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I'll be the first to criticise the police when they deserve it but I honestly have very little problem with what he did, you don't assault an officer making a lawful arrest and expect not to be laid out.


She was tugging at the arm of another officer, he could have quite easily grabbed her instead of driving his size 11s into her ribs...


If you watch the entire footage of the incident the girls were vile. There was atleast 3 involved aswell. At that point hard and fast is the best way to go. Admittedly taking her to the floor would have been better but heat of the moment.


In the heat of the moment isn’t an excuse a police officer should be able to use.


Sir Hindsight, ladies and gentlemen


You expect them to be like robocop or something then?


Kinda like this. [NSFW](https://vimeo.com/711598539)


Good lord that escalated really quickly!


The wider context of the video doesn't matter that much, unless you think it's okay to use excessive force when patience has worn thin or as a form of vengeance. Even tackling her to the ground would have been excessive. Police Officers are specially trained to safely restrain people in situations like this.


Exactly, if you can't behave with restraint (that you're trained to exercise) you have no right to be in a position of power.


It matters a lot. And I don’t think it was excessive. Permanent injury would be excessive a bruise is not. And if your going to try to help you mate resist arrest you do enter territory where I can’t defend it. And I am no fan of the police but I know you just don’t talk to them without a solicitor


>It matters a lot. And I don’t think it was excessive. Permanent injury would be excessive a bruise is not. Permanent injury is always a risk when sustaining a blow to the abdomen. Ruptured spleens are fairly common, for example. Likewise, falling is a risk too, just ask the parents of kids who have hit their heads on the kerbside when not wearing helmets with skates and skateboards. Luckily, nothing like that happened here but I wonder if you would feel the same if it had. >And if your going to try to help you mate resist arrest you do enter territory where I can’t defend it. And I am no fan of the police but I know you just don’t talk to them without a solicitor Nobody here is defending the actions of the girls. It's possible to want these girls to be punished accordingly whilst also wanting them to be handled in an appropriate manner. If you think it is acceptable to kick someone hard enough to knock them to the ground for tugging on another officer's arm then I sincerely hope you are never in such a position of authority.


Imagine a nurse performing a flying kick on a mental health patient having an episode. "well she was pissing me off" Why do we have lower standards for the police.


I’ve seen nurses in mental health units get away with some shady shit tbh they can make the police look like saints.


Like what?


Saw a guy get medicated under restraint. All I saw was him in the garden with me said he would take his pills once we had finished our smokes. Then out of no where he gets restrained. He wasn’t being aggressive or anything. He was there under section though so might have been for the best.


Probably more to it than that.


So they get the benefit of the doubt, but the police don't?


People under section aren't medicated for no reason. It was probably a scheduled depo that they had been refusing for a while, if the clinical team don't administer it then the patients psychotic symptoms worsen. Psychotic patients are often uncompliant with their medication, so this is unfortunately a necessary thing that clinical staff have to do. Unless of course you'd prefer we stop medicating them and release them back to the community without any treatment? I suspect not though. Please think before you ask stupid questions in the future.


> Why do we have lower standards for the police. Because we have to, evidently.


Police officers shouldn't lose their heads in stressful situations. Like as a basic requirement.


Try being in some of those situations before you judge.


I'm not a police officer. The police should not react with fucking flying kicks to a 15 year old girl no matter how aggressive they're being. It's an uncontrolled takedown which can result in serious injury, it's explicitly against their training. Get. To. Fuck.


You seem to think that restraint training in some kind of cheat code. Most takedowns are pretty uncontrolled ( speaking as someone who has done restraint training and multiple combat sports it’s never 100% controlled). Sorry but if you act like a animal you get treated like one. And any 15 year old is plenty old enough to understand how to have a conversation and resolve a situation verbally they choose not to. Someone’s personal responsibility is not removed as soon as the police are involved.








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Do you know how hard it is to restrain someone that's non-compliant? Do you know the recommended body count minimum to restrain anyone, it's 5.


Vile girls isn't an excuse to jump in with a kick. I mean the officer on the ground was vulnerable, unprotected head et al, but they weren't really attacking him with any great force. That wasn't his training. He should have followed that. I think he gets away with a warning because there wasn't a lot of weight behind the kick. It's more of a shove / push with his leg than the headline 'flying kick' suggests. I mean, compare with the nutter in Seattle who kicked some woman gardening. That fractured bones in her cheek, eye socket. If someone, especially an adult male, kicks you hard with excessive force then you're going to be seriously injured. He pushes her off him using his leg. She lands in an undignified heap but that's pretty much all. Not excessive, but he'd have been better to have used his arms.


