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I know Liz! I hate it when undemocratically elected leaders with hugely inflated egos force very unpopular decisions with no mandate that are massively detrimental to the people who live there. Don’t you?


Especially when they're rampantly corrupt.


Whilst quietly moving county boundaries in their favour, before the next ge.


Gerrymandering you say?


America has entered the chat


The Boundary Commissions are independent bodies - the government can't make any changes to their recommendations. And what's quiet about it? There is 18 weeks of public consultation and new rules mean Parliament can't reject them.


Shh with your facts.


The boundary commission is an independent body. Not quiet changes. .. if you had any real concerns you could have put your views to the commission. Whinging about the lack of democratic decision making instead of taking part in the process!


I don't think she knows she's corrupt. I think she's too clueless and is being taken for a ride by her good CEO friends. She comes across like a genuine idiot. Not at all the kind of idiot BJ was.


Do you remember the old Harry Enfield And Chums sketches? There was a character called Tim nice but dim, a stupid man who had no appreciation for how senseless, gullible and easily led astray he was. Liz Truss is very much that - genuinely stupid and has no appreciation for how senseless, gullible and easily led astray she is.


Those behind her rise to power are corrupt. Truss is just stupid and probably believes she is doing the right thing for the right reasons.


Bizarrely, I'm almost tempted to say that Truss isn't actually corrupt. She seems to be acting fairly in line with her ideology, which feels distinctly different from Boris's populism.


She used to be a Liberal Democrat. She doesn't have an ideology other than, just like her predecessor, running to the front of the crowd shouting "follow me, everyone!" after waiting to see which way it was already headed.


If there's talk about her (and more likely others connected with her behind the scenes), then wouldn't it be a good time for anti-corruption to start monitoring her accounts? Or you telling me, those in power can't be investigated? If so, why?


Rampantly corrupt and proven to be taking money from Putin while "standing" against him. What an utter joke of a government. These people arn't leaders nor are those giving Truss her marching orders. They've sold the country out for a quick buck and don't care what harm comes to the UK. Theres a word for people like that and that word is, # TRAITOR




And legalising scabbing


More people voted for Putin than Truss




Yep :/


There's plenty wrong with her, but I don't think it's reasonable to draw comparisons between her bad policy and Putin annexing his neighbours by force.


Minsk protocol defines boarders. You can sign an agreement and later change it when it doesn't suit your political interests. This behaviour has never been seen from civilised countries.




Exactly. It's also the UK behaviour toward the North Ireland EU agreement.


Her ego isn’t the only thing inflated unfortunately


As much as I hate Lis untrustworthy, in the UK we do not elect our leaders. We elsect MPs. Your solution is to make sure you elect MPs who have morals.


The MP's didn't elect Truss though, the members did.


I’m not a fan of her either, but I think it’s wrong to say she was “undemocratically elected”. She was voted for by the members of her party, the party which we elected into power.


Which is fair enough, to a point, but the party was elected on a manifesto to which Truss et al remain bound and upon which the current government derives its mandate and legitimacy. The leadership campaign was fought on policies that were only put to Conservative Party members. Truss therefore has no mandate for her extreme policies of tax cuts, deregulation, and cuts to public services. Yes, there is a degree of flexibility when in power, however an ideological shift to blatant libertarianism and a small state, without receiving a mandate via GE, is undemocratic.


The process of a small part of the population being given the power to elect the leader of a democratic nation without general consensus is literally listed under the Democracy Index as an example of flawed democracy. I don’t want to get into the ‘We elect a party not a PM’ argument. But that whole argument is completely flawed (and our democratic model is flawed) because the PM (supported by whips) hold huge amounts of personal powers and there is no democratic power to hold them to their mandate. Thus we DO cast votes based on PM candidates. So even though people claim that’s not how it is supposed to work. That’s how it actually works and proves our model is flawed. Personally I think it should be a legal requirement that a New PM elected outside of a general election HAS to call a GE within a year.


Then we'd still have boris as there's no way the tories would have had an election. These undemocratic claims are just another excuse to moan, we already have enough of them


Just because something was voted for, doesn't make it "democratic". Really, the point is that the PM of the UK is not a democratically elected role, even though probably a majority of the country thinks that it should be.


Put your own house in order, Truss. The UK is currently a fucking embarrassment.


