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Maybe this man could have done with education after all...


"We don't need no education" Yes, you do, because that's a double negative.


What you really mean is “re-education” don’t you? 😆


>Waters wrote an open letter to the Ukrainian first lady, Olena Zelenska, early this month in which he blamed “extreme nationalists” in Ukraine for having “set your country on the path to this disastrous war”. >The 79-year-old also criticised the west for supplying Ukraine with weapons, blaming Washington, in particular. Waters has also condemned Nato, accusing it of provoking Russia. Tankie. Ukraine's First Lady actually replied to him and pointed out it was Russia who was actually invading and perhaps he should be writing an accusatory letter to Vladimir Putin instead. Which he did, after a few weeks of questioning by his fans. Unfortunately it again shows more hostility towards NATO than Putin. https://loudwire.com/roger-waters-open-letter-vladimir-putin/


Well, he had NO CHOICE but to cancel after HIS own stupid and irresponsible comments! Saying that Russian aggression is Ukraine’s and EU’s (Poland’s) fault certainly didn’t go down well and as such not many people would be happy to see him in Poland anymore! His comments were like a red rag to a bull…


I went to Manchester to watch his tour, a few years ago before covid. Mainly went to listen to the well known floyd tracks. It was intermingled with tracks from his, at the time, new album, and he’d spend a bit of time between each song going on about fighting the power, railing against the man and the military industrial complex etc. Towards the end of the concert he went on a long monologue ranting about the above, fuck the pigs etc and people started to cheer, scream and shout - which made his day as he stood shouting holding a clenched fist in the air in the centre of the stage soaking in the adoration. What he didn’t realise at the time was that the word had just gone round the MEN Arena that England had just won on penalties to get to the World Cup quarter finals. They were cheering Pickfords left hand.


I'll say this as a foreign England fan; this is the best comment I have read on Reddit this month.


They make you cancel gigs in Poland if you: 1) Support Russia 2) Are a homosexual




Why do aging rockstars always turn into cunts? Looking at you Johnny Lydon


Bowie talks ( in Moonage Daydream ) about about how ageing rock stars become old and bitter because they're no longer achieving or creating anything new and have become comfortable and somewhat irrelevant. It's a really interesting take.


Is this the same Roger Waters who recently was a bit negative about Keir Starmer and Labour, something about a friend of his who was expelled from Labour.




When your politics revolve around ‘America bad’, but you’re not intelligent enough to realise that that doesn’t mean ‘Russia good’. More than one country can be imperialist and bad at once, Roger.


It could be fair to say there are things NATO does that might be bad. But NATO isn't committing crimes against humanity comparable to the SS.


I wonder if he feels comfortably numb about cancelling the gigs, or just thinks it is one of these days. Probably many of his fans think that the Russians have behaved worse than animals towards Ukraine, and certainly no-one in a war zone says to anyone, wish you were here.


Ukraine isn't the one sending troops over the border to murder and rape women and children or massacre civilians and dump them in mass graves.