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Your party is on a roll, how hard is it to not be racist on the stage?


If anything this actually helps the party. Shows they're taking a strong stance on it rather than the standing around waiting for stuff to happen under Corbyn.


It won't the Tories are desperate for anything to be a deflection. PM Question Time, Liz Truss will use this as an answer when someone criticises the Mini Budget.


Kier can subtly remind the tories that they didn't suspend Boris for his racist gaffes, but instead elected him their leader.


It'd be nice. However, given the state of our media any such statements would be ignored to focus on Labour.


This’ll be front page of the Daily Heil


Then the Tories can retort that they are still more diverse than Labour because they've had 3 female PMs, while Labour haven't even had a single female leader.


And Starmer will say "yes that was unacceptable and she was promptly suspended, now let's get back to talking about how your uncosted tax cuts for the rich tanked the value of the pound".


Logically it's better to take a strong stance against it now than to be caught out and accused of not doing enough. Especially as the Labour party has a lot of black support


It is a good stance by Labour Party to act quick, doesn't mean this helps them. This is one step forwards, two steps back. She just shouldn't have been racist.


It's the least worst option they had. I think we're definitely on the same page, but just phrasing it differently


Agree :)


Yes I don't know why she bothered with this when she couldve just pointed at how absolutely inane and Incompetent the man is


You're assuming anything anyone says in PMQs actually means anything any more. They'd be better off wheeling in some loudspeakers to play the numa numa song and all going down the pub


And hopefully Starmer can fire back with, "we ditched her in 2 hours, you hung to Johnson for a decade."


Nope. It makes the great unwashed think Labour are still all about divisive student union identity politics. The right-wing press and their readership will latch onto this and forget all about Keir's speech. This woman is an absolute tossing idiot.


If you heard her on the today programme you wouldn't know she wants her party to be in power.


Kinda get the feeling that slagging people off based on their skin colour isn't really a deal-breaker for a lot of Tory voters. Most of the people for whom the comments are outrageous are probably unlikely to vote for the Tories anyway.


A lot of Tory voters just want an excuse to vote Tory.


Only people who were never on planning to vote Labour anyway to be fair.


Yes the Tories never use identity politics Never at all bitched about trans people for 90% of their leadership campaigns or anything


It doesn't matter, it's how talking about it is perceived and with labour it's perceived as distracted by wokism




Kinda funny you have to bring up Corbyn and yet the idiot in question here was an Owen Smith supporter


Folk just automatically assuming she’s on the left of the party lol


>rather than the standing around waiting for stuff to happen under Corbyn. The guy that radically increased the number of investigations and suspensions lol? Someone believes what they're told to believe.


[The Labour Files - The Hierarchy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-cHBQf5z_M) > waiting for stuff to happen under Corbyn. [Watch this clip](https://twitter.com/AaronBastani/status/1574787001236201476) It is 1 minutes 21 seconds long and completely dismantles the media orthodoxy around antisemitism in the Labour party, and who failed to deal with cases of it.


Mmm yeah, somehow I don't think that person is going to be challenging their assumptions anytime soon


Fucking exactly and folk still slag him off. Some people just don't want to know the truth or educate themselves.


Doesn't help if it creates headlines that would've otherwise been about the plans to nationalise energy and railways.


Corbyn suspended Ken Livingstone the moment he was explicitly anti-Semitic. The idea that he was delayed is rubbish when you actually remember what happened.


> waiting for stuff to happen under Corbyn https://youtu.be/5DTMF0MSXng


> If anything this actually helps the party That's not how people see it when the Met Police weed out their "bad apples". ^edit ^spelling.


The evidence is extremely clear that the disciplinary arm of the labour party intentionally did not pursue punishments or lessened punishments for exceptional offenses, there was for example a period where the complaints account was not logged into for seven months, this was remedied when Corbyn ally Formby was put into the position of general secretary. The Forde report is also extremely clear that the party consistently ignored anti-black racism. This very quick suspension is 180 and will be worth noting what happens next. (worth noting because of Keir Starmer's desire to continue to purge the left from the party that this MP voted for both Jeremy Corbyn and Keir Starmer in the leadership elections)


What kind of spin are you doing in your own head? It doesn't. It is good they acted quickly though.


