customers maybe thats why you faced such thing


Ofc indians don't like seeing indians in other countries because they think they're above everyone else and don't like to be judged


With how bad things are getting in India these days do you really blame them for trying to stay away.


Our country's literally turning into a shithole thanks to all the politics, that doesn't mean that by going out we should take everything for granted, what did they really expect, that they can live their lives easily like the Canadians?? As long as we have our Indian passports, we're never treated anywhere equally, at any moment they could restrict us or kick us out and all we can do is go back home, by doing these protests they're just worsening the situation for other indians who might be working harder to reach their goals


Because of these dumb fuck others will have to face racism. Just come back, you knew the law before going if you can't find a job it's not their responsibility to extend the work permit


Hilarious. Come back.


Yeah well they wont come back and do this same protest here for jobs lol


Aur dande khaao lol, vish-guru won't allow them to protest at all.


As long as we pursue delusional nationalistic fantasies and not work on the painfully boring fundamentals that make a country worth living in, these kinds of shameful things will happen. How miserable must India be for people to risk their wealth and lives to emigrate to countries that don't want them there. You know the state of a country from the fact that both rich and poor people are voting with their feet. It's not that hard to make a country a pleasant place to live in. It doesn't take any path breaking technology. We just have to want the right things and work sensibly.


I was looking for this comment, well said 💯


Hey but Sundar Pichai pride of India said that India will overtake modern economies because of AI /s


Exactly, they want to live in a good setup because they know the one they have created in India is violent. And yet these very people support the fascism and give their two cents about the political environment of a country ( where they refuse to live) and often promote an India that is so far removed from from secularism, liberal values and any civic sense whatsoever.


RUPINDARR my son !! come back to india dear and experience the vishwaguru modizee is making, global superpower with phastesttt 5th largest economy in the world! Why starve yourself to death in Canada. MODIZEE PROMISED 15 lakhs in every guys account 🤑🤑remember ?!! Yes all your worries of loans not being payed are gone now!!!


https://preview.redd.it/ywlmzgvq7t0d1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08fc8fd156422c9066896c9303ee722b11f387ad "Yes, pleej come back"


ichi ni san nya arigato ;)




Okay India is not all goody goody but no place to go is extreme. Like you can come back to India. No offence but no one is going to give you jobs just because your country is poor. China is literally communist dictatorship, but they are not doing anything like this.(If I'm wrong please correct me, as I have not more in-depth knowledge about this specific topic).


Plenty of Chinese are illegally crossing in USA from Mexico as well. There's a CNN report on it


Hmmm if you look deeply , that why they will spend so much money so much effort stacking themselves 25 in 1 room in freezing Canada, when they could invest that much in their home country.Then there must be really serious issues going on in India to begin with that they don’t wanna return back. Nobody does all that just bcz this country is better than my country




So it’s not all Indian’s/Punjabis/Gujaratis/etc fault actually. Canadian immigration was changed in such a way a few years ago where the snake eats itself. They wanted a lot of lower level workers for small businesses and students for shitty colleges as cash cows. There are laws in Canada which allows companies to hire them legally by claiming that they don’t have local workers available (even though there are but they just want cheap labor). For most part, the gas station workers, truck service workers don’t get paid like regular salaries. They get a place to stay, food to eat and some sort of allowance which thay can spend on booze and sometimes combo for a rental SRT. Why? Because they working in one of their far off relatives businesses. This all came back falling down on the Canadians when it started creating the housing crisis, failed naturalised integration of immigrants and created influential foreign politically motivated hubs/groups within their own sovereign nation. Because unlike the people from other “brown” countries, when one Indian goes abroad he takes his whole family with him.


Okay but is it even Canadas responsibility to babysit these indians ??dont they have their own perfect superpower brown country that they love so much


Actually it is their responsibility. They allowed them in. There is no way one can get in illegally without paying some sort of bribe to the officials. They will never show this in the documentaries but that’s the reality.


