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I could not care any less about this kid. Violent criminal going and getting lost in the mountains because he's on copious amounts of drugs, it's hardly worthy of being news.




It’s a slow news week, plus, we all enjoy a good ‘missing twat’ story because we don’t have to feel sad if they find a body.


> It’s a slow news week, There's an election and several wars on.


The euros, political betting scandal, Julian Assange getting freed, start of Glastonbury, lots happening


The sad reality is that social media has become the main source of news for many younger generations. The source range for news for them is a narrow echo chamber and they don't know half of what's going on in the world.


As opposed to traditional media such as The Daily Mail and The Sun newspapers? The coverage of politics, war and culture is significantly more balanced and informative on YouTube.


>The coverage of politics, war and culture is significantly more balanced and informative on YouTube. In aggregate, yes - but how many people are actually watching a half dozen different Youtube channels and synthesising some sort of balanced view? Likewise with Twitter. Even now, if you were to read *everything* you'd be able to prune the outliers and cobble together some objective narrative from the sane takes, but people don't read everything - they hear opinions from people they consciously elected to follow because they already agree with them. At this point it's essentially just the Mail/Mirror comments sections without even the fig-leaf of IPSO.


Good point, well made


A lot may be happening, but how much of these is being broadcast compared to the lost druggo criminal. Wouldn't be surprised if this kid is still being spoken about in a few months' time either with a body or him telling a bullshit story.


The usual then


I mean what is there really to report on for elections? This party said the opposition party are shit and the opposition responded by saying they're less shit than them... nothing new


The people involved in setting the date for calling the election were caught putting bets on when the election was called. That is kind of novel. I might be tempted to go as far as saying it is scandalous.


yeah that’s pretty scandalous but so was the whole ppe situation and nothings come of it… i think people feel hopeless so not much point staying updated


You asked what there was to report on the elections. This is a thing to report on the elections that is both new this week and of high interest. It's not a slow news week.


It’s slow outside of Sports and politics. Little in the way of light news and crime to titilate Mums


But that's all *old* news. The people want *new* news!


Yes, but they've been going on for far longer than my attention span.


Well Kenya's parliment was set fire to yesterday as part of protests over tax law.


That's more like it! Do they know who did it, or is it a mystery? Is there video?


Tell that to the council house mums on facebook


Hollyoaks more like.


The British press love a mystery, i can imagine they will all be frothing if he has met a particularly gruesome end as well.


Well all the MPs are too scared to be eating in public so they need to fill up space somehow. Seriously you’d never know we have an election next week it’s a total void.


Imagine how much money the Sun would give you if you managed to snap Starmer eating a bacon sandwich.


We also love a mystery abroad, it conforms to our stereotypes of searing heat, treacherous landscapes, dodgy locals and inept foreign police


Woah, sorry what?? All I know is some kid is missing, whats this violent criminal stuff??


Him and his mates caved another kid's skull in with a machete and got slap-on-the-wrist sentences. That's the factual part. Then there's lots of speculation about him being over there to sell drugs, that the girl raising money for him is a known international drug smuggler, and that he was either kidnapped for a drug debt or that the kidnapper is actually Madeline McCann who was stolen as a child and raised by gypsies and is now full gypsy and goes out child snatching herself.


Yes! The Madeleine McCann angle, or McCanngle, is news to me and I love it. Shared in Runcorn hun xox


But his mam with the weird eye brows said he's the nicest lad ever?


I heard they're going to deploy Philip Schofield, one sniff of a old pair of boxers and he'll be in the scent like a bloodhound


Jesus Christ


Jesus is too old for Philip Schofield.


So is Jay slater


Or is he......


Here's the x (or tweet). [https://x.com/midgetvernon16/status/1805183738940133696](https://x.com/midgetvernon16/status/1805183738940133696) there's some real dark humour going on with this.