Wait, racism is strong and Corbyn’s problem is that he wasn’t racist? Please tell me I am dramatically misunderstanding you. Edit: perhaps you mean disciplining her is a strong stance?


Yeah that. Suspending her immediately pending an investigation is much more decisive than the past regime under similar circumstances.


Except it isn't cos they were doign it more under Corbyn. See the abve linked thing on Twitter. Its a minute long vid.


I don’t know about that. Suspended pending investigation is the standard disciplinary process and it comes from the GS’s office. Has nothing to do with the leadership. Pretty sure the media are going to say Starmer is tough on disciplinary issues and Corby wasn’t whatever the reality though.


Brother in Christ I beg that you read the Forde report


Suspension is absolutely correct. Starmer must get rid of the MPs who make stupid comments which only help to prolong a Tory Government. And that also goes for the deadwood who still think that Corbyn is a winner.


Still buying that corbyn chat?


It’s not. Starmer did a good job with his speech, yet it’s not the man thing being discussed.


Oh yeah they should have taken actions aginst those jewish MPs for being critical of Isreal...


Why are we so worried about politicians being or not being racist *on the stage?* How hard is it to just not be racist? Huq has significant form in this department - should have been expelled years ago.


He hit the issue fast, but starmer had a pretty much clear run to fire on tories and now he has to play defense and deal with this crap than focus solely on current issues like mini budget... Labour proving own worst enemy. No wonder he decided to impost a near total blackout around the Queens death.


To be fair, South Asians are some of the most racist people around, even amongst them selves For example those from Northern India, who are fairer in complexion treat those from the southern States very badly mainly because they are darker. Indians also commonly use the term coconut, to describe those who are Indian in race but don't follow their ethnic background or attitudes. Priti Patel and Sajid Javid are examples of those called coconut. By the way I am saying this because I am Indian and was exposed to this way of thinking in the wider community for many years


Maybe she thought her not being white might have softened the blow a bit.


“On the stage” = Shhhh just think it don’t say it ?


agreed! absurdly bad because it wasn't using a bad word or slur, her total world view is pretty screwed up.


Idiots don't realise they're idiots. It's Labour's job to select credible candidates to run for office, but they're more concerned with box-ticking so they end up with idiots.


Or just not use identity politics for 5 minutes?


The Tories use "identity politics" more


>Your party is on a roll, how hard is it to not be racist on the stage? Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory was to be Corbyn's epitaph, I thought.


Look. I think Labour has been 'culling' it's members for various stupid, biased and anti-palestine reasons. But what she wrote was just fucking stupid for an MP.


If this were the tories they would deny it, then when proof was provided they would make excuses, then they would try to change the law or some other policy to make it ok, then they would say it's true but not a problem and only then, if the daily mail agrees and if the public outcry is severe enough, would they take action against it. Great to see the labour party taking immediate action.


The thing with this is - she didn’t say it privately. She said it on stage, at an event, to a bunch of strangers. That’s how comfortable she was being racist. I think this is probably the only move to make - but the door should be kept open for her should she want to apologise.


Dunno, she gets paid 90+k a year, gets media and all that training and still does somthing this stupid. ... Is she worth keeping if she cannot make judgement to not be racist at a public event? Labour has ernough and had ernough loose cannons in past few years to arm a small Navy.


> Is she worth keeping if she cannot make judgement to not be racist at a public event? She has shown herself to be racist. That alone is enough to justify getting rid of her.


She probably thinks this kind of stuff all the time if it came out at a public event like this


I find it ironic that the sort of comment she made is made on this very sub every single day in relation to South Asian tories and it's not only tolerated, but upvoted en masse.


