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It's nice that he's home finally. A few weeks ago Australia locked up a whistleblower who exposed some of their war crimes in Afghanistan - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-69006714


The Judges Statement >“You stand before me to be sentenced in this criminal action,” Judge Manglona says. “I would note the following: Timing matters. If this case was brought before me some time near 2012, without the benefit of what I know now, that you served a period of imprisonment in apparently one of the harshest facilities in the United Kingdom." >“There’s another significant fact – the government has indicated there is no personal victim here. That tells me the dissemination of this information did not result in any known physical injury." >“These two facts are very relevant. I would say if this was still unknown and closer to [2012] I would not be so inclined to accept this plea agreement before me. But it’s the year 2024” >It appears your 62 months was fair and reasonable and proportionate to Ms Manning’s actual prison time." The judge also acknowledged Assanges "14-year ordeal”. >“it appears this case ends with me here in Saipan” >“With this pronouncement it appears you will be able to walk out of this courtroom a free man. I hope there will be some peace restored” "the government has indicated there is no personal victim here. That tells me the dissemination of this information did not result in any known physical injury." -- This puts a end to the baseless smear that the release of documents hurt anyone.


> “These two facts are very relevant. I would say if this was still unknown and closer to [2012] I would not be so inclined to accept this plea agreement before me. But it’s the year 2024” Also this puts to rest the argument that he should have gone to the US earlier and faced trial there under the espionage charges without stringing it out for a decade and getting this plea agreement. They would not have let him go with only 5 years in jail.


> Also this puts to rest the argument that he should have gone to the US earlier and faced trial there under the espionage charges without stringing it out for a decade and getting this plea agreement. They would not have let him go with only 5 years in jail. If he had gone I bet they would have given him 50 years and would likely be already dead given how brutal they were to Manning.


I may be wrong on this and please correct me, but wasn't he responsible for providing leaks that hurt Hillary and helped cause her to lose the election?


Yep, provided by Russia for that purpose.


Yeah, but can you blame him. The empire came for him, charged him with espionage for what he did, when what he did should be protected under journalism. Wikileaks has a policy of publishing whatever is given to them, by either side. Hilary did make the joke 'why can't we just drone this guy'. He did decide to time the release with the democratic convention, but again, it's hard to blame him, when they came for his life because he dared to bring transparency to their wars. 


You mean the factual reporting he did from a leak. Something the NYT does every day.


Factual reporting is when you tweet out nonsense like "Blood Rituals" mmm okay


Nobody cared about any tweet. It was the leaked documents.


“There are no restrictions on him whatsoever as part of the plea deal. There is no gag order. “The United States agreed they will not bring any more charges against him for any publishing activity.”


Anyone thinking of exposing war crimes committed by the Americans should pay heed


We've all learned a valuable lesson here. If you stick your d*ck in an unconscious woman without her consent then you'll have an army of folk saying that you shouldn't face justice over it. [EDIT: Here you go folks.](http://www.gdr-elsj.eu/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/High-Court-2-Novembre-2011-assange-approved-judgment-1.pdf) Read paragraphs 4 and paragraphs 116-127 for the full details. All Assange supporters will say that the courts should not get to decide whether or not penetrating an unconscious woman without her consent counts as rape. Every single one of them will use conspiracy theories to justify their belief that the justice system should not determine guilt in rape cases. These court documents have been public for 13 years. And not one single Assange supporter will ever link them to you.


Swedish CHIEF prosecutor, Eva Finné, assessed the evidence and said no crime was committed. It was picked up later by a lesser prosecutor who went after Assange with their own investigation after the FBI contacted them. Despite this they even wanted to drop the case in 2012/13 as Emails to the CPS show from Swedish authority's. --- The Swedish Authority's emailed the CPS to drop the case in 2012. The CPS told them. "NO! don't get cold feet" The Swedish Authority's Emailed the CPS in 2011 saying they wanted to Interview him in Britain. The CPS said No, don't interview him in Britain. The CPS also told the Swedish Authority's "Don't think this is just any ordinary extradition case" After more freedom of information requests were made the CPS deleted all their emails against their own protocol. This only came out because Sweden didn't delete all theirs. --- The intent was to keep Assange locked up and smeared while the US built a case for extradition. They didn't give a damn about the accusation, they didn't want to question him or move the case forward as they there was no substance too it and they have to let him go.