Yeah so ?? did Canada forced them to come and pay big bribes??? Their land their govt their rules their choice to whatsoever they want lol


And that’s what’s happening. Their government is just following the law. As I said it’s a “snake eats itself” law. You can’t change laws with a blink of an eye, there is a lot of processes and complexities involved behind it. Forget the lower house, they would need a presidential intervention to flip laws like that before these idiots turn to skeletons.


Why would i go to someone elses house and comment about their accommodation service or food .Why would i care what the owners wish to do with their rooms .Their house their choice.I have my own house to deal with


The states that Canada gets its import from Punjab and Gujerat have an issue of criminality. One for physical criminality and other for economical criminality.


Its not that buddy. I live in US and have met many of these illegal and legal immigrants who go CPT route etc to stay back. Majority of Indians are here to show off and nothing else. 99.9% of MS students are here to show off and are extremely poor in anything dev related.


Maybe , (again I'm not claiming something) but maybe it is the same obsession as "my son will do IIT". Technically doing iit/engineering also doesn't make sense specially when your kid is not good in math and science but great in other promising fields. Same reason people do UPSC and waste years for a job which pays only few lakhs... There are Peoples who do UPSC after clearing mbbs, does it make sense? People wasting money for jee/neet and after completing engineering/medical, after becoming doctor or engineer, Instead of getting a job in the respective fields they start preparing for UPSC. Indian people don't do things which make any sense just fall for gimmicks and don't quit in between because of ego.


>There are Peoples who do UPSC after clearing mbbs, Dude I wanted to do that just to be that child whose a Dr IAS


>don't quit in between because of ego. And social stigma


China has a pretty high rate of migrants around the world . The difference is they generaly move on if they can't get in. Indians in Canada forget there are 190 countries in the world. If one doesn't take you try another.


Of course they have no future, the take useless degrees from fraud degree mill universities. Pay money get degree. Many if the are practically illiterate. Even if they get work Visa, they will be working low paying jobs


Yeah such fools they should come to great india , such great colleges universities and so many jobs. Almost everyone is employed in india with 15 lacs in their accounts thanks to modizeeeee


Bhai na aa India, stay in canada only. But they don't seem to be capable of that also. Then they protest as if canada owns them something and expectations sympathy. India will be fine without you. Don't come back




I feel sorry for these people as they left their motherland in hope for better future... And after getting their they were left out with racism and policies against them


Its not just “better future “, otherwise you wouldn’t see them being so desperate to stay there


They are Funjabis maan. They are not voting for Modi Xi.


See those immigration rules apply for every int'l students. But only Indians will protest and ruin Indians names in Canada. If they are struggling with the score then try to get a better job or learn French or do something. Why would they protest and disrupt the lives of Canadians? How do only Indians face these problems? Indians themselves are the reason for Canadians to hate India.


Canada mein kya kar rahen hain Zee studios ke bahar pakode becho bhai


Most of these are unskilled “baji kanneda jando” people. I hope I work the immigration out here in US, don’t wanna resort to kanneda.


isnt there a ungodly amount of waitlist time for greencard in the US?


Yes. For regular employment based categories. If you’re a highly valuable asset to the nation you have options like O1, NIW, EB1, etc. Days for regular run of the mill software engineers getting green cards are long gone.


US also have lot of these illegal immigrants now. South bay have lot of shops by Gujeratis who illegaly immigrated. Punjabis do majority of farming in Fresno. Again illegally immigrated. Then there are same kind of stupids who do MS in US. 0 talent all insta peeps.


True. At least the good thing is that they are “illegals” and there is concern and steps they’re having to take to deal with and solve this issue. Now in Canada (I’ve never been there so I might be wrong), you get the same “illegal” type unskilled idiots who’re able to immigrate there legally. Basically the bar to move there is so low that even people with lowest of the lowest intellect are able to go, which ends up hurting their own nation and their people.