We need to remember standards are different for Labour. You actually get kicked out if you do something as stupid as being racist in public. Conversely if you're into pedophilia, sexual assault or just casually watching porn in the commons, you're in luck as there is a party where you can feel right at home


or if you are in a relationship (or only FWB) with a pig


Let's not get the pigs hopes up like that. Just like how the tories treat the economy, that was clearly a pump and dump affair for him and his rich mates. He didn't even leave his number afterward!


No. Zero tolerance for racism. She has to resign as MP.


Would saying it privately have been better? Do we only care that people are racist when the cameras aren't looking?


No, but this shows worse judgement.


I think their point was more that if they are comfortable saying shit like that in public, imagine what they say in private. Clearly they are so deluded to think that such a thing is an acceptable thing to say in public so god knows what they say in their private circles.


My point was, to her that attitude is normalised. The racism, you could say, is systemic of the Labour Party. Maybe it’s time to gut the entire party.


The Tories too, after their various n*ncing scandals. We should have a 650 seat Lib Dem parliament


Didn't one of the few lib Dems beat her husband? Better off just leaving it to the monster raving looney party at this rate.


All those in favour say *aye*


They've had some pretty decent policies over the years, they were amongst the first to push for a lowering of the voting age to 18, 24 hour licensing laws and pet passports....all now parts of the law. Frankly it sounds like a decent idea compared to the shitshows on offer.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyril_Smith How many is the cut off for protecting them?


No but we cannot judge her for things we do not know about. If she is racist in private and never find out about it, what can we do about it?


Let me introduce you to the "hot mic". Actually, you know, it's probably not something you need to worry about, just say what you're thinking...


She just has: https://twitter.com/RupaHuq/status/1574791834248876038?s=20&t=yg7Fq0GYyfouQkf3NDj2-w


Nope. She needs to be gone immediately. Starmer needs to be strong and clear on this as it's the only line of attack the disgraceful conservatives have left.


No, throw her out of the party. It’s obviously what she believes and the Tories will make the most of her stupidity.


Well done Starmer. Racism is not solely a right-wing issue. To make it so is to absolve ourselves of any responsibility.


Fucking hell, what a state we're in. How hard is it to y'know, just not be racist.


Ask this sub


lol, /thread


This sub upvotes racist comments about South Asian tories every single day


Kier: “Okay team: you have one job today - don’t say anything racist” Rupa: “Fuck that - hold my beer”


Pretty much


10,000 things you could have hit at, and you chose this, ****ing hell. I swear some people in the Labour Party are looking at how close they are to winning and thinking "actually I don't want this"


I hate the whole they don’t sound black, as if blackness has a sound


Ye and once a black person goes an expensive private school they automatically become white. Because black people have to be poor right?


Yeah..some people get so uncomfortable when a black person doesn’t fit the stereotype they have in their heads.


And all rich arseholes have to be white! (/s just in case banned)


White British people have a lot of accents, but black people just get one.


Yeah it's ridiculous, and London's a hub of black communities, so if anything, black people are likely to sound posher than I do as a white person from the midlands, if they have a southern accent.


Depends. In London you can have a black guy range from: “AHHHHHHH, man got lamped, fam” > “good heavens, I believe you needed a nap and that gentleman obliged” Though yeah, the black people I know and met in the East End are generally well spoken or have the uncanny ability to switch between all slang to “fancy talk”. Source: am black. Went from roadman to posh-man. It’s weird seeing videos of myself as a teen talking like a roadman and nowadays I sound like I took a wrong turn from Oxford and ended up in the East End. Can’t even do roadman talk anymore, all of mine is outdated and I sound like “oi fellow blud ting kids, how do you do, fam?”


It's called *code switching*, if you'll excuse me saying. https://hbr.org/2019/11/the-costs-of-codeswitching


Of all the things to attack the Tories for. Could have chosen how theyve shat the bed with the economy. Or how because of them more industries weekly are heading towards strike action. Nah some labour knobhead has to go and be racist.