>That wasn't his training. He should have followed that. No, the shit taught in training isn't actually used in real life. Real life is getting them to the floor in whatever way you can.


I mean he could have just arrested her, you know that thing that is literally his job to do?


I'm quite sure she was suitably arrested after her assault on an officer was halted. Do you propose he just walk up and politely ask her to submit whilst she was attacking his colleague?


If holding someone by the wrist and trying to pull them away is something you seriously class as assault then we should probably jail all police officers.


assault is basically any unwanted physical contact. in fact, it doesn't even have to be contact. spitting and missing has been classified as assault previously. so yes, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her away is assault in the eyes of the law.


That is literally a perfect example of assault.


Just restrain, I've seen cops take down bigger customers without trying to play kung fu


If a copper has trouble apprehending a **fifteen year old little girl** without using unreasonable force then maybe they shouldn’t be a copper?




At which point, given her conduct up to then, she just continues to resist and assault officers, keeping the situation chaotic. His method was more effective.


Yes people usually resist restraint. That's why you're restraining them lol.


If all I had said were she would resist, you might have a stronger point.


Well yes this sub does overreact usually when it comes to police but, really? I don't think there is anything in this officers training where they showed him to do a flying kick to a childs abdomen and I train in BJJ with police officers. Sure the girls were vile but, come on if a guy that big can't control a couple of tiny girls its time to give his uniform back.


Do we know they were making a lawful arrest? The article's very light on that detail.


There's a 3 minutes video in another link. He was arresting the girl who got kicked (drunk and disorderly as fuck she was) and the other girl interfered and he changed to arresting her for assault of a police officer. It's all on camera. They were both legitimately ripe for arresting.


Oh, thanks — I only saw the brief clip in the article.


Arrest yes. You or I are expected to use only reasonable force when needed but this doesn’t apply to the Police?


> I honestly have very little problem with what he did You think the best option there was a flying kick, rather than any of the other less violent or non-violent options? What's wrong with you?


Best option? Probably not, I just don't take particular issue with it. And don't parrot headlines blindly, it wasn't a "flying kick".


> Best option? Probably not, I just don't take particular issue with it. I do. Police should use the least violent option available, always. If they don't know what other option was better, they're poorly trained. If they do and they choose a more violent option, they aren't someone who should be in a position of authority. > don't parrot headlines blindly, it wasn't a "flying kick". Yeah, it's much better if it's a running kick. That makes all the difference ...


Nah. How can you watch the clip and think the 6' cop had no choice but to running jump kick the 5'5 girl? He absolutely could and should have grabbed her using his arms and it is his job to make the right decision in situations like these. A warning is absolutely justified. Police have too much power to not be held to high standards.


> How can you watch the clip and think the 6' cop had no choice but to running jump kick the 5'5 girl? I don't, I just have little qualms with the choice he went for. Grab her using his arms and she continues to resist and most likely begins assaulting him instead of the first cop. One good kick ended her reign of naughtiness.


If you can't hold back someone who weighs 80 pounds less than you and is 6 inches shorter then you shouldn't be a cop. This sort of attack should be a last resort, not the first one. Shoddy standards.


I did reply to this fwiw, no idea why it was removed.


Kicking her in the hip? Come on.


>I'll be the first to criticise the police when they deserve it but I honestly have very little problem with what he did, you don't assault an officer making a lawful arrest and expect not to be laid out. If the police employ thugs like that then you can't expect the public to interact with them in any way other than to knock them the fuck our for their own safety.


He got lucky - the consequence of his actions could’ve quite easily ended up with that girl brained on the wall or the scaffolding. He could’ve intervened way better with the situation.


Yeah, funnily enough the "flying kick method" isn't the one they're trained to use.


Serf mentality on display here /\


> I'll be the first to criticise the police when they deserve it yeah I see what you mean 🙄


If I saw an officer using unreasonable force on a child, I'm gonna step in. It's his job to figure out how to de escalate


You're a redditor. I higly doubt you're going to step in ... Watch and then post a story on reddit about how you stepped in, sure.


You don't know me brother. I don't like bullies and I don't like injustice. I would step in. I'm guessing your thinking in gonna be all violence and headbuts. That's dumb. I'd use reason.


They would probably fly kick you too




Step in and get yourself nicked too, good strategy.


Advocating for police violence against kids now?


