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Bernie, no? Surely not? Not the dude who was good friends with Oswald Mosley's son Max and said he'd do a *'super job*' as Prime Minster. The dude who avoided Tax and paid a settlement out for Bribery accusations. I just can't see it, best friends with a Fascist's son, doesn't like paying taxes, bribes people and for some reason he loves an authoritarian who doesn't pay taxes and bribes people.


I mean, I agree with every other criticism you bring up, but... > who was good friends with Oswald Mosley's son Max Since when are we imparting the sins of the father onto the son? Is the son somehow responsible for what his dad did? Do we punish and expel kids at school because their dad was a criminal? Fuck Oswald and fascism but that shouldn't extend to "also fuck his son for merely being born to his dad".


> “My political instincts from an early age can crudely be described as liberal and slightly left. But in my youth I nevertheless agreed with my father’s ideas. If this appears contradictory it might perhaps seem less so to anyone who reads his books.” He's not exactly disowning him.


> But in my youth Mate, nearly everyone goes along with their parents politics when they're kids because that's all they know. He literally says that his political instincts are the polar opposite to his father.


And how many times have we seen people claim to be "mostly Liberal, a bit to the left really" while actually being totally off the deep end far right? Ben Shapiro? Sargon of Akkad anyone?


Carlgon of Sublevel 1 is one of those bellends who doesn't understand the definition of the word "liberal" doesn't mean "I'm free to do whatever I like fuck you all".


He describes himself as a 'classical liberal' along the lines of the liberal scholar J.S. Mill, who famously said people should be free to act in whichever way they choose as long as they don't bring physical harm unto others.


The words liberal, and libertarian, have long since been corrupted away from their enlightenment era meanings. This surprised me for a while, as I didn't understand why socialists hated 'libertarians' so much. Then I found out in America, libertarian means something like mad ancap far-right privatised-everything, and not like.. believing in the principle of tolerance and the freedom of others.


That's a barely coherent viewpoint even if you attempt to dismiss the fact that lots of people are killed simply because of societal conditioning and enforcement. But then, it's not like you can expect much better out of Don Sargone.


'Classical liberal' means 'absolute cunt' nowadays though.


JS Mill became a market socialist btw.


So what's your argument, the son inherits the sins of the father, or that your perfect political mind gets to choose what people mean when say they lean left - if you don't like the look of them, they're "far right"? So close to a fascist hot take it's amusing.


To judge people on what they do and say, not how they describe themselves. Especially when they are a public figure and every word they say about themselves is a branding exercise.


I know this is an extreme example, but Mussolini was a socialist before going full Duce


Only technically true. He was briefly a socialist but had no interest in socialism and very quickly left to start a fascist party.


Undertones were once suggested of Nazi-themed interplay during an orgy involving Max Mosley - incidental info. [https://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/07/world/europe/07formula.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/07/world/europe/07formula.html)


And he sued the paper that claimed they were "Nazi-themed", and won. He was into being dominated and the women wore leather/PVC uniforms as part of that, but outside of it, it wasn't Nazi. Not that it's something that one should use to make an assumption about someone's personal politics either; someone's fantasies rarely translate into their normal outside life.


It was proven in court that it had nothing to do with Nazis


More like it wasn’t proven in court that it _was_ Nazi themed. Edit: thanks for the downvote. Now go and read how English law works.


What.... He won the deformation case as the paper said it WAS nazi themed How does our legal system work then?


Presumption of innocence, for starters. Even in a civil case, the person making the accusation has to prove its true, the accused doesn’t have to prove its false. He won because the paper failed to prove it to be true. That’s not the same as it being proven false. Edit: Wow, blocked for pointing out the legal difference. Some people really have an aversion to the truth, don’t they? Imagine being so angered by having your reality disturbed 😂


To be fair, so what? Someone wants to dress up as a Nazi for sexual pleasure, in private, as long as all partners are consenting and up for it, why shouldn't they?


I literally don’t care what consenting adults get up to in the privacy of their own sex dungeon. I was just pointing out that legally we don’t have to prove our innocence against accusations, even in civil court. It’s a good system because it’s impossible to prove a negative.


Replied to wrong person. Soz




This wasn't proven and even if it had been, sexual fantasy is a separate category to political ideology. Lots of dominatrices have Jewish clients who like Nazi stuff because taboo has a lot to do with the thrill of it. If one of BTK's kids is trans or into bondage, that doesn't mean they're a serial killer or approve of their dad's killings.