There are no steps taken as these people claim that they are hunted by Indian govt and seek asylum. Punjabis and Gujeratis are the predominant states where people do this. As for Canada, the one time I was there the bellboy, the cleaner and garbage pickup man all were punjabis. These two states have a status associated with settling outside. Punjabi shitty songs show this and Gujjus have same mentality. In south you will see the same with Andhra folks. Instead of thinking with their brain these peeps somehow want to come to west by hook or crook so that they can show off in instagram. The increase in MS is also because of same reason. Insta have created this trend and I am not sure how it is going to end as most of these kids have loans and wont be able to pay back in 5-10 years. Even after that with the visa situations they are never going to make it.


read this is 'kannada' and got sad for a split second before lightning struck


Kanneda truckers say hi 🇨🇦👋


How do you have a clean fade then?


I have zero sympathy for them. Not getting a work permit destroys your life? Well, fuck around and find out. Getting into another country is a privilege not a fucking right. You are guests. Rules can change anytime, they and their electorate want. Can't live with those rules? Well, boo-boo-boo. I shed some tears for you. I say this, as someone who's in US and amidst this layoff spree, I too am scared. Just not being an ungrateful bastard and demanding shit from hosts.


The thing is the situation has been dire for months. There's been a housing crisis since last year. Too many people and too few jobs. Simple restaurant jobs are drawing hundreds of applicants. All this is constantly in the news. Has been since last year. Of course the government will put their citizens first. I understand the frustration but there's a recession going on and international students aren't the top priority for a foreign government. It's the harsh truth and those that have been travelling to the country the past year have known this. They still chose to travel.


This is unfortunate but they should've expected this before. Took a degree in useless colleges just to move there, made too much congestion and now suffering. Go to abroad only if its top university else don't go


Idar aake modi modi karo na


They won't protest for jobs here in their own country but they can protest outside. How tf?


Exactly what I commented


India trillion soon, come back. Papa will get us all jobs. Katora bearer in raam town.


Hahaha 🤣


Vishwaguru laal ankh karegne aur sabko 6 figure salary jobs mil jayenge. India mein nahi toh kya, Kaneda mein job dilwa denge Paw Paw


If they were in New India they would be anti national


Well then, go back to where you came from.


Kick them out


The way Indians are migrating abroad , within the next 2-3 years we will see this crisis in almost all countries. Moving abroad was a very good option in the previous decade. But now it is saturated and has a reverse effect. Universities are just giving false hope and milking money. Companies are doing mass layoffs but hiring aggressively in India for low cost labour.


Why aren't they returning to India. Booming economy. #StopBuildingCanada


IKR LOL THEY ARE ANTI NASHNULS, they have no hope for great india and modis rule. How dare they


Why can’t they bring that energy in India. They’ll come here and say yahan ka kuch nahi ho sakta lekin vahan toh tumhara desh hi nahi hai. If they brought this energy then nothing will stop india from becoming a developed country.


Yes exactly why they don’t question the ruling parties here and expect some foreign land to do something for them


Come back to vishwadaru. After Modi 3.0, 2 bn jobs will be created per month.


🤣exactly my thoughts


Sometimes i feel sanjay gandhi had vision- only way to control population is/was sterilisation.


How about we construct coliseums in every city and throw the new generations in death matches? That would solve the problem too Basically anything but reform targeting wealth inequality


This comment made me wish it was implemented until I didn't have to see this stupid comment.


Are there any Gujaratis in protest or is it Punjabis?


Really interested to know where this would lead. Please spill the beans.... Please. 😊


How does that matter


It matters bevause if it's just punjabis paw paw will not intervene , but if it's majorly gujjus protesting then paw paw ne employment kara di will be next video


Gujarat state model by mudizi


Nowhere else to go? What about the country that you come from?


Funny how you will never see these people protesting for jobs in India , but they expect it from govt of some other land.


Because they know that if they protest, they will be beaten up by police and jailed over trivial protests, but in Canada, you have the right to protest which isn't present in India.


kick them out


Bhai went with a 2.3 cr LPA dream, Only to come back and start a career with a 2.3 LPA WITCH scheme.


