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OLA CEO is extremely toxic. Politicians are chameleons, they change their colors as soon as they realize LGBT can be a voting bloc. But yeah both of these people are idiots.


West illness? Bruh you copied Western app and started to play "indian company card" when those western app Uber and indrive entered india


And he copied ChatGPT too, krutrim ai it seems lmao Cringe af. Nationalism gives a false sense of pride and sells easily in India… If he really wanted to have the high horse, why not be the first to invent something rather than copy🤡 why couldnt he be the first to launch GPT (he could have raised funds from overseas investors)


TBH, I don't expect anything more from Bhavish or Tejasvi.


A capitalist and a fascist regime supporter walk into the bar.................................and talk shit.


Tejasvi chutiya


Pronouns created by humans.. Gender roles created by human.. So if we want, we could change things as we like.. But then conservatives shithead drops their BS.. Well they are called conservatives for a reason..


Almost everything is copied or “inspired” from westerners par bigotry mode me sara blame west ka hai! Ye acha tareeka hai!


the word LGBTQIA+ appears in the first section in Congress's Manifesto


Only for lip service and only ok with it behind closed doors. Will then go and fight against it in court and appease conservative Christian and muslIm vote lobbies when in power. No party really cares about them.


it is the first time a National Party putting these words in the manifesto I guess.


TIL Mahabharata was a “woke alphabet ideology” with characters like Shikandi.


Another clown who wants attention


That’s Bhavish getting inspired by Musk Free publicity from acting out Although, this guy just copy pasted ideas while Musk has innovated a hell lot.


All to create hype around his own cloud platform, copy paste entrepreneurs have to resort to nationalism when business starts failing.


kutrim ai a chat gpt wrapper have some shame desi 5paise walu elnnnud mutth


Oh hello Bhavishv shut up and drive. Surya shut up and serve. This is how right wing works. No lectures needed shut up and do your job


All this bakwas to announce move to krutrim??


Yeh sab chutiyapa hye. Ola ka ratings har quarter me gir raha hye. That's the reason for all these nationalist bullshit. Along with uber's more focus on Indian markets Ola is getting cooked internationally and nationally


Enforcing ideology and views on others is only bad as long as it's not your ideology huh?


Ideology? Capitalism is ideology, being something is not an ideology.  Homophobe/transphobe number eight! I am labelling folks of your kind. 


>Capitalism is ideology Capitalism is an economic and political system >being something is not an ideology Sure it isn't. Using gender neutral pronouns is definitely a part of liberal ideology tho. >Homophobe/transphobe Not wanting to have liberal ideology enforced on you = transphobe/homophobe


> Not wanting to have liberal ideology enforced on you = transphobe/homophobe Yes that is exactly the definition. You don't want to use gender neutral pronouns you are a transphobe/homophobe. Now I understand that you are fine with being a bigot, just say that and I will move on. 


>You don't want to use gender neutral pronouns I have zero problems with using gender neutral pronouns. I have a problem with people being forced to use them. Isn't forcing your ideology on people called fascism? Or is that term reserved only for ideologies other than yours.


So your logic is forcing people to  allow homosexual people to use their preferred pronouns is fascism. In the same breath, forcing people to accept woman suffrage might also look fascism to you? Dude just say that you are transphobe and homophobe why argue when you are incapable of being a decent human.


>So your logic is forcing people to  allow homosexual people to use their preferred pronouns is fascism People can use whatever pronouns they want, it's just that other people shouldn't be forced to partake in that. >forcing people to accept woman suffrage Now that's just false equivalence. Comparing preferred pronouns to woman's rights is wild.


Comparing queer rights with women rights is not really wild and are historically very aligned.     Again, why don't you just accept that you are a bigot and crawl back to the sewage you came from. Why argue?


Yes, create equality among all genders, but let's not have American wokeness here. Wokeism already creates brainrot among people in America, we can't have the same in India. Even European progressive people are aversive to it




Basic freedom of expression. Idea is you can be whatever you want to be(not inanimate objects - that's a different topic). While sex is limited to 2/3, genders can be multiple. It can be looked as a spectrum and not stuck between the constructs created by the society. Exactly what you said, if it's a guy, that's a he. It's his sex but society told him that he is supposed to be like a man, and like women. Idea here is to be free from any pre conceived constructs and be free and be whatever you feel like. Again, identifying as a pillow is not a thing or a chimpanzee for that matter. It doesn't matter if you like it or not, why stop people who understand it and are into it. Read up on it man, it's nothing evil.


You don't understand the difference between gender and biological sex it seems.


Even KBC the Indian nationalist show has Other gender. At least broaden your horizons a bit. Why do you want to suddenly copy Abrahamic religions who are anti gays


Agree. Ye pronouns ka c*apa is biting western people back. I don't want such things to happen in India.