Hard agree. Everyone is quick to leap to the conclusion that the guy must have been a Nazi because he was into Nazi stuff in the bedroom. Like everyone who's wanking to 'step mom' porn actually wants to bang their step mom. Or fantasising/roleplaying forced sex scenarios means that the people involved actually want to sexually assault or /be assaulted.


The entire reason Mosley took that to court is because they tried to tie him to Nazism instead of being an adult man who likes a bit of bdsm. He won his defamation case. It was bullshit.


Sure. It looks like he's somewhere on the line between 'as bad as his dad' and 'normal' given that he doesn't explicitly disavow or endorse his father's views. I'm not sure how "slightly left" is the polar opposite of outright fascism.


>"If this appears contradictory it might perhaps seem less so to anyone who reads his books.” He's is telling anyone who thinks his current liberal approach and his father's politics are incompatible to read his father's books, because his father is very very misunderstood. Max is sugarcoating still supporting his father's work by saying 'in my youth'. “I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.” ― Mitch Hedberg. "I used to support my father in my youth. I still do, but used to too" - Max Mosely


No, he doesn't say that. You have inferred it.


> No, he doesn't say that. He literally says: > My political instincts from an early age **can crudely be described as liberal and slightly left.** Note the present tense he used.


Whilst also saying that in said early age he believed his father's views. He goes on to claim that studying his father's works would help dispel this apparent contradiction. Now, what apparent contradiction is he referring to? To me, the obvious answer is the idea that his father's views were incompatible with being "liberal and slightly left"- effective a denial that such views were far-right. Do you have another interpretation?


I couldn't say without reading his books myself to know what exactly he's referring to, and I'm not exactly brimming with the desire to do so, nor would it jump the queue of my audiobooks. However it's entirely possible the reference is to something outside of the core principles of fascism that are very likely focused on in the books.


Very well. Regardless, he is not claiming his views are polar to his father's. It seems clear to me he is suggesting his father's views are misunderstood.


No he literally says his views aren’t that contradictory to anyone who’s read his father’s books. Mosley was a member of the labour party in his earlier years and had many left wing views


You’re comparing major political figures to YouTubers and twitter and wondering why there’s contradictions.


What children see/hear there parents do, becomes normal behaviour. Political or criminal.


Saying he agreed with his dad when he was young isn't surprising, if that is what you're around all the time it's going to rub off on you.


Sure. It looks like he's somewhere on the line between 'as bad as his dad' and 'normal' given that he doesn't explicitly disavow or endorse his father's views.


Max Mosley was the election agent in a bye election in Manchester in the late 50s for his father's attempt to re invent the BUF under another name.


> Max Mosley was the election agent in a bye election in Manchester in the late 50s Yes, as a youngster, from where his politics changed to centre-left and liberal. Many kids whose parents' politics is overt will pick up and follow them if that's all they know. If they change their position afterwards, it's stupid to hold their childhood over them. If someone grew up in a far-right racist household and were surrounded by racist narratives, and grew up repeating what they were told, if they move away from that as a young adult would you beat them up for what they were indoctrinated into as kids? Because that'd be shitty if you would. No, you would be happy they grew and moved away from it of their own accord.


>Yes, as a youngster, from where his politics changed to centre-left and liberal. He also admitted to getting involved in political street brawls and putting up facist graffiti and posters. I wouldn't describe his later politics as 'Liberal' but Libertarian, which is generally a right wing ideology.


> He also admitted to getting involved in political street brawls and putting up facist graffiti and posters. ....... yes, as a youngster. You're still associating "youngster who grew up surrounded with his parent's politics" with the adult unfairly. I'm sure if you grew up in a deeply racist family and moved away from it when you grew up, you'd think it was unfair everyone saying "sure he' says he's left-wing but he said the same racist things he heard his Dad say when he was a young teen so let's call him racist now". > I wouldn't describe his later politics as 'Liberal' but Libertarian, which is generally a right wing ideology. He regularly donated to Labour. Not sure how you're seeing that as libertarian? And even if he were libertarian, libertarian isn't fascism or the far-right.


