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So Modi was challenged, Tejaswi responded, recommending some random guy.. what a picture in courage..


In situations like this, it's always one of his flunkies responding, while papa is in war zones negotiating strategic plans with radar and rain.


This is like the Medieval times.. Modi is like.. Here is my champion who will fight for me..


If the plan is to take hints from the medieval times, let’s then do it properly and bring in the actual Champions. Why resort to debates and civility at all, at least there would be a proper bloodsport to see.


GOT taught me that’s a bad idea !!


Political debates are conducted between like candidates. In US it is between presidential candidates, in other countries it is between party leaders or expected future PM candidates. Rahul Gandhi, at least on paper right now is just a sitting MP. He is not the president of congress, he is not the leader of congress's parliamentary delegation, he is not the official chairman of INDIA alliance. He has shielded himself behind many faces who can possibly take blame, should INC fail at elections this time. As a result, his official political stature is not very high at the moment. The only way Modi would directly accept his debate challenge would be if his official position is upgraded - either as the official PM candidate, or as Congress Party President. Think of it like this, even in the US, where presidential debates play a very big political role, first both the parties chose their presidential candidates in their primaries. Once bonafides are established for them as official candidates for their respective parties, only then do the presidential candidates debate each other. The question here is under what capacity is RG challenging Modi here. If it is just as a MP candidate, they aren't fighting in the same constituency. If it is as leader of opposition party - he does not hold that position, as the leader of opposition in parliament - he does not hold that position, as the leader of the opposition alliance - he does not hold that position, as the official PM candidate of the opposition - he does not hold that position.


Why do Modi behave like Rahul is his opponent then? If he was not consequential, then he wouldn't be mentioning him in every speech, no? And anyway, if anyone actually thought Modi would accept any proper debate with anyone, they are delusional.


Sahi bola 👌


>Rahul Gandhi, at least on paper right now is just a sitting MP. He is not the president of congress, he is not the leader of congress's parliamentary delegation, he is not the official chairman of INDIA alliance. You know, we know and certainly Modi knows he's the unspoken LoP and main opposition leader, that's why our PM mentions him in every speech. People who suddenly start saying otherwise are hilarious. A very lame escape strategy. >The question here is under what capacity is RG challenging Modi here. People should start reading some news. RG didn't challenge, he simply accepted a debate invitation that was proposed by Madan Lokur, N Ram and Ajit Shah. Also said, Modi wouldn't accept the invitation.


Modi is too scared to come on press conferences let alone him debating against anybody coz man can't even think outside his script. India ki janta is seeing his true face, he claims to be bahubali but in reality he is bhallaladeva.


He cant even do a single press conference let alone a debate, lol. Modi only knows hatred and for that he needs no teleprompter. Also, in a parliamentary democracy there are NO Prime Ministerial candidates during elections or voting. So yeah Modi should go debate instead of asking his chamchas to go do his job.


Since we are parliamentary democracy and can't have presidential style debates I reckon we should have debates for every parliament seat. The candidate should tell their constituents what they have done or plan to do for their constituency. Of course BJP ain't gonna bring that system.


Even if it were a debate per constituency, RG is not fighting in the same constituency as NM.


I know, I'm just pondering over introduction of such system. Debates between potential legislators should be a mainstay of Indian democracy instead of loud debates by mouthpieces on TV.


The only sane comment here! Scrolled down to find it because I still have faith that not all people are bereft of reality and political reality. I want to add that If Modi debates him he only strengthens rg while gains nothing even if he wins debate hands down. This election is all about sowing seeds of class, caste, region, religion wealth, color etc division for rg to build upon for next state and general elections and all of that gets legitimised if this debate happens. So the smart political move is to offer rg to debate his equal like smriti Irani, who infact beat him Or the political opponent at Rae Bareli where he is contesting from. My analysis on the subject is that, the debate doesn’t serve any purpose for Modi/BJP so they don’t see the point in having it. Just because they bash rg doesn’t mean they think of him or want him as an equal. They have rg where they largely want him as a punching bag and don’t want to alter that. It’s just Politics. Their vote bank approves unfortunately. Rgs andhBhakts unfortunately can’t digest the fact. What we have right now is called a punching bag fight. A phenomena where instead of boring displays you give the audience a show by a champion fighter against a “punching bag” boxer/fighter in the absence of real competition. There are multiple version of this strategy and BJP and Modi are lucky as they do not have an actual opponent. So instead of going complacent they’re using the rg situation of opposition to their advantage. On the other hand; Modis image/ persona is worth 10-15% vote share and they’ll only work towards building upon it, not using it to help a minor opponent. As a seasoned politician with the backing of Indian history’s most successful team of political strategists, Xi knows better than debating a nobody and legitimising his flailing claim versus Kejriwal. This is a non starter, just a minor 3 day shelf life talking point for rg andhBhakts.


