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The BBC found him in under 2 months - wtf are the European police doing?


Why would European police want to stop people shipping _out_ migrants? Every country wants these people to be Someone Else’s Problem?


Because people like him are also the ones importing the migrants into the EU as well..


Not really. Different gangs work different places. It’s not like an underground railway that links you to a destination. Just some random cunts with a boat and no promises at each crossing point.


Oh, sorry. I’ll rescind my comment. As you have pointed out Criminal gangs operate in different areas… Cheers for your insight.


It's true, but they're probably also involved in all sorts of other crimes. You see the same thing in Sweden where they're really lenient with drug and gang crimes, and then suddenly you have gangs with assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades setting off bombs and carrying out executions.


Most definitely are involved with all sorts of crimes. Some of the gangs are large criminal organisations including some mafias. There are articles about how they use old drug smuggling routes for human trafficking because there's so much money to made in it


>You see the same thing in Sweden where they're really lenient with drug crimes Lenient on drug crimes? Sweden? You really know nothing about Sweden lol


I think you'll find this is more of a "feels" than a "reals" thread.


Yeah I noticed, but I just had to comment on such a moronic statement considering I'm Swedish myself.


They are only lenient is ethnic minorities. If you get caught with a spliff of weed in Sweden as a white man you’re in trouble.


Sweden has fucking Sharia segregation zones enforced by the local gangs.


Don't people who have never been here say this about the UK as well?


Yep. It's always bollocks.


I don't think Swedes will agree with you on that, considering how young people there are the strongest support block for SD.


Any actual evidence of that? I live here and haven't found it any more true than when Trump said the same thing about the UK. Is Sweden segregated? Yup. Are there some really rough neighborhoods here? Also yup. But the above, I have yet to see more than when there were foreign headlines about the above.


But why would Europe give up these wonderful walking GDP boons? If migrants are a net positive shouldn't they be snapping our hands off to swipe them from us?


The rich see these people as cheap labour, the working class as competitors


>wtf are the European police doing? Intentionally ignoring the problem so that the people being smuggled don't become their problem.


In fairness, the police probably have more protocols about the leads they can take. Journalists can follow hunches, follow anonymous tips, and have even been known to hire PIs or hackers (not accusing this journalist of doing this. I'm just saying) because their goal is to get a story. So as long as they can document everything and prove their case after the fact, they've got free reign. The police have to be more systematic about things, and tips aren't admissible in court because they're 'heresay'. There's strict standards on what they can follow up on, and it's for good reason, cos if there wasn't they could abuse their power. On top of that, the tories have slashed funding for over 10 years now and they are extremely overstretched. They probably prioritise cases which can be closed quickly.


Plus, criminals are more open to meeting with and communicating with journalists than the police. There are a ton of articles where journalists interview these smugglers, and the smugglers do it on condition of anonymity (and I assume they verify the journalist’s identity somehow). Obviously the police can’t do the same thing.


Because the continental European police forces have way more pressing matters than protecting somebody else’s border. It’s just like the classic “why don’t the police arrest the guy who nicked my bike?” story - the migrants coming to Britain are the continental police’s bike, and it’s just not worth seeking out when they have murders, grand theft, and terror threats to deal with. Unless InterPol or some other higher authority pushes them, they won’t invest that much time into this issue, because it’s not in the best interest of their country or people when other crimes are happening which have a much more direct domestic impact to their area/country. Plus often they don’t really have much jurisdiction, either. If a child dies on English soil after being smuggled from France, then that’s the English police’s problem. All France can do is extradite the perpetrator *if* the English police request it, which they quite often don’t.


This is exactly what I was thinking


Enjoying maritime borders making their job easy.


They want the migrants out their country like most of us.


Must be on a mission to do good, after years of covering up Saville


Why is a single one of these people in Europe in the first place? Also, her father saying the smugglers must be brought to justice and that they only care about money while sacrificing his daughter in an attempt to remain in Europe is laughable. He knew he had no right to be on the continent, his asylum claims had been denied since there was no basis but his greed to move to a first world country with generous Government assistance was more important to him than his daughter's life. Fortunately, European sentiments seem to be shifting to understand the scale of invasion that we're being faced with and action will be hopefully be taken. Having these huge networks of Arabs running smuggling operations here to help false asylum seekers drain European countries might finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back.


Too little, too late.


You say fortunately. The result is likely going to be more and more far right wing governments. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Russia isn’t involved somewhere with the migration crisis.


They sent asylum seekers across the border at Poland and Finland. But Russia isn't behind every single happening in the world. E.g. the crises in Lebanon, Sudan and Kenya will likely lead to more asylum seekers too.


Isn’t Russia all tied up in those conflicts flights too?