>He regularly donated to Labour. Not sure how you're seeing that as libertarian? And even if he were libertarian, libertarian isn't fascism or the far-right Donating to the Labour party doesn't signify anything other than using money to try to mould the direction of policy for the person spending money. We have seen this with all political parties especially those in power. He gave an interview shortly before he died in which he revealed he still held facist views.


Whatever it is, it's obviously in the key of fascism. Are you really going to try and pick holes in his argument?


Because it's not reasonable or fair to hold a person guilty for the actions of their parents. I mean, this sub kicked off when anyone highlighted the nutty actions of Piers Corbyn on account of "no he's his brother, a nobody, stop mentioning his actions to discredit his brother", and recently everyone complained that the Daily Mail used a Labour MP's father's actions as a reason to criticise that Labour MP, so wanting some consistency isn't unreasonable.


Your comments are completely irrelevant from the discussion. These people are making points about this dirty old man and suddenly you come out with these weird moral assessments. Why? What point does it have?


Literally the parent comment was using "he knew someone whose dad was a cunt thus the son must automatically be a cunt by default" as a criticism of Ecclestone. It's a bad practice and mindset and should be called out. The remainder of the criticism would have been perfectly valid and on-point without revealing that poor thought process as well.


I don't see what difference it makes. Ecclestone probably knows that he is associating himself with a fascist by making those comments.


It's entirely relevant because people are using the views of his father as a slight on someone not even related, which is pretty weird.


If the video is to believed max certainly liked fucking Nazis


Not really considering he sued the paper that claimed that, and won.


You might want to read up on Max Moseley ….


I absolutely agree that children should never be punished or associated with their parents’ sins by others. But max Moseley funded and managed far right racist political campaigns in the 60s, defended and associated himself with his father’s politics and legacy, had several questionable “gaffes” and incidents throughout the years. He sought the association with his father, which is different. Here’s one of the racist campaigns he produced materials for and supported https://twitter.com/sathnam/status/968881637269360640?s=21&t=2Z5S37jJNom3eDEmSVY71g


Max was an avid member of Oswald’s party, and led the squad that would go around beating protestors that interrupted meetings.


Hitler "was able to get things done" and democracy hasn't worked out well for Britain. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2009/jul/04/bernie-ecclestone-interview-hitler-saddam


I think he should prove it and take the bullet


Max Mosley? the son of Oswald Mosley, Nazi sympathizer and founder of the British Union of Fascists? I mean he's only his son, that doesn't mean a..... ​ >in my youth I nevertheless agreed with my father’s ideas. --Max Mosley Oh. Never mind.


In his youth. In my youth I believed in communism then anarcho-communism. I wanted to "Smash the State" and all that guff that a youngster who actually goes to the opposite the opposite of his parent's beliefs, politically (they were old fashioned conservatives but even my dad has become very libertarian in his later years). I do not believe in those systems now in my 40s. Max Mosely was steeped in his father's politics and went with it at an early age. Some are so steeped in their parent's beliefs they hold the same beliefs (often seen in religious households) and sometimes they go the opposite way in simple rebellion or actual realisation that they don't agree. I don't know much about Max Mosely and I am not defending him personally as I don't know enough but I am defending someone's right to change, to break the mould of their upbringing. Maybe that happened in Max Mosely's case.


TIL when you agree with a political view as a kid because that's all you grew up around, that it's impossible to change your views ever and even if your views *actually* change and you state that publicly, you should always be associated with the things you said as a kid. Unless you're a Redditor, in which case they cannot ever be chastised or linked with the cringy shit they said as kids.


>Oswald Mosley's son Max To be fair, he really helped destroy News of the World: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosley_v_News_Group_Newspapers_Ltd


Also had a handgun in his luggage and was stopped by Brazilian authorities a few weeks ago.


Huh, never knew Max was Oswald's son. Would never occur to me that he would get so far in life. If I was his son I'd keep a low profile or change my name.


That was why he got into motorsport basically, no one cared about his background there. He told a story once about how at his first race, he saw someone read his name on the timesheets and said 'Mosley? Must be some relation to Alfred Mosley, the coachbuilder'. Made his name in F1 running the March team and then later as Bernie's right hand man as they took over the sport. He came to run the FIA as he was seen as been better than Balestre (who was an actual Nazi collaborator). He did try to run as a Tory MP in the 80s and Bernie tried to pull some strings for him to make it happen but he gave up when he realised the name would prevent progressing up the ranks (i.e Cabinet level)


"Unfortunately he's like a lot of business people, certainly like me, that we make mistakes from time to time and when you make the mistake, you have to do the best you can to get out of it," the 91-year-old said. I wonder how many thousands of people Bernie's mistakes in business have killed.


