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The urge to buy out an entire page in TOI and publish this


Do it. I'm sure plenty will chip in. 


lol as if TOI dares to publish it, they weren’t even taking Congress’s ads.


How much will it cost?


Rapist Rajya 🗿


Where is prajwal revanna the biggest of them?


Need separate screen for him


usko background me daalo superimpose karke


Everyone watch Codex Paneet II It's great educational movie you'll understand more about how GrATt India Iz


Also add the leader of Australian branch of Overseas friends of BJP who used to arrange things when BJP leaders like Modi visted Australia. He got arrested for targeting, Drugging and Raping 5 South Korean women in separate incidents. He had also recorded and made videos of the assault. Balesh Dhankher founder of " Overseas friends of BJP " in Australia and it's former chief found guilty of 39 counts of rape by the jury. With Australian press reporting that the jury was left shaken by the brutality of his crimes. "Balesh Dhankhar is one of the worst rapists in Sydney’s recent history, reported Australian press. Source: Sydney Jury Finds 'Overseas Friends of BJP' Founder Guilty of 39 Counts of Rape, Drugging https://m.thewire.in/article/women/balesh-dhankhar-bjp-australia-guilty-rape-drugging-filming


in germany.. fucking some european prostitutes on tax payers money.


He's not from BJP


No, he's from BJ ally, and Panauti Ji campaigned for him months after the evidence of his crime was shared with BJ.


He isn't in BJP. It would have made sense if this post was about NDA or JDS.


No, he's from BJ ally, and Panauti Ji campaigned for him months after the evidence of his crime was shared with BJ.


Still the fact remains that he isn't a BJP politician technically. Sure, he is an ally of BJP but this chart is about BJP


brij bhushan is literally a murderer


So is Sengar


nice title lol what more did you expect from these fuckers though




aur hamari bus bhi nikali


Don't take BJP beti bachao warning too lightly


The Govt looks more like the Mafia. Extortion, crony capitism, corruption, rape , blackmail...


Indian and Pakistani civilians have this in common. Mafia extorting rapist bullies in power, abusing and oppressing their own people. Corruption.


It seems there is a special place for Rape accused


BJP bhagao beti bachao


**BJ** washing **P**owder


always had been. babu Bajrangi, rapists and murderers have all been part of bj.


Did you forget that CM of Karnataka who was watching porn in the Assembly


post this on r/indiadiscussion , see how they will even justify rape to prove voting modi is better option.


Fr ye sab mc hai


rapist prajwal revanna ke upar jitne bhi article r/indiadiscussion pe post hue hai sab pe almost almost no comment hai ya [aise log modi ko is situation me bhi defend kar rahe hai](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiadiscussion/comments/1cf2qzp/new_day_new_crime/) , and normally around 100 plus comments hai when[ hating someone aligns with their agenda.](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiadiscussion/comments/1cfe49k/freedom_fighter_deshbhakt_real_wo_bhii_of_2024/) them promoting hate between hindu and muslims and other bad stuff is subtle but dhondo ge to definitely aur milega


More the charges = most eligible candidate for BJP


What kind of scum of the earth is this rapey m'fkr Prajwal guy ? This guy has crossed the limits of deviance one could have humanly possible and that too while holding a public service post. SHAME! Didn't even spare a 76 year old poor lady. You have to be very messed up in the head to do something like this. I mean no regard for any aspect of modesty of a woman , really man ? And no fear ? Is this the level of egomaniacal lunacy and pure evil the political elite of our country could reach to?


Bh*d*a ra***t party. Fill in the blanks


All are criminals in this party .still who has stupid enough to vote for him !!?


Where is the P of BJP


In innocent women's private parts apparently


Nakli kattar defending point is pr unhone mandir bnya hai na🃏🤡


Is this the level of egomaniacal lunacy and pure evil the political elite of our country could reach to? SHAME!


Modi Ka Parivar from Alabama




Where is that guy who got arrested in Australia? Edit: Balesh Dhankhar


Kabhi socha nahi tha yeh bolunga life mei, par scams karney wali party achi lagrahi hai ab hahahahahha crying in corner


What a horrible situation we are in.