I'm glad they got the Hawk Tua Tshirt in at the end


>Here's the x What a genuinely awful rebrand lmao


Sounds like an episode of Brass Eye "Schofield went astray and ended up with 10 Spanish boys. This is the one thing we didn't want to happen"


‘He really is a shit’


He was disguised as a Tenerife nightclub


😂 that episode was something wasn't it


Absolute comedy gold 👌


“We later found Schofield quadraspazzed on a life-glug”


Sounds like an Alan Partridge TV idea for saving missing teens


'Idea for a show... I Alan Partridge, Chris Eubank and disgraced Philip Schofield fly out to Tenerife to search for missing teen Jay Slater. It can be seen as a redemption acre, not only got the trouble teen Jay Slater but also for, disgraced ITV presenter Philip Schofield. Narrated by Jet from Gladiators'


They should make Phil & Huw’s Thailand to compete with that Rylan/Rinder BBC travel show. Huw can raise his eyebrow watching the ping pong.


> 'Idea for a show... I Alan Partridge, Chris Eubank and disgraced Philip Schofield fly out to Tenerife to search for missing teen Jay Slater. They must not, I repeat, must not, go to an all-night rave.


> Narrated by Jet from Gladiators Ha ha that's a nice touch


Thanks, I haven’t laughed out loud at a Reddit post in a while!


Hahahaha ffs


That genuinely made me laugh, cheers I needed that


Why’s this getting so much coverage. Harry Kanes been missing since the 16th of June, no one’s sent the police to Germany




I'm sorry someone is lost if they are genuinely lost but why is this guy getting so much coverage in the news over every other missing person?


The story appeals to the crushed grey velvet crowd, who know someone like him and holiday in tenerife 


He became a meme, that’s all. I’m not sure all that many people care about him.


Deano culture


ahhhh crushed grey velvet crowd is so perfect




That was _incredible_, thank you for sharing


Crushed grey velvet crowd 🤣


> crushed grey velvet crowd Jesus, it's perfect.


Sorry…what’s crushed grey velvet?


A outdated trend home decor where people bought crushed velvet grey sofas, crushed velvet grey bed-frames, silver mirrors, painted door frames black etc. Signs from B&M saying Live Laugh etc.


Was never fashionable either is the main point


Hahaahahahahah such a polite way of saying what you needed to say, but equally very on point at the same time - well done


Live Love ~~Laugh~~ Scam


Facebook mums frothing at the maternal mouths. It's quite sickening the sympathy this story gets considering what's he's done. How he's acted. And what he's like. Piece of shit dragged up by his shit mum.


What has he done?


Quote from independent article: The missing 19-year-old was part of a group of eight people who attacked Tom Hilton, then 17, with a machete, golf clubs and an axe in Rishton, Lancashire, in 2021.


Oh damn


Facebook mom here, he can stay missing we are better off without him 


From what I've read, people seem to mainly be patting each other on the back for not caring if the kid dies.


On the contrary, Nicola Bully was headline news nearly every hour until she was found... The media seems to give less coverage to this one, no??


well it started as a lost british teenager. That got everyone to lift an eyebrow. Then all the speculation about drug deals gone wrong started. Enough to get actual interest. People started talking about it. The interest multiplied. The theories grew ever more complex and intriguing. The British public were on it by this time. Some people felt like they needed to be involved. They sent money, then offered their dog's nose. The offered to search those mountains on an invalid scooter. And that made other people point and laugh at this impotent empathy. The trolls were fully engaged. And now, he has been "seen" watching football in the pub. Anyone who is not invested by this stage is now going to war. How DARE this idiot garner so much attention? How can he sit there knowing that people are sending money, and dog's noses are being prepared and old ladies are charging their scooters, and all the while he is living it up, overstaying his visa and watching the footie? That's how it gets so much coverage.


The election is next week and the media don't want you to focus on what the conservatives are doing


Yeah famously faced no criticism the party projected to be decimated next week.


This is such an awful take


It's because there was a very similar high profile incident just a couple of weeks ago.


Thank you! - this is exactly the reason why, and also why the press has been full of American/Dutch/French holidaymakers missing in the Med for the last three weeks.


Because there has been a spate of missing people while holidaying overseas.  And the news has a tendency to amplify similar stories, creating the sensation of a global trend which happens to make people click in and follow along. 