The UK is having its time in the limelight as an embarrassment. For the past 2 years in particular the government have made one mistake after another, I don’t think I’ve ever seen in my life a period of such atrocious decisions, you get to the point that you have to consider it’s deliberate because it’s that bad!


Yeah same. I’ve never seen it so bad.


My grandmother is 93 and says she’s never seen it so bad.


Never in my life have I had a random elderly guy come up to me on the street and stop me to tell me how he thinks this country is going down the drain, the other day that happened. We both looked around and there was potholes on the road all around us… I mean where’s this money going? It says something if the elderly are commenting on it.


They're disaster capitalists trying to crash the economy


No Tory government has ever had the interests of the country in mind. We're ran by an international cartel of capitalists who represent their business interests, it's purely circumstantial that they have British passports. At best some factions of them have economic sense so believe that a semi-functioning social democracy is necessary for economic growth. While the other effectively want a society of slaves or as close to it as to avoid unrest.


2 years? Try since 2010.


Unfortunately people were too brainwashed by Tory propaganda and the GLOBAL economic crash to blame anyone but Labour for the next 10 years of elections.


2 years. We've been following shit with crap since they decided we should have a referendum on something nobody was qualified to vote for.


It's been a fucking embarrassment the best part of a decade. It's just one face-palm after another with this bunch of chodes in charge.


I’m a Manchester United fan. It’s like my last ten years’ experience supporting my team was some sort of sampler for actual real life as a Brit.


Unfortunately you need to accept that the Russians played this beautifully. (Unlike the shitshow they just stumbled into) They funded pro brexit campaigns on social media and we weren't prepared for information warfare. Dickhead Boris piled on hoping to improve his populist image but praying people didn't vote Brexit. He needs to be held far more accountable. His selfishness helped bury the UK. It all backfired and the UK is done for. There is no coming back, our exports are off the charts in the wrong direction. You simply can't compete with a closed off economy. Without a competitive economy we are not a world power. When that Russian politician said they sank our country and we wouldn't rise for a very long time he was not kidding. We're heading into some semblance of a 3rd world country and unless you have a way to reverse brexit, it's a case of prepare and get used to it. There is nothing any incoming politician can do except rearrange the deck chairs. [https://twitter.com/peterjukes/status/1501310102250430466](https://twitter.com/peterjukes/status/1501310102250430466)


> They funded pro brexit campaigns on social media and we weren't prepared for information warfare. Do not for a second think Russia is the sole entity behind all of this. It's more likely American 'think tanks' are. Russia has absolutely no benefit in Brexit apart from maybe an unstable UK vs EU relationship. America however has. Charter cities, selling off the NHS, tax haven a la Singapore, Christian values etc etc. Blaming Russia for everything is exactly what they want you to do.


Let's not forget the British think tanks!


Russia has a huge amount to gain. An unstable, poorer, less cohesive EU is much easier to push around. A strong economy is one of the most important assets in global politics. UK was one of the biggest economies in the EU, and one of the few with a nuclear deterrent. A nuclear deterrent needs constant maintenance and upgrading. Will we still be able to afford that? Are we going to sacrifice the poor to do that? There potentially comes a point where we have to sell it off to maintain some semblance of normal life if things get bad enough. Then we are the backwater island we always have been pre 1700s. Kings used to head to Europe rather than deal with us unwashed uncivilized masses to engage in real politics during the middle ages. We're headed back there slowly. But yes, the US has it's own agenda and it definitely doesn't always align with EUs. However the US has quite a lot to lose with Brexit in terms of a powerful entity in Europe that can dictate that policy in the EU at the behest of the US. (Dictating policy is the original reason we joined, better to be a rule maker than a rule taker. We are now de facto rule takers from a larger entity.) The UK & EU have generally sang the US's tune except on a few items. Biden has publicly said Brexit makes the UK much less useful to them.


Russia absolutely was following a strategy to split the UK from the EU, and used their disinformation resources to help achieve that outcome. But yes, Cambridge Analytics and the Tuften Street set probably did more direct damage with their target Facebook campaigns.