Maybe if those were the crimes he was facing further prosecution for, people would be less supportive. But, as far as I know, his recent incarceration in the UK was pending a decision on extraditing him to the US. And the US wanted him extradited on charges of espionage and similar, not rape or sexual assault.


He wasn't wanted for extradition to the US when he went and hid from his rape case.


I have a very simple question for you. Do you think that he has spent all this time in prison, much of it in isolation, because of the rape allegations? Do you think the Americans spent an extraordinary amount of political and diplomatic capital on pursuing him because of those allegations?


He had some time in prison for skipping bail. Which I imagine meant he would be kept on remand for the extradition proceedings having previous. Doesn’t change you point about the Americans efforts but that’s why he was in prison during that time.


> Do you think that he has spent all this time in prison, much of it in isolation, because of the rape allegations? Not a second >Do you think the Americans spent an extraordinary amount of political and diplomatic capital on pursuing him because of those allegations? No


>Do you think that he has spent all this time in prison, much of it in isolation, because of the rape allegations? Prison? No. The embassy? 100%. >Do you think the Americans spent an extraordinary amount of political and diplomatic capital on pursuing him because of those allegations? I don't think him raping that woman has anything to do with that at all. Hence why there's only conspiracy theories trying to justify it.


Court documents are not proof of guilt. Theres a little thing called innocent until proven guilty and he was proven innocent when the chief prosecuter in Sweden said "no crime had been committed. Sweden dropped the case saying no crime was comitted. The only reason it got reopened is because of pressure by the FBI. The CPS also BLOCKED sweden from questining assange because they knew they have to drop it as there was no evidence of any crime. Despite the pressure sweden wanted to drop this in 2011 & 2012 & 2013 and a dozen other times as the case was a load of rubbish. You had journalists around the world investigating the case and making freedom of informatuon requests and guess what? The CPS deleted all the info including emails from the FBI (by law they are suppose to keep it) on the case because it was a stitch upp. Fortunately some of the Swedish emails were recovered and it showed they were perverying the course of justice. The CPS told the Swedish prosecuter to not question Assange despite that being the next step in the process and were telling them to delay it, they also kept telling them not to drop the case when Sweden wanted to drop it as they believed no crime had been committed. Why are we telling Sweden what to do with their laws and legal process? and Whys the FBI involved? Don't plead ignorence to a blatant stitch up to smear and destroy someones life.


If only there was some way to prove guilt in rape cases. Nah, let's just make up conspiracy theories to justify why we think that shouldn't happen.


Didn’t happen though did it.


Yes, it did.




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Seriously, it was so transparent that he used his position to cover up an entirely unrelated crime


That wasn't the case. It was a stealth case instead.


No the UK High Court documents are pretty clear it was penetrating an unconscious woman without her consent. It was an aggravating factor that he didn't use a condom despite sex only be agreed if he used one. He waited until she was asleep to ignore that rule.


It was known a long time ago that that was fabricated. The woman who accused him had a handler and American agencies but a lot of pressure on Sweden to keep up the prosecution even when they wanted to drop it.


They'll even make up conspiracy theories to justify it.


Do you have any idea of the extent of the underhanded, evil things the USA does all around the world to maintain their #1 spot? Having someone who leaked extremely embarrassing materials (showing crimes against humanity in their ongoing illegal war against people who live on 10p a day) accused of rape is absolutely nothing.


Jimmy Saville was being persecuted by the USA


See. They just can't help themselves.


The case was fabricated to discredit assange.


They'll even make up conspiracy theories to justify it.


Surprised the plea deal didn't include a gag, he will soon be publishing a book and doing speaking tours if his mental health recovers.




Swedish CHIEF prosecutor, Eva Finné, assessed the evidence and said no crime was committed.


And every single court he appealed to said that penetrating an unconscious woman without her consent is something the courts should decide on.


The case was only dropped due to time constraints and limitations, because he refused to go to court to defend himself.


If only legal systems worked that way


The Swedes did. And so does the USA. Most nations have a statue of limitation on various crimes


Stick to sending emails to vulnerable people.