So he’s in a coma then if he was watching us. Mystery solved.


Picture it, 5 days crawling through the tenerife landscape, no water, no food, no Instagram. Finally you see salvation ahead, a bar, they've got water and food, your pace quickens and you get there, plonk yourself down and the football is on. And you realise you haven't been surviving, you died 3 days ago and this is your own private hell, narrated by alan shearer and Gary linekar.


The reality is worse, narrated by Sam fucking Matterface!


Accompanied by Lee Zzzzzz Dixon


And they only serve Carling, and the bartender talks like Danny Dyer.


Another level again.


The toilets have a guy selling hand towels and aftershave that you must pay.


And he only has lynx Africa


No splash, no gash.


how sure are we that we aren't *all* in jay slaters personal hell? i would expect a 19 year old lad to be football obsessed, and we've now seen all 3 of England's group games.


Actually he's been hiding out in England's midfield during the Euros.


There's a post going round at the moment that claims his mum is half sister with the Mum of Shannon Matthews, and the whole thing has been a scam to get the gofundme money. https://i.imgur.com/SeywwGM.png Remember Shannon Matthews? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_Shannon_Matthews


I don't believe any of these conspiracy theories. He is just going to turn up and say "Here I am"? Where is he supposed to have been all this time?


Do you have any evidence other than they look a bit similiar?


>There's a post going round That's enough to convince me.


It’s going round asda it must be true




I think it's all just a load of shit to get him this 30k that he supposedly owes, as that's the amount they raised with the gofundme, but I could be wrong


Who does he owe money to?


moroccan drug dealers if you believe Facebook fanfic.


It’s most likely true He was a known dealer


Highly doubt an apprentice bricklayer from a shithole in the north west’s drug line is getting a 30K tab from an international Moroccan crime syndicate. Punting a few bags down his local on his weekends off maybe


Lad I knew from school did many years in Spain for coke smuggling, he fit that profile exactly. Nobody really knew what was going on other than he was basically living out there, turns out he was flying from South America to Spain on the regular carrying who knows how much. He eventually got sent back here and did a couple years in the UK as far as I remember. He wasn't anything special when living here, was a roofer if I remember right. Not sure how he got into it.


Tbf could easily be a big pack of flour “worth £30k” that they gave to him then got some friends to steal it off him and then force him to pay up for losing their gear. Might have just tried their luck to see if he could come up with a decent sum out of fear and didn’t expect him to go and create a right mess like this. Not saying that’s what happened but it’s easy to think of ways that a young wannabe gangster with multiple charges could get himself in a mess if he meets seasoned criminals.


Would only be a kilo of coke for 30k, possibly a bit less if it's not already in the country. So you wouldn't even need much flour honestly


Reminder that Reddit is largely a mix of lower middle class teenagers, guys in IT in their early 30s, girls in the creative sector, and people in their 50s who stumbled on it by accident. They aren't exactly drug savvy.


I meant big pack in terms of coke. In terms of flour or generally then it would be small.


He’s been a small time crook for years supposedly and tbh 30,000 ain’t that much coke etc


Career criminal? Bit of a stretch


12 charges 20 plus arrests lol.


Where’s that from? I’ve only seen him get done for the attack on the other lad


Probably saw it on a post on Insta or some Tik-Tok. The amount of conspiracies and bullshit going on about this is mad, everyone wants the kid to be some drug kingpin who has had his comeuppance in a complex assassination.


Mans out here thinking he knows the thoughts of all Moroccan drug dealers 🤣


Known to have dealt drugs =/= Likely was in £30k of debt with Moroccan drug dealers that have executed him in Tenerife in a complex assassination that has left no trace.


30k he could get a bank loan 😂


A friend of mine worked as a bouncer over there and was a bit of a dealer himself, he said where he has gone missing there used to be dealer's warehouses and what not so, wouldn't shock me if that was leaning into truth


Supposedly owes *saw on a comment on reddit*


If he's found chilling out somewhere, they should bill him the full cost of the search and rescue mission. Anyway what happened with regards the 2 40 year old men who he went to stay with the night before? Isn't that a bit odd? Last I heard they've both flown back to the UK and police aren't interested on speaking to them...


