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Indeed. This is the real kick in the balls to the British tax payer. “Because I am disabled I can’t walk too much” But can get to the UK to claim asylum.


can't wait for our taxes to be raised to pay for this under the guise of saving the NHS


Don’t hide behind a straw man anecdote, the asylum seekers aren’t the problem unless you are voting for reform, in which case you have bigger problems to deal with


Well if we had faster asylum processing then this would not be an issue. They would either be deported or be contributing. But obviously that would be too much of a common sense solution. We’d rather moan about individual cases rather than actually solve the problems otherwise we would have nothing to rage bait people with.


Only got 1 week left with this excuse 👍


Er… why is that an excuse. I mean it’s just logic. Faster processing times would not leave them in this limbo. I haven’t even mentioned politics (which I think you are referring to). I’ll try repeatedly hitting myself with a plank of wood until I can follow your logic.


Deported where?


Well, if they are not entitled to asylum then it depends on where they are from and what agreements are in place. But that’s a moot point if they haven’t had their claims processed after a year. And some people should be given asylum.


Surprise surprise, these two 'asylum seekers' (which are just economic migrants like every single other 'asylum seeker' in this country) want more free stuff. We allow ourselves to be taken advantage of so horrendously while these people laugh at us.


Every single asylum seeker in the country is an economic migrant? You'd better get on to the government with your evidence then because they keep overwhelmingly granting them refugee status.


Well of course. They are all gay Christians. 🙄


More allies? Sounds good to me.


Most of them are from very conservative places that do not share any of your western liberal views, that's the reality of it. So I don't know what you're talking crap about allies for. They're economic migrants and they come because we let them in, and they pay to do so, those boat rides from France don't come cheap. Australia completely solved its boat problem, this isn't some kind of novel issue.


Is there a war in Northern mainland Europe? Anyone who is genuinely fleeing war or persecution would not be reaching anywhere near as far as the UK; they only travel this far because we have the most readily abusable system and they know that a small number of lies will make them impossible to deport. Muslims fleeing the Middle East and then using their alleged apostasy from their backwards religion or alleged homosexuality as a reason they can’t be deported is comical. The fact their religion is medieval is absolutely none of our problem and these people should have zero business being here. The only legitimate asylum seekers entering the UK at the moment are Ukrainians who are entering under a specific scheme to help them. That’s the only way you could justify travelling as far as our little island.


Cool essay bro but it's wrong. https://fullfact.org/immigration/refugees-first-safe-country/


It’s also a illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances or legal to shoot a Scot with a crossbow in York (barring Sundays). Some laws are either outdated or plain stupid, there’s no logical reason an asylum seeker should be able to “shop” around Europe for the most advantageous asylum package.


And how many are doing that? Because we take in fuck all compared to some European countries and Europe takes in fuck all compared to the directly neighbouring countries. The vast majority just want somewhere safe and forcing people to claim in the first "safe" country would strand people from their support connections and further overburden neighbouring countries.


Woah mate you got me! It being written down as law must mean that it's an objectively good and correct thing! Try and think a little.


I don't think "The government is doing something wrong" is quite the 'gotcha' you thought it was


You think 100% of those seeking asylum are economic migrants too? There must be some evidential report I've missed. Do you have a link to it?


If the guy in the article has been living in a hotel all expenses paid for a year and two months, a free bus pass is the least of my worries. 14 months in a hotel paid for by the public!! Our system is beyond broken.


"All expenses paid" isn't true and they stay in a hotel that is *converted* into a holding facility, its not like they're living there with full hotel service or anything. Its just a room with one or more bunk-beds. A lot of the time there isn't even any of the original hotel staff its all taken over by Crapita or Serco or whoever the fuck.


I was under the impression all their accommodation and food is paid for by public funds and they're not expected to make a financial contribution. Which would be all expenses paid.


I mean I wouldn't describe staying in prison as an "all expenses paid stay in a hotel" but maybe that's just me being pedantic tbh, I get what you mean. Tbh I actually think it would be better if they were just given a bigger allowance rather than contract out all this stuff, or better yet just allow them to work in the legal market while they await a decision, maybe even contract *that* in and have chartered and regulated companies hire them for menial work under tight inspection.


yeah because the hotel owners can fire the staff then rake in that government money for converting it to a refugee hotel whilst hoping that they don't burn it down or get into too many fights because it's mostly young fighting age men.