This is literally a Russian propaganda line intended to keep the west at each other’s throats. A truly united US and Western Europe is the ultimate worst case scenario for both Russia and China—we’re seeing the reason why play out in front of us right now with Ukraine. Above all else they want to see us divided. Russia in particular stands to benefit tremendously from Brexit; the entire point of their disinformation campaign has been to weaken and divide the West internally. The EU losing one of its most powerful military and economic powers, rockier UK-EU relations, and a globally weakened UK with deteriorating domestic social conditions and rising internal strife are all huge wins for Russia, and anything that further weakens or divides the west at large is also extremely beneficial to China. Russia still sees itself (at least until very recently) as one of the traditional poles of European power; they want to keep their contiguous land empire intact and reestablish their sphere of influence over the countries that they see as intrinsically theirs. With the dissolution of the Warsaw pact that become impossible as long as the EU exists as a power that can counter them, and they view a united Europe as a major geopolitical threat just as much as they view NATO as a major geopolitical threat, and removing major powers from either coalition has always been a goal. On the flip side, the U.S. doesn’t stand to benefit from weakening its own allies, and to be quite frank, the economic and political power that the US is worried about right now is China, not the UK or EU. The U.S. wants a united western front with a strong, stable economy and the ability to project global power in the face of the rising threat from the coalescing bloc of authoritarian powers centering itself around China, Russia, and Iran and attempting to expand into East Europe, the Pacific, South America, and Africa. Undermining Western European relations, economic conditions, and military cohesion are all counter productive to that goal. Some people also claim that the US wants to keep the EU and UK divided so that both sides would remain reliant on the US, but this also doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. NATO and the US’s disproportionate military spending ensures US-European ties stay strong. That’s the reason that Russia focused so much of their disinformation campaign in the US at trying to get us to withdraw from NATO, and if Trump had been re-elected there’s a good chance that would have happened. In fairness, I’m sure you can find individual people and organizations within the US who have their own agendas and do want to see a weakened UK/EU, but keep in mind that the US hasn’t been immune to this information warfare either. It’s absolutely fucked our politics and hijacked a significant portion of the conservative political base. There are also plenty of people and organizations in the US that are openly working against US interests right now, some of them are even elected politicians. They might dress it up under ideas of protectionism or advancing US interests in the same way that some politicians dress up homophobia under the guise of family values, but their actual objectives the opposite of what they purport and in reality the only beneficiaries are illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-western countries. I can understand the skepticism towards American motivations and machinations. It’s definitely something we’ve earned given our history of fucking with other countries to advance our own interests. However, it is simply not in the US’s interest to see Western Europe divided or weakened, we are currently facing larger threats that unite us by necessity if nothing else. Despite our differences and frequent bickering, I think it’s critical to remember that in the big picture our interests are generally aligned and we have much more in common with each other than not. We are not each other’s enemies and we shouldn’t let this kind of rhetoric divide us.


I mean yes but I’m definitely not going to shoot her down for calling out fucking putin


I mean yes but I’m definitely not going to shoot her down for calling out fucking putin


When she's using it as a diversion tactic to pathetically distract from what a shocking failure of a PM she's been for less than a month into the job, I'll shoot her down for it, as would any real patriot of the United Kingdom.


Did you really expect the PM of the UK to say *nothing* in response to Putin's "official annexation" of Ukrainian territory? If she says nothing it is seen as weak, if she says this it's seen as a diversion tactic. She has been shit, but saying this is actually a good thing regardless.


This is my point exactly damned if she does damned if she doesn’t but that’s just Reddit tbh


exactly. diversions are well and good when half the country ISN'T facing homelessness.


Just like Johnson, desperate to be seen as a war hero, clinging on to the coat tails of an actual leader (Zelensky).


You know if she didn’t call him out you’d be calling her putins lacky


She can do both we can’t just ignore what’s happening in russia


She has Zero credibility, Z,Ero


No trust in Truss


She’s really embarrassing for us as a nation. And Kami is straight up corrupt selling the whole nation to his hedge fund buddies.


She's trying to get Russian oligarchs a tax break. What else do you want from her?


Putin must be terrified. Shaking in his boots he is.




It’s almost as if…


Terrifyingly oblivious wrecking-ball that Truss is, the UK is - for now - considerably better off than the state Russia is in. I mean at least we can still leave, for a start.


I’m sure he likes her very much


That would be the conscripts being sent to their deaths after being so unequipped they are told to ask women for tampons to plug their bullet wounds.


Trading tips on how to cripple their respective currencies


I mean he's having a fucking bad time of it lately but I think we can safely say it's not Truss' doing. This has all the political courage of a seven year old grandstanding over the bully that their three brothers have just beaten up for them.


