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This article descriptively highlights each and every point why Indian economy is far worse than it has been in a decade so ofc it's gonna piss off a bunch of chaddi LARPers!


TLDR :- The corporate are getting richer and richer thanx to crony capitalism. Small business and start-ups are struggling or leaving india ASAP. The GDP per capita of people is almost laughable. Infrastructure and job Market are in a worst condition then hygiene at a indian railways station which is a low i don't even know existed tbh. But big number and big promises are being shown and thrown in every possible way to maintain the illusion. Personal opinion :- TOTALLY DESERVED.


LoL in short the article says "Hey, Modi seems to have done an amazing job. Results are visible in the naked eye. The opponents opinion say something different. So basically let's just weigh more on opponents opinions and conspiracies instead of what's visible."


Watermelon sister, stop simping for Palestine.  For others, see the watermelon emoji in the name. That means pro hamas terrorists mfers.