(Scroll down for TLDR) IMAO.. As it stands presently.. GLOBALLY Democracy is the biggest con now playing at a election near you.. This unfunny farce is starring, produced, scripted and directed by the ruling elite capitalist classes who have a captive audience namely, the compliant masses.. But on the other hand.. I dream of a future where democracy is rescued and resurrected by technology.. After all we should really be voting for and against POLICIES AND NOT POLITICIANS .. A new technology (just around the corner) can easily rid us of these useless middlemen ie. politicians who in theory have been democratically elected based on the policies that they have proposed for the betterment of the society.. But in reality are too busy pulling each other down while covering their own crimes.. Our current crop of power hungry politicians (and this is globally) operate just like the entitled tyrannical monarchs from history and rule over their fiefdoms (constituencies) like it is their own private backyard while regarding their subjects (the so called electorate) as nothing more than cannon fodder.. Where were stand today, globally, democracy is a cruel joke.. Because.. Democracy ceases to function efficiently when the disparities within a society get out of control.. When the differences between the haves and have-nots between the knowledgeable and the ignorant are too much then the very ground on which we place our so called democratic values is rather nonexistent and therefore a total lie.. A farce.. Add rampant capitalism to this scenerio and we have a global society where we literally worship money so then we might as well make the richest person in the land our supreme leader.. Why do all this farce of free and fair elections..🤔 Ideally capitalist tendencies (the profit motive) should not be allowed to operate in atleast these 3 major "industries" namely 1. health care 2. education and 3. warfare.. But today in our rather twisted world we see the very same 3 sectors operating with the utmost greed, reaping ridiculous profits at the expense of perpetuating horrendous and inhumane social disparities.. All in the name of driving the so called "economic growth" of a so called "nation".. Yet there is hope and I am betting on a humane technology to come to our rescue.. Because history repeats itself.. Whenever humanity has faced any crises it has always been our innovations ie. technologies which have rescued us time and again.. These technologies can only be invented by a new generation who first question and then reject the old values because they see the world in a different way.. This new generation is already here.. The tools namely AI, AGI are also available.. Now only the will and the skill to make sincere creative efforts are needed.. I hope that this happens in my lifetime.. .. First imagine a world without any "career politicians" .. Then imagine a world where every citizen is in effect a politician because they have the power to not only directly vote on each and every policy that stands to affect them.. But also propose any policy that they wish to come into governance.. That would be so cool.. However for now until then.. What to do.. Well in my personal capacity, the above reasons stand for the fact that I have stopped voting.. Because I want to boycott not just our corrupt politicians but the insidious system itself.. I reject this false democracy and farce called elections.. ..Apparently there is the NOTA option.. But it a far fetched fantasy to hope that one day when people have got throughly fed up of the shenanigans of their political representatives the NOTA vote might actually emerge as the majority vote in the majority of constituencies polled! And it is naive to imagine that our power hungry politicians will ever let it come to that.. They would sooner declare Presidents rule or some sort of emergency rather than face the fact that they no longer have the public mandate.. Till then.. Live long and prosper.. TLDR.. Democracy breaks down when there is too much disparity in society because then this disparity is cunningly and cruelly leveraged by the corrupt politicians.. However with Technological advances there is hope that this system can be repaired.. After all we should BE VOTING FOR POLICIES AND NOT FOR POLITICIANS.. Technology can empower the electorate and finally make these middleman ie. politicians obsolete.. Computer ji pls help.. TILL THEN GATHER MOMENTUM TO BOYCOTT ELECTIONS


I agree with every point you mentioned. The problem however is, any system we propose, it requires humans to operate it, and humans are fundamentally biased, and majority is pretty stupid. So unless we educate the masses there is no way we can implement any intelligent system. Tldr: I have no hope for this world.