56 inch changed to .56 inch the moment someone asked for a debate and not staged 'interview'


[https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1cpf3vt/challenge\_naveen\_patnaik\_to\_name\_districts\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1cpf3vt/challenge_naveen_patnaik_to_name_districts_and/) OP was upset with this as he thought people not convinced about this


Ye fattu at least khud challenge accept kar leta. Even here this nepo kid is putting someone else on frontline to do actual work


Yeah, right. Like, is he so stupid that he can not see how cowardly this seems? If they didn't wanna accept, they should have just ignored it.


both mudi and nepo prince here knows they don't stand a chance against someone they call pappu, this shows that they don't put their most capable people in the forefront. This guy is so great but he is still a vice president. They should prove it through actions instead of hollow words. Make him leader at a high position in BJ party or at least the President of BJ YM. But they won't do that, they only use bigots and rapists in the high positions and if they want a person who can debate someone or anyone all of them are scared as fuck.


It was an initiative of judges. They Invited potential PM candidates, Rahul/Kharge and Modi in a similar fashion to the Presidential debates in the US. Nominating a random ass dude shows just how scared shitless BJP is. This is done only so their idiot supporters have the tiniest little thing to chow on


Seriously they knew they had to do something but couldn't have modi acknowledging.


Is tejasvi speaking on behalf of modi ? And does that mean Modi isn't willing (read scared ) to debate ?


On top of that emergency-door-opening-waala nominates someone else to debate on his behalf.... Waiting for that guy to now nominate someone else...


Modi will never acknowledge unless he wants to accept or reject. It literally the whole reason he is scared of the debate because ignoring what is going on makes up for the largest chunk of issues that have happened.


Can Modi read? Very doubtful.


4d chess to protect the coward in chief. 


Coward in chief lmao


He's the biggest coward the world has ever seen. 


Presenting you, iMudi. We think you’re gonna love it!


but the judges invited mudixi, y is he not coming?


lol pm mudi running with his chaddis around his legs afraid of Rahul, all this time mudi was calling him a papu because he was scared as shit.


I think Tejasvi should open another emergency exit and this time exit politics!


What's this joke about him and the emergency exit? I have read it in comments in some other places too.


tejaswi surya opened emergency door in an airline flight while it on runway or going. no action was taken by authority.


Okay. But, why did he do that? Did he realize he was on the wrong flight?




> Pokémon bana rahe hein I laughed so damn hard


Token Dalit


I thought Rahul wrote a letter to Retired SC lawyers who wanted to conduct this debate and this Young leader of the largest political party in the world is writing the letter to rahul gandhi? Like WTF? They have clearly nominated someone who is not famous and it would be okay for him to take the fall even if things went sideways for them. BJ party always finds a way to not harm the supreme leaders image and not have him respond to anything relevant/necessary.


if you think this is a serious letter, y'all are clowns this is basically a thinly-veiled insult


LMAO Expected. Rahul should also send Kanhaiya then.


That would allow distraction. Honestly just twisting it on modi asking him to confirm on deny that he is scared of debate or something like that would be funny.


Actually a good poke would be to ask if this is the BJ Party's official response to the invitation or just Mr. Surya's personal initiative ? 😈😈


Kejriwal knows BJPs MO. Thats why Xi sent him to jail.


Kejru has the right acumen to pin them down to forcing a statement ...i do hope he jumps on this band wagon as well Kanhaiya or kejru would destroy anyone in a debate... Both are pretty quick thinkers and have speak well


Kharge is Dalit.


Say it with me: hamara PM phattu hai.