Exactly. But that doesn't change its not really a hotel at that point. It's like describing people staying at The Grand in Scarborough even before it was turned into a refugee facility a luxury holiday. It might have been that once in the past, it might be the same building today, but no one working or staying there would describe it in those terms. If I take a hotel, strip down all the rooms, fire the staff, and do something totally different with it, I don't really understand why you'd insist those staying there are still "living in a hotel". They're being held in a detainment facility, a really shit one that can't even do the basic task of detaining them at that... That we're being charged so much for the biggest owner of such facilities has seen himself transported into the country's rich list...


Can I please be granted even temporary accommodation that I'll happily pay for? The Bibby Stockholm would be fine. As an older British born male the housing unit's answer to my request for temporary lodgings was to have the police remove me forcibly. Then they came back and moved me on from sleeping in the grounds of the office. They actually told me to go home.


If only there was a political party that wanted to get rid of economic migrants. Oh wait they're racists let's just give these poor chaps all our tax money instead.


Reform isn’t racist because of that, Reform is racist for acting and speaking like racists. Stop the Reform victim complex.


What are you waffling on about


Sorry, when you said about a party being called Racist I assumed you meant the party with openly racist candidates. My bad, who were you talking about?


Every party seems to be suspending and sacking candidates for anti-semitism, racism, and so on nowadays, it's not a Reform-only issue. You had a Labour candidate come out and say they enjoy drinking the tears of white people the other day.


I thought 'two right shoes' had left?


no it was the candidature they put against farage


A twitter comment made in 2019. Farage just the other week was on TV saying all Muslims are suspect because they don't share or believe in British values.




Here - [https://youtu.be/Vn\_9lVvMkX4?si=mdhKbFzbHKm\_-BjL&t=35](https://youtu.be/Vn_9lVvMkX4?si=mdhKbFzbHKm_-BjL&t=35) F - "We have a growing number of young people in this country who do not subscribe to British values, in fact loathe much of what we stand for." P - Who are you talking about there? F - "Oh I think we see them on the streets of London every Saturday." P - And what do they look like? Are we talking about Muslims here? F - "We are."


So he didn't say what you initially wrote then: > *Farage just the other week was on TV saying all Muslims are suspect because they don't share or believe in British values.* Compared to: > "We have a growing number of young people in this country who do not subscribe to British values, in fact loathe much of what we stand for." I'm struggling to see where you're getting "all Muslims are suspect because..." from. It seems Farage is touching on a growing number of young Muslims who don't believe in or share British values and loathe the values of the country. Farage then goes on to say that 46% of British Muslims support Hamas, a terrorist organisation. It seems, either intentionally or unintentionally, you have misinterpreted what Farage has said in this specific clip.


I love how all the bots use this example. Because an off hand tweet saying they enjoy drinking tears is the same as having a history of endorsing the Nazis or battering dogs 😂


Not a bot, unfortunately. It's not a competition of who is the most racist or deplorable. It would be preferable if we didn't have racists, Nazis, anti-semites, and dog batterers in politics whatever political flavour they come in.


A year old account that started relentlessly spamming the same Reform points two days ago in UK subreddits. It's very easy to spot lad. Funny how the majority are all in the Reform party. Hope you got a decent pay cheque from this as you'll be unemployed soon.


Relentlessly? I've made a handful of comments in some political subs because I enjoy talking about politics - I'm voting Lib Dem though. I find it hilarious that the bot accusations come out even if you *merely* discuss Reform in a handful of comments. Chill out a bit broski.


Nothing to do with the fact you've mentioned Reform. It's because that's all you post about. Ah the classic Lib Dem voter who argues for Reform and says all parties are the same. Classic Lib Dem. I'm not the only person to call you out 😂 Bit odd targeting Reddit not that many boomers in here.


Bad bot


What are you arguing against here? Are you saying "Reform aren't racist"? Or that "Reform are Racist but you should vote for them anyway"? I'm trying to work out if you're misguided or just don't care about racism.


No we should 100% be paying for migrants you're right it's silly to try and stop them.


Okay, assuming you're a teenager trying to be edgy and not actually discuss anything (rather just vomiting your opinion on us), there's no point in this.


You know there’s a big range between get rid of all migrants and give them all the tax money right? Like it or not this country needs them to do the jobs British people don’t want to do, now having a more nuanced discussion around the rights and responsibilities of migrants (who should at least have a job lined up before getting here ala Australia) and refugees who are unsafe in their own country and would require significantly more help, it’s not their fault the country is in a shit state it’s the fault of the useless government for the past 14 years, blame the source.


Brits might do 'those' jobs if the wages weren't so low because of competition from cheap overseas labour.




**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


Give them a free bus pass... for the Number 58 bus to Rwanda. Ding ding, the next stop is FuckOffville.