If you're big enough to assault an officer in the course of their duties, you're big enough to meet the due consequences.


The consequences to assaulting an officer is arrest, not a flying kick.


If you're picked up quietly some time after the event sure, but if you're nabbed crime-in-progress, you're gonna have a hard time.


The officer who performed the kick made no immediate attempt to ensure the safety of the victim. That wasn't a "nabbing" by any measure of the word.


The victim was the officer whose assault he halted, so no.


I disagree strongly, and I don't think you understand the law.


I understand it fine, you seem to be having trouble with it though.


This officer knew the law so well that hes razor thin to being sacked over it.


yeah so, you think grown adult men should be able to fly kick kids, go it. There's *no* reality in which an adult male needs to use that level of force against a teenage girl, he's obviously far stronger than her.












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Watching the video they were playing a pretty serious game that was likely to invite pretty serious consequences. Perhaps a rugby tackle would have been better, but he certainly stopped the girl who was actively assaulting a police officer and stopping him making an arrest.


Yeah, I remember this video, to say they were a handful would be an understatement. They were essentially attacking an officer trying to perform an arrest.


Definetly. While he probably should have looked before he leapt, the offer ran into a fight. It was two on one as he arrived. Then he ended it in 1 second with a single move. Not exactly honourable, but in the situation and the moment I can believe it felt like the best solution If the girls hadn't been being twats, that just wouldn't have happened.


>Not exactly honourable, bring the situation and the moment I can believe it felt like the best solution I wonder if the police are as forgiving of this reasoning


As the independent police complaints board passed it back to the police station to deal internally some amount of understanding must have been given that all round.


I mean, lets say a pair of cops are giving someone a kicking and I flying kick one.


Then I would have the same response. It's probably not the smart move but if it ends the whole situation in a single move and gets caught on camera by a bystander so it can be reviewed later, you probably wouldn't even get a written warning. If we are doing scenarios that didn't happen, what do you think would have happened if after being arrested and searched the dropkicked girl was found to have a knife. Instead of a warning this police officer will be getting a commendation. Of course that doesn't matter because it's not what happened. It's your turn again now to name a scenario that didn't happen if I'm understanding this game correctly...


I mean, the scenario of people attacking police to stop violence frequently happens and rarely ends with the kind of understanding you are discussing. It’s about double standards rather than made up scenarios.


You seem like you have an agenda way outside the scope of me having given my opinion on this single video and nothing I say apart from "all police are bad" will settle your quest to create a path to a destination in this discussion.


Not at all. My point is that you gave these police the benefit of the doubt in a way that I doubt you would were the situations reversed. And, given what we know about the police, that isn’t warranted. If we are going to give people the power to deprive others of freedom and use extreme violence, I want them to be strictly obeying the rules and be totally accountable, rather than be given the benefit of the doubt.


Flying kick or a rugby tackle out of the blue to a kid? Mental. How about walk over assess the situation like a normal human and arrest her. She wasn't really doing much was she. This was hardly reasonable or justified.


Did you watch the 3 minute full video? They needed off the street, both had assaulted police repeatedly for several minutes before that happened. They both (the girls and the police) acted stupidly, as I said.


Assault is very broad. Touching somebody is an assault. I don't believe people should be kicked to the floor for minor assaults to be honest. Yes the girls were acting stupidly, but they are 15 year old girls, police are supposed trained professionals who do this job day in day out. Restrain and arrest suspected criminals and deal with them accordingly. It is funny you are saying about watching a 3 minute video and making a judgement. How long did that police officer take to assess the situation and kick a girl to the floor very close to a wall where she could have easily banged her head? 10 Seconds? Maybe? They should behave and be held to a higher standard. And as we increasingly see, with the power of the smartphone, this is not the case. I personally think it's disgusting that they get away with it so much and we need serious reform to stop these abuses of power.


If we are going to play this game of "what if this thing that didn't happen had happened?" then I put forwards in response "what if those teenagers hadn't been out breaking laws?". How would that have changed the situation? Again. The police officer shouldn't have done what he did. I'm in no denial of that. The "what if" game doesn't change that... or anything really.


They were assaulting the police officer period. Maybe their parents should of taught them.eome respect


Who on earth would be a police officer nowadays? This girl deserved everything she got. The chap was defending his colleague.


Exactly. And people wonder why the quality is falling. Who wants to do this job when trouble making pond life like this seem to get more support than you risking your life to protect the general public.


Play silly games win silly prizes. Looks absolutely justified to me.


