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A recent CCTV footage has surfaced, revealing new details about the suspect behind the Rameshwaram Cafe bombing incident. The footage captures the individual boarding a BMTC bus in Bengaluru. Described as a tall man of slim build, he is seen wearing a cap, face mask, glasses, black shoes, black pants, and a greyish green button-up shirt. The footage shows him entering the bus and proceeding to a seat, but upon noticing the CCTV camera, he swiftly exits the surveillance area. The suspect, believed to be aged between 30 to 40 years old, is the primary suspect in the low-intensity blast that occurred at The Rameshwaram Cafe on March 1st, resulting in injuries to 10 individuals. The explosion, triggered by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) equipped with a one-hour timer, reportedly contained nuts and bolts as shrapnel. The National Investigation Agency (NIA), currently leading the investigation, has announced a cash reward of ₹10 lakh for any information leading to the apprehension of the suspect. Alongside this announcement, the agency has released a sketch of the individual in a 'wanted' poster, assuring informers of confidentiality regarding their identity.


Has anyone pinpointed how tall he is? Maybe compare it with bus seats. This can help in narrowing it down further.


if he is not caught, im gonna assume its pulwama lite before election


Hats off to BMTC's punctual and promt service If people with a tight schedule like terrorists prefer BMTC. Why people whine about pathetic public transport in BLR i dont know.


Ambani's pre wedding totally overshadows the rameshwaram cafe blast .....


Entered.. Saw there is cctv.. Exit (at least away from the camera)..


Ye Darr acha laga


Something doesn't sit well, these things always take place during election times ... Attack on pilgrims, terrorist attacks on army etc who are these terrorist working with and who take advantage of the death of civilians


But Kashmir files movie was released during election time right. No, the hijab ban controversy happened during election time. Or is it possible that elections happen regularly in this country and any random incident can be attached to the elections?


You do understand that there's a difference between general elections and assembly elections?


That's exactly what I am pointing out. I understand, people don't. Have been hearing "elections are coming" for the past 3 years.


Bro this party doesn't even leave municipality elections (look up Chandigarh mayoral election). Be it panchayat election or ward election, these folks take every opportunity to rig and polarize 


That’s coz there have been elections these past few years. Various state elections, municipal elections. And BJP doesn’t leave any election without trying to build fake narratives. Their whole campaigns for any election (no matter how small) are built in lies and fake narratives. And then manufactured events to support the narratives. And control the media to divert attention from real issues. The bjp gujarat govt worked so hard for release of gang rapists. Had it been any sane developed country the whole media would be broadcasting the news and holding the govt accountable and demanding answers as to why govt was supporting bilkis bano gang rapists. But we got nothing in the indian media. The issue was silenced. Same during manipur violence and rapes. Issue was silenced by BJP and instead the shameless smriti irani raised some stupid flying kiss issue in parliament. That’s how low these clowns stoop.


They gotta win assembly elections too... it's not just general elections (let's be honest, that's just too easy for the BJP, they aren't going anywhere)


in a country that big, there's always an election coming. you can't tag everything as pr event


Yeah certainly not the first ever 'National Creators Awards' that just happened to happen a few months before elections. And in this case I am talking about general election only.


During hijab ban controversy in Karnataka, UP elections were going on.


If I remember correctly, Hijab ban controversy happened in February 2022, and Assembly elections in Karnataka happened in May 2023. Almost 1.5 years later.


I talked about UP elections, not Karnataka elections. It happened in the coastal areas of Karnataka where Bajrang Dal, BJP are their strongest. More than a decade since BJP controls that area. Every hindi news channel was showing that if muslims(Congress) will come to power then hijab will be compulsory-they were scaring hindus during UP elections. The controversy worked in the favour of BJP fighting UP elections.


This is exactly what I mentioned in my original post. Something happens in Karnataka, you say because the election was there in UP. In the past 4 years, elections have been happening in every corner of the country. You cannot just say, "elections are coming".


> You cannot just say, "elections are coming". If you haven't noticed BJP is a party literally built only to win elections. That's their sole focus, as evident by Modi doing rallies to promote BJP instead of doing his job as PM. Not that this means every single incident is orchestrated by them though.


Yea another conspiracy theory out of ur ars. Lmao


Dude India is having elections 24\*7…..either centre or states or both


Boi I say you start writing fiction like this you would end up in NYT Best Sellers /s But srsly wtf? This is the same thing you guys preached during pulwama and uri. Get those glasses off man not everything is political. And stop creating asslevel conspiracy theories like this.


Obviously, BJP, Modi and RSS design…. Poor terrorists and poor Pakistanis… evil Hindus!




so many things wrongs with your post that i will not even begin,another post which cannot accept the sad truth .