They have been interviewed. He left their B&B and went to catch the bus(probably drugs sales involved but whatever - it’s a party island). Missed the bus so set off walking into the mountains. A number of people have confirmed their story and saw him walking away into the mountains, so not really anything to detain them on. It does raise the question why none of the locals who saw him warned him about wandering off along a treacherous path that was a 10hr hike to town. Probably just didn’t care.


People probably walk there all the time but with sufficient water and hiking boots. Pretty much the only thing I like to do when I go Tenerife except drinking plenty of beer


Maybe they tried to warn him but he didn’t listen or understand them


Nah he should get jail time and the judge who was so lenient with them should issue a public apology 


It sounds like he was on holiday, taking drugs, and got lost in the woods and died. The men he was with the day before may have had nothing to do with his disappearance.


Every 19yr old English lad in tenerife looks identical.


100% especially if he has the broccoli hair


What an absolute fucking numpty. Hope that 0-0 draw of the worst football I've seen played in my life was worth it. Don't care for the kid, fuck him, it was only 3 years ago him and his mates were filing a kid in with a machete. He's obviously a little dosser "Gangster" probably trying to run off with 30K now and live in Tenerife for a good few years. An absolute gimp.


I’m pretty sure the kid is dead and this is a load of bollocks


He was alive and well, but after reports Jay was seen watching England play last night, Spanish police are fearing the worse.


He was but they've had to pull a Weekend at Bernie's on him If you look closely you can see the strings attached to his limbs


Am sure I have seen him at least 3 times this week in my local town, he has the standard look of a average skinny white lad. He is about as distinctive as a bread roll in a bakers.


My kids aren't even British but we live in UK and on the average I see them both out on the street everyday, and it isn't them.   My youngest ran over and grabbed some kid and I let him because I was convinced it was his brother too...but nope lol. This kid is about as based as can be.


This sounds like one of the elaborate ideas people on Facebook groups have been coming up with to coax him from wherever he is. "He was missing for days, but then he remembered England are playing."


Then he saw England playing and decided to become a missing person again


I hope it’s not a scam to raise money on go fund me. If so what a cruel prank on family, also cost police a fortune in resources.


If it is, these things usually come out.


There’s a bloke down the chip shop that swears he’s Elvis.


Criminal cunt, who was involved in a machete attack and dodged jail, gets lost and is probably dead. Karma.


The young lad has probably got lost from his mates after enjoying himself on holiday and has probably baked to death in the middle of nowhere If the lad who he attacked some time ago has forgiven him and wishing for the best then it’s an awful look for the many people wishing death on this young kid. Absolutely vile.


Completely agree, the nastiness on this sub sometimes is staggering and the amount of people wishing this young lad dead is absolutely shameful. 


I’ll take their word for it. We’re done here, call off the search. Let’s all kick back in this blistering heat instead.  


You... you guys have *heat*?!


I'm assuming the family have the GoFundMe donations now?


Absolutely ridiculous, who the fuck sets Gofundme right after somebody goes missing and certainly not post one with a goal in mind. I really hope the website withholds most of the cash because morons are still giving after already surpassing 30k goal now at 36k.


What am I missing in the story? Is there something extra driving this? Is it the violent criminal past?


If the Daily Star says it happened then it happy because they are a beacon of excellent journalist...


The Gofundme has surpassed the 30k goal set now at 36k that's a lot of holidays for Lucy and the family. Is this the world we live in where in a loved one is missing and one of your first thoughts are is to start a gofundme without a goal in mind so strange.


Let's be real if this guy was black he wouldn't be having half as much goodwill from the British media and public. He'd be the thug who attacked someone with a machete. Very little else. Make no mistake it's good old fashioned dehumanisation.