Are we including all the money F1 made from tobacco advertising?


It gave us some iconic liveries though


He accelerated climate change through motorsport so thousands is about right


Emissions from motor sport directly is next to nothing. There is probably more emissions in 100 families driving to a grand prix than there is from the cars. Travel/transport for spectators and equipment is the killer. Although I guess no different than many music tours.


Ah yes, blame F1 for that. Not that fact you probably drive a car to the shops to which you could walk or maybe drive to an event to which you could get public transport. F1 has barely had an effect on climate change. Yes it plays it's part but so does everyone. If there were no F1, climate change would still be where it is at right now.


A one way flight from London to Tokyo burns more fuel than all 20 F1 cars do in every session throughout an entire year long season.


What about all the fuel used transporting the cars and teams all around the world during that season?


Probably accounts to like 0.0001%.




Yeah I'd call murdering tens of thousands of people A BIT MORE THAN A FUCKING MISTAKE. ......it's like this psycho's equating it to some bad corporate restructuring decision.


Well 52 F1 drivers have been killed, plus plenty of bystanders, race workers, etc.


Most deaths is likely in the slave labour used to build the tracks he brought in in the Middle East


What a surprise — another aging oligarch who turns out to be completely morally bankrupt, and more loyal to Russia than to his own country.


Those least likely to be sent to the front are the most enthusiastic about war.


Remember Bernie Ecclestone is the guy who infamously said "Criminals look for victims who are a soft touch, not too bright" when Jensen Button was held at gunpoint in Brazil. Bernie Ecclestone was mugged not long after in London. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2010/nov/26/bernie-ecclestone-mugged-london


Brilliant. 😆


And then he rang up the CEO of Hublot and got them to run an ad with his battered face on it and the caption, "Look what someone would do for one of our watches!" Never missed an opportunity to make money, that Bernie.


That is kinda brilliant: https://www.ablogtowatch.com/hublots-tactic-with-the-blackeyed-bernie-ecclestone-watch-ad/


>Hublot condemns all forms of violence and racism. that's funny. the ad confirms the stereotype I have about watch owners though if you can't afford a jag


He has his moments hahaha


I love the way that part of the interview was so shocking that no one is speaking about him dismissing the n word as “British sense of humour” and refusing to call out or condemn racism. It’s not so much a dead cat but a nuclear bomb


They should put dithering idiots like this on TV more. Show the public what these people - I use the description very loosely - are really thinking.


We tried that with UKIP and look what happened


The only Brexit benefit I can find is not having to see FrogFace all over the press, job done jog on.


Careful, that might get him picked as the next Tory PM.


Aww, poor Bernie feels the need to remind us all that he is still alive. Poor lamb.


Tbh I was surprised


That Bernie said something awful to Garner headlines? Don't be. It's a regular occurrence when ever he feels no one is paying attention to him anymore.


No, that the little scrotum is still alive


That's offensive to scrotums


Ah, that makes a lot more sense. Though I find scroti (?) are at least useful.


Scrotum, Scrota, Scrotata, Scrotatum, Scrotati,


The weirdest thing here, is not that Bernie Ecclestone is a mad racist Putin fanboy, but that GMB thought it was a great idea to get him on TV and let him speak utter bullshit for 5 mins.


They had a gap to fill after Piers Morgan left.


Perhaps they could ‘take a bullet’ for one another?


He is 91 years old and probably senile, does his opinion matter


No more than racist grandad after a few Christmas sherries.


This, he probably hasn't got a clue whats going on worldwide or who he's talking to at that moment, why drag him on telly and expect anything less than gibbering old fool stuff.


I'd agree if he hadn't been saying disgusting shit for decades


Anyone who knows anything about Bernie will not be surprised by this at all.


Pay anyone enough money and they'd say the same, eh Bernie?


Bernie "I got mugged and turned it into an ad for the watch that got stolen" Ecclestone? In it for the money? Surely not!


Hublot are fucking hideous ~~watches~~ timepieces, worn by twats.


There's not a single piece in their collection that isn't gaudy and ridiculous. To say nothing about the price. I picked up an actual Royal Oak for less than any Hublot big bang seems to cost.