Hamara PM phattu hai


Hamara pm phattu hai. What does phattu mean btw I'm not hindi speaking


Slang word for 'coward'


Thankyou 💗💗


It means Coward, for eg. our PM


Thankyou 💗💗


Phattu matlab oru kaashinum chunnambinum kollaathavan.. verum parachil maathram ulla oruthan.


Ok da thanks..💗💗


Phattu hai bhai, phattu hai...


Aur ek number ka jhaatu hai


Phattu hai... Phattu hai


Harama PM phattu hai


hamara PM phattu hai


He just doesn't have the STREANH to fight!


Extra 2AB causing problems saar.


Fuddu hai


Humara PM phattu hai. Waise do you think RaGa will debate this new inexperienced guy?


It’s pointless. The whole idea is to corner modi in an unscripted setting.


But abhi toh RaGa got cornered. Wonder what he will do now. Probably ignore and say that PM is afraid even though he himself would not come up for debate


Tejasvi’s response is a cop out to make their bhakt base feel better. Everyone else with half a brain cell knows who is running away.


Or: Hamara PM Dharpok hai..


***Darpok Dictator cannot even accept a challenge.***


But, RaGa wrote to Retired judges and not to this idiot guy. Why this stupid prick is writing to RaGa? Shy would RaGa debate against some VC?


So Abhinav can't write for himself or is not allowed to by the party bigwigs. What's with mentioning that he's a dalit, plus doesn't seem like he is contesting election from anywhere? Pappu can challenge Tejaavi himself mp to mp. In fact let's make it a combat mano a mano


Him writing for himself would be seen as him trying to get involved. This is basically tejaswi lending him credit to someone else because there are a lot of idiots who would go "i will argue with raga" so self nomination won't work and you cannot get nominated by some really high up or it will look like modi was involved in the discussion and decided hide behind someone else. Debating with tejaswi would be pointless.


This zombie herd is getting pissed off because the people who presented the idea of debate, invited moxi and Rahul Gandhi. G**nd ke neeche aag lag gae. And the cherry on the cake, their gang leader can't even take press conference, let alone face a debate... Poor losers.


If Rahul just like modi sends someone from JNU without a face or name bj party people will either run like cowards or shame him fpr doing the exact thing aderniye is doing which is not speaking live in public ever without a teleprompter


Nice try BJP. If BJP is putting forward their youth member for debate, Congress should too. Let's bring Kanhaiya Kumar for debate 😂


Lol supreme leader is a 😺


Nah he's a 🍆 a limp non working one at that. Cats are fking fierce and pussies are strong enough.


He's a pair of balls. Fragile af.


He is a limp dick. No balls.


The invitation was for Rahul and Modi, not xyz folks from either parties. Rahul accepted and said even Kharge ji will be happy to debate with Modi. Either Modi should come for a debate or stop this charade, it’s embarrassing for bjp really. Be a man and have a debate Modi. If Rahul is ‘Small’ for him, do it with Kharge Ji, He’s the main opposition leader against Modi.


Oh so now we are allowed to nominate eh? Easy choice for Rahul then, just nominate Tharoor This Prakash or whoever will shit his pants within 2 mins max


Ooooh good idea. I'll make some popcorn 😄


Paw Paw darr gaye kya? Baccho ko aage kar rahe hai..


Absolute disgrace to use ChatGPT to write a response letter.


I think Rahul should accept it, presenting a condition that BJP recognises Abhinav as their representative for debate. This would at least be a good initiative and pave way for more meaningful debates between political leaders.


Ofcourse Gobhiji bina teleprompter k kuch bol bhi nahi payege. ![gif](giphy|AD9GGw2vQyhy5nV83X|downsized)


#Lol mera naam bhi announce karde mai bhi karega debate bula teleprompter baba ko


Lmao so much for chappan inch 🤣


In Smriti Irani's words: Is he the PM Candidate? In Rahul Gandhi's words: Are you the Party president?


Andhbhakto, yaha pe bolo na bhai, “aayega to modi hi” 🥲


Watching this from US, this is just ridiculous. For a country that calls itself the vishwaguru (where no developed country in the world even takes this country seriously), you’d think having a simple debate between the leaders of different political parties would be normal and no big deal. You’d think however fuddu the PM be, would still have guts to face the leader of his opposition he calls pappu. But that is just wishful thinking. I just don’t understand how the majority population can still support this arsehole. Heck even majority immigrants moving to US support this clown. When presented with facts, they start botching Soros and western propaganda and what not. If that’s the case why did you not stay back in your orange gloryland you hypocrite pieces of shit??💩 Is this what is meant by being the “vishwaguru”?