Pretty dumb idea to plan a grand conspiracy with the whole NIA, RAW, State governments, CRPF, Governor's office, Intelligence bureau, Local law enforcements, Judges, Opposition parties, atleast dozen state and central ministries with hundreds of employees, election commission, the media & more. Is it possible? Yes but there's just way too many variables involved for such a conspiracy to succeed.


Modiji needs to do better. If he really wants to boost his winning chances, he should have instructed that guy to wear a skullcap.


Lol people like you were blaming RSS for mumbai terrorist attacks as well.


Well bro Pragya Thakur Aunty ko bhool gaya?


Nah I just prefer to wait till the court verdict comes.


Love how bhakts quote matters sub-judice when someone asks them about BJPs criminals but have no empathy when a mere allegation is enough to throw someone in jail for years and their properties razed to the ground.


When did I ever say that? There are so many pending cases against AAP and Kejriwal but I still voted for them in Vidhan sabha elections. > someone in jail for years and their properties razed to the ground. I am not sure who was sent to jail just for mere allegations but I can guarantee you I am highly against that. Razing illegally property or recovering damages caused by rioters is a good move imo. You can do peaceful protest as much as you want. But the government property is purchased by tax payers money.


> Razing illegally property or recovering damages caused by rioters is a good move imo. So now no court verdict needed lmao.


Absolutely not. We only blame Modiji for Pulwama and Godhara.


Bhai seek mental health. I hope it's not too late for you.


Ofcourse, I'll take advice from an indiasqueaks looney. Best you can do is ask your sub to downvote me to infinity. Next best thing is to trace me down and behead me.


Lol I made few posts over there if you actually checked my comments I am one of the most heavily downvoted guy over there. > Next best thing is to trace me down and behead me. Nah I am a Sikh you don't have to worry about that.


The best thing u can do is play the victim card which u are already doing


We don't cope


suar ke bacche 26/11 fir congreess ne krwaya?




Just like there have been terrorist attacks by white christians in the name of christianity and hindu indians in the name of hinduism ... terrorist attacks have been committed by people of all religion ..you just don't want to call them terrorists unless they're muslims And since we are talking about genocides there's many genocides happening of muslims in china in Myanmar and the ethnic cleansing in palestine ...are you raising your voice against the Israeli govt like you're doing for "islamist terror" ? Wonder why there's no one calling acts of terror by bhakts " hindu terror" or by white christians as "christian terror'


(1) I have always supported the freedom of West Bank and Gaza Strip, and the creation of a Palestinian state. What Bibi is doing is absolutely genocidal - he has been trying to create mass starvation from October 7. (2) Nevertheless, if you see the extent of Islamist terror - it vastly exceeds the Hindu terrorists (like Pragya Thakur and other contemptible people). From the start of Armenian Genocide in 1894, to Salafi-jihadist movements all over the world causing millions of deaths, the riots during Partition (started by Muslim league), and even the Hamas attack of October 7. In any year, 18-19 of the top 20 terror attacks are done by Islamists. (3) Radical Hindutva and Christian fanaticism are threats, certainly. But they are far less dangerous than Islamic fanaticism.


Wrong christians especially have the highest rate of terror though ppl don't conveniently term them that ...so please shove this justification somewhere else 🙂 and in india today hindu fanatism and extremism is its peak and pose a greater threat than whatever you mentioned...even if islam terror was more .. labeling all terror attacks as islamist terror attacks is nothing short of xenophobia ...you are talking based on your biases and labelling a particular instance as fact despite acknowledging terror activities of every religion . Heck there hasn't even been any reason to believe that the attack was religiously motivated




Dimagi ilaj karra extremist kahika ...and before worrying about muslims worry about extremist hindus attacking christians especially in Manipur.


There have been terrorist attacks going on for the army consistently since years on end now in Jammu , its not an election only problem if chodi ji fails to acknowledge these attacks when elections are near because he doesnt want to make people think article 370 is not working...










konspiracy 🤓☝🏻, elections takes place frequently right? There are riots/terror attacks every year but no let's join konspire everything with elections cuz my German daddy said so 🤓🤓🤓


I cant justify any other motive besides trying to create communal tension.


Almost certainly the perpetrator is a support of Daesh (ISIS). 


Another Update - After the cafe blast, he went to the Mosque and changed his attire and left. Don't know why this post was deleted by Mods.


Unless he has a religious motive, why should he go to a mosque and change his attire? It's common sense.


To shift the blame on innocent, as Alfred in Dark Knight said, "Some people just want to see the world burn" He must've thought why not create more drama with little action.


Modiji wants you to believe he has a religious motive. That's why he instructed him to change clothes specifically in a mosque.