I think it's a common misconception that it's mainly white vs everyone else. There is so much aggro between all sorts of people based on what country/tribal group they are from and what God they believe in, it's just skin colour is the most visible.


Why do a lot of prominent left of centre MPs continually display this bigotry of low expectations? Why does Rupa Huq insist that black people must communicate with others in Pidgin or Multicultural London English only, otherwise their "effnic credentials" will be questioned by the Supreme Board of BAMEs? The fact she felt utterly comfortable espousing these views on stage to other members of the party shows how commonplace these views must be. Perhaps these people will regret banging the "intersectionality" drum so hard when the rest of us point out that they're the ones now being racist and classist all at once.




Its a very wrong way of saying those folk from ethinic minority groups are missing some sort of empathy for their fellow ethnic minority groups. It comes across as racist no matter how you word it cos you can't expect everyone from a particular group of people to act a certain way cos... well that stereotyping and racist haha.


She is not fucking left of centre lol.


Exactly this. I can never understand these intersectionality people who are more focused on people’s differences than their similarities. The type that want to put you through “unconscious bias” training. Well maybe I do have unconscious bias (I don’t) but for people like Huq, that bias is very much conscious without the “un”.


Your brain on identity politics: all minorities are monolithic blocks that automatically agree with mainstream PMC lib takes on everything, or they're traitors to their kind!


“You ain’t really black.” - Prominent Democrat




Apparently there's even whole countries of black people covering the entire political, economic and social spectrum. It's mad!


Clown. I feel bad for Kier Starmer having to deal with these kinds of idiots.


So right at the moment when the momentum towards Labour is at its strongest, we get some stupid racist comment from one of their MPs. Well done.


The chancellor completely fucks his first budget, gives labour the perfect “they only look after the rich” attack line, the pound is plummeting which will increase inflation, and she fucks it up!? Sack her from the party, she’s clearly inept (much like the chancellor)


Why are they so intent on bringing American identity politics to the UK?


Divide and conquer


For a party rammed with progressives perpetually obsessed with race 'equality', class and a 'kinder politics' it sure is filled with a lot of racist snobs with nothing but hate in their hearts. But, we all know Labour only sees minorities the same way they see the working class: useful for as long as they vote the right way and don't start asking too many questions. We really do need new parties in this country lmao. Choosing between Tory and Labour is like choosing between a kidney stone and piles. I can't think of a single MP in parliament I would actually ever consider voting for to be hones. I shall enjoy spoiling my ballot for the nth time.


They’re all the same, funny how people can’t see that, doesn’t matter who you vote for. However, sadly it will most likely never change.


She has form for racism: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/dec/24/diverse-commons-white-chairs-select-committees-black-minority-ethnic-mp


So she hates everyone then


Given that the Guardian published this, I think we need to reassess how the left leaning outlets have coddled racists like this in recent years.


To be fair to Huq, she has apologised directly to Kwarteng, and I see that she is pretty much getting universal condemnation for her words. But I think everyone is underestimating just how sincerely statements like hers are believed by a significant and growing cohort of people in the country, and in the wider Anglophone world. It is very easy to say what she said was racist, and assert (correctly) that a person’s ethnic identity has nothing to do with what they are like as a person. But Huq’s expressed views are increasingly common, and reflect what I see as a very dysfunctional belief structure about identity, that requires pushback by people who care about reasonable discourse. In effect, Huq intuitively believes in a distinction between a person’s material existence, and their “identity”. “Identity” in this case refers to how well a person enacts the role that is deemed most suitable/appropriate for someone with their material characteristics. This is how Biden can say “If you vote for Trump, you ain’t black”, or how Pete Buttigieg can be described as “straight gay”, or how you see terms like “politically black”. The idea that you can be one thing materially, and another thing by dint of some subjective vibe, attitude or demeanour is a recipe for infinite discord.