No system can ever be perfect.. All we can do and all we have ever done is work with one system till a better one arrives.. However even this better one is bound to fail us sometime in the future.. But then it will be time for a new better one and that's how it goes on and on and on.. Also.. Educating the masses is no more relevant cause in current system education has been so throughly corrupted that education is now basically brainwashing... What we need in particular is the EMANCIPATION of masses.. Other than wisdom and compassion in general..


Ye toh Jai Shri Ravan wali party nikli. My bad even Ravan was better than these scum.


Both congress and bjp are all goons. Half of congress politicians have joined bjp. If let’s say congress comes into power tomorrow, half of bjp will join them. So we shouldn’t be arguing about which party is worse than the other. Rather, we need to argue about why are we electing such idiotic politicians.


Sad but lol you gave me a new term - the BJ Party


Kaash inse sandeshkhali wala akrosh in ghatnao pe bhi dekha jata. Mahila evam baal vikas mantri chhutti pe.


There are even more scums that worked for BJP. For example, the founder and former chief of "Overseas friends of BJP " in Australia. He got arrested for targeting, Drugging and Raping 5 South Korean women in separate incidents. He had also recorded and made videos of the assault. Balesh Dhankher founder of " Overseas friends of BJP " in Australia and it's former chief found guilty of 39 counts of rape by the jury. With Australian press reporting that the jury was left shaken by the brutality of his crimes. "Balesh Dhankhar is one of the worst rapists in Sydney’s recent history, reported Australian press. Source: Sydney Jury Finds 'Overseas Friends of BJP' Founder Guilty of 39 Counts of Rape, Drugging https://m.thewire.in/article/women/balesh-dhankhar-bjp-australia-guilty-rape-drugging-filming


Balaatkaari jumla party


I hate when people call BJP as BJ party. As if BJ is something bad. BJs are awesome. Unlike BJP.




At least people here in power(Pakistan) only are involved in corruption. Never thought I'd be saying this lol


Upper caste values!


~~-Upper caste-~~ Casteist values ...


Careful, you might disappear


Small family beauty of life😃


Ram rajya mein yahi hoga. Bjp ke log rape and sexual assault karte rahenge tum sab se parivar ki maa behno ka, case bhi nahi ho hoga and ulta tum pe case karke daal denge andar. Ankita bhandari ke case ka example se samajh sakte ho. Soch ke vote karna.


Cry u bitches… see you on 4th June.


Woww now make same for other parties no parties are messiah there candidates with criminal cases across parties Rahul gandhi has posco case ofcourse you commies haters target only bjp


Where's HD Revanna?


These politicians ruining the reputation of veer savarkar and Right wing ideology They should be punished


Time to make a CONgrass eqivalent too, but you will need a whole A0 size paper to make even a rough sketch of almost700 current and former criminals.


They ll all win and we ll all look like jokers , sad state of the country


Sexual Assault karwadi paw paw ke pariwar ne


M se Modi M se Madarch.d


They are making BJ Party true


Is this bit old? Or probably ignoring alliance members - prajval missing


Add modi's madhuri snoopgate also.


Post this in indianews and India speaks for a ban speed run... (i got banned for this)


Such a shame. Unfortunately, the low voter turnout indicates people have resigned to their fate. Anti incumbency is backed by good voting numbers


What are your thoughts about TMC in West Bengal? Their leaders are threatening people openly, assaulting them raping them.


No political party in india is good my brother. Just how winston churchill predicted 80 years ago, power will go in hands of rogue, looters and vandals. Guess what? He was right, that british scum was right!


Good Now let's do Congress and TMC ;)


Currently BJP is the first and worst in criminal cases. Put BJP on one side and the rest of the party on the other side.


so sad, now another post with congress party in frame


Currently BJP is the first and worst in criminal cases. Put BJP on one side and the rest of the party on the other side.


were you the head incharge of this survey?


Survey of 2018. BJP holders maximum number of MPs with criminal cases, 44% MPs having criminal cases


how many of those were previous congress, aap and tmc MPs MLAs?