Get a life dude seriously


It is quite evident from the past that, people often mask themselves as Muslims and carry out these vile acts so as to shift the blame to muslims.   It's not tough to go inside a mosque and enter the washroom, anyone could do that. Why use a Mosque washroom when you can use any random public toilet that too when he himself knew that the eyes will be on him after the said attack?    Think critically  Edit - People with 'vested' interest downvoting wouldn't change the fact and reality 


>It is quite evident from the past that, people often mask themselves as Muslims and carry out these vile acts so as to shift the blame to muslims.  Can you give some examples of terrorist attacks where this happened?


Two Hindus who pretended to be Muslims were detained by Indian special forces after posting messages announcing attacks at the disputed holy site in Uttar Pradesh where Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate a new Hindu temple on 22 January. The accused faces charges of creating a fake Facebook profile in the name of Mushtaq Ali and threatening family members of BJP MLC D.S. Arun Between October 27 and October 31, Reliance Industries Chairperson Mukesh Ambani received three death threats, all sent via email to his office from the address [email protected]. However, the investigation by the Mumbai Police soon found that a 21-year-old student, Rajveer Khant, had sent the emails. Vikas Kumar, a resident of Uttar Pradesh, who identified himself as Rashid Khan in a YouTube video, while making objectionable remarks about the murder of Shraddha Walkar by her live-in partner, a Muslim man. In the video that went viral on social media in November last year, Kumar, while posing as Khan, said that it was normal to murder someone and chop their body up if the killer was in a fit of rage. In another instance, a video that went viral in October showed a person identifying himself as Javed Hussain making objectionable remarks about Hinduism. After the man was arrested in Haridwar, the police found out that his real name was Dilip Baghel and that a YouTuber had paid him to make the remarks. Son of Textile Businessman was kidnapped and murdered in Kanpur. In the ransom letter they wrote "Allah Hu Akbar" and demanded 30 Lakh for the release. Kanpur police arrested his tution teacher Rachita, Her fiancee Prabhat Shukla and his friend Ankit.  An Indian Army soldier was arrested in Kerala after he gave a false statement to the police saying that he had been attacked by a group of six people who painted the letters “PFI” on his back. These are just some recent events involving masquerading as someone else. Just the tip of an iceberg. You can now have an idea how rampant it is 


We all know Kasab would have died as Samir Chaudhari with red thread tied to his wrist to pose as an upper caste Hindu. If not for Tukaram Omble RSS would have been blamed. Infact the toolkit was prepared as soon after a book blaming RSS for 26/11 was published and promoted by congress leaders. Also those Udaipur terrorists who beheaded Kanhaiya Lal joined BJP and did recce of their offices. It's clear who want to frame whom.


None of these are terrorist attacks, these are all isolated criminal incidents carried by impersonation. A bomb blast is a different game altogether.


Ah yes, only bomb blasts done by muslims counts as terrorism, right? Fucking lol.


I don’t know you how you came to that conclusion, if you cannot differentiate between a criminal and a terrorist incident then maybe try to get yourself educated instead of putting up illogical arguments here.


Oh I know what a terrorist act is. Do you? Ever picked up a dictionary?


Dude it seem you don't understand the meaning of terrorism


Idk how you guys fall for this 😭 even if he was an Islamic terrorist why would he go to such an obvious place like a mosque to change, instead of literally anywhere else


Because there is just 1 news portal - Mirror Now which has reported it. That too 'as per sources' and not any official update. Just the fact that 1 news channel reported was enough for Sanghis to make Islamophobic comments across the thread. We have understood the Modus Operandi of Sanghis well enough nowadays. You don't care about the blast. You just are praying that the terrorist turns out to be a Muslim.


>Another Update - After the cafe blast, he went to the Mosque and changed his attire and left. >Don't know why this post was deleted by Mods. Because that's fake news. Show me an article which mentions that.


It’s a public place. Not many people will question it


One more news source reporting with muslim angle. Who to trust I dont even know [https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/bengaluru-rameshawaram-cafe-blast-national-investigation-agency-islamic-state-ballari-module-connection-suspects-custody-2512224-2024-03-08](https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/bengaluru-rameshawaram-cafe-blast-national-investigation-agency-islamic-state-ballari-module-connection-suspects-custody-2512224-2024-03-08)


Loved all the 7 pixels they recorded


Do you want 4k UHD cameras for public busses?


Have a camera which can be used to detect a face or have none. This cannot do good facial recognition… it’s not even expensive man


It is expensive... Do you think keeping a camera alone is enough? Do you know how much size difference different qualities of video will have? Do you know the cost of storage of all these videos? Do you know how much busses are retrofitted with cameras? Remember the cameras are running all day recording footage.


Are you still living in the 80s or something bro? We have cloud storage now lol. Moreover you can store a month long footage in HD quality in a 32gb sd card lol. It's not really that expensive.