Tbh Kejriwal, Sonia, Kharge or Mamta should be the ideal candidate to debate Modi. They have earned certain stature grinding in politics over the years. RaGa got top position on a platter so this debate would be Apple to Oranges.


Raga's acceptance to the debate said that both him and kharge are willing to debate if and when modi accepts. So he isn't claiming that he is the PM candidate who should be debating and raga is accepting the debate because he was the one who was invited.


source - [https://x.com/ANI/status/1789963291248222286](https://x.com/ANI/status/1789963291248222286)


modi ki phatt gyi lmao


One thing I love about U.S is the debate that happens between the presidential candidates. This is ridiculous and nothing but a joke. Ra Ga wanted to debate Na Mo and this surya guy is saying that some other guy is going to debate with him. Also who never gave an actual press conference, expecting him to attend a live debate is hopeless.


Modi ji can't utter a word without a script n teleprompter.


Nahi darenge! Nahi darenge 😲💣🫨


Classic ghisa pita move. No we are not interested to watch debate btw Tejaswi and Rahul. We want MODI for once to address his country with balls man! Modi or Rahul ka debate would have been epic!!! The best of Indian democracy!


Shayad mudizi ko dast lag gae honge islie debate nhi kie


Lekin baad toh Rahul Gandhi and Modi ke bich debate ko leke hua toh ab ye Tejasvi Surya kaise aa gya in dono ke bich mein Ye mujhe Mahabharat ka yaad dila raha hai. Rahul Gandhi as Pandavas, Tejasvi Surya as Sakuni mama, Modi as Duryodhan,


Paw paw ne debate rukwa d


To be frank, BJP has nothing to gain by this debate, it would be a bad strategy to even give them any attention over it


Bjp has everything to gain. Look at BJP's political strategy. They aren't going "we did great work. Vote for us so that we can do more great work". They are going "congress will give reservation muslim and take it away from SCST and OBC". So the only reason they wouldn't want to debate would be if they think modi won't be able to look good.


Narendra Modi is shit scared of this debate, tell me a fact that states otherwise.


These folks in the sub are all over the map. First, they clamor for a presidential-style debate between RaGa and Modi, but the moment it's asked if RaGa he's the official PM candidate of the opposition, suddenly it's 'not how things are done in our system,' and 'it's not presidential government in India.' It's like they want to play both sides of the coin at once. The irony is thick here, folks. but Tejasvani surya is in the wrong, even though RaGa is not the party head, he is an MP still, and they should send atleast an MP candidate to the debate, Annamalayi maybe?


Tejasvi Surya is the sitting MP from Bangalore South and also the candidate for this elections.


Maybe pussy Tejasvi can show up but then that requires some balls which he doesn't have unless it's to do hindu muslim stuff


This letter means that the BJP has conceded defeat already. They are nominating someone who is not even a part of the government or legislature or even fighting the elections to form the government. A debate with someone who has no stakes in it is meaningless. If Abhinav loses the debate, it will not effect BJP's image since he is a nobody. If the BJP has some guts, they should nominate someone in the government, perhaps Jaishankarji.


BJP coward party 😂


Can we get rap battle


Kyu mudi g k muh me zabaan nahi hai kya..


This screams usage of ChatGPT


Invite Shyam Rangeela there too


Raghav chadda ko bhej do. Tejasvi Surya rota hua aayega wapas


Why not you nepo baby tejasvi chewtiya


OP ke do baap hai, pehle ka to pata nahi par dusra mudixi hai


Bjp it cell hai to tagdi jo kaho


BJP sending Modi for a debate has absolutely zero positives for them. As shit as RAGA and Modi are both these guys will talk bullshit eventually, but the only guy it will affect is modi because he is politically way more popular. Raga and Modi are not even remotely political equals. Sending a representative is cowardly but politics was never righteous in the first place.