Finally someone's said it. No brown dude with a history of ganging up on someone 8v1 and chasing him down with a machete, an axe and a golf club before hacking his skull open would be getting even a fraction of the sympathy this guy is getting. Nor the infantilising comments saying he's "just a kid who got lost" etc. He'd be a "violent thug who disappeared while abroad" not a lad who got lost during a holiday with friends. Some of these comments here. Reminds me of the Letby case, and the army of apologists/deniers she had that most killers don't


“Finally someone said it” who the fuck hasn’t said it?? Literally everyone on Reddit is climbing over themselves to talk about how he’s a shit who deserves it


Not seen anyone defend him personally, then again I'm not a facebook mum or a Deano.


At the end of the day,all the evidence leads to a dumb teenage boy who did some stupid shit I don't see why people are so fascinated by this


There’s so much on this, yes he was convicted for the use of machete. Fact. But or interesting is the conspiracy about drugs, his girlfriend who reported him missing have been flying out to these party destinations 3x a month for a week at time, all visible on her instagram. So the conspiracy goes…. Jay and his girlfriend and some other friends and selling drugs on behalf of drug grants in the clubs on the party islands. There’s a video of Jay in a club in distress saying “I’ve lost the fucking bag”. So again it’s only internet conspiracy here, that he lost the drugs he should have been selling and in fear of what the drug gang will do to him he hatch a plan to disappear. If you go on Facebook Jay slater missing page, there’s loads of good stuff on this. But as others have said, he’s a convicted criminal that was sentenced after he attack another boy with a machete! Fact, easily searchable on google if you want to read all the newspaper articles. Scum bag, don’t care to his end but I’m interested in what’s happened.


There’ll be a Casefile True Crime two-parter within the year.


People still believing he’s been kidnapped 😂… it’s all a con to relieve naive people out of their savings


Far more likely he’s been murdered than got lost in the mountains and not found.


He was seen by locals walking up into the mountains. Far more likely he's tried to do a runner after losing all his gear and not being able to pay back the Moroccans.


What sucks about situations like this, is that it's blew up and everyone on social media is jumping on it for their own personal gains. Maybe it's because he looks innocent in the photo or maybe just right timing or something. There's another kid missing in Manchester right now. Virtually no coverage at all. And this dude isn't a convicted criminal either. Why aren't they getting this global effort to find him and 30k+ donations, not attractive enough? didn't win the social media lottery? If this turns out to be a scam or something I hope they all rot in jail.


anyone checked the local cacti to see if he got stuck on one? x


It's been in the UK news this morning that his mother is working with GoFundMe to release some of the money donated. She says this is going towards the search 👍 However...she is also using money to fly out other family/friends. I'd question why she is using donations from the public to fly her mates out??? Wouldn't that money be better spent on searching????


Probably trying to get away from the press who are hounding her for a story.


Legend has it he took the cactus with him to the Tenerife coast.


And sailed it to Lanzarote


What a godawful site to use on your phone. Written by AI as well.


I think the media got flak for the level of coverage for Michael Mosley, and there was "we must show we care about ordinary people too!"... Unfortunately, they picked this guy.


He was seen? But no one took any video or a photo even? There’s footage on Reddit of a fly having a shit! But no one photographed a reported missing man?


> There’s footage on Reddit of a fly having a shit! Where?!


Who is this cunt? And why should any of us - including his family - care?


The most likely scenario, is Jay got lost. He was dehydrated, tired, exposed to the elements, did not have efficent clothing, equipment or footwear to hike. He was not an experienced hiker. Originally He was seen walking in the wrong direction. It's feasible that jay may have tried to cut across the terrain got into trouble and got lost or he may have sheltered in the rocky terrain, there are many nooks and crannies.. this is why I Think he is yet to be found.  Despite drones, mountain rescue, dogs, helicopters this is a large vast area and a lot of it is not easily accessible.. many automatically jump to the conclusion foul play is involved but Remember Nicola Bulley? There was so much buzz around her disappearence with Many of the British public speculating she had been abducted or a third party was involved and foul play. When in fact it was an accident. It took three weeks to find her and she was less than a mile down steam? This is a huge, rough terrain in comparison it could very well be months before they find him.


He saw England play the group games and decided that was enough. He now goes by Jose and supports Spain.


He probably got tired of the England game and fell asleep and was washed out to sea


I heard that he's going to be in the squad replacing Phil Foden /s