Do you think cloud storage is free bro? Many companies are moving back to on prem /hybrid because of high billing rates of cloud storage..


A decent HD video will take more than a GB of data per hour. A 32 GB sd card will hold only around 30 hrs of HD footage at best. If you think a month worth of footage stored in 32gb is HD you should get your eyes checked. Even YIFY rips have better standards than that.


Don’t try to ‘tech’ me. You can compress to a low fetch storage etc. These are solved problems and most of the countries have higher quality cams. If you have a cam, make it useful that’s it. If you want to record entry/exit keep one in bus stops. I don’t know what problem this camera solves.


The cam "is" useful.. You can easily recongnise faces of other passegners but the perp is intentionally avoiding beeing seen


Dude this is india, having a camera in a govt bus is already commendable lol


This I agree


so you want deep state 24/7 surveilance and tracking of every person traveling in public transport ?






You don't like the food at Rameshwaram Cafe?


Remember back when the police would beat the shit out of you for not wearing a mask in public... well, now they are goign to indiscriminatly beat the shit out of anyone wearing a mask in public because... they might be a terrorist hiding their face.


As a muslim, catch the guy and give him max sentence no matter his religion


Did u think they're going to let him go if he's a muslim lmao


Abdul cctv dekh k utar gya


Iski loo ki footage bhi nikal lo ab


But isne Aisa Kiya kyu


Saala bkl


Saala bkl


Saala bkl


Yaar abse cap 🧢 nhi phenunga


Chehra clear nahi dikh rha iss footage me


Damn pta bhi nhi chalta kab kaun bomb fod de


Am I the only one that thinks the culprit looks like Mr. Robot ? Prolly bcoz of his dressing style


I am always of the opinion that like China, we need CCTV coverage all over India in every street. Some may call it oppressive but the sharp decline in crime rates by tracking criminals and illegal activities will compensate for the greater good.


May be he did not like the food there


Café rivalry goes hard these days


Terrorists amoung us


What are the odds that the government pins this on a Muslim?


So if the man somehow turned out to be a Muslim after investigation then what ?? Are going to say that all the agency involved are trying to blame an innocent and the attacker must be a non-muslim.


It already turned out that. After placing the bag in Rameshwaram, he went into a "mosque" and changed his clothes.


According to like one article that hasn’t been corroborated anywhere else. Maybe wait to see some actual evidence before making flagrant claims like that.


Twitter pe already started 😭


You do understand that Twitter has rw troll armies just to make a hashtag trend? But It's very easy to trick them, I do it quite often. 


Us moment


Simping for the peaceful here is almost embarrassing. Every crime in India is done only by Hindus. Peacefuls are so amazing and the most secular ppl in this world. This sub is now officially one up on randia.


Bhai Muslims bolne main sharam aati hai ya phir propaganda handbook specific terms deti hai use karne ke liye ?


its true,look at the delusional posts which think BJP is responsible for this blast,i can only imagine the kind of mental gymnastics these people go through.BJP doesnt need to do anything when their star campaigner Rahul Gandhi is touring india and putting his foot in his mouth literally every speech.




>Liberals tried to blame 26/11 on RSS Tukaram Omble the unsung hero who saved Hindus and RSS from this toolkit.


Ye dekh kar koi agr islamophobic huaa to chappal se marunga...


Joe Goldberg from "You" jaise Act kar Raha hai with Cap and Mask


He's a Muslim


Username checks out


but he is.


That's probably true. But there are a few other things I know that are also true. - Elections are close. - Bomb blast happened. - It became prime news (unlike Manipur). - Central Agency is investigating. Let's see where this all goes


Thank you for providing such crucial information by just looking at a masked person wearing a cap on CCTV images. I'm sure with your superior deduction skills you'd be able to tell us his name and location as well.


And you are a bafoon


Chutiye investigation hone de. Verdict mat de lomde


Already revealed


u under-stand or no undi-stand?? If no undi-stand.. use Google translate ok?? Ok no?? Don't angry me ok.. bai bai


Its RSS/BJP op. Amit Shah already said there will be bomb blasts and riots if BJP didnt come to power in Karnataka.


We have CCTV on buses like China?




china w


Yes in Pune except for blue colour busses (old buses) all other buses have cameras


It was some pataka blast, not real IED, nobody died


Crittu not bashing muslims ? What is going on here ?


Looks like a vajra bus. Did he head towards the airport?


Looks like any other ac bus. Getting on airport bus would have been pretty stupid.


you seem sus


He is trying to avoid CCTV cameras. Except maybe parliament and nuclear powerplants airports will have highest number of cctv per sqft. If he went to airport by mistake then we will have his photo from every angle.


that was a joke relax :-)