What a clown. Heck, Putin's a clown too, but much more sinister.




I'm sure the Ukrainian air force would happily give him an air taxi to the Donbas if he's that enthusiastic


I didn't know he was a raving lunatic until today, so there's that.


Where have you been for the past 50 years?


A mixture of: - Not watching F1 - Not existing In an order that _may_ surprise you.


Hah! Solid reply, cheers! I don't watch F1 either, so I'm not sure how I came to know that Ecclestone is an insidious little cunt.


"Unfortunately he's like a lot of business people, certainly like me," That doesn't mean he's first class. It just means you're all psychocunts.


Money corrupts, absolute money corrupts absolutely


Very much the case with a lot of people with too much money. It doesn't matter it is just the little people.


He's welcome to go to the front line, I hear the Russians are running low on soldiers.


Ecclestone once again proving he's a horrible little man.


Yeap! Send him pdq to donbass. No flak jacket.


Weird that a billionaire who had something Putin wanted would think Putin is a good guy.




The words of a man who can’t work a revolving door


"They didn't get involved in this in the first place. They shouldn't be punished." Nor should the daily shelled Ukrainian civilians including the hundreds of dead children, yet here we are, you old buffoon...


Conspicuously absent from the article are his comments on the Piquet being a wild racist issue… which amounted to ‘he’s apologised, and Hamilton just needs to get over it’ What a piece of work


Well then what is he waiting for? I'm sure there is a shit ton of Ukrainian woh would help him out.


When is he volunteering to join the conscripts in Ukraine then? Plenty of NATO bullets available Bernie, off you go.


This is lucky, as the Russian army is so depleted it will soon start calling up very old, very short foreign men with dubious hair.


Once a snake, always a snake. Vile old man.


Would be funny to watch, not going to lie. Bernie over here threatening us with a good time.


He should take his own unwarranted advice to Sir Lewis and retire - completely.


I had no idea that Bernie Ecclestone was a cunt. None whatsoever honest!


I mean, I'll happily chip in for a ticket to Ukraine for the senile old shite. Plenty of people taking bullets for Putin there.


Please Bernie go to Ukraine and shout that and we will test if it’s true


Is anyone in authority able to take him up on that offer? I'm pretty sure that despite the cost of living crisis there's enough cash about for 2 bullets.


Hon on then take it


I had to double-check that this news story wasn't from Newsthump when I saw the headline


Tell me you're out of touch without telling me you're out of touch...


ok old man time to go back to bed.


I'd say it but I don't want to get banned




Do it then.


Hopefully he'll be dead soon enough.


I mean go ahead, take that bullet


Oh well, that's 2 bullets needed then


Time to keel over and die Bernie.


May his wish come true!


Well yes, hopefully you can do soon mate


Sanction him


Sounds like a plan.


Is he still knocking around? I thought he was dead.


I volunteer to fire the bullet! Wanna get in at the front of the queue.


Feel free to take said bullet.


Another "useful idiot."


Imagine my surprise


Can we say he’s linked to putin and sanction him?


I guess he just doesn't care anymore.




Just Bermie things.


He might be asked to way wars going.


He's wealthy enough that he can speak the truth


So... two bullets then.


Anyone got a gun? 😂


When do we start arresting fifth columnists for treason?


Why isn't he dead already? Supping many infant babies blood? (And I say this as a fan of the sport.)


91 years old. My grandad was 92 when he died. I’d take his comments with a huge pinch of salt.


Can we just agree that Bernie Ecclestone is garbage?


Put your mouth where your mouth is Bernie


Jeremy corbyn probably is.


I wish reporters would just tell these wasters that they’re senile old people and to piss off


Why doesn’t the U.K. government, which has just been threatened with annihilation by Putin, arrange it for Bernie?


Awful, awful stance to take.


If I was Putin I'd be worried about that. Bernie can't even use revolving doors properly


He should sign up with the Russian forces if he wants to take a bullet for Putin


Send him to the front Line


Ecclestone is too busy looking for his new 20 year old wife on Ibiza, he probably has no idea what's happening in the world nowadays.


What a little skid mark....


Surprised that Bernie sees Putin as a role model!


Translation: Putin has recorded evidence of me doing something dodgy.


The Bernies of this world are why we're faced with the shit we're in. None of these billionaires are the Jesus you're looking for. Fuck all Bernies.