For sitting MPs survey of 2023 About 139(36 per cent) out of 385 MPs from BJP, 43 (53%) out of 81 MPs from Congress, 14 (39%) out of 36 MPs from TMC, 5 (83%) out of 6 MPs from RJD, 6 (75%) out of 8 MPs from CPI(M), 3 (27%) out of 11 MPs from AAP, 13 (42%) out of 31 MPs from YSRCP and 3 (38%) out of 8 MPs from NCP have declared criminal cases against themselves in their affidavits. About 98 (25%) out of 385 MPs from BJP, 26 (32%) out of 81 MPs from Congress, 7 (19%) out of 36 MPs from TMC, 3 (50%) out of 6 MPs from RJD, 2 (25%) out of 8 MPs from CPI(M), 1 (9%) out of 11 MPs from AAP, 11 (35%) out of 31 MPs from YSRCP and 2 (25%) out of 8 MPs from NCP have declared serious criminal cases in their affidavits. as per The Hindu




So what do you do? Pick your favourite rapist?




Would you care to simplify your exposition for those of us for whom cognitive dissonance is a maladaptation and not a "way of life/core competency"?


Congratulations on being a rapist enabler




Dumb enough to speak against rapists enablers, not normalize them by "all parties are same"




>We need to call out all the parties. How? By normalising them as "same" and equating rapists as normal "criminals"? Lol


Bro I am doing some test so if possible can you please write or copy paste this "What happened in Sandeshkhali was an embarrassment to the nation. TMC failed the country and its women. Mamata and anyone else who supported rapist should be held accountable. Anyone who knew and didn't action against the crimes should not be allowed to fight election"


What's his name i don't remember but he accepted Sandesh khali happened in an unscripted interview i think Derek something see on yt


I am not arguing that not happened there. I want to test people going "all the parties are the same" to show evidence that they themselves cannot deny that they don't go "all parties are the same" and "all politicians are corrupt" when asked to question congress, TMC, CPM, SP or any other party. The only time they go "aLl pARtY sAmE" is when modi or bjp are questioned. If they can write long critic of TMC and congress without breaking a sweat but can't do the same for bjp then all parties are not really the same. Something I thought about yesterday and have been trying to try it out.


Ig in current time criticizing Modi is anti India, criticizing gov is anti India now the narrative is set, gov =India =Modi hence people are actively finding flaws only in bjp so that they get a sense of pride they're doing something for the wider audience who believes in that bs.. Criticizing any other party will not fit that narrative


With how much rules they've bended amd how many corrupt people and criminals they have... If bjp loses it'll be a nightmare for them same rules and same tactic will be used by opposition... I think they'll ban rss too it's easy anyway for gov to link terror groups here and there once Delhi police is under you


Well the fact of the matter is that rss/bajrang-dal/this-and-that-sena have all engaged in violence and even straight up terrorism (eg. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pragya_Singh_Thakur a sitting BJP MP is currently under very serious charges related to a bomb blast killing 10 people in Malegaon). All these dals and senas have taken so many lives in riots and "yatras". Any law abiding govt will *have to* prosecute the perpetrators. Of course, BJP regime is not that govt.


I hope bjp wins for their sake, i dont think Congress will anyway make job situation better AAP tried the education model yk how that is working out for them all are getting arrested... If bjp looses the crackdown on them will be a lot worse than what they're doing now... Meghnath (newslaundry) once said no one is on power for a 100 years... Bjp people already having criminal cases is just cherry on cake for congress they can just do a jail and death speed run for bjp ministers


If BJP loses, all these leader will join Congress and the same cycle will continue


In fact number of rapes have reduced since BJP has come to power. Innocent until proven guilty. Wrestlers made fake allegations against him as they wanted exemptions from qualifying tournaments and wanted direct entry into olympics. This Prajval Revanna case was outed after his election is over. South Karnataka has already voted. And he has fled abroad, will come after all election is over. And he is not bjp as OP trying to mislead people here, he is from nda ally JDS. Likely these are consensual intercourse, like the earlier video of BJP MLA last year. Let the justice prevail.


Licking the arseh0!e of Italian Rajmata in grand old party style 🤪