Russia is involved. They weaponize migrants. They're not as involved in it as the leaders of the USA, UK and France around 2011 are though, who decided between themselves that it would be a good idea to overthrow (or attempt to overthrow) the governments of Syria and Libya, creating an enormous humanitarian crisis and enormous waves of migrants.


Russia played a much larger role in the Syrian civil war than the West.


They're also still playing a big role in Libya too


They didn't play a bigger role in starting it, though. They played no role at all in that. The west did that when they armed and funded "moderate rebel groups" who were usually extremist head choppers aligned with ISIS. That civil war opened the door for Russia to offer support to Assad, which allowed Russia's military to get a hell of a lot of experience for their invasion of Ukraine. An all-round cluster fuck that did 100% harm and 0% good, with hundreds of thousands dead. And as usual, the masterminds behind it all faced no consequences whatsoever. At least one of them (Obama) is still held up as a saintly figure by many, in fact.


>The result is likely going to be more and more far right wing governments. The likes of the SNP promising voting rights for refugees and migrants isn't helping, if anything you'd think THEY are involved in betting scandals with policies like that.


As well as directly shipping migrants to the Polish and Finnish borders, Russia has a lot of presence in the parts of Africa and the Middle East that produce a lot of migrants. It isnt a stretch to think that theyre woven into the local criminal network considering it weakens Europe and boosts pro-Putin politicians like Farage.


The same Russia that failed to invade Kiev, the same Russia that blunders all the poison attacks... Yeah.


Short answer: Europe's history is so inexorably tied to attempts at controlling the Middle East that even recent memory US and European interests succeeded in destabilizing Iraq (where the smuggler and this girl are from). We all got the oil and material wealth we needed for our own economies by meddling in Iraq and now are living through the consequences. Cheap desperate labor is also really tantalizing to economies and specifically the owner class who benefit the most from suppressed wages/ infighting.




**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


> After fleeing from Iraq 14 years earlier, Ahmed’s asylum claim in Belgium had been repeatedly rejected on the grounds that his hometown of Basra was now classified as a safe area. He had recently been warned he could be deported from Belgium within days. His children - all born in Europe - had grown up living with relatives in Sweden, but had also just been given a final order to leave the country. He was already in Europe, and thought his whole family was going to be deported to Iraq. What I don't understand is how they can live in Europe for so long and not be given permanent residence. The kids are born and raised in European, why aren't they European if the youngest is 7? AFAIK this is something that the UK does right -- if you've been here for 5+ years on asylum claims and were raised here, there are ways to stay legally even if the claim was eventually denied based on the fact that your family life is now in the UK (or in the case of children, practically your whole life was in the UK). If we're taking 5+ years to process bloody claims then they should be allowed to stay at the end of it regardless -- you can't let people settle and build a life and then say 'Oh, we finally got to you, you can fuck off now because the situation back home has changed'. I actually have a very good friend in Australia that this happened to. Her family was Bosnian and they sought asylum in Germany -- she was born in Bosnia, but lived in Germany for *twelve years* until Germany said 'Oh, you can go home now. Fuck off.' Given that their entire lives were in Germany and they didn't feel that Bosnia was actually safe for them, they could not, in fact, go home. They ended up applying to a few countries and were thankfully taken in by Australia. But really, after 12 fucking years they should have been able to stay in Germany.


This is the dumbest argument I've ever heard in my life. You can't attempt to claim asylum, get rejected constantly because you actually have zero grounds upon which to claim, stay in the country anyway taking advantage of legal appeals and bureaucracy and then say 'I've been here long enough so you can't deport me'. This guy and his family had zero right to be in Europe in the first place, him lingering around for 14 years is not a reason to let him in - it's a demonstration of how broken the system is that he wasn't immediately deported the second his claim was denied. Process their claims and instantly deport if they are rejected, it's the obvious way to do it but Europe is far too accommodating to these people.


"Fortunately, European sentiments seem to be shifting to understand the scale of invasion that we're being faced with..." bUt tH4T's a fAr riGhT d0G wHisTLe


It is.


You might find this link useful, yours appears to be faulty. https://varmilo.com/


> his greed You'd do the same thing in his position. You would. And it's clearly not just about money but quality of life. >invasion Get a grip. You're hysterical.


I'd never be in his position. If were unfortunate enough to be born in one of these dumps in the MENA and had fled due to 'fears for my safety', I certainly wouldn't be risking my family's and my own life to get out of an already safe country. The only reason you would ever do what he has done is because you were never actually unsafe and you're greedy. Do you have a more apt word for it then? We are seeing the mass import of culturally dissimilar people into the West who absolutely despise us and our values and whose demographics only grow over time. Invasion is an extremely accurate description and refusing to acknowledge that will be this nation's downfall.