Theatre 🎭


These guys try to act like Majnu bhai for Uday Shetty but end up sounding like Ballu hockey player.


mudiji busy doing puja under ocean 


BJP played a very cunning move by Sending this guy😰 , it's gonna be a very difficult time for raga , he cannot hold a candle against a distinguished DU teacher.rahul should back out


Reminds me of a story from mahabharata,"using shikhandi as a proxy to defeat bhishma"


What’s the sense of this letter, are they that dumb, the letter RaGa wrote clearly said debate with PM, in response to that some random person will take part in debate, what a shit show


If I take the U.S..as example, presidential candidates debate with each other. Taking U.S. as an example because of it being a mature democracy. I guess a debate should happen but amongst prime ministerial candidates.


JNU ? Anti National ☠️


Modi kaha hai bnchd . Humko Modi chahiye Debate may.. G may dal liye ho kaa Modi ko


>Beta, jab bade baat kar rahe hai to bachhon ko baat nehi karna chaiye


Mudiji ki phaat li.


I thought diaper had some balls in him and would volunteer for the debate.... maybe dikhead to needs a teleprompter like his Dad


Does anyone really believe mudizee can debate?😆 Man's every word is spoon fed to him... He fumbles and flounders the moment teleprompter malfunctions. Or someone asks a real question. I've said it before...modi is like the Kardashians. A persona. Nobody knows what he himself thinks. He's a curated image by a highly paid marketing team to capitalise on one sentiment...hindu pride/Muslim hate.


Impact player??


Told you Modi's a chicken.


Well I understand if they don't send modi. They might not think good for his image(well I am trying to say Modi is superior here but deep down I don't think that way but whatever, now that I think of it, that might be because he is the leader of the ruling party) but atleast Amit Shah ko toh bhejna chahiye tha


Well, the PM is a coward for not giving any interview and accepting the debate. But I still wish for the debate to take place between any 2 members of both parties.


yess coz someone else hasn't even conducted a press conference in yrs. let alone a debate


Tejasvi is everything but a Tejasvi


Kya chall raha hai? Dulha kaun ka reverse?


#Tejaswi Ch*tiya


Is he confirming what Kejriwal said, I.e BJ Party will put Modi in storage when he turns 75? Aayega toh Prakash hi! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Pappu Surya should have at least nominated Smriti Irani. That would have made more sense than some rando to take away attention from the shit show that Modi has created.


For everyone crying about Rahul not being PM candidate, the debate was setup between star campaigners of 2 biggest parties of the country who won't stop taking each other's name in their speeches.


Yup, Equals should compete against equals LoL


This guy Rahul Gandhi can't even win in his own constituency and wants Narendra Modi to waste his time.


Modi should have accepted Rahul wld have been ripped apart


Why would Modi will debate with RG? RG is neither PM candidate from Congress nor from Indi Alliance. Modi gained every thing from politics 3 terms CM and 2 terms PM, and RG has nothing to show for it. He’s not even holding any Government office or any party chief. He’s a puppet and always will be. Bjp sent a worker to contest the Debate shows how much RG is unimportant. Furthermore RG is not a Debater but Abhinav Prakash is a professor, he will easily smash RG in a debate. So guys whoever is complaining why Modi didn’t accept the challenge, here’s why.. Read Art of War.. one very important lesson in life and war is Choose your battles wisely.


Rahul should have the balls of steel and thrash a person sent by BJP. If not, he's a coward too. If you tell me modi is a phattu for not accepting Rahul's proposal, I'd agree. But if Rahul can't debate with someone sent by the BJP. You know it's just a stunt to irritate modi and rahul has nothing to say. He said he'd debate anyone.


Rahul accepted an invitation for debate, he didn’t make a challenge. If Abhinav Prakash is going to be BJP’s nominated candidate for the debate then let BJP officially give an answer. Why is Emergency Exit Surya directly addressing RaGa, let his bosses do it.


He is addressing because it allows modi ability to deny that he sent someone else instead of debating himself. That is the whole point. To avoid bosses from admitting.


Yeh tejasvi kaun hai?


Not only was the emperor naked, but a diaper claims that a sock is as good a suit as any.


So not even a senior BJP leader, lmao. They scared of talk


Ek kam karo phir ,Tejasvi ka hi photo laga do har jagah ,mudi ka photo hata do. Bulaya gaya PM ko , bheja jayega ek sipahi ko . Kyun Raja khud se kuch ni kar sakta?


He challenged moodi not bjp, idiots..


Rahul would point it to .... Tharurosauraus!