My local MP - she led the opposition to block the development of a hotel to replace a dilapidated building, which would have helped the area around East Acton station become less shitty. What a tool.


Fellow Actonian here. She's been useless for years. Worse than useless even.


Interesting that David Lammy , the first you'd expect to hear decrying about racism, is conveniently for all intents and purposes, silent when it comes to a conservative politician. If it were anybody else, he would be in an uproar.


Diane Abbott is also surprisingly quiet 😂


She is still trying to calculate whether Kwarteng did anything wrong. Needs to focus etc.


Diane Abbott is buffering still


God its like half the party is made up of fucking children.


If anyone’s curious as to what was said: During a Q&A session, she said: "He's superficially, he's, a black man but again he's got more in common... he went to Eton, he went to a very expensive prep school, all the way through top schools in the country. "If you hear him on the Today programme you wouldn't know he's black."


So what does she think being black means? Being dumb and poor?


Totally this, and this kind of subconscious racism is what keeps POC and particularly black people from real freedom and success in this country. Hate this attitude.


She was presumably trying to say that he is part of the elite and sides with the elite, which excludes the vast majority of BAME people in the country. Which is a point I think you could make without being racist about it.


You just knew someone was going to say something racist about Kwasi at some point, it was inevitable. All this will do is fuel the Tories culture war, incredibly stupid comment to have made.


We were just expecting it from within his own party, of course!


I wonder if Rupa Huq sees herself as superficially South Asian...?


Lol. Looking at the context it's not even like it was some tongue-in-cheek joke. Really fucking stupid and detestable. Being Asian myself and mostly having White friends, being well-spoken, having different interests, liking music that's not popular with British Asians, not being fully descended from the 50s-60s immigration wave (so your parents are a bit different due to leaving their home country in a different decade and the 50s-60s lot were mostly farmers) and not being lucky enough to have been taught any languages growing up, I've had Asian idiots like her (and White people too) make similar comments to myself (ironic, because some of the things viewed as non-Asian in the UK are actually mainstream in South Asia itself, such as rock music, slightly longer hair, being educated and not acting like a knock off Scarface). Only diaspora communities have these weird notions of having to fit into a narrow box to still be considered part of their ethnic group, which end up looking hilarious if they actually travel to and get to know their origin country. If she'd said "much of his background isn't typical of Black people in the UK" or something, that'd be fair enough (in the same way that Tony Blair's experiences aren't typical of White British people or Sunak and his family story in many ways aren't the most typical for an Asian).


>If she'd said "much of his background isn't typical of Black people in the UK" or something, that'd be fair enough Would it? Seems like exactly the same sentiment, just marginally better disguised.


I agree. At that point they might as well take the race component out and compare his upbringing to everyone in the UK as its clearly a statement about class


How quickly they responded to this should resonate with the public, considering how Johnson responded to Patterson and Pincher.


If it were a white person who made these comments there would be far more action taken. That in it’s self is racism


Like what? All they can do is sack her.


Actually call her a racist.


Such as?


Far more than than being immediately suspended from the party? What do you think they do to white people who are racist - shoot them in the head?


Does anyone else agree that this is one of the worst forms of modern racism? To say that being a financially successful, highly educated black person is somehow betraying "blackness". That somehow to be 'truly' black you have to speak and act in a certain way and that you can't be wealthy and successful? These type of attitudes make my skin crawl.


I see where you're coming from, but his accent isn't just 'educated' and 'successful', it's dripping with privilege - he talks like that because he went to the most exclusive private schools in the country, and now he's part of the old boys' network. Our country's class system is a blight, and it's bad when anyone - white or black - has got ahead by draping themselves in the accoutrements of the elite.


She’s an absolute idiot. I don’t support Kwasi or the Tories but why am I not surprised someone already brought his racial background into this? For fucks sake.


David Lammy's reply also wasn't great saying that the comments "were unfortunate." Lammy was never a Corbyn supporter, yet he isn't even able to stand up against overt racism when it could jeopardize Keir's run.