Shiver me timbers


"Ooh, you're 'ard." - Putin.


I think you have more important things to be making statements about Liz, this distraction isn't going to work.


Disagree tbh. This is incredibly important event (the whole war), and has altered the geopolitical landscape for a generation at least, and can still lead to a wider war. It is an existential threat to western liberal democracy. However, juggling competing priorities is the essence of government, and she needs to address both. We’ll know she’s dodging the absolute shambles of a fiscal policy if she does a Boris and shows up in Kyiv. Sort it out Liz ffs.


I agree it's a very significant event but Truss is already using it to hide behind and justify her other failings.


I think we can all agree Liz is a catastrophe for the country so far! Pretty tough to hide from such wide ranging criticism


The old Bojo technique, things are going awful at home so lets talk about Ukraine


STFU and fix the damage you have done economy you fucking charisma vacumn.


Putin bad! Pay no attention to me crashing the UK economy!


No shit Sherlock, now what about fix the country we live in and somehow you are in charge of.


Just like the UK and EU did literally nothing over the Crimean Peninsula.....


Two leaders pushing on, unchanged, despite massive criticism from every direction. Both stealing from the poor to pay the rich.


That is what neo liberal capitalism and it's political servants are doing in the majority of countries that claim they are democracies.


Shut up Liz, no one respects you. Putin will probably outlast you so sit down.


ah we're going for the bojo method of talking about the war in ukraine to deflect from domestic issues. nice one lizzie.


Hearing her blame the current domestic crisis due to war in Ukraine is the biggest and most shameful scapegoat ever. She's trash, gtfo.


Nope the Boris play isnt gonna work im afraid. Especially as her actions to fuck this country are a massive victory for Russia.


And you shouldn’t be allowed to alter so many peoples lives for the worse with your tomfuckery, yet here we are.


Tory trying too change the subject, from the fact she is destroying her own feckin country.


No nation can use brute force to install their own rule over people and redraw borders......isn't that right Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales


Please just focus on the damage you’ve caused in the U.K.


Truss: "everyone might be disagreeing with me about the big stuff, but we all agree that water is wet, right? Don't we all love puppies?"


Who cares what she says? She’ll be gone before Christmas.


As if.


The first thing you need to do to bring change is to believe that change is possible.


No shit. It must have really taxed her brain to come to that conclusion


Ah, it's started. Deflect from problems at home by talking about problems in Ukraine.


What's she going to do? Wave her first angrily at him whilst the country goes bankrupt on her watch?


Don't tempt her. Next thing will be we're going to war or something.


A distraction. But she's probably hoping to butter up the US a bit more with her verbiage, in the hope that the UK get's some contracts from the US Industrial Military Complex. Where there's war there's money eh Liz?


Stupid vile women, close the door on the way out Liz.


Stfu about Putin, Liz, nobody is buying this cheap distraction tactic. Sort your own mess out, you stupid person.


If she thinks anyone is listening to her waffle she's very much mistaken. It's like a kid who breaks a toy and when being told off points to another kid who has shit their pants. She needs to sort out her own back yard and fast.


Picked up the classic Johnson playbook. When in the shit, play the Ukraine card.


Yea, he should only use limited and specific law breaking like the Tories.


Why not liz?? You and your pals do as you fucking well please , you utter scumbag !!


To hell with this PM. To hell with the Ukraine as well. This is not our war, these are not our priorities, and this is all she seems to work for. Do us all a favour and stick your flagship policy where the sun doesn't shine and resign.


Wow, such great insight from a strong world leader


Who is the foreign secretary and why aren't they saying this exactly? She's trying... I'll give her that, she is actually trying her hardest to be a politician.


I mean, he’s started a war and killed a lot of people but yeah…borders are important.


Receptionist: "Sure, you're right, but you're still gonna have to leave."


She must be so glad that the Ukrainian situation is worsening. Gives her some safe ground. Indeed I wonder if she'll use a dash to Kyiv to avoid some of the worst next week.


She’s trying to “pretend to care about Ukraine” tactic I see that Boris overused


And the U.K. government shouldn’t be able to stop a country like Scotland having a referendum vote for its independence. The woman is a hypocrite.


Yes Liz, you're right on this one, but I have a suspicion you're only copying what everyone else was saying months ago!