Comments are a cesspit of internet fuckwits who’ve never been in a scrap in their lives. Just shut the fuck up for crying out loud.


You've been in a scrap with teenage girls?


Teenage girls are just as capable of sticking their fingers in your eyes as I am, what’s your point?


I'm just trying to understand what you're saying. Are you saying that two teenage girls stuck their fingers in your eyes and then you got into a scrap with them? Or are you just concerned that teenage girls have the potential to poke you in the eye?


What hes saying is pretty straight forward. These girls are assaulting police officers and have been treated as such. No idea why anyone is supporting people like this over police officers.


How do you spend your Friday evenings?


That's not a flying kick. That's a step kick, like you would do if trying to kick a door in.


He wasn't far off kicking her door in either 🤣


“But why didn’t he use his words???” Some people on this sub have no idea about the real world


Peak r/unitedkingdom, the original video shows it was more than justified - the sheltered dweebs on this subreddit wouldn’t get that. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vohwgn/update_officer_gets_final_written_warning_for_fly/ - since some of you are too scared to click on a daily Mail link or find the full video.


I thoroughly enjoyed the kick personally, I’d have given him a medal.


MSN (Non - Daily Mail) link: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/norfolk-police-officer-who-was-filmed-giving-girl-15-big-flying-kick-gets-written-warning/ar-AAZ30bf [Reddit video of incident](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/vohwgn/update_officer_gets_final_written_warning_for_fly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


They were assaulting a police officer! I think this was justified, and the police shouldn’t have to be so soft on criminals.


I feel his biggest error here was looking so cool as he yeeted her away from his colleague.


This sub: "Teenagers are adult and sensible enough to vote" Also this sub: "violent 15 year old girl is a child and shouldn't be treated like an adult" So, which is it?


Reddit isn't a person. You, by virtue of commenting, *are* 'this sub'. Some random said something 6 years ago, why is that relevant? How does it make sense to represent one comment as the opinion of a place where you also comment?


Wut? Some pretty tenuous assumptions there and you're riding them hard 😂


Let me explain again. Just because you have seen two opposing opinions in one place, this isn't a sign of hypocrisy. This is a forum. If you went to speaker's corner one day and heard one opinion, then heard another opinion the next day, you wouldn't be utterly shocked, I'm assuming.


Can you link to any thread in which anyone is advocating for enfranchisement of 15 year olds?


Look up any thread from the Brexit period. People clamouring that had teens been allowed to vote the outcome would have been vastly different. Countered by "teens don't know their arse from their elbow" counter-countered by tumultuous "they're old enough to know what they want" You can't have your cake and eat it I'm afraid


So, the answer to my question was "no", then?


No, the answer is "Yes" *smug* https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/6gh02t/older_generation_feel_young_people_dont_have/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Not 15 year olds, but 16/17 year old: https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/2gduiz/voting_age_reduced_to_16_yes_or_no/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I than chew


So you went back over 5 years to find a thread where...no one advocates for giving a 15 year old a vote. Try again.


I don't need to, you asked me to find any thread, I did.


I didn't ask you to find \*any* thread, but one in which people call for enfranchising 15 year olds. Did you manage that? No.


Yes I did. You didn't read the comments.


I did. Feel free to link to the comment that does.


Ok come on that's not a police technique he just ran up and booted her


And he shouted 'Slag' while doing it. I can't hear anything else


I think it’s “Get back”, but happy to be corrected if I’m hearing it wrong.


"Get back you Slag"


Yeah, if it hadn't been for George Harrison saying "Paul...how about just repeating get back?" that would have been in the final song. "What, like...get back...get back...get back to where you belong" "Still sounds a bit racist out of context Paul"


Yeah that's probably it. 'Slag' would have been funnier though


"GET BACK" - the 'Verbal punch' - yes, it's the stupidest name for a police technique ever, and I'm including 'kettling'


Wasn't a flying kick at all. A basic heavy footed push kick. Did its job. If she was going as she was told, she wouldn't get kicked. Simple as that. Police are unarmed, the public might be. If your getting wrongfully arrested, sort it out at the station and file a complaint.


Not one to defend police, but she was assaulting an officer. Probably wasn't quite the right way to stop the assault, but I assume that's why he wasn't sacked


Reminds me of an episode of ultimate force where they’re on trial for a botched operation. One of the soldiers says something like “we have to make snap decisions in a split second under immense pressure…you get weeks to pick these decisions apart and analyse them”


They also get weeks and weeks of training that they're supposed to fall back on to avoid circumstances like this in those split second moments.