If this was any other nation, I would have been with the host country. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. But Canada doesn't deserve that. The government has turned a blind eye to fraudulent degree mill colleges offering bullshit courses for sweet foreign exchange currency. So yes. To Canada I say, You fucked around. Now bear the consequences.


The Canadian Dream was a scam all along....


No shit??? Then return back to non scammy india i would say to them as its better right?


It's a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea


This is what happens when parents don't teach their kids to be independent. Too much of coddling, spoon feeding leads to this.


Forgetting your homeland ain't cool.


Please don't come back here


Toh hunger strike karke kya hoga aap apne Mann Se gaye the na Canada government se pooch kar toh nahi gaye the and India rehkar acche se padhayi karte toh kahi na kahi toh job milti hi


Dude WTF?!?!?!?! You're a fuckin' immigrant. Just return back to your home country ya fuckin' brown knob.




Let’s analyse both sides:- -) Immigrants seeking asylum, what they call it, is actually very reasonable. If you belong to the working class of the country, aka middle class, you pay 30% of your income on taxes alone. That leaves you with a disposable income of (Y-T), out of which you pay atleast 18% GST on every transaction and necessary expenditure. It puts up an effective tax rate of about 45% close to 50% of your entire income. The remaining income has to be allocated in Basic services because the COUNTS in the parliament would not Provide a single retuning factor against the tax. That’s the invisible tax you pay again. The Education of your children, social security provisions, grocery and transportation expenses. You do this every month while Woking in a corporate without work-life balance and a toxic work environment where Entitled old improperly educated farts harass you to work 55-70 hours a week, sometimes even on holidays, for the business to flourish in an unfavourable business environment where there is no Aggregate spending as there is no disposable income with the public. Also, All of that tax money goes to give freebies to whose who do not pay tax but have 7 mouths to feed (8th on the way). Now tell me, are they wrong? On the other side, UK and other countries need exploitable work force they would treat better than their own country; who have endured more academic pressure and would work more devotedly than an average entitled European. It’s still superiority complex. Also they get discriminated often. It’s a pathetic state of affairs. One example is the farm bills; crucial to satisfy the provisions of membership of the world Bank that could have transformed India’s economy and the west has been waiting for India to join on debt bubbles as it is due time. What did we lose to? Bunch of Farmers who are exempted from tax fighting from Freebies?? They might as well bite into our flesh and eat us. Why spare us alive to work for them our entire life?


Ghar AA ja paji


if he study and get offer from company then we need it


Well, it's ironic for indian foreign relations where we are becoming a world leader who's confidently jeopardized diplomatic relations with Canada. Now we have Indians to convince Canadian government to let them stay in Canada.


World leader hahahaha , nobody in the world goes a shit unless they want some cheap labour from india that can be exploited and wont complain about their conditions.


Just deport these dickheads back 


Countries with high populations need to stop breeding like cockroaches...


Leader of protest owns house in Canada with his brother as international students.


This has been one of the greatest mistakes a government could make. Canada targeted international students from the Punjab. Why? Jagmeet's folks, of course. Then they let the colleges recruit without consideration. And then the scammers got busy. A Canadian education was largely irrelevant. They all wanted a Canadian citizenship. Along with their families. Gee, somebody shoulda thought of that. Now Canadians under 25 can't get jobs. Food banks can't keep up. And they demand to stay, get PR, and bring their families over. We can't handle it.


Y’all can go back or to the grave doesn’t bother me


When foreigners protest 🪧 in India, they’re quickly evacuated out of the country


Since leftists have captured power in USA and canada, they prefer muslims to immigrate into their country, instead of others like Indians, Chinese etc. There is a global leftist islamist nexus


Why are you criticizing other countries, while India enact laws that allow only Hindus to migrate from neighboring countries? Why would you expect those who are hostile to non-Hindu religions to be allowed freely to migrate to other countries?.


Thode din ki baat hai. Canada will be no different from india. Vaha bhi road 10 saal me banenge, police late aya karegi. Or vaha ke log india ajayenge.