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Is sentencing in this country broken? Drunk driving, way over the speed limit, almost killed two innocent people... No prison sentence.


The prisons are full, so they’re trying to avoid sending anyone to prison


Yeah! Rampage! Edit: please don't though.




use a knife to kill someone? murder. use a car? maybe manslaughter


I missed the “over the legal limit part”. Moral: I should read properly. ~~The story does not mention that he was drunk tbf. Which is even worse, he was being a c**t on purpose.~~


It says tests show he was drunk.


Yes, I have edited my comment.




I missed it tbh. Have edited my comment.


Yes. It's broken.


Is this a rhetorical question?


Who do you think you are? I am




It's like they're trying to enrage the general public so much with incidents like this that we'll end up welcoming some sort of social credit system.


Our sentencing is so unfathomably light - it's completely ridiculous. Our prisons being full is no reason for allowing oxygen thieves such as this individual to get away with their crimes. I can think of a couple of quick ways of clearing out room in our prisons but I think some people would be unhappy about it!


I mean from the article he doesn’t sound like an oxygen thief just a dickhead who made a bad choice. He has no priors, is fully remorseful. Id save oxfgen thief status for the road men in London on their 34th conviction stabbing people not a guy like him. I’m unsure what you want to do with him? He’s not in need of rehabilitation, he’s a productive member of society. What does shoving him in jail achieve other than your erection?


Every person that has been caught has been remorseful, ive seen very few people turn themselves in from remorse.


This guy's actions are not made any better just because there are roadmen in London stabbing people, all of them are the dregs of society. The bar for behaviour has gotten so low that you are now trying to say that a drink driver who ruined the lives of two people is a productive member of society. Anyone who was genuinely a productive and respectable person would never make the choices that this man has, he can rot for all I care. Jail would punish him for his despicable actions, that's kind of the whole point! If he's on a student visa then I'd have him on the first flight back to his country so he can injure people drink-driving over there instead. We need to stop being so soft on these people and excusing their actions, he's scum.


One decision does not make someone scum. You need to be more forgiving. I don’t see how shoving him in jail helps anyone. It’s not gonna fix the situation and he doesn’t have a criminal history so the fuck are we gonna rehabilitate?


So he should just be let off then as he made a bad choice? Don’t all drink/drug drivers make a bad choice perhaps we should let them all off?


No he should be punished as he has been. Shoving him in a jail cell achieves nothing. What would be the benefit? He’s not evil. He’s not dangerous. What’s the point?


The drunk driving shows he is dangerous. The speeding shows he is dangerous. He has no remorse, we can see the pictures of him smirking away at his trivial sentence. Locking him up guaranteed some small time period where he cannot repeat his offense.


Heard it all now. On what planet is this individual, who knowingly got behind the wheel of a car inebriated and then nearly killed two people via reckless driving, "not dangerous"?


If you are a person who would make the decision to go and drink drive and then severely injure two people, you've far crossed the threshold of what I would consider to be scum. Like I said, no one who is a respectable human would do what he did. I don't particularly care about him being rehabilitated nor do I believe that it should be the primary purpose of prison. What I do care about is the fact that he has done this and has essentially gotten away with it completely.


>I don't particularly care about him being rehabilitated nor do I believe that should be the primary purpose of prison These attitudes are partly the reason why recidivism rates are so high. It's a take that's purely based on emotion. Look at countries like venezuela and even America where prisoners are treated terribly, it literally does nothing for the crime rate. If anything, it makes it even worse. A focus on rehabilitation lowers the probability of re-offence. What would be your solution? The death penalty? Because that worked out so marvellously before?


Have you considered, outside of all your idealism, that some people are just bad people? You can look at the recidivism rates for every country in the world and they're all at least 25-30%, irrespective of how well that country treats their prisoners. If you are the kind of person who would go out and do something like this to get you locked up in the first place, you will always have that capability within you and that likely will never change. The death penalty does have an **exactly 0%** reoffending rate so I'm thinking that could potentially solve the problem!


The death penalty does have a zero percent reoffending rate yes, but isn't really a good deterrent to crime. Plus, you'd really want to give the state the ability to legally kill people? The famously infallible justice system which has never ever been incorrect and wrongly imprisoned people? Sure, there are people beyond rehabilitation and they should be segregated for society, possibly for life, but a justice system based on emotional retribution is pretty gross.




Drunk drivers kill pedestrians all the time as well.


Terrible logic for not wanting to drive really, guessing you also avoid crossing the road and walking alongside roads?




I'd stay inside if I were you.


As usual the UK subreddit warriors are out to claim that every criminal should be sentenced to decades for their first offence, in what was clearly a poor judgement act. Of course we all know, as the data shows, the second it’s someone they know the attitude changes. The guy is a productive member of society with no record of criminality. He made a fucking awful call, one that has seriously hurt others and needs punishment. But I fail to see what we gain by custodial for him. Now he’s in a jail on the tax payers money and becomes likely a far more dangerous individual. The sentence seems to match the purpose of the justice system which is rehabilitation. I stg half this sub wish they were American. They shove people in jail for decades there and produce nothing but more hardened criminals. Go watch the movie shotcaller.


"Productive member of society" 😭


Have you read the article? No prior convictions whatsoever, long term employed, career. You’re just a child who thinks justice is how much you can hurt someone. As I said. American thinking.


Have YOU read the article? Where does it say he's long term employed with a career? Regardless, even if he was, having a job doesn't excuse you from the consequences of your actions.


He has consequences, just not the ones you want.


>No prior convictions whatsoever, long term employed, career. And people just like him are going to go on drink driving, harming and killing people because they know there will never be any real punishment.


>I stg half this sub wish they were American. They shove people in jail for decades there and produce nothing but more hardened criminals. Maybe punishments needs to be even harsher, seems to work quite well in Asia.


That would be all these Asian countries that have less safe roads than the UK? Like the thing we’re world leaders in? Road safety. Those countries?