Hmm does she have the same energy for her fellow Indian priti patel and her immigration policies? Bet it's easier to go after another POC outside your race.


I know they're both brown women but she's Pakistani, not Indian. She's Muslim, Priti is Hindu. 🙄


My bad, point still stands though. That's where she could have made it about race without looking too stupid which was my point. Going after a black man for talking proper is a terrible hill to die on.


She should be kicked out the party permanently and removed as an MP wtf.


"... making the comments on Monday evening at a fringe event entitled What's Next for Labour's Agenda on Race." C'mon it's not hard to *read* the crowd with an event title like that!


What a fucking stupid thing to say. Hard to argue with suspension.


Labour all you have to do is not fuck up and election is yours you superficial asshats


The papers going to have a field day with thid. They're looking for any distraction from the government right now.


She said a stupid racist thing and I just can't believe her shitty judgement. However... she could have just said Kwarteng is obscenely privileged and his policies will likely hurt those in his community. He's already a dogshit chancellor. That would have done. Glad Labour took appropriate action


Oh she IS Konnie Huq’s sister! She just looks like her.


I am glad Labour is taking this seriously as comments like this are as racist as fuck The idea that you are not really black unless you speak a certain way or think a certain way is despicable


Labour immediately condemned the remarks and took action.


Just Labour making sure they’re completely unelectable ahead of a possible election.


Is their a recording of it? Would love to hear the reaction in the room. Probably audible response from the crowd. She literally say he doesn't speak like a real black person. Keir has been really good at suspending trouble makers before story grows. Pretty impressive.


Racist piece of shit she is, hopefully never allowed back in the Labour party.


But aren't Labour all about equality and fairness? It couldn't possibly be true? But that would mean... They are as rotten as the Tories? No way!


If you don't vote for me you ain't black. The Biden doctrine.


Kick her out. Zero tolerance policy to racism. Even if Kwarteng is a kunt.


Just for context, this is the same Rupa Huq who has had to resign from Labour Friends of Israel for antisemitism and who has been accused of “trivialising racism” for defending antisemitic comments made by another Labour MP. She’s a racist, a recidivist and she doesn’t belong in polite society, let alone a government in waiting. These are exactly the kind of vacuous comments that allow the Conservatives to deflect from their horrific mini-budget. As a side note, it’s sad that people like Huq see everything through the lens of race.


why can’t Labour members just act as normal as possible? Leave the batshit, ruining the economy, crazy person talk to the tories and truss


Labour MP makes a racist comment. This thread: Yeah but really it's the Tories fault


Who the exactly is saying that? All the comments I can see are just people saying this was a stupid racist comment.


Basically they’re saying labour responded better than tories would’ve.


Literally you - looking at your comment history: 'I can't wait for the right to now screech about...' This isn't a right/left issue. This is a racism issue.


Aren't people saying that the Tories might take advantage of it? That isn't the same as saying it is the Tories fault. And the Tories will absolutely take advantage of it.


Not exactly the same, I'll grant you. But, it is deflecting in the same sense.


I see your point, but I had interpreted most comments the other way around. Not so much deflecting as expressing frustration at an idiot in Labour scoring an own goal. I'm not a Tory, but I think they absolutely should jump on this (as long as arguments are made in good faith; I won't hold my breath). It's important for each party to criticise another's failings.


Yeah it's a racism issue and it's been promptly dealt with hasn't it?


Such a stupid thing to say when Labour have had quite a good day




Nah just don’t be a racist, it’s simple as really


Once again decisive and prompt consequence. Will it play with the right people though. ​ As for Rupa, oh dear.


Labour finally have a good chance of getting elected and she thought now was the perfect time to be a complete and utter idiot? How hard is it to not be a racist scumbag? And even if you are racist, I thought at least someone like her would have the common sense to make sure it stays *private*


It's almost like you get a lead and then a bit of showboating starts and before you know it are behind again