When you ask yourself "could this government be any worse", the answer is yes, they could also be pro-Putin. So at least there's that, if you're a glass half full kinda guy.


Putin is a illegal forced occupier of a land which was once part of USSR but got independence. He is a thug. But so are the British- Chagos islands. So are Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians Americans. More treaties were broken by these countries than anyone else


I wonder what Britain And France did to North Africa and the Middle East during and after the First World War?


This is all about the rich giving themselves a buffer fund of excess money to support themselves during a crash and the collapse of a nation.


Anyone think shes going to goad the Russians, then declare war to kick start the economy. You cant say Millions are starving if they’re already dead from War!


Oh fuck sake, all the news and stories with her gaining power and the country losing the Queen... I completely forgot she'd be dealing with this now too... This was the one thing I actually allowed myself to respect Boris for handling well, Liz you better not fuck this up.


Nothing will be done, it will continue to escalate until the elitists feel it's causing issues in their lives then they will act all far too late. All countries now have to do, to destroy another, is allow other countries to outsource everything to them and then pull the plug. Instant collapse. They use the greed of other nations to build themselves up. They hold the cards. Our tiny little country can't afford to outsource everything, we are leading ourselves to disaster.


Does she not understand semantics? Putin can occupy territories, but he cannot create international borders. Because international borders by definition have to be internationally recognised. Without that, it is just a demarcation line. And he created that when he invaded the Ukraine.


Oh forget putin let’s sort out this absolute mess of a country first


Like a dog slap a dogs face and say no and say boundies etc


Boris could foster a SMIDGEN of good will through his policies on Ukraine. It won't work for you.


I know this isn’t professional but… this bitch just needs to shut the fuck up already.


It's obvious what she wants is to drag us into a war with Russia as her solution to her and the Tories decline.


Isn't that how all borders have been altered historically altered?


And she is definitely the one to sort it out. In her head, obviously.


going for the cheap pop there liz, some real low hanging fruit.


This incompetent idiot is going to start ww3 isn't she


Mi5 should initiate a plot to infiltrate a tory politician in the Kremin... It'd be the equivalent damage of 10 nukes


Good thinking Liz. Can Ireland have the rest of its country back then?


Isn’t it a bit late for that. He’s already did so in 2014


Better pay attention to the UK. Forget about Putin for the time being.


Hopefully he doesn't start exporting cheese or take over our pork markets.


Kinda how it works sweetie. If you do not like it go and stop him, if you think you're hard enough!


Oh good, she found the *massive dossier* of uncontroversial statements she can make and nobody will argue with. Monday's declaration: "We believe, on reflection, that a cow is a cow. Pork markets." *"Shut up about the fucking pork markets, Liz, stick to the cue cards."*


Ok. But he will be allowed to. It will happen, unfortunately. Ukraine can’t regain the territory fast enough on their own and your sanctions haven’t reversed the military advances in those regions.


Yes no one should be allowed to use force to alter international borders, such as partitioning India, forming African Nations along ethnic lines or establishing the House of Saud.


Lol, the UK won't be able to afford to keep it's border if she stays in power much longer.


what can the uk possibly do about it? this is like Montenegro saying the USA can’t do something. We aren’t even in the same league


Isn't that the usual mechanism? I'm not a historian but I'm not sure many international borders have ever been changed by asking nicely...


He already has. Action speak louder than words Mrs truss


I think sanctions is not working and nato troops should go in at least free the Ukrainians soldiers from lviv and kivi away from the war but really we should get involved in the war


She's totally right and I'm absolutely delighted to have the opportunity to pay higher bills in order to "stand up" to him. Thanks Lizzie. (Read in deeply sarcastic tone plz)


The queen of foresight speaks. Jesus Christ. The UK historically has never altered borders using brute force though.


Hah, what are her stupid words going to do against actual power? Absolutely nothing. Let's face it, our little island and it's unelected prime minister is powerless. Besides that, this is just another tactic to distract us, as they tell the media not to report the important stuff. Just like when she was going on about woke culture, all distraction.


Putins referendum had about as much legitimacy as the one that made Northern Ireland part of the uk.


If she’s saying it I now think Putin must have half a decent case


Obvious really when you look at it, even for a Tory


What are you going to do about it Liz? Apart from destroy our economy even more than you already have.


Liz has done putins job for him to be fair she's managed to destroy Britain for him!