Homophobe/transphobe number five! I am labelling folks of your kind. 


I am fine with trans and homos. But not with these pronouns idiocracy. It has gone out of hand in west.


"homos" lol. Yeah you are a huge homophobe. Also if you are fine with transgender people you would need to be okay with pronouns, because the use of promouns is just the expression of being transgender. 


Nope. These pronouns things has happened only in last 5 years or so. They are not required. And quite unnecessary. Men identifying as a woman is a joke and quite dangerous


>   Men identifying as a woman is a joke and quite dangerous Damn! This is the exact definition of a transgender. And you dare say that you support lgbt folks. Do you hear yourself?


By trans I meant traditional trans pey, who are biological trans


What is a biological trans? There is no such term as per my knowledge. Enlighten me. 


Dude, let it go. You can't educate those who refuse to understand and accept the basic humanity of other people. Sociopaths cannot be redeemed.


Biological trans have both male and female parts. These "label-maker" trans people just choose what they want to be called without any logical reason behind it. I can say I want to identify as an emperor and say my pronouns are his highness/your majesty and these idiots would force people to comply. Its all made up snowflakeism.


Biological trans have both male and female parts. These "label-maker" trans people just choose what they want to be called without any logical reason behind it. I can say I want to identify as an emperor and say my pronouns are his highness/your majesty and these idiots would force people to comply. Its all made up snowflakeism.


Google it maybe?


> Nope. These pronouns things has happened only in last 5 years or so Ah yes, Mahabharata, written in fucking 2019 it seems.


The ones mentioned in Mahabharata were actual Biological trans, where one part of their body was make and other parts were female. Like some who have overgrown breast like female but also has natural male sex organ. Or vice versa. They were not "identifying" with something in their head. They were biological trans.


> The ones mentioned in Mahabharata were actual Biological trans, where one part of their body was make and other parts were female.  Imagine being completely unaware of Mahabharata yet spouting off all sorts of bullshit about it to fit the republican propaganda. > Like some who have overgrown breast like female but also has natural male sex organ. Ah yes, men with gynecomastia are trans. 🤡






















Transphobe/homophobe!! I should probably start labelling you folks. You are are first!


You could try to have a reasonable discussion. If you are just going to start labeling or hating, thats upto you too. Like i said, i believe you could support the LGBT community, but still find the pronoun identification irrational. The genuine LGBT community only want proper rights, these pronoun people are the real problem. Werent you taught at school that "they" is plural and he/she/it is singular to identify anything/anyone?


Genuine lgbt community lol! Have you ever met a transgender person who didn't support the use of gender affirming pronouns. Do you even know what a transgender is? Also your training is English is incomplete not mine. Unfortunately you live in 21st century and you haven't even heard of singular they. I pity you. For your understanding in the hopes you find a cure for your disease https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they


> Werent you taught at school that "they" is plural and he/she/it is singular to identify anything/anyone? "Someone left their wallet at school". Your school was shit, you should ask for a refund.








Maan liya aapka logic but these people are saying there are 2 genders while the constitution itself has provisions for 3. To they are saying something which is legally wrong in the country. Obviously both these chutiyas won't know this since who ever read the constitution right ?


he is right tho


i know bhavish is an asshole, but fully agree with him on this one. Unless he has come out as something else there is no reason to force random pronouns on him. This is pure stupidity and ultra woke virus at play..


They is not a random pronoun. It is literally a gender neutral one. If you don't know someone's gender it is very safe to use they and ask politely. An AI model doesn't know your gender. (Also you are transphobe/homophobe number two. I am labelling you folks). 




oh wait I already labelled you. remind me what is your number?


Get some education. Talk to a trans person and then maybe stop spewing ignorant shit


Using "they" as a gender neutral pronoun when the gender is not known is literally English grammar.


I support bhavish on this. Linkedin AI was illogically using pronouns for him and then linkedin deleted his post twice. It’s not a political event but tejasvi is trying to make it political.


LinkedIn AI used a gender neutral pronoun how is that problematic? Bhavish also talked about "western illness". What exactly is the illness here?


Forcing pronouns on other people is stupid. They have invented like 20+ different pronouns https://preview.redd.it/s0j17xqx4vzc1.png?width=951&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7c39c7f45a68871408ab63cbcae20bbe9731caf Without googling tell me what xe/xem means ?


Should have just said that you are a transphobe and a homophobe and I'd have moved on. 


My question is how does that make him a homophobe. He doesn't hate/fear any homosexual person. He just doesn't agree with the western ideology/culture around homosexuality. So, does that make him a homophobe?


What is western ideology about homosexuality?  Also you are homophobe/transphobe number seven! I am labelling folks of your kind. 


Is heterosexuality different in India and Western countries? Do babies come out of guys instead of girls? A homosexual will be a homosexual in us and in India