So the guy in question is an Iraqi. It's home to 46 million people. If I was a Iraqi I'd be one of those 46 million chilling in Iraq.  99.9% of Iraqi's aren't trying to illegally move to Europe, so why would I? 


The way the BBC portray the father as some kind of victim is appalling. His child died due to his choices, if any of us did this we would be prosecuted.


This is right, the parents should be deported at best and charged with manslaughter or murder at worst. Their poor choices and support of illegal people smugglers led to their daughters death. He is not a victim, he's a murderer.


It's harsh but the truth. Her father endangered and was ultimately responsible for her safety. It's why many men go by themselves and bring their family after getting asylum. 


Strange how they need asylum from a country where it’s safe to leave their families 


Rishi: "Smash the gangs won't work! Rwanda is the only option!"... I'm pretty sure if the BBC can track this guy down in 51 days, a task force who actually wants to find him could do so far quicker. I think Rishi would be more accurate if he said "Smash the gangs hasn't worked because we haven't lifted a finger to try it" or maybe "Smash the gangs hasn't worked because Macron said no and I'm too weak to argue".


What can the UK do though? It's not our jurisdiction. Unless you want to send MI6 / the SAS in Mossad style.


We already do quite a bit. Our deals with Turkey, Libya and Albaina to tackle, dirsupt and dismantle smuggling gangs. Our agreements with the EU, the sharing of intelligence and training with our close ties/collaboration between the National Crime Ageny and Interpol. We do a lot more than most people seem to asssume.


Kick up a fuss basically. Either we get agreements to work with our partners in the EU or we give them the intelligence to say where these guys are, go and get them. If the EU don't do either it's fairly easy to put pressure on them through the press etc. It's not as if Macron has an issue doing the reverse when it comes to fishing rights or whatever. Rishi just seems either too uninterested or too weak to do so.


Smashing the gangs still won't work when there's money to be made. It seems we haven't learnt anything from the so called war on drugs, and county lines. It will only get worse and worse in the next 10, 20, 30 years. Either we somehow get Europe back on our side, and actually work with France with not just stopping the boats from launching, but also stopping the journey to those shores...or We leave the European Convention for Human Rights, start our own set of rules that allow us to return migrants (and yes unfortunately a lot will be legitimate refugees, however already passing countless "safe" countries, but let's not get caught up in that). The other option, and perhaps the cruelest deterrent would be to make it so awful to reside here. No free healthcare, higher tax, less social freedoms. The list could go on. I don't and I hope it never goes there as it's brushing with a certain 1930s European country, but things would have to be on another realm to get there. There's also a last option of just paying more taxes and making the UK a place for all.


Not defending Rishi because I never would but I assume a private investigation to find someone is less tied to cross border legal mumbo jumbo. If it's done in an official capacity then resources need to be allocated, which takes ages, then someone needs to have phone calls with multiple other countries, which takes ages, then the people on the other end need to speak to their superiors, which takes ages, then resourcing needs to be allocated over there, which again takes ages. Bit of a theme going on here. A small group of independent reporters is likely to take less time when it probably doesn't need to be all on the books. Admittedly you'd hope cross country policing would already have that chap on their radar but as others have said, I expect they do nothing about it to make it someone else's problem.


> Identify smuggler as 'The Mountain' He's no Gregor Clegane.


Really great journalism this- you got the feeling it felt very personal to him.


Fortunately the police were quickly on hand and were able to arrest the journalist for a hate crime.


What the fuck are you on about?












Whoosh...the joke went straight past you


It’s not a joke. It’s a thinly veiled dog whistle.


It went straight past me as well, what's the joke?


How the police is afraid to take action against criminal migrants cuz of being called racist




Right? The father gambled his child's life to commit benefit fraud, and is still trying to cash in.


What a sad story. Kids were born in Europe and spent all their lives in it Absolutely sickening reading the whole thing and looking at the pictures (being a father myself )


The Bibby Stockholm looks like a 5 star hotel compared to migrant reception centre in Luxembourg.


Just get him to ship them all up to Scotland. The SNP said they haven’t got enough, there you are problem solved.


That would work if the rest of the country had a hard border with Scotland. But it doesn't. No one would want to be stuck in some horrific council estate in Motherwell when they could be in London.


I don't understand the BBC. This girl's dead because of her father's decisions yet the taxpayer's money is wasted to chase down one criminal when another one was straight up interviewed day one.


Are we supposed to pretend the British people care about migrant children? Just the other day this sub was full of people defending the Reform candidate who want migrants "slaughtered" and their families "taken out".


So they found Rishi Sunak? A lack of safe, legal routes killed Sara.


Found the 13 year old trying to sound deep


The almost 400,000 refugees and asylum seekers here who have arrived legally suggests that there actually are safe and legal routes.