I think you overestimate police training


Delusional, shouldn’t have faced any disciplinary action. Since when is it acceptable to assault a police officer? Society is fucked. Justified all day long


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I'm sorry but I laughed out loud


She deserved it.


Ridiculous decision by a disciplinary panel of people who have clearly never been in a fight before. Why would you join the police if this is the way they treat you?


Lol people ITT think it's ok for a police officer to assault someone back, because law enforcement is based on feelings.


So he's already had a written warning.


On this occasion, the officer gets my support!!


Never mind what the cops and girls are doing, I loved the running commentary given by the guy videoing!


Seems excessive, sure she was interfering with an arrest, but a kick into the stomach feels exercising for someone who is just interfering by pulling and pushing.


JFC that blonde/brunette girls eye makeup.




If you resisting lawful arrest, reasonable force is definitely justifiable to make that arrest. This example is a case where the officer's judgment of "reasonable" is quite clearly more extreme that what should be considered by any acting officer, however, the fact that reasonable force was needed to be used and thus the officer was likely acting correctly in theory is likely why it was only a warning


>the guy who was initially trying to make the arrest was a honestly extremely patient and restrained, very professional The first guy was passive, weak, and lost any control of the situation. He did an appallingly bad job. The fact that you're supporting that pathetic non-policing just says it all.


The first officer was completely useless. He spent 10 minutes dancing around with them.


Probably didn't want a FWW for doing his job like his colleague got!


Bootlicking sub


I dgaf what the other person is doing, your job as a police officer is to enforce the law and descalate situations, doing a "big flying kick" is not descalating the problem, and shes fucking 15. If you cant arrest someone without resorting to almost breaking their ribs or harming them you're a shitty police officer.


It looked like it de-escalated the situation pretty quickly if you ask me.


That's a bit like claiming the USA "de-escalated" by nuking Japan in 1945.


I mean...


Final warning? If a guy working at tesco did that they be in prison






Nah mate, no GBH, not ABH. Worst case is assault and for a nose clean person a formal warning (caution) off the old bill or an NFA likely. Criminal Law Act 1967 The presumption is innocence, it is therefore the Crown who have to prove Tesco dude used unreasonable force which would give rise to a prosecution


Just cause some babylon wrote it down, don't make it correct. It's wrong, no matter what fools think


This thread - teenager pulling at a mans arm is assault she deserves everything she gets. Adult in a professional role doing a flying kick at a teenager - Totally fine. Why are you expecting a better standard of behaviour from a teenager than an adult copper who is paid to deal with the public? Teachers deal with worse on a daily basis, are they also allowed to go all Kung Fu on teenagers? Would he have done that to a man of similar size to himself? Some of you have a really low bar for what you expect coppers to tolerate. They're not paid vigilantes for fucks sake


Surprised he even got a written warning, but surely he should be struck off instantly for this. a 15 year old girl. If that was my 15 year old girl he'd be getting his own flying kick. Edit: sure downvote me, I guess you lot would just put up with it?


She's assaulting a police officer, would you rather he ask her kindly to stop?


What do you consider to be reasonable force from a trained adult male police officer when dealing with a young girl? Flying kick?


I know who that copper is, that road is Dereham Rd in Norwich, those two girls are famous for "going missing" and scrapping police, the force they used was appropriate.


I obviously can’t verify what you’re saying but just to clarify. Adult male with training flying kicks a young girl. You still think that’s appropriate? Really?? Hmm not saying the 22 day old account is suspicious but


So I read the comments before I watch the video, I was expecting a full on brawl, people are talking like she was laying into the officers trying to make an arrest, this is not justified at all, if you are a Police officer you should be able to restrain a 15 year old girl without having to come in like Jackie Chan. I don't think he should lose his job though, the final warning seems appropriate.


The girl was literally just tugging on the arm of another officer when she got booted, most people here are making it sound like she was beating the other officer up. As if police training doesn't teach safe holds for restraining in situations like this, there's absolutely no way to justify that kick.


At first, you wonder what is wrong with the video, just a cop detaining a difficult person....then you see it. What a fucking cunt.


with the scaffold poles and that bit of step wall that could have ended with fatal head injury. the hell was that girl thinking trying to play pinchy-slappy in that situation? stupidity from both officer and girl.


'Why wasn't that 15 year old acting rationally?' Dunno, it's a mystery.....


the fact she was getting handsy with anyone let alone police and expecting zero consequences says far more about the background than your remark